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Benefits of Writing


Welcome to this Intermediate English Course: Writing!

In the Resources Section of this class, you will find a workbook. I invite you to download it and complete all the writing activities that I propose in each class. Keep all your writings on this document and don’t forget to share what you write with the rest of the community! Feel free to ask and give feedback or recommendations to improve what you write and what your classmates are producing. Practice makes perfect, so take enough time to complete all the activities.

Happy writing! ✍️

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Let’s do it!

Great. I am one the first in comment this. I’m so happy beacuse of that.

I’m excited for this course. I hope learning a lot.

  • You ‘ll have to read a lot through this course. Remember, reading and writing work hand in hand.

  • Another thing is to complete the writing exercises through the course. Remember, writing comes with practice and practice takes time.

Here we go!!! Very excited about this course 😃

Hello, my name is Daniela and i glad to be there, i hope learn more and will have the capacity to improve my writting.

Let’s do it!

sentence types, unit and coherence in writing, paragraph types, and academic and informal writing. Is it beneficial for me to take this course? it is very beneficial the amount of benefits you can get when you can write perfectly. Some of those benefits are to improve your English by producing the language. Another benefit is being prepared for international exams TOEFL or IELTS be able to communicate your ideas in English. reading a lot. reading and writing go hand in hand

All what the teacher mentioned about Benefits of writing is true!
I am here in order to improve my English skills 😄

Writing is the key to improve your speaking skills. Let’s start!

i’m excited for this course.


hay un curso para prisipienatas

I hope to invest enough time to enhance my writing skills since I need it a lot.

lets gooo!! im so excited

Great!!, I´m happy to start this course

I hadn´t taken this course because practice takes time. Now I´m ready to take this course because mentally I´m prepared to write a lot.

Benefits of writing

  • Improve your English by producing the language.
  • Be prepared for International exams.
  • Be able to communicate well in English

Let’s go to complete this course.

Let’s go!

Let’s do this!

Yeah! I’m looking forward to starting this course!

I’m ready for this course!

New teacher, new course!!!