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How to feel confident in a job interview


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You’re in the room for a reason!!! 😉

Remember this…

You’re in the room for a reason

  • The fact that you have an interview means they already think you could do the job.
  • Now it’s time for you to find out if you want to work with them too.

What is mindset?

  • Mindset is the attitude, frame of mind and the way you respond to what happens around you. A fixed mindset person reacts, a growth mindset person responds

Upgrade your mindset

  • By changing the words that out of your mouth, you change your mindset, mood and results.
  • Use “and”, “if” and “but” to change your mindset from fixed to growth.


  • Fixed: I’m not really good making new friends.

  • Growth: I might not be really good at making new friends, but I’m gonna start hanging out more and texting more people.

  • Fixed: I hate studying theory.

  • Growth: I don’t like studying theory, but the more I learn, the more I’ll earn.

  • Fixed: I don’t enjoy working with a teammate.

  • Growth: I might feel uncomfortable with my teammate, but if he can help me to do my taks quicker, then I must see him as someone who is supporting me.

No matter what’s happen to you, your value is the same. Excellent quote!

My exercise:

Fixed: I don’t have enough experience to work as a Media Buyer in that kind of job, I will be rejected.

Growth: I probably don’t have enough experience to work as a Media Buyer, but if I manage to finish platzi’s advertising school and share my skills and projects, I will have more chances to get hired.

Fixed: My English is not very fluent, I will be turned down for some jobs and projects.

Growth: My English may not be the best, but if I practice daily, and do some exercises on the internet, I will improve and become more confident.

Qué gran lección eso de darle la vuelta al mindset a través del propio vocabulario. a poner más atención a lo que pensamos y decimos de nosotros mismos y de cómo abordamos las distitas situaciones que senos presentan en el día a día. Gracias profe.

Clase 10 – Cómo sentirse seguro en una entrevista de trabajo


  • Solo tienes 7 segundos para causar una buena impresión.

¿Cuándo vivimos situaciones difíciles nuestro valor se pierde?

  • No.

¿Qué es la mentalidad?

  • Es una actitud o estado de animo con el que respondemos a lo que ocurre alrededor de nosotros.

¿Qué tipos de mentalidad existen?

  • Fija.
  • De crecimiento.

¿Qué significa tener una mentalidad fija?

  • Es cuando una persona cree que no tiene control de lo que le pasa en la vida.

¿Qué significa tener una mentalidad de crecimiento?

  • Es cuando una persona no se preocupa por lo que le pasa a su alrededor porque siente que es capaz de responder a la vida sin importar lo que pase.

¿Qué palabras nos pueden ayudar a mejorar nuestra mentalidad y hacer que pasemos de una mentalidad fija a una de crecimiento?

  • Y.
  • Si.
  • Pero.
### How to feel confident in a job interview * The $100 note: no matter what it happens, it will still have the same value * Remember: you're in the room for a reason * Mindset: is attitude, a frame of mind * Fixed mindset: react * Growth mindset: respond ### How to upgrade your mindset By changing the words that come out of your mouth, you change yout mindset, mood and results: the use of "but", "and", "if". #### Activity 9 Write a list of typical fixed mindset phrases, then compose a new growth mindset "phrase upgrade" to replace them.


  • Knowing my purpose creates my state of mind
  • Discipline and constancy prevail over laziness.
  • I’m good and I’m getting better every day
  • My objectives are clear, goals are set, but keep in mind that life is a road that is traveled one step at a time, and the road can change your objectives, let alone your goals.
  • If you give up, you don’t progress
  • If you are tired, rest, if you want to do laziness, do it well, renew your energy and get back on track.
  • If you don’t take a break you’ll melt down and you won’t fulfill your purpose.

I don’t feel prepared for this job, but I don’t lose anything in the attempt. i’ll also get feedback to reinforce my knowledge.

Mentalidad de Crecimiento

  • Puede que ahora no domine muchas técnicas o herramientas de desarrollo y programación, pero si estudio y practico mucho, podré ganar experiencia y mejorar.

I am not avanced in English language but I am going to practice English everyday and I am going to improve my comprehension and if I study everyday in platzi I am going to be a bilingual person in less than one year 😃

A worthy person is always wanted

No matter whats happen, your value does not decrease.

No matter what happens to you (in life), your value stays the same --> such a powerful phrase, LOVE IT!!!

Fixed: I do not meet all the requirements for this position.
Growth: If I prepare myself and study every day I can fulfill the responsibilities of the position.

Programming is hard but if keep practicing I'll get better at it and at my job.
### Activity 9 Fixed: "I'm so young to be considered for this position" Growth: "Even if I'm too young for this position, I also can apply and learn in the process, and I will be prepared enough when the right time comes, which I only will know if I apply" Fixed: "I have no fluency in english and that's gonna make me out in the first place" Growth: "I might not have fluency in english, but I can understand and be understood, which is the important part of comunication"
"Para sentirnos seguros en una entrevista podemos investigar sobre la empresa y practicar respuestas a preguntas comunes. Resaltar nuestras habilidades y logros relevantes, y mantener una actitud positiva. Llegar a tiempo, vestirnos adecuadamente y usar el lenguaje corporal para proyectar confianza, como mantener contacto visual y sonreír. Recordemos que la entrevista es una oportunidad para mostrar lo que podemos aportar, y la preparación nos ayudará a sentirnos más seguros y controlados".
  • I don’t feel prepared for this job, I will pass up the opportunity. (fixed mindset)

  • I don’t feel prepared for this job but I will apply and I will learn as I develop in it. (growth mindset)

  • I don’t think I’m going to like this job. (fixed mindset)

  • I think I’m going to like this job and I want to learn more about it in order to grow professionally. (growth mindset)

  • The salary they want to offer me will be adequate. (fixed mindset)

  • The salary you offer me will be adequate if I consider it that way and if that salary will compensate for the time I dedicate to work. (growth mindset)

the new psycology of sucess by Carol. it's a book where explain the two mindsets. I recomend the book.

All rigth

  • You only have 7 seconds to make a good first impression.
  • No matter what happens to you, your value stays the same.
  • It’s important to have a growth mindset.

Until now I was de kind of person who said “Im not good enough for this job, they are going to choose someone better than me”, and that’s how I ruined all my interviews. Now I hope to improve that attitude by changing my mindset

Being here, I see that English is used a lot and I have something basic in this branch of work. But if I dedicate more time to exercising English, I have more solutions to move up the ladder or have a better job.
You are here for a reason You have much more value that you can concieve God loves you. The way you react and respond ”And””But””If” your success is your actitude
Hi! I wanted to share with you my notes about the lessons: "How to be confident in a new workplace" and "How to feel confident in your job interview?": ![](
**Fix Mindset**/**Growth Mindset** * I never get chosen in the team of football * <u>Usually, I'm not the first when I play football but I do my best by the time we start playing</u> * I'm a shy person who doesn't know how to socialize * I tend to be introverted but when I get in touch with people they enjoy themselves * I don't know how to code I suck at it * <u>If I try long enough to practice I would get to any bad coding problem through any program language.</u> * I earn little cash "I'm poor" * <u>I'm currently stuck at mid-level income but If I continue to study and focus on the opportunities I get throughout my lessons I can get the proper job for me</u>

Fix : I’m uncomfortable around people.

Growth: I will not be able to improve my life if I don’t interact with others. I will be putting myself in those stressful activities from time to time.

Fix: I’m not good enough for this job, they’re going to pick someone else for sure.
Growth: I might not be good enough for this job yet, but if I work with a mentor and prepare myself more, they will surely start to recognize my value.

-> Fix: I’m not good at my work, sure when my contact ends they will not to renew me.
-> Growth: I’ m probably not very good at my job but i’ll practice to complete the task in a period of time and with the best practices, prupurse new ideas to inovation, and try to do them. And at the end I would renew with the company.

maybe I'm not good enough for get the job that I want but I will improve everyday little by little

I had an interview two days ago, and it was my best performance in all my life. I’ve been thinking in that interview for months, I practiced my speech a lot and when the day came it was a fantastic spoke with the other persona.
I am waiting to the second interview right now.

Fixed: I'm not good at math. Growth: I might not be very good at math but if I find a mentor and practice I will master a lot of things that I still don't know. Fixed: I'm not the best at exercising. Growth: I might not be the best but if I practice for a year I will learn a lot and exercise will help my mind and body.

Fixed. I find it a bit difficult to organize myself at work
Growth: I have shown that the more I organize myself in my work, the better results I obtain.
Fixed: The first day in a new job is very uncomfortable
Growth: I believe that having the opportunity to start a new job is a great privilege and I am willing to do my best.
Fixed: I don’t like one of my co-workers
Growth: I may feel uncomfortable with my co-worker, however I can’t help but acknowledge that he knows a lot of things that could make my job easier.

Exercise 9 💁🏾‍♀️

  • Fixed: I can’t understand natives.
    Growth: I can understand big part of what English speakers say, and I’ll understand everything while practice with them.
  • Fixed: I am shy 24/7.
    Growth: I just tend to be more an active listener, but I will talk to the team more frequently.
  • Fixed: I won’t be able to finish the work before the deadline because I tend to be perfectionist.
    Growth: I like to make complete and functional work in a long time, but I know that I’ll be able to work as well as I always do while accomplishing the job requirements because I adapt myself to changes.

It’ all depends on the mindset we’ve got, so a problem might be seen not as a problem but as an opportunity