Welcome to Advanced Debates and Discussions
Politely contributing to conversations
Some civility, please
Would you be so kind as to...
Roleplay I - Trouble at the airport
Quiz: Politely contributing to conversations
Describing a situation
I would've done my homework but for...
Every problem has a solution
Practice session
Cohesive devices I - Linking words for describing a situation
Roleplay II - You see what happened was...
Quiz: Describing a situation
Adding critical information
Present participles
Roleplay III - Confusion at customs
Passive participles
You know, a whatchamacallit
Cohesive Devices II - Linking words for adding critical information
Quiz: Adding critical information
Developing complex arguments
Justifying your perspective
Cohesive Devices III - Linking words for developing complex arguments
Quiz: Developing complex arguments
That's a wrap
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Christopher Edenfield
Aportes 25
Preguntas 3
He was quiet and patient for that situation, I think a litle nervious too, because the things inside the suitcase were ilegals.
The dog was smelling the fruits and vegetables.
Being that
In the end
what’s more
On top of that
They’re a sort of poncho.
They’re used to keep you warm and dry.
It’s similar to a turnover.
It’s used for drinking tea.
On top of that, it’s got a name tag.
Being that it’s an invasive species.
Being that you’re the one with the badge.
Having been stationed at the airport for so many years.
What do you think of Charles’ attitude?
He’s very patient on this kind of situation
What do you think the dog was smelling?
I think the dog was smelling the fruits and vegetables.
Conversely, when I landed at the airport in Mexico
Furthermore, I’m not even sure if my belonging
Not only does he have fruit and vegetables, but he also has Andean pampas grass
that’s a big no-no, being that it’s an invasive species.
Moreover, not being a botanist
But more importantly, where is my
Yeah, and what’s more, they’re absolutely delicious
On top of that, it’s got a name
the history is very nice
Charles attitude was on point due to the situation he was living. I think probably I wouldn’t be that calm if I have lost my luggage.
I’m pretty sure that the dog was smelling the fruit and vegetables.
Pardon me officers
Would you kindly tell me what this is all about?
Would you be so kind as to follow us please?
Conversely, when I landed at the airport…
Furthermore, I’m not even sure if all of my belongings made it back in.
In the end, the ground crew just taped it back
Not only that he has fruit and vegetables, but he also has Andean pampas grass
Moreover, not being a botanist I have no clue what Andean pampas grass is.
They are a sort of poncho. They are used to keep you warm and dry.
It’s similar to a turnover. And what’s more, they’re absolutely delicious.
It’s used for drinking tea.
Having been stationed at the airport for so many years , I’ve had the chance to see lots of different travelers with all sorts of gifts and souvenirs.
Having been distracted by all the commotion, when we were collecting our bags, we must have accidentally taken the wrong ones.
However, the friend who was traveling with, was reading one of my books, and he just happen to leave his business card in it.
What do you think of Charles’s attitude?
Charles seemed a little upset, but still collaborative with the airport staff.
What do you think the dog was smelling?
With certainty, the dog was smelling the fruit and vegetables inside the suitcase.
Cohesive words:
• Conversely
• Furthermore
• In the end
• Moreover
• Anyway
• But
• What’s more
• On top of that
• However
Strategies for describing unknown words:
• Approximation: They are a sort of poncho.
• Describing function: They’re used to keep you warm and dry. It’s used for drinking tea.
• Synonyms: It’s similar to a turnover.
Participial phrases:
• I’m not even sure that all of my belonging made it back in, being that I was a hurry to catch my connecting flight.
• Not only does he have fruit and vegetables, but he also has Andean Pampas grass.
• That’s a big no-no, being that it’s an invasive species.
• Having been in the station for so many years, I had the chance to see a lot of different travelers with all sorts of gifts and souvenirs.
• Being that this isn’t my bag, I’m not going to get into any problem, am I?
• Having been distracted by all the commotion when we were collecting our bags, we must have accidentally taken the wrong ones.
Cohesive devices:
Not only , but also
Strategies for describing unknoun words:
They’re a sort of poncho.
They’re used to keep you warm and dry.
It’s similar to a turnover.
And what’s more, they’re absolutely delicious
Participal phrases:
Well, having been stationed at the ,
Being that this isn’t my bag, I’m not going to get in any trouble am I?
not being a botanist, I have no clue what Andean pampas grass is.
What do you think of Charles attitude?
He was kind a surprised, because that luggage was not belong to him.
What do you think the dog was smelling?
It was smelling the food inside the luggage.
I think Charles was pretty calm, considering the situation. He seemed more worry for his luggage move than everything else.
The dog was definitely smelling the fruits and vegetables in the luggage.
The questions
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