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¿Cómo pronuncias Java? ¿Y JavaScript? Su dicción puede diferir levemente si lo repite un nativo en inglés o en uno en español y es mejor estar preparado y conocer la pronunciación de las tecnologías en inglés.

Pronunciación de términos tecnológicos

Veamos una extensa lista de tecnologías y practicar su pronunciación. Recuerda que utilizamos el Alfabeto Fonético para practicar la pronunciación de las palabras.

Sistemas operativos

  • Window
  • macOS
  • IOS: /aɪ-əʊ-ɛs/
  • Unix: /ˈjuːnɪks/
  • Linux: /ˈlɪnəks/
  • BDS: /biː-diː-ɛs/

Tecnologías y lenguajes

  • HTTP: /eɪʧ-tiː-tiː-piː/
  • HTML: /eɪʧ-tiː-ɛm-ɛl/
  • CSS: /siː-ɛs-ɛs/
  • JavaScript: /ˈʤɑːvəskrɪpt/
  • JS: /ʤeɪ-ɛs/
  • Node: /nəʊd/
  • V8 Engine
  • Angular
  • React
  • Express
  • Vue.js (No se pronuncia el punto)
  • Svelte
  • Python
  • Django (No se pronuncia la D)
  • FastAPI
  • Ruby on Rail (RoR)
  • PHP: /piː-eɪʧ-piː/
  • Laravel
  • Symphony
  • Drupal
  • C: /siː/
  • C++ /siː plʌs plʌs/
  • Objective-C
  • C# /si: ʃɑːp/ (No /si: hash/)
  • ASP.NET (Si se pronuncia el punto)
  • Java: /ˈʤɑːvə/
  • JVM: /ʤeɪ-viː-ɛm/
  • Scala
  • Clojure
  • Elixir
  • Erlang
  • Go
  • Rust
  • Kotlin
  • Swift
  • LISP

Bases de datos

  • SQL: /ɛs-kjuː-ɛl/ o /si-kuel/
  • MySQL: /mi ɛs-kjuː-ɛl/ o /mi si-kuel/
  • PostgreSQL: /postgres kuel/
  • SQLite: /ɛs-kju laɪt/
  • NoSQL: /no ɛs-kjuː-ɛl/ o /no si-kuel/
  • MongoDB
  • Redis
  • CouchDB
  • Firebase
  • ElasticSearch
  • MariaDB

Servicios en la nube

  • AWS: /eɪ-ˈdʌblju(ː)-ɛs/
  • S3: /es θriː/
  • EC2: /iː-siː2/
  • GCP (Google Cloud Platform): /ʤiː-siː-piː/
  • Azure
  • Heroku
  • Kubernetes
  • K8s
  • Docker

Editores de texto

  • Vi: /ˈvi ai/
  • Vim: /ˈvim/
  • VS Code: /:vi ɛs kəʊd/
  • IntelliJ
  • Sublime Text
  • XCode
  • Notepad
  • Notepad++

Términos de GIT

  • GIT: /gɪt/
  • Repo
  • Fork
  • Branch
  • Commit
  • Push
  • Rebase
  • Pull Request
  • Code Review

Tecnologías de línea de comandos

  • NPM: /ɛn-piː-ɛm/
  • Yarn
  • Bash
  • CMD: /siː-ɛm-diː/
  • Cmder: /:si em der/
  • PowerShell
  • WSL: /ˈdʌblju(ː)-ɛs-ɛl/

Existen varias herramientas para aprender a pronunciar correctamente. Aprovecha para hacer un test sobre cuánto sabes de tecnología y descubre nuevos lenguajes que no conocías.

Contribución creada por: Kevin Fiorentino.

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COBOL is an acronym for “common business-oriented language” many of banks in Chile using that

5. Technologies

Operating systems: Windows, macOS/iOS, Unix Linux, BSD.
Basic technology: HTTP, HTML, CSS.
Languages: JavaScript/JS, Node, V8 Engine
Frameworks: React, Express, Vue.js, React.js (don’t pronounce the dot), Svelte
Python, Django, (don’t pronounce the D), FastAPI, Ruby and Rails (RoR), PHP, Laravel, Synphony, Drupal, C, C++, Objective-C, C# (C sharp because it comes from musical notation), ASP. NET (you do pronounce the dot), Java. The JVM languages like Scala and Clojure. Elixir, Erlang, Go, Rust, Kotlin, Swift.
The initialisms: LISP (list processing) and COBOL (Common Business-Oriented Language).
Databases: SQL /ˈsiːkwəl/ or /es kjuː el/, MySQL (also has the two previous pronunciation, PostgreSQL /ˈpɑːstɡres kjuː el/ (unique pronunciation), SQLite /ˈsiːkwəl laɪt/.
Databases that have no structure / no sequel databases (NoSQL): MongoDB, Redis, CouchDB, Firebase, ElasticSearch, MariaDB (just like Mariah Carey).
On the cloud: AWS, S3, EC2. GCP (Google Computing Platform), Azure, Heroku. Kubernetes, abbreviated as K8s. They all tend to use technologies like Docker underneath.
Text editors: Vi (initialism), Vim (acronym), Emacs, VS Code, IntelliJ, Sublime Text, XCode, Notepad, Notepad++
Source repository management tools like git, which provides repositories or repos /riːpəʊs/ (repository), on which you do forks in branches, commit, pushes and pulls. You do rebases, pull requests, and code reviews.
Command-line technologies like npm and yarn to manage your JS projects. Shells like bash, csh, zsh. CMD and tools like Cmder /kəˈmændər/, PowerShell, WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux).
JWT and CL are initialisms too.

it’s a URL and NOT an URL, because the sound of the first letter is: yo͞o ˌär ˈel.
It’s an HTTP and NOT a HTTP, because the sound starts with a vowel: eɪtʃ

Vu: Virtual user
TRX: Transaction
TPS: Transactions Per Second
E2E: End to End

Expressions used in Performance Testing

It is C sharp, not C hash, because comes from musical notation.

WSL 👈🏻 Windows Subsystem for Linux

is a compatibility layer for running Linux binary executables (in ELF format) natively on Windows 10, Windows 11,[3] and Windows Server 2019.

Linus (creator) (Laynux) <-> linux (SO) (Linux)

HTML, HTTP, CSS -> Are acronyms, are based on sound, no letter

  • JS: (Yei-es)
  • V8 engine: (Bi-eight enyein)
  • Django: (Yango)
  • ruby on Rails: (RoR)
  • MariaDB: (Marai-ya db)
  • K8s: (key-eight-es)

hello there ! what its going on? .

check this videio on youtube about some vocabulary its a great complement for this class :

I think you have an error in SQL. Would be Structured and not Standard?

LIST = LISt Processor
COBOL = COmmon Business-Oriented Language
Both are acronyms

CLI are initials 👉🏼 Command Line Interface

TTL: Time To Live

I 🧡 your Atari t-shirt

My favorite part. Dont ask me why?, people do. xD

SSH it is an acronym for secure shell

Flutter = ˈflədər

FTP = File Transfer Protocol

RegExp = Regular Expressions

Django! The ‘D’ is silent.

No estaba Angular en la lista, muy mal 😃

ASP . NET -> Active Server Pages Network Enabled Technologies.

Se dice Maiesecuele profe

Just kinding, from now I’m going to pronunce it like maisicuel

Ni aqui quieren a Angular 😦

RPG (Report Program Generator)

blockchain: /bläkˌCHān/
solidity: /ˈsəˈlidədē/
network: /ˈnetˌwərk/
ledger: /ˈlejər/

BSD : Berkeley Software Distribution
LISP: List Processing


The article in front of the acronism is based on the sound of the letter, not the letter itself.

So, even though H is not a vowel, it sounds like a vowel.

So Lisp and COBOL are both Acronyms **LISP** =**L**ist **P**rocessor **COBOL** = **C**ommon **B**usiness-**O**riented **L**anguage
### **Operating systems** Let's start with some common operating systems: * **Windows** (Microsoft) * **macOS** and **iOS** (Apple) * **Unix** * **Linux** (pronounced "Linux," not "Linus") * **BSD** ### **Web development basics** You’ll often encounter these core web technologies: * **HTTP** * **HTML** * Say "an HTML page" because "H" has a vowel sound. * **CSS** * Say "a CSS rule." ### **JavaScript and frameworks** JavaScript (JS) is a powerful language often used for web development. Here are some related technologies: * **JavaScript (JS)**: Based on the **Node** runtime and the **V8 engine**. * **React**: Also referred to as *ReactJS* (pronounced "React," not "React dot JS"). * **Vue.js**: Often shortened to "Vue." * **Svelte** ### **Popular programming languages and frameworks** Here are some programming languages you’ll commonly encounter: * **Python**: Often paired with **Django** (pronounced "Django," not "Dee-jango"). * **FastAPI**: Another popular Python framework. * **Ruby on Rails (RoR)** * **PHP** and frameworks like **Laravel**, **Symfony**, and **Drupal**. * **C, C++, and Objective-C** * **C# (C Sharp)**: Called *C Sharp* because it comes from musical notation, not "C hash." * **ASP.NET**: Pronounced *A-S-P-dot-N-E-T*. **JVM languages**: * **Java** * **Scala** * **Clojure** **Functional and other languages**: * **Elixir**, **Erlang**, **Go**, **Rust** * **Kotlin** and **Swift** * **Older languages**: **Lisp**, **COBOL** (both written in uppercase because they’re abbreviations). **Challenge**: Can you guess what the abbreviations for Lisp and COBOL stand for? Share in the comments! ### **Database technologies** Databases are a key part of development, and many use SQL (Structured Query Language): * **MySQL** (pronounced "My Sequel" or "My S-Q-L"). * **PostgreSQL** (always "Postgre-S-Q-L"). * **SQLite** **NoSQL databases**: * **MongoDB** * **Redis** * **CouchDB** * **Firebase** * **Elasticsearch** * **MariaDB** ### **Cloud services** Developers often work with cloud platforms, which provide tools and services for building and managing applications: * **Amazon Web Services (AWS)**: Includes services like *S3* and *EC2*. * **Google Cloud Platform (GCP)** * **Microsoft Azure** * **Heroku** * **Kubernetes**: Often abbreviated as *K8S* ("K," eight letters, then "S"). * **Docker** ### **Text editors and integrated development environments (IDEs)** You’ll use these tools to write and edit code: * **Vi** and **Vim** * **Emacs** * **VS Code** * **IntelliJ** * **Sublime Text** * **XCode** * **Notepad** and **Notepad++** **Note**: For "Vi" and "Vim," "Vi" is spelled as "V-I," but when you add the "M," it’s pronounced *Vim*. ### **Source code management** Source control is essential for developers. Here are some common terms and tools: * **Git**: Used for creating repositories (repos), branches, commits, and pull requests. * Actions include: *forking*, *branching*, *committing*, *pushing*, *pulling*, and *merging*. * You may also perform **code reviews** through pull requests. ### **Command line and shell technologies** Command line tools are used to run scripts and manage projects: * **NPM** and **YARN**: JavaScript project managers. * **Shells**: * **Bash** * **C Shell** (spelled with a "C") * **Z Shell** ("Z" pronounced as "zed" to distinguish it) **Windows-specific tools**: * **CMD** (Command Line) * **Cmder** * **PowerShell** * **Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)**

Curious data: LISP was some of the first languages that I learned, It was difficult because it use a different paradigm but I think was an interesting experience and is a powerful language, btw

It's base in the sound not the letter.
Is Symfony please!! :-)
None is going to take you out of consideration if you do not pronounce all those abbreviations in the correct way.
Cmder is pronounced COMMANDER, remember it.
1. **Java:** Un popular lenguaje de programación orientado a objetos, conocido por su portabilidad y uso en el desarrollo de aplicaciones web y empresariales. 2. **JVM (Java Virtual Machine):** La Máquina Virtual de Java es un componente fundamental de la plataforma Java que permite la ejecución de programas Java en diferentes sistemas sin necesidad de recompilar. 3. **Scala:** Un lenguaje de programación que combina la programación orientada a objetos con la programación funcional. 4. **Clojure:** Un lenguaje de programación funcional que se ejecuta en la plataforma Java Virtual Machine (JVM). 5. **Elixir:** Un lenguaje de programación funcional diseñado para construir aplicaciones escalables y mantenibles. 6. **Erlang:** Un lenguaje de programación diseñado para sistemas concurrentes y distribuidos, conocido por su uso en telecomunicaciones. 7. **Go (Golang):** Un lenguaje de programación desarrollado por Google, conocido por su eficiencia y concurrencia. 8. **Rust:** Un lenguaje de programación de sistemas diseñado para ser seguro, concurrente y práctico. 9. **Kotlin:** Un lenguaje de programación moderno que se ejecuta en la JVM y también puede ser compilado a código nativo. 10. **Swift:** Un lenguaje de programación desarrollado por Apple para el desarrollo de aplicaciones iOS, macOS, watchOS y tvOS. 11. **LISP (List Processing):** Un antiguo lenguaje de programación conocido por su enfoque en la manipulación de listas y su importancia en la inteligencia artificial. 12. **COBOL (Common Business-Oriented Language):** Un antiguo pero aún utilizado lenguaje de programación, especialmente en aplicaciones empresariales y sistemas heredados.

VM (Virtual machines)

How is RegExp pronounced?

En el quiz del módulo anterior me salió una poregunta con una repuesta que estaba mal: a HTML…

Some abbreviation:

  • COBOL is an acronym for COmmon Bosuness-Oriented Language (Lenguaje común Orientado a Negocios).
  • LISP acronym of LISt Processor (Procesamiento de listas).
  • JVM is an initialism of Java Virtual Machine (Máquina virtual Java).

UI: User Interface
WSL: Windows subSystem for Linux
CLI: Command Line Interface

  • Loved the Mariah Carey reference 😃

  • Also I did not know how to pronounce Kubernetes.

En Colombia decimos "voy a mirar el Face(Facebook)"

LISP (list processing)
COBOL (common business - oriented language)

HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol
HTML: HyperText Markup Language
CSS:: cascading style sheets

definitivamente este curso debo de repetirlo, aunque comprendi y entendi la mayoria, pero hubo algunas donde si necesito reforzar, muchas gracias.

SSL (Secure Socket Layer)
TLS (Transport Layer Security)
Telnet (Teletype Network​)
UDP (User Datagram Protocol) se
TCP - Transmission Control Protocol
OSI Model - Open Systems Interconnection model
ACK - ACKNOWLEDGMENT (inglés americano) o ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (inglés británico). En español significa «reconocimiento» o «acuse de recibo».

DNS - Domain Name System
DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
WAF - Web Application Firewall

Other technologies are, for example, Angular (which you have to be careful to not pronounce in Spanish), Solidity, things like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ether, ETH, crypto. Also, file extensions like .py (I think is pronounced like π) or .jsx. Things like README files and markdown for documentation. Folders, files and file architecture. And the CSS preprocessor Sass, different from SaaS.

I didn’t know about the abbreviations for the different shells, it’s interesting