- You know, I mean that part of a hammer that looks like two fingers making a “v” shape, and you can use it to stick nails out from wood or any other surface.
- These are similar to a normal vest, but you only use them at work and for very specific purposes. I can’t remember their name, but they have mainly two purposes. The first one is to help the workers being recognized as actually workers. And its second function is to help them reflect in the dark. There are some similar vests which are used by motorcycle riders.
- To be honest, I don’t know its name. But it’s like a sort of fissure, you know, like a gap in the earth, that makes the floor break into two pieces of ground, and it leaves a huge emptiness, which you could either fall into it, or even cross it from below.
- The guard has a kind of baton on his hands that made him come across as being really intimidating. I don’t know whether you understand what I’m talking about. It’s like that kind of pole which police officers use for defending themselves from attacks.
- It was amazing! You know, being at that ancient place made me feel really behind the times. And when I get to what it would be the stage of that… uhm, its name escapes me now. You know, that ancient hall wherein the Romans would gather in order to attend performances. Like a kind of antique theater.
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