Una frase de Star Wars: La experiencia es la mayor formadora de confianza
Introduction to confidence
Start your self-confidence journey
What is self-confidence and why is it important?
How to build confidence and self esteem
Confidence for learning
How to overcome fear of failure as a student
How to gain self-confidence while studying
How to be more confident in group situations
How to be more confident in your writing
How to build reading confidence
Confidence in the workplace
How to be confident in a new workplace
How to feel confident in a job interview
How to deal with criticism and rejection
How to be confident giving a speech
Life mastery
How to train your mind to be confident
How to increase self-confidence by meditation
Self-guided meditation
How to be a confident entrepreneur
How to be confident in starting a business
How confident are you now?
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Sam Osbourne
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Una frase de Star Wars: La experiencia es la mayor formadora de confianza
Construir Autoconfianza y Autoestima
Estrategia de Autoestima
Resumen de la clase😬:
Waow right now I am living the same situation. Now I am learning to organize my money., make a budget every month and I will look for another way to get extra revenue. And it is true Money goes where it is organized most.
Determine your values:
List your priorities:
A priority is a single task or step, not a project, than can be achieved within one day
Aim to complete tasks:
Complete a task does not have to mean completing it perfectly the first time
“Todo que vale la pena hacer, vale la pena hacerlo mal por primera vez” G.K Chesterton
I’m so happy to learn for this amazing teacher 😉
Highest values in my life
Priority list:
There is something that was “click” on my mind in this class. Some months ago I was suffering because I was disordered with my money, then, I took action and learned to organice my finances. Now, I feel very confident about it, I feel happy because the stress went out. Excellent TIP Teacher!
Don’t waste your time with things that are not of priority.
Fallar planear es planear fallar
Remember this.... Confidence grows where you are organized most.
My most important values:
Daily priorities
“A priority is a single task or step, not a project, that can be achieved within one day”.
Completing a task makes us more confident. I thought about that and it’s true.
++How to build confidence and self-esteem:
I had to learn to organize my money, confidence is the same
Confidence grows where ypu are organized most
The Self Esteem Strategy
1.Determine your values
2.List your prioriries
3.Aim to complete tasks
Thanks for tip
Aplicare lo de las prioridades, es verdad, a veces nos llenamos de proyectos grandes en vez de llenarnos de pasos edificantes que se pueden lograr en un día.
Y es importante completar tareas no importa si no lo logramos perfectamente, la perfección se logra tras cada intento
How to build confidence and self-esteem.
Learning outcome:
Money goes where it is organized most.
Remember this…
Confidence grows where you are organized most.
The self-Esteem
A priorities is a single task or step,not a project,than can be archived within one day.
Completing a task does not have to meam completing it perfectly the first time.
1 . Determine and display your highest values and goals.
2 .List your daily priorities by importance,from highest to least importance.
3. Shedule to complete you daily task.
Don´t forget this… Confidence grows where you are organized most.
Organize your mind and that will be reflected in your reality, what you think of yourself will be reflected in your reality.
A prioriry is a single task or step, not a project, that can be achieved within one day.
Complete Tasks
Completing tasks doesnt have to mean completing it prefectly the first time
My goals is to talk English with more confidence in front of my coworkers and get a better position in the organization where I work.
Pass more time in family.
Travel around to my country and know new places.
Highest values in my life:
I like to learn new things every day
autosteem grow while I am organized with small things that add positive aspects at the end of the day, but some times I feel that iI need to do more things for me.
Sobre los valores que expone el profesor siento que soy muy ordenado y dedicado con la mitad aproximadamente, pero como todas las personas, creo tengo muchas cosas por mejorar. Por estar mas enfocado en algunos, descuido otros.
Mi forma de verlo es que se debe balancear las diferentes areas de la vida para lograr sentirnos plenos, felices, con confianza y una alta autoestima.
Mis valores
1.Mi familia: mi hijo, mi pareja y mi madre.
2.Aprendizaje de habilidades blandas, duras y finanzas personales (Ahorrar, invertir, etc.)
3.Tener buena salud física y mental, y condición física.
4.Aumentar mi inteligencia emocional.
5.Descubrir mis sueños y capacidades.
Mis prioridades:
1.Consentir y cuidar a mi bebé, y dar tiempo a mi pareja.
2.Hacer una hora de ejercicio.
3.Realizar mínimo dos clases de cursos de platzi por día.
4.Aprender o reforzar una habilidad dura.
5.Leer 20 páginas de un libro diariamente.
The Self-Esteem Strategy
Determine your values: Things that inspire you from within. The things that you want from life.
Values can be: Vocational, Financial, Physical, Familial, Social, Mental, Spiritual values.
List your priorities: List everything you can do to achieve your goals.
Set daily priorities AND COMPLETE THEM!
Aim to Complete Task: Even if there are not perfect, complete every project.
Complete a task once, the feeling of completion can add to your self-confidence.
How to build Self-Esteem
Estretegia de confianza y autoestima
Adquirir mejores habilidades
Pasar tiempo de calidad con mi familia
Crecer mi patrimonio
Crecimiento profesional
Mantener mi salud y la de mi familia
Crear relaciones sociales de calidad
Definir mi propósito de vida y aportar a la sociedad
Tomar de 1 a 3 clases en platzi
Jugar con mi hija
Organizar mis finanzas
Mejorar mi desempeño en el trabajo
¿Seguir adelante con nuestras metas es una de las claves para construir confianza?
¿Si organizamos nuestra vida podremos hacer que nuestra confianza crezca?
¿Qué estrategia podemos usar para aumentar nuestra confianza y autoestima?
¿Qué son los valores?
¿Cuáles son los 7 valores más importantes de la vida?
¿Qué aspectos debemos de evaluar en el valor de la vocación?
¿Qué aspectos debemos de evaluar en el valor de las finanzas?
¿Qué aspectos debemos de evaluar en el valor de lo físico?
¿A quiénes debemos de tener en cuenta en el valor de la familia?
¿A quiénes debemos de tener en cuenta en el valor social?
¿Qué aspectos debemos de evaluar en el valor de la vida mental?
¿Qué aspecto debo de tener en cuenta en el valor de la vida espiritual?
¿Qué no es una prioridad?
¿Qué es una prioridad?
¿Qué pasa con la confianza de una persona cuando se compromete con un proyecto demasiado grande?
¿Cómo debería ser una prioridad?
¿Si completamos nuestras prioridades diarias aumentamos nuestra confianza?
¿Por qué la gente le da miedo ponerse a hacer una tarea pendiente?
¿Por qué es importante que competemos una tarea así no quede perfecta?
I want to share my values:
The more you practice the better
My values are:
My priorities:
Confidence grows where you are organized most.
If you organize your confidence, and you organize your life, you will find that your confidence will grow.
Just keep on going!!!
“Most of the important things in the world have been achieved by people who just kept on trying even when there was no hope at all”
Andrew Carnegie, American Industrialist
Confidence grows where you are organized most
This lesson was interesting because my highest values are mental, vocational and familial. So when I meet new people with opposite highest values as mine, it often feels like dissonant, as we might have not so much to share. But now I see it as an opportunity to strenght neglected values that would benefit with more attention for both ends 😃.
"If you want to see the love of your life, look in a mirror."
I hope you find motivation, joy, forgiveness and resilience in you, excellent course with fantastic content. Thanks Sam
Me encantó este framework de referencia para poder asignar prioridades que estén alineadas con mis valores objetivos. Un gran aprendizaje que espero poner en práctica.
“If you organize your confidence and you organize your life, your confidence will grow”
Outstanding phrase, teacher Sam, Kudos!
thank you
The Self-Esteem Strategy 1.Determine your values. 2.List your Priorities. 3.Aim to complete task.
valores: vocacional, financiero, fisicos, familia,sociales, mental y espiritual
My values:
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