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How to be more confident in your writing


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I share my example for this activity. Could you give me a feedback?

___This is a wonderful opportunity for me to get interviewed at such a renowned company.

Indeed it shall be a privilege for any aspiring professional to have a fruitful career with a reputed firm like yours.

I believe the skillset and experience I posses not only shall bring value to your organization, but in turn shall also help me to acquire experience and sharpen mys skills amidst your organization´s professional work culture.

If given an opportunity I positively look forward to give my best to your organization.

Make a point and make the case.

Everyone values their time. Effective communication is short, sweet and to the point with a touch of personality.

Confident writing strategy

  1. Make the point
    1. What one key idea do you want them to remember?
    2. Keep it to one sentence.
    3. Don’t overthink it.
  2. Make the case
    1. Explain the benefits.
    2. Give reasons and evidence to support your point.
    3. Use a mix of logic and emotion.
  3. Add a friendly thought
    1. Show appreciation.
    2. Be thankful
    3. Show some interest

Point: Soy la persona indicada para unirse al equipo de desarrollo.

case: Platzi busca desarrollador Jr.

Estoy muy feliz de haber sido tomado en cuenta para trabajar con ustedes. Hace 5 años que apoyo mi aprendizaje en su plataforma y me encantaría formar parte del equipo que mantiene y mejorar cada día esta aplicación. En estos 5 años me he enfocado a aprender desarrollo web, puedo programar aplicaciones en el Backend y en el Frontend. Entre las tecnologías que manejo puedo destacar React, Django, y SQL, que sé que son algunas de las que utilizan actualmente. Y por su puesto conozco su cultura. Es la principal razón por la que me encantaría trabajar con ustedes, para dar lo mejor de mí y nunca parar de aprender.

Dear Mr. X.
Hoping you are having a wonderful day I introduce myself. My name is Jesus Guillermo Belman Leal. I have a PhD in public policy and law and more than ten years of experience as a university academic.
I am aware that there are many applicants seeking the same opportunity. However, I consider myself the ideal person for the position because, in addition to my teaching experience, I also have practical experience gained through my participation in numerous legal cases similar to those that serve as examples for the subjects that will be covered in the curriculum of your educational institution.
I am in the best disposition to apply any test that you consider convenient.
Without further ado, I bid you farewell and wish you a pleasant day.

Dear employer,
I am interested in the position of xxxxx that offers your Company. I am electrical engineer with 15 years of experience, I have worked in distinct roles related with the profile you are looking. I have worked like project engineer in EPC contracts that involves design, construction, installation, wiring, test, commissioning and start up of equipment for electrical substations until 500kV. I have experience like designer, field service engineer, projects manager and technical inspector.
I am a team player, understand customer needs and focused to company goals.
I have the opportunity to manage small work groups in the past, and I can lead people to achieve the objectives.
In my free time I play sports, and I draw and paint with my sons.
I hope to have the great privilege to be part of your organization, we can have an interview and talk more about this issues.
I look forward to you communication.

Good afternoon, here is my dranft of the cover letter:
I am your best option for the position required in this company.
My experience as a representative and leader from the customer service banch provided me with the knowledge that is necessary to comply with the expectations needed in the department and improve the efficiency that is needed to keep our customer happy because they will know that our team will be one the best desition they could have taken in their lives. Through the years I have been working in this area, the chances I had to work with people from all the age ranges and different cultures is one of the reasons that let me tell with confidence, that no matter the challenges we could face in the future of a great company like yours, we will be able to reach the top of the top in the nation.
Knowing that you will be taking the best desition for this company I am looking forward to hear from you in the near future, that I know, will be brilliant.

  • If you practice, you’ll be able to born your courage and increase your courage and confidence.
  • Everyone values their time. Effective communication is short, sweet and to the point with a touch of personality.
  • Try to keep that point succinct
  • Gather evidence.
  • Add a personal note for the other person.

Clase 7 – Cómo tener más confianza en tu escritura


  • Puedo liberarme de todo mientras escribo; mis penas desaparecen, mi valor renace.

¿Qué debemos hacer cuando queremos escribir?

  • Debemos asegurarnos de que sea corto y conciso.

¿Por qué cuando escribimos debemos asegurarnos que sea de manera corta y concisa?

  • Porque debemos valorar el tiempo de la otra persona.

¿Qué estrategia debemos de implementar para escribir con más confianza?

  • Escribir de manera corta y concisa
  • Añadir algo amistoso.

¿Qué podemos hacer para que nuestra escritura sea corta?

  • Pensar en la idea principal que queremos transmitir.
  • Mantener nuestra idea principal en una sola frase.
  • Escribir de manera natural.

¿Qué podemos hacer para que nuestra escritura sea concisa?

  • Explicar los beneficios de nuestro punto de vista.
  • Agregar pruebas y evidencias que apoyen nuestro punto de vista.
  • Usar un mix de lógica y emociones para exponer nuestro punto de vista.

¿Qué podemos hacer para que nuestra escritura tenga personalidad y un toque amistoso?

  • Apreciar nuestra escritura.
  • Ser agradecidos.
  • Mostrar interés.

thank you

Mi nombre es Juan David y soy el indicado para ser parte de esta empresa. No soy indispensable, pero soy el mejor haciendo mi trabajo y puedo aportar gran valor con mis conocimientos en diseño de interfaces, aplicando reglas y leyes del UX para crear productos impecables. A demás me encanta ayudar y colaborar con las distintas áreas en el equipo, aplicando habilidades blandas para mejorar de manera individual, en equipo y así crecer como empresa. Soy el indicado porque nunca paro de aprender y tengo un gran compromiso con mi trabajo.

To whom it may concer:

Connection brings us closer. And I believe that the skills I’ve developed in my different projects are perfect to bring you closer to your audience. I’d love to sum up to your mission as I deeply believe not only what you do, but also why you do it. At last, I’d like to thank you for this opportunity and to tell you I’ve been following all of your efforts for the last 3 years, and have nothing but admiration for your goals and achievements.

Best regards, Gustavo Rodriguez.

Make the point and the case... don't forget add a friendly thought ☺

Yaeji once said “let it flow” so… easy does it ッ

> How to be more confident in your writing Method: Make a point and make the case Effective comunication is short, sweet and to the point, with a touch of personality > Make the point 1. What one key idea do you want to be remembered? 2. Keep it to one sentence 3. Don't overthink it > Make the case 1. Explain the benefits 2. Give reasons and evidence to support the idea 3. Use mix of logic and emotion > Add a friendly thought 1. Show appreciation 2. Be thankful 3. Show some interest > Activity 6 Draft a cover letter to a potential hiring manager to tell them why you are the best person for the job at their company
> Activity 6 <u>Let SpongeBob do the job</u> Hello, Ana, I hope this letter finds you well. Let me tell you why I'm a good choice for the Data Specialist position. When you want to implement your vision as a director, first you want to get rid of other directors' requests. You want to be less operational and more strategic. In order to do that, you want maximum effectiveness in your processes and make the data available to the managers who need it. I'm the person who can make that real. I worked with several companies and industries doing so, and got into those projects because I certificate 2nd-level Tableau within the first 3 months of knowing the tool and no prior background. Any.  This is my superpower: I can learn pretty fast. I can learn how your company operates, absorb this knowledge like a sponge, identify weak points in the information flows and solve the problems. I did this in the past.So if you combine this SuperLearning and some hard data-skills like SQL & Tableau, that's all you need for the position.  Let me know if you're interested. Have a nice week,  Aaron (:
"Para tener más confianza al escribir, empieza por escribir de manera regular, sin preocuparte inicialmente por la perfección. Enfócate en plasmar tus ideas con claridad y autenticidad. Revisa y edita tu trabajo, valorando el proceso de mejora como parte del aprendizaje. Lee a otros autores para inspirarte y aprender nuevas técnicas. A medida que practiques y recibas retroalimentación, tu seguridad y estilo personal se fortalecerán, aumentando tu confianza en la escritura".
Dear manager, I am writing this letter to let you know that here is the person you are looking for the job you have available. I have 6 years working with Delicas Miyuki, everyday improving, and learning new techniques. Also, I have experience teaching how to beaded with Delica, so it'll be great if you need to teach new techniques to some employers. I am super passionate about this job, and you can see it in my work. I leave you my page where you can see my work, and hopefully you love it as much as I do. Best, Juliana

Learn to love anything you want to be good for.

I have always been a huge fan of ideas and how they connect with the people. It has always been difficult to translate every idea in a craft, however, they aren’t impossible to try. Since my journey as a student, I’ve always been a doerof trial and error. It seems useless to try everything in this short life, but in my point of view, enjoy and try to recreate the new ideas that the world offers is remaarkable for me.
The field of action which offers me diversication, adventure and profit is the markets, or better, investing
I have got a lot to try and a lot to learn to live the life my soul wants

I am not ready to work as a machine learning engineer but I am a mechatronics technician so I’ll write the letter to apply for a job like this.
Hi! I’m Brandon Hernandez.
I saw that you are looking for an electronic technician, the mechatronic it implies a lot of careers like electronic, mechanic, programing microcontrollers an others, but is more focused in electronic because we specialize in task automation so I think that i’m the best opcion because besides of develop my role I can help you in other tasks.
I would really like to work in your company, because the culture is very good and the people is good too.
well, i appreciate you’re taking the time to read my letter and have a nice day.

point for evaluation

Confident Writing Strategy

  1. Make the point.
  2. Make you case.
  3. Add a friendly thougth.

Me gusta la forma de abordar la escritura de este profe.

Here is my sharing for this lesson:

“While taking the course I was called by a company I am applying for so I got surprise jaja”

Here is my letter:

Hi Juan

I am writing this letter due to I see you are looking for a leader position in your company and I am interested for it.

I consider myself that I can achieve this role pretty well since I have been working in this industry for about 4 years. In addition I am a very confident person who can get along in different situations and be able to achieve the goals that the company have.

thanks for taking the time to read it.

I really appreciate it

Mi nombre es Carlos M, soy abogado especialista.

Acudo a usted para ofrecer mis servicios como asesor jurídico en las áreas de Seguridad Social y Salud en en el Trabajo, y Talento Humano. Soy la persona idónea para el cumplimiento de tan honorable labor teniendo en cuenta que mi perfil y experiencia laboral demuestra mi trayectoria y capacidades para resolver problemas y sacar adelante proyectos relacionados con la materia.

Será un honor ser parte de su empresa para contribuir con su correcto funcionamiento y aportar mis conocimientos coadyuvando su crecimiento.

Seré también parte de su equipo para fortalecer mis conocimientos y crecer profesionalmente para retribuir y contribuir a la empresa y a la comunidad en general.

Finalmente, en el evento de ser seleccionado en agradecimiento brindaré mi mayor esfuerzo para cumplir con un trabajo de calidad.

Señores, ( )

Soy Claudia Rangel, especialista desde hace 4 años en escritos, redacción y publicación de ensayos; con experiencia en redacción de artículos para revistas y periódicos en la sección cultural; pongo a su servicio mi perfil y espero poder trabajar con ustedes e intercambiar conocimientos, para contribuir con los ideales de su empresa y continuar así con el mejoramiento y crecimiento que merecen, buscando seguir siendo líderes en el sector.

The video has problems, it was freezing

Recently, I discover myself I like to write so much. I write since many years ago but, I got the opportunity to write professional things for Platzi and makes me feel very satisfied to give a little I know about my professionals skills.
Writing will be every time more important in my life, I think.

Hello 👋
Here’s my activity:
It’s a pleasure to greet you, Mr. Manager.
I would like to talk to you about the Junior Digital Marketer position as I am confident that I meet all the requirements for the role. I am well-versed in terms and methodologies of SEO, Community Manager, Social Media Manager, E-mail Marketing, PPC, and SEM.
I would love to be part of your great team, and rest assured that with my assistance, you will be able to achieve all your marketing objectives. Shall we start discussing our goals tomorrow to avoid further delays?

Well, it seems like the final cheat code to release our writing skills…

my example: Hello Mr manager, i am interested in the position as a manager, i am very surprise on how fast the company has grown and for me be part of it would be a goal. I am very creative, kindess and result oriented and passionated to guide people, i Will be open on this monday for a meeting. have a good day.

Muy buenas tardes, Sr.X

Me pongo en contacto con usted por el motivo de que me encuentro totalmente interesado en formar parte de su equipo de trabajo. El puesto de mi interés es ¨Manager zona Xalapa¨ para el cual me siento seguro de poder desempeñar, a la vez le comparto que me emociona el poder colaborar en una empresa enfocada en el ámbito Pensionario, apoyando al derechohabiente.

Todos merecemos una oportunidad y espero tener una platica amena con usted para platicarle de cómo podríamos colaborar y mejorar.

Que tenga un excelente día Sr. X

Case : Web Developer Position
Dear employer:
I have a 2 years experience as a web developer and I am currently managing two e-commerce business that I build my self. Because of this two e-commerce I have acquired a vast skill set in different areas like design, digital marketing, UI, etc. I think because of this skill sets I can contribute a lot more than your regular web developer.
I look forward to you communication.
Raul Parra

cuando se trata de escribir haz que sea corto y conciso

This is my activity for lesson 6.

Good Afternoon Mrs Pringles.

I’m sending you this email because i saw the vacancy for industrial designer on your company.

Attached on this email i added my personal information and some of the most popular projects that i realize, also i would like to introduce myself a bit.

I have been working as industrial designer since 2009, i have developed a lot of new prototypes and solve a lot of problems for my customers.

Adding to that i also been on charge of a small group of people, and also helping the company i was working whit the new 3D print department.

Thank you for taking your time reading my email, and I’ll stay pendant of a response.

Have a great day.

Good morning, nice to meet you Ricardo Gomez

I’m a systems engineer with specialization in project management, data analytics and big data.

I love the position that your company is offering and I want to be part of your team and culture, additionally the contributions that I want to share with your company, are based on my experience and constant study,

I have worked and advised large companies where the challenges that were set were achieved and the benefits have been seen over time.

I love what I do and I share my knowledge with the objective that my work team remains active, motivated, updated to keep moving forward, through active leadership and based on people.

I want to be part of your team and achieve your goals together.

Thank you very much for your attention, waiting for your feedback.

Ejemplo para trabajar en un ecommerce enfocado al mercado de mascotas: Desde hace un par de años, he seguido su trabajo en la creación de una tienda hecha por petlovers para petlovers. Me encanta la idea de un lugar donde genuinamente busquen el bienestar de nuestras mascotas o más que eso de nuestra familia. Durante los últimos años me he especializado en la creación y optimización de campañas publicitarias que realmente lleguen a las personas amantes de los animales, cuya cosa favorita es la de cuidar y amar a estás criaturitas. Por tal motivo, les pido amablemente que me permitan conocer más de ustedes para así poder trabajar con ustedes.