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Paga en 4 cuotas sin intereses

Paga en 4 cuotas sin intereses

Termina en:

13 Días
11 Hrs
30 Min
8 Seg

Adjusting your tone, register and intonation


Aportes 18

Preguntas 0

Ordenar por:

¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

  • Casual.
  • Sarcastic.
  • Formal.
  • Apologetic.
    Other tones are:
  • Optimistic.
  • Motivating.
  • Assertive.

other funny kinds of tones:

  • jelaus
  • curious
  1. Casual
  2. Sarcastic
  3. Formal
  4. Apologetic
  1. casual
  2. sarcastic
  3. formal
  4. apologetic

thank you

Other examples of tones:

  • Pessimistic
  • Nostalgic
  • Dry
  • Humorous
  • Lighthearted

There’s an amazing Platzi course about Intonation, Rising and Falls by Mariana Lafón. If you want to learn and improve on those specific topics I recommend you take it!

Casual/ Sarcastic/ Formal/ apologetic

What is intonation?
Describes How the voice rises and falls in speech, certain intonation patters go with certain phrases.

Other examples of tone: * Scary * Sleepy * Afraid

Optimistic: Positive, hopeful, and encouraging. Aims to inspire confidence and positivity.

Pessimistic: Negative, gloomy, and expecting the worst. Can be used to express doubt or caution.

Confident: Assertive, self-assured, and strong. Conveys a sense of certainty and conviction.

**Casual Tone:** 1. Hey 2. Cool 3. Wanna 4. Yep 5. Gonna **Formal Tone:** 1. Hello 2. Pleased to 3. Would you like to 4. Yes 5. Going to
* Thoughtful * Hopeful * Proud * Ashamed * Sleepy

I feel so tired and I really wanna stay in my home without doing nothing. But surprise… I have to do the lunch.

Tones: - Serious - Melancholic - Carefree


  1. B) Casual.
  2. A) Sarcastic.
  3. A) Formal.
  4. B) Apologetic.
    Others tones are:

“Seriously” is often used, to say something serious. Unless, it has a question mark (Seriously?), as it means to ask if the person is serious.
I believe that, in formal conversations, the term “in all seriousness”, is more used