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Acronyms: How they work


Particularmente en tecnología, utilizamos muchas abreviaciones de conjuntos de palabras, ya sea como acrónimos o inicialismos, para referirnos a términos con nombres largos.

Acrónimos vs. inicialismos

En los acrónimos, se utiliza la/s primera/s letra/s de cada palabra para crear una nueva palabra, por ejemplo: Latam = Latin America.

En los inicialismos, la abreviación se pronuncia letra por letra de forma separada. Por ejemplo: UN = United Nations.

Consejo: Sabemos que cuando una palabra en inglés comienza con consonante se utiliza el artículo “A”, mientras que si comienza con vocal se utiliza “An”. En los acrónimos, tienes que tener en cuenta la pronunciación del mismo y no la letra con la que comienza la palabra. Por ejemplo: A URL, An HTML.

Acrónimos e inicialismos más utilizados

Lenguaje muy frecuente con el que te encontrarás trabajando en sistemas.

  • ASCII: /ˈæski/: (Acronym). American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
  • UTF: (Initialism). Unicode Transformation Format.
  • ANSI: /ˈænsi/. American National Standards Institute.
  • GIF: /ɡɪf/ or /dʒɪf/ Graphics Interchange Format.
  • JPEG: /ˈdʒeɪpeɡ/ Joint Photographic Experts Group.
  • MPEG: /ˈempeɡ/ Moving Picture Experts Group.
  • MP3: /ˌem piː ˈθriː/ Acronym for MPEG audio Layer-3.
  • SEO: /ˌes iː ˈəʊ/ Search Engine Optimization.
  • CTA: /ˌsiː ti ˈeiː/ Call to action.
  • CTR: /ˌsiː ti ˈerː/ Click-through rate.
  • CPM: /ˌsiː pi ˈemː/ Cost Per mile also called cost per thousand.
  • SaaS: /sæs/ Software as a service.
  • IaaS: /iæs/ Infrastructure as a service.
  • AaaS: /eiæs/ Application as a Service.
  • WYSIWYG: /ˈwɪziwɪɡ/ What you see is what you get.
  • UI: /ˌjuː ˈaɪ/ User Interface.
  • UX: /ˌjuː ˈeks/ User experience.
  • CMS: /ˌsiː em ˈes/ Content Management System.
  • CRM: /ˌsiː er ˈemː/ Customer Relationship Management.
  • B2B: /ˌbiː tə ˈbiː/ business-to-business.
  • B2C: /ˌbiː tə ˈsiː/ business-to-consumer.
  • C2C: /ˌsi: tə ˈsi/ consumer-to-consumer.
  • API /eɪ/ /piː/ /aɪ/ Application Programming Interface.

Lenguaje casual

Lenguaje del día a día no necesariamente relacionado con software.

  • OMG: Oh My God.
  • LOL: Laughing Out Loud.
  • ROFL: Rolling on the Floor Laughing.
  • FOMO: Fear Of Missing Out.
  • YOLO: You only live once.
  • i18n: Internationalization.
  • a11y: Accessibility, often pronounced ally /ˈælaɪ/
  • l10n: Localization.

¿Qué otros acrónimos o inicialismos relacionados con tecnología sumarías a esta lista?

Contribución creada por Kevin Fiorentino, con aportes de Lina López.

Aportes 76

Preguntas 3

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¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

OMG 👉🏼 Oh My God (Oh Dios mío)
LOL 👉🏼 Laughing Out Loud (Reír a carcajadas)
ROFL 👉🏼 Rolling on the Floor Laughing (Rodar por el suelo de la risa)
FOMO 👉🏼 Fear Of Missing Out (miedo a perderse algo)
YOLO 👉🏼 You only live once (Solo se vive una vez)

3. Acronyms: How They Work

Abbreviation: a short form of a word, etc. E.g. Acronyms or initialisms.

**Acronym: **a word formed from the first letters of the words that make up the name of something. E.g. LATAM: Latin America.

Initialism: it’s like an acronym but you pronounce each letter. E.g. UN: United Nations. Keep in mind the use of indefinite articles: a URL, an HTML.

**ASCII: **/ˈæski/: It´s an acronym. American Standard Code for Information Interchange
UTF: It´s an initialism. Unicode Transformation Format.
ANSI: /ˈænsi/. American National Standards Institute.
GIF: /ɡɪf/ or /dʒɪf/ Graphic Interchange Format. It´s better to pronounce it /ɡɪf/ to avoid confusion when pronouncing JIFF /dʒɪf/.
JPEG: /ˈdʒeɪpeɡ/ [uncountable] Joint Photographic Experts Group. Technology that reduces the size of files that contain images.
MPEG: /ˈempeɡ/ [uncountable] Moving Picture Experts Group. Technology that reduces the size of files that contain video images or sounds.
MP3: /ˌem piː ˈθriː/ [uncountable, countable]. Acronym for MPEG audio Layer-3.
SEO: /ˌes iː ˈəʊ/ Search Engine Optimization.
CTA: Call to action.
CTR: Click-through rate.
CPM: cost per mille also called cost per thousand.
SaaS: /sæs/ software as a service
IaaS: Infrastructure as a service
AaaS: Application as a Service
WYSIWYG: /ˈwɪziwɪɡ/ what you see is what you get (what you see on the computer screen is exactly the same as will be printed or displayed)
UI: /ˌjuː ˈaɪ/ User Interface
UX: /ˌjuː ˈeks/ User experience
CMS: /ˌsiː em ˈes/ Content Management System
CRM: Customer Relationship Management
B2B: /ˌbiː tə ˈbiː/ business-to-business
B2C: /ˌbiː tə ˈsiː/ business-to-consumer
C2C: consumer-to-consumer
B2B2C, C2C2B, and all kinds of combinations

Casual language:
OMG: Oh My God
**LOL: **Laughing Out Loud
ROFL: Rolling on the Floor Laughing
FOMO: Fear Of Missing Out
YOLO: You only live once

i18n: internationalization
a11y: accessibility, often pronounced ally /ˈælaɪ/
l10n: localization

When I started, some developers on my team expected me to know about CRUD. At that time that acronym was not used in my environment, but it was very interesting for me to learn it.
C = Create
R = Read
U = Update
D = Delete

this is the most controversial acronym

Some people are for “sequel,” some are for “S.Q.L.,” and still others make their own pronunciations. The standard says that ‘Ess-cue-ell’ is the appropriate way of speaking SQL. However, many English-speaking database professionals still use the nonstandard pronunciation “sequel.”

Quizlet: Inglés para Developers [2022 - Platzi]

👋Hey Devs! I just created some units in Quizlet with the vocabulary and phrases in this course.
📚Quizlet is a very famous app to study and create Learning Cards.
I suggest that you study on the ‘Fichas’ mode and set Quizlet to show you the definitions first (I put the clues on ‘Definition’) and try to remember the term on the other side of the card (I put the term to remember on ‘Terms’).
🎉Hope this is useful for you!
Quizlet: Inglés para Developers [2022 - Platzi]

I have never listened about WYSIWYG.
“What you see is what you get.”

It refers to a software that show us something the same way it looks in the real life.

✨✨Nice explanation. ✨✨

OMG 👉🏼 Oh My God
LOL 👉🏼 Laughing Out Loud
ROFL 👉🏼 Rolling on the Floor Laughing
FOMO 👉🏼 Fear Of Missing Out
YOLO 👉🏼 You only live once

I used to much this words in MTeams

ASAP 👉🏼 As Soon As Possible
BTW 👉🏼 By The Way
FYI 👉🏼 For Your Information

IDK but now yes:
i18n 👉🏼 internationalization
a11y 👉🏼 accessibility
l10n 👉🏼 localization

👞 Acronyms: How They Work


Words made out of single letters that come from multiple words in a longer term that are put together as a shorter version

  • There are used when people are probably mean multiple things


  • LATAM ⇒ Latin America
  • UN ⇒ United Nations
  • a URL ⇒ a yu ar el
  • an HTML page ⇒ an eich ti am el
  • ASCII ⇒ “a-skee”
  • UTF ⇒ “U-T-F”
  • ANSI ⇒ “ansee”
  • GIF ⇒ “gif” or “jif”
  • JIFF ⇒ “jiff”
  • JPEG ⇒ “Jpeg”
  • MPEG ⇒ “Mpeg”
  • MP3 ⇒ “MP3”
  • SEO ⇒ “Search Engine Optimization”
  • CTA ⇒ “Call to Action”
  • CTR ⇒ “Click-through rate”
  • CPM ⇒ “Cost per Million”
  • SaaS ⇒ “Software as a service”
  • IaaS ⇒ “Infrastructure as a Service”
  • Aaas ⇒ “Application as a Service”
  • WYSIWYG ⇒ what you see is what you get
  • UI / UX
  • CMS ⇒ “Content Management Solution”
  • CRM ⇒ “Customer Relationship Management”
  • B2B ⇒ Business to Business
  • B2C ⇒ Business to Consumer
  • OMG ⇒ Oh My God (Oh Dios mío)
  • LOL ⇒ Laughing Out Loud (Reír a carcajadas)
  • ROFL ⇒ Rolling on the Floor Laughing (Rodar por el suelo de la risa)
  • FOMO ⇒ Fear Of Missing Out (miedo a perderse algo)
  • YOLO ⇒ You only live once (Solo se vive una vez)
  • i18n ⇒ “Internationalization”
  • a11y ⇒ pronounced “ally” means accessibility
  • “l10n” ⇒ Localization
  • ASAP ⇒ As soon as possible
  • BTW ⇒ By the way
  • FYI ⇒ For your information
  • POV ⇒ Point Of View
  • AFK ⇒ Away From Keyboard
  • GIYF ⇒ Google Is Your Friend
  • JIC ⇒ Just In Case
  • IMO ⇒ In My Opinion
  • FTF ⇒ Face to Face
  • DIY ⇒ Do It Yourself
  • BRB ⇒ Be Right Back
  • TTYL ⇒ Talk To You Later

Exist 2 types

  1. Acronyms -> use one or more words for use a multiple words in one.
  2. Initialisms -> ONLY use first words.
  • CTA: Call to action
  • CTR: Click through rate
  • CPM: Cost per million
  • WYSIWYG: What you see is what you get
  • CMS: Content management solution
  • CMR: Customer relationship management
  • B2B: Business to business
  • B2C: Business to customer


  • OMG: Oh my god


  • i18n: internationalization
  • a11y: accessibility
  • l10n: Localization

AFAIK - As fas as i know
YAGNI - you aren’t gonna need it

A longer could be:
S - Single responsability principle
O - Open - close principle
L - Liskov substitution principle
I - INterface segregation principle
D - Dependency inversion principle

ROFL : rolling on floor laughing , FOMO: fear of missing out YOLO: you only live once

IaaS 👉🏼 infrastructure as a service
AaaS 👉🏼 aplication as a service
WYSIWYG 👉🏼 What you see is what you get
B2B 👉🏼 business two business


VIP, which stands for “very important person”
DVD, which stands for “digital versatile disc”
ATM, which stands for “automatic teller machine”
AM and PM, which stand for “ante meridiem” and “post meridiem”
RSVP, which stands for “répondez s’il vous plait“


NASA, which stands for National Aeronautical and Space Administration.
LASER, which stands for “light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation”
RADAR, which stands for Radio Detection And Ranging

Wooooooooooooow. solo se LOL ajajajajajaj hasta ahora ajajajaj

Untill today i never thought that acronyms were important to my work, thank you
* URL= Uniform Resource Locator * JSON= Javascript Object Notation * HTML= HyperText Markup Language * XML= Extensible Markup Language * AWS= Amazon Web Services * GCP= Google Cloud Platform * CI/CD: Continous Integration / Continous Delivery * CSS=Cascading Style Sheets * DNS= Domain Name System * DDNS= Dynamic Domain Name System

FYI => For you information
ASAP => As soon as possible

ASAP =As soon as possible.
ATM = At the moment
BRB = Be right back
BBL = Be back later
BBS = Be back soon
LMK = Let me know

Aquí algunas abreviaturas de mucha utilidad >>

I found these acronyms: abrir enlace

E2E: End to End

Milenials checklist 👇

✔ASAP as soon as possible
✔BAE before anyone else
✔POV point of view

Keep it going

I got some I learned at work the hard way (Asking myself wtf is this)
PTO = Personal Time Off
EOD = End Of Day
EVP = Employee Value Proposition
GTM = Go To Market

IMO --> in my opinion
FYI --> For your information
HR --> Human resources
ROI --> Return of investment

KISS --> Keep It Simple Stupid
DRY --> Don’t Repeat Yourself
JWT --> JSON Web Token
PHP --> recursive acronym: Hypertext Preprocessor
FAANG --> acronym: Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix y Google.

NP: No problem

SEO: 👉 Search Engine Optimization.
ASAP: 👉 As soon as possible.
GIYF: 👉 Google is your friend.
IDK: 🤷‍♂️ A mysterious abbreviation. Every time I ask, nobody seems to know…

–“What does IDK mean?”

–“I don’t know.”


WYSIWIG is also used for those editors that allow you to have a preview of what you was typing on it, for example the comment editor we use here to leave comments 👀

Apparently these initializations are used tooo BE-> Back-End FE-> Front-End
DRY - Don't repeat yourself could be another important acronym
Acronyms can simplify conversations by allowing speakers to communicate complex ideas quickly. For example, using "SEO" instead of "Search Engine Optimization" saves time. When introducing acronyms, ensure your audience understands them. In technical settings, acronyms like "API" (Application Programming Interface) or "HTML" (HyperText Markup Language) are commonly used. It's essential to balance between clarity and brevity, especially in diverse groups where not everyone may be familiar with specific terms.
TLDR = "To Long Didnt Read" TTYL = "Talk To You Later" AFK = "Away from keyboard"
* OMG = "Oh My God", "Oh My Goodness" , "Oh My Gosh" * LOL = “Laughing Out Loud” , “Laugh Out Loud" * ROFL = "Rolling On the Floor, Laughing" * FOMO = "Fear Of Missng Out" * YOLO = "You Only Live Once"
Acronyms are shortened forms of longer phrases made by taking the first letters of each word. However, people often confuse acronyms with initialisms. Let’s clarify the difference: 1. **Acronym**: The first letters of each word form a new word that has its own pronunciation. * Example: **LATAM** (Latin America). 2. **Initialism**: The first letters are pronounced as individual letters. * Example: **UN** (United Nations). Though both are types of abbreviations, they have different pronunciation rules. ### **Using "a" or "an" with acronyms and initialisms** The choice between "a" and "an" depends on the **sound** of the first letter, not necessarily the letter itself: * **A URL**: The letter "U" sounds like "you" (a consonant sound). * **An HTML page**: The letter "H" starts with a vowel sound, so we use "an." ### **Common acronyms and initialisms in technology** Below are some examples of acronyms and initialisms you will encounter in your career: * **ASCII**: An acronym for the character set used in most computers. * **UTF**: An initialism for the Unicode transformation format, which includes emojis. * **ANSI**: An acronym for the American National Standards Institute. ### **The "GIF" vs. "JIF" debate** There’s ongoing controversy about how to pronounce **GIF**: * The creator says it’s "JIF" (soft "J"). * Many argue it should be "GIF" (hard "G") because it stands for "Graphics Interchange Format." Both pronunciations are used, but many prefer "GIF" with a hard "G." ### **Common file formats and technology terms** * **JPEG**: Joint Picture Experts Group. * **MPEG**: Motion Picture Experts Group. * **MP3**: A common format for music. * **SEO**: Search Engine Optimization. * **CTA**: Call to Action. * **CTR**: Click-Through Rate. * **CPM**: Cost Per Thousand. * **SaaS**: Software as a Service. * **IaaS**: Infrastructure as a Service. * **AaaS**: Applications as a Service. ### **Other frequently used acronyms** * **WYSIWYG**: What You See Is What You Get, related to user interfaces. * **UI**: User Interface. * **UX**: User Experience. * **CMS**: Content Management System. * **CRM**: Customer Relationship Management. * **B2B**: Business to Business. * **B2C**: Business to Consumer. * **C2C**: Consumer to Consumer. ### **Popular internet acronyms** * **OMG**: Oh My God. * **LOL**: Laugh Out Loud. * **FOMO**: Fear Of Missing Out. * **YOLO**: You Only Live Once. If you’re unsure of their meanings, feel free to **Google them**! ### **Numeronyms in technology** Numeronyms are abbreviations where numbers replace letters in a word: * **I18N**: Internationalization (18 letters between I and N). * **A11Y**: Accessibility, often pronounced "ally." * **L10N**: Localization.
Pretty interesting.
l10n =lion? lol
IIRC - If I Remeber Correctly

GOAT 👉🏼Greatest Of All Time (El mejor de todos los tiempos)

Hay un par de acrónimos que parece que han caído en desuso.

RTFM: Read The F***** Manual
IMHO: In My Humble Opinion

Esta clase también me hizo recordar el YACC
Yet Another Compiler-Compiler,


I think numeronysms are uselless, silly gringos.

There are acronyms by regions:

Hey here another contribution, lastone you will love it:

ISP = Internet Service Provider
WWW = World Wide Web
HTTP = HyperText Tranfer Protocol
IP = Internet Protocol
TCP = Transmision Control Protocol
HTML = HyperText Markup Language
CSS = Cascading Style Sheet
JS = Javascript
JSON = Javascript Object Notation
API = Application Programming Interface
APP = Application
CAPTCHA = Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart
K8s = Kubernetes
MTFBWY = May the force be with you

Hey Everyone my contribution:

Types of software

ERP = Enterprise Resourve Planning
CRM = Customer Relationship management
EAM = Enterprise Asset Management Software
CMMS = Computerized Maintenance Management System
CMS = Content Management System
CDN = Content Delivery Network
WMS = Warehouse Management System
B2B = Business to Business
B2C = Business to Consumer
C2C = Consumer to Consumer

DRY => Don't Repeat Yourself

OMG 👉🏼 Oh My God
LOL 👉🏼 Laughing Out Loud
ROFL 👉🏼 Rolling on the Floor Laughing
FOMO 👉🏼 Fear Of Missing Out
YOLO 👉🏼 You only live once

ASAP 👉🏼 As Soon As Possible
BTW 👉🏼 By The Way
FYI 👉🏼 For Your Information

i18n: internationalization
a11y: accessibility, often pronounced ally /ˈælaɪ/
l10n: localization

Había visto muchas veces en Github la abreviación LGTM cuando finalmente el pull request era aprobado. Busqué y lo que estaban diciendo era literalmente "Looks good to me".

No sabía la diferencia entre Initialisms y Acronyms. Aparte no sabía lo de A11y

DDL for Deadline GDD for Game Design Document

Acronyms are words formed by the first letters of the words in the phrase that we want to abbreviate.
The initialisms are the first letter of the words together but each one is read separately

LGTM: Looks good to me! o tambien puede ser Looks garbage to me 😂

CEO —> Chief Executive Officer
SWOT —> Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats.

TTYL= Talk To You Later (Hablamos mas tarde)
OMG = Oh my God
FTF= Face to face

El Inicialism es lo mismo que el Acronyms, la diferencia es que un Acronyms se lee (pronuncia) como una sola palabra, en cambio el Inicialism no, solo letra por letra.

Here I share with you some more acronyms I found on the Internet (some of them are not related to technology but I wanted to add them anyways):
NATO: The North Atlantic Treaty Organization
LASER: Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation
PIN: Personal Identification Number
RADAR: Radio Detection and Ranging
SMART: Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely
NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
RAM: Random Access Memory

I hope they can be useful for you!

LOL reirse de forma muy notoria
ROLF ruedo por el suelo de risa
FOMO es el acrónimo para la expresión original en inglés Fear of missing out, cuya traducción al castellano es 'miedo a perderse algo’
YOLO Solo se vive una vez

JIC just in case
IMO in my opinion
BRB be right back

ASAP --> as soon as possible
BTW --> By the way
RSVP --> Please reply. (The origin is from french)
BRB --> be right back
LMK --> Let me know
SMH --> Shaking my head
TTYL --> Talk to you later

POO: Object-oriented programming
PWA: Progressive Web Application
SPA: Single-page Application

WDYT = ‘What Do You Think?’ "¿Qué piensas?"
NASA= ’ National Aeronautics and Space Administration’ "Administración nacional de Aeronáutica y el espacio"
BTW= ´By The Way’ “Por Cierto”

WWW : World wide web

Wow! I didn't know k8s is a numeronym for Kubernetes.
B2B is also referred to Back to Back on the call center business

OMG => oh my God
FYI => for your information
ASAP => as soon as possible
BRB => be right back

Wine a layer to allow application software for Microsoft Windows to run on Unix-like operating systems was a backronym for Wine Is Not an Emulator.

SaaS => Software as a Service
IaaS => Infrastructure as a Service
CapEx => Capital Expense
OpEx => Operating Expense
RBAC => Role-Based-Access-Control
DNS => Domain Name System
SDK => Software Development Kit

FIFO First In First Out (in Queues)
LIFO Last In Firts Out (in Stacks)

TBT: Throwback Thursday

PBCAK = Problem Between Chair And Keyboard

  • JSON: Javascript Object Notation
  • MEAN: Is a JavaScript-based framework for developing web applications. MEAN is named after MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node.
  • NPM: Node Package Manager

In the video

  • lol -> laugh out loud
  • rofl -> rolling on flour laughing
  • fomo -> fear of missing out
  • yolo -> you only live once

Other abbreviations

  • fr
  • jomo
  • istg

GM: Good morning 🌞

TBH -> To be honest
IDK -> I don’t know

i18n → internationalization

a11y → accessibility

l10n → localization

El ingles esta lleno de acronimos

IOL: Inventory Odd Located
PS: Problem Solved
WAGMI: We All Gona Make It

Gracias por compartir todos sus exóticos acronimos