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How to be a confident entrepreneur


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Remember this…

Come from a place of service

A confident entrepeneur seeks to make other’s lives better in some way

The Entrepeneur’s Spititual Cause

  • Comes from the hearth
  • Excites you long-term
  • A statement that inspires you

The Entrepeneur’s Financial Cause

  • A compelling reason to build wealth
  • An appreciation of wealth and what it can do for you and others

Composing your cause

  • I am dedicated to…
  • I am committed to…
  • I am inspired by…

Clase 16 – Cómo ser un emprendedor seguro

¿Qué es lo que de verdad significa ser un emprendedor?

  • Es desarrollarnos a nosotros mismos.
  • Amar servirles a otras personas y conectar eso con nuestra motivación e inspiración empresarial.

¿Qué hace un emprendedor?

  • Busca ayudar a mejorar la vida de los demás.

¿Qué es la causa espiritual del emprendedor?

  • Lo que queremos aportarle al mundo.

¿Qué aspectos debemos de tener en cuenta sobre nuestra causa espiritual como emprendedores?

  • Esta proviene del corazón.
  • Es algo que nos entusiasma a largo plazo.
  • Es una afirmación que hemos escrito y nos inspira.

¿Qué aspectos debemos de tener en cuenta sobre nuestra causa empresarial como emprendedor?

  • Debe de tener una razón de peso para crear riqueza.
  • Usar esa riqueza que queremos generar para ayudar a los demás en un largo plazo.

¿Qué frases nos ayudan a componer nuestra causa?

  • Me dedico a … (seguido escribimos a lo que nos dedicamos en nuestro emprendimiento).
  • Me comprometo a … (A qué nos comprometemos como emprendedores y como esto ayuda a los demás).
  • Me inspira.

" Come from a place of service".

One thing that distinguishes the best entrepreneurs is the conviction they have for their venture. It’s not just about money. They are often driven more by their passion for the change they are bringing to the world than by their profits. Perhaps that is why they manage to amass fortunes, since the added value they bring to their work can be felt by all of us in one way or another.

  • I am inspired to help other people to learn things related to learning a new language and technology.
    Besides, I want to help them to get a good job position, to get a competitive salary.

Entrepreneur means help another people, but sometimes humans look for their benefit and that is the reason why entrepreneurship doesn´t work. I like this lesson.
I am dedicated to helping people to find their way.
I am inspired by learning and teaching too.
I committ to learning and teaching foreing language

"Para ser un emprendedor seguro, es crucial tener una visión clara de tus metas y un plan estratégico bien definido. Cultiva la confianza en ti mismo a través de la preparación exhaustiva, la investigación y la adaptación a los desafíos. Acepta el riesgo como parte del proceso y aprende de los fracasos en lugar de temerles. Rodéate de una red de apoyo, busca mentores y mantén una actitud positiva, enfocada en la solución de problemas. Esta combinación de preparación, resiliencia y actitud proactiva te ayudará a construir una base sólida para tu emprendimiento".

An entrepreneur’s spiritual and financial cause… - Comes from the heart. - Excites you long-term. - A statement that inspires you.

# How to be a confident entrepreneur > The more one forgets himself to a cause to serve, or another person to love, the more human he is and the more he actualizes himself — Victor Frankl **Come from a place of service** The Entrepreneur's Spiritual Cause * Comes from the heart * Excites you long-term * A statement that inspire you Financial Cause * A compelling reason to build wealth * An appreciation of wealth and what it can do for you and other Composing your cause * I am dedicated to... * I am committed to... * I am inspired by... ### Activity 14 Write and verbalize your entrepreneurial financial and spiritual cause
* I am dedicated to help others and teams to understand their data and get value out of it * I’m committed to learn and improve my knowledge in order to solve more complex organizational problems and to lead in a project I like * I’m inspired by an instinct, a natural pulse where I like to see processes, persons involved, be kind, leader, help other grow while growing, finding new answers and points of view
* *I am dedicated to helping people increase their net worth with real estate opportunities.* * *I am committed to acquire new skills and push my own mental boundaries* * *I am inspired by my inner voice and many other free thinkers.*

love of neighbor

thank you

Remember this...... Come from a place of service.

The Spiritual Cause of the Entrepreneur
Influencing others
Have a healthy life
Have peace of mind and spirit

The Financial Cause of the Entrepreneur
Learn to invest
Have multiple financial income
Have my own company (future)

Life changing sentences:

I am dedicated to…
I am committed to…
I am inspired by…

“Come from a place of service”

My contributions are
* Order, priorities, savings, investment will be reflected in the result.
* Mind, body and heart synchronized to create the synergy of abundance.

Hi! Here you can find my notes about "Guided meditation" and "How to be a confident entrepreneur?": ![](

I dedicate myself to helping people improve their life processes and have more time to grow in more areas and it inspires me to see a person happy when they achieve it

El psiquiatra y superviviente del holocausto Viktor Frankl dijo.
Cuanto más se dedica uno mismo a una causa, a servir o a otra persona, a amar, más humano es y más se actualiza a sí mismo.

Recuerda esto hazlo por amor a servir.

Escribe la frase y luego termina la frase

  • Me dedico a…
  • Me comprometo a…
  • Me inspira…

Vas a escribir y verbalizar tu causa empresarial, financiera y espiritual

My purpose in this life is to do everything in my power to become the best version of myself that I can reach and accompany other people on that path, it inspires me to transform my life in such a way that all my actions are goal-oriented. service to others.

An entrepreneur’s spiritual and financial cause…

Comes from the heart.
Excites you long-term.
Astatement that inspires you.

A compelling reason to build wealth
An appreciation of wealth and waht it can do for you and others.

Phrases that change life:
I am Rubens
I am dedicated to never stop learning technology.
I am committed to helping others reach their potential.
I am inspired to be better than yesterday.