“There is no limit to the meaning you can give your life”.
Introduction to confidence
Start your self-confidence journey
What is self-confidence and why is it important?
How to build confidence and self esteem
Confidence for learning
How to overcome fear of failure as a student
How to gain self-confidence while studying
How to be more confident in group situations
How to be more confident in your writing
How to build reading confidence
Confidence in the workplace
How to be confident in a new workplace
How to feel confident in a job interview
How to deal with criticism and rejection
How to be confident giving a speech
Life mastery
How to train your mind to be confident
How to increase self-confidence by meditation
Self-guided meditation
How to be a confident entrepreneur
How to be confident in starting a business
How confident are you now?
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Sam Osbourne
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“There is no limit to the meaning you can give your life”.
Ve al que te critica como un maestro.
See the one who criticizes you as a teacher.
El rechazo no significa que no me quieren, sino que todavía no he encontrado mi tribu y a las personas que me valoran.
Rejection doesn’t mean that they don’t love me, but that I’ve not yet found my tribe and the people who value me.
Instead of viewing criticism and rejection as a negative experience, reframe it as support and guidance
Four years ago I had problems on my job, I was rejected by my colleagues, and I was fired. After that my confidence went down and I was very sad for months. Finally I found a new job, when my boos and colleagues recognized my skills and I had better performance, now I believe that was a good experience because this helped me to search and find a correct place to work.
If someone criticizes you:
¿Cuándo vemos la crítica y el rechazo de manera negativa estamos poniendo límites a nuestra vida?
¿Podemos cambiar los pensamientos negativos que generan el rechazo y la crítica en pensamientos positivos?
¿Cómo podemos transformar los pensamientos negativos que surgen de la crítica y el rechazo en pensamientos positivos?
¿Qué pregunta podemos hacernos para cambiar los pensamientos negativos que surgen de la crítica y el rechazo en algo positivo?
Here the phrases from the Activity:
“The limits of my language are the limits of my world” 😄
If your crush tells you that he/she doesn’t want to be with you, it doesn’t mean that nobody wants to be with you, only that he/she is not the indicate to value you as you deserve.
“The limits of my language are the limits of my world”.
Take whatever that has been told to you as feedback, the more wisdom you will get.
hazlo hasta que te convenzas de lo que eres
there are no limits to what you want to achieve in your life that’s right
What others think of me does not define me.
To see the criticism in a positve way, we can focus on what the meant, on the advice, instead of concentrating on how or who said it.
I loved this quote: “Rejection doesn’t mean I’m not wanted; it means I’m yet to find my tribe and those who see my value.”
There is an Australian movie called “Danny Deck Chair” where you can see how just finding your tribe can make all the difference. Danny was a driver for a construction site and nobody respected him. He was a joke even to his wife. Thanks to an experiment with huge balloons and a deck chair, he flies away to a small town. There is a misunderstanding and everyone believes he is a college professor. Now he is admired and his ideas are heard. He is the same person, but he is treated differently because he found his place in the world.
La crítica no siempre tiene una connotación negativa, quizas recibas una critica para mejorar algo pero no necesariamente lo hacen para molestar o hacerte sentir mal; demosle contexto al significado o la interpretación de la situación. Pienso que es importante aclarar este punto.
I’m ready for the rejection!
Reframing sentences and affirmations to counter criticism and rejection.
I will consider each of the people who criticize me as a teacher who has something very valuable to teach me.
Experiencing rejection only means that I still haven’t found the tribe to which I belong and that values me unlimitedly.
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