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Paga en 4 cuotas sin intereses

Paga en 4 cuotas sin intereses

Termina en:

12 Días
6 Hrs
56 Min
37 Seg

Congratulations and till the next time!


¡Felicitaciones! Has llegado al final de un nuevo curso de Platzi English Academy.

Repaso del curso

A lo largo de este curso, aprendiste sobre:

  • Desarrollo de software.
  • Lectura de código.
  • Pronunciación de acrónimos y abreviaciones.
  • Mejorar tu inglés como desarrollador.
  • Pronunciación de las tecnologías.
  • Términos relacionados con el equipo de trabajo.
  • Jerga sobre desarrollo de software.
  • Entrevistas de trabajo.

Todos los conceptos están relacionados con el desarrollo de software y tecnología en entornos laborales donde el inglés es el idioma para comunicarnos. Si quieres continuar practicando tu inglés en esta área en específico, te invitados a ver Curso para Developers en Inglés 🚀

Nos vemos ahí. ¡Nunca Pares de Aprender!

Contribución creada por: Kevin Fiorentino.

Aportes 65

Preguntas 1

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¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

Great course! We need more of these!

Excellent course, It brings on all we need for a development position. I’m working as a Developer in Australia and this course has helped me a lot. I would like this course to be extended to cover meeting with the developer team and stakeholders mainly when a problem or disagreement come up. Thanks

take your 5 stars

This course is really cool! I’m already C1 but the new stuff that I’ve learned in just a couple of classes, makes me wonder on what other new knowledge I’m missing by not doing the whole English Academy. I’ll definitely go and check that out. Looking forward to watching new content at Platzi!

Amazin and funny course. Thank you very much for you time and your knowledge

“nunca pares de aprender”, casi me caigo de la sila, al saber que habla español. gracias, la verdad fue muy util la informacion se te agradece enormemente, que tengas una excelente vida 😃

you got unlimited stars

I enjoy a lot this course, the dinamic of the classes where great. I learn a lot of pronuntiation. I am going to start my first job as a developer in english and this will be really helpful. Also, I love the role plays.

Awesome course

Too short 😟

Quizlet: Inglés para Developers [2022 - Platzi]

👋Hey Devs! I just created some units in Quizlet with the vocabulary and phrases in this course.
📚Quizlet is a very famous app to study and create Learning Cards.
I suggest that you study on the ‘Fichas’ mode and set Quizlet to show you the definitions first (I put the clues on ‘Definition’) and try to remember the term on the other side of the card (I put the term to remember on ‘Terms’).
🎉Hope this is useful for you!
Quizlet: Inglés para Developers [2022 - Platzi]

i really love this course

I would have loved this course to be longer, with more situations and roleplays, I really enjoyed it

Thank you so much Delmont Teacher i`ve learned so much from this course
**SUMMARY OF COURSE:**  ### **Class 01: English is needed if you are a developer** * Introduction to the course and instructor * Importance of English in software development * Challenges faced by non-native English speakers * Pronunciation challenges for technical terms (e.g., "cache," "queue," "segue") * Learning English by reading vs. listening and speaking * Common English language mistakes made by native speakers * Mispronunciations and their humorous consequences * Relearning the pronunciation of English words used in development (e.g., "data," "gigabyte," "API") ### **Class 02: Reading code** * Ways to read code: logic vs. syntax * Explaining code with and without mentioning symbols * The importance of proper indentation * The debate between using spaces and tabs * Explanation of symbols used in code (e.g., parentheses, braces, quotes) * Punctuation and special characters in programming (e.g., period, comma, semicolon, dash) * Fun facts about lesser-known characters (e.g., "octothorpe," "caret," "ampersand") * Naming conventions in programming (e.g., "foobar," camel case, snake case, kebab case) ### **Class 03: Acronyms: How they work** * Definition of acronyms and initialisms * Difference between acronyms and initialisms * Articles with acronyms based on sound (e.g., "a URL" vs. "an HTML page") * Common acronyms in technology (e.g., ASCII, ANSI, GIF, JPEG, SaaS) * Numeronyms and their significance (e.g., I18N, L10N, A11Y) * The debate over pronunciation of certain acronyms (e.g., "GIF" vs. "JIF") ### **Class 04: English ++** * How the English language evolves over time, like a programming language * Shortening words (e.g., "docs," "sesh") * Verbification of nouns (e.g., "googling," "friending") * Nounification of verbs (e.g., "uriCreator") * Discussion of inclusive pronouns and their importance (e.g., "he," "she," "they") * Foreign names and how people prefer to be called * Inclusive language in technology (e.g., "master" replaced with "main") ### **Class 06: Technologies** * Key technologies in software development (e.g., operating systems, databases, cloud platforms) * Correct pronunciation of tech terms (e.g., "Linux," "ReactJS") * Programming languages and frameworks (e.g., Python, Django, Ruby on Rails) * Databases and query languages (e.g., SQL, NoSQL) * Cloud services (e.g., AWS, GCP) * Text editors and version control (e.g., Git, VS Code) * Command line technologies (e.g., Bash, Z Shell) ### **Class 07: Teams** * Roles and titles in software development (e.g., junior developer, senior developer) * Engineering ladder (e.g., staff engineer, principal engineer) * Individual contributor (IC) roles vs. management track * C-suite executives in technology (e.g., CTO, CIO) * Different departments in a tech company (e.g., engineering, IT, data science) * Team collaboration (e.g., pairing, agile, stand-ups) * Estimations and project management tools (e.g., Trello, Asana) ### **Class 08: Terms** * Neologisms in software development * Explanation of terms like "bikeshedding," "yak shaving," "boilerplate," and "scaffolding" * Onboarding new employees and tools for getting started * Dogfooding: using your own products * Rubberducking as a problem-solving method * Differences between greenfield and brownfield projects * Managing technical debt ### **Class 09: Role-play: Job Interview** * A simulated software developer job interview * Common interview questions (e.g., technologies used, most challenging projects) * Technical question scenarios and how to approach them * Discussion about company values, team collaboration, and growth opportunities * The importance of asking questions about the role, teams, and company culture ### **Class 10: Role-play: A day at work** * A casual conversation during a daily stand-up meeting * Discussing tasks, blockers, and estimations * Challenges faced in development (e.g., dealing with incorrect setups, deployments) * Agile workflow and the concept of two-week sprints * Collaboration between team members (e.g., code reviews, waiting on styling components)
thank you!
I use arch by the way
I am an expert programmer, but I have never worked as a programmer. Strange, despite this I have worked as a programming teacher. In the good old days my goal was to open gates to other who have had less educational opportunity. Here I am, 35 years later, watching at young people living with the illusion of being named doctor, engineer, entrepreneur, influencer, but not understanding that the name is the mere end of a long route of effort and, sometimes, pain. What is worst, young people cannot detach themselves from using their time dealing with random information; while there is information that helps you to construct a knowledge. You need to understand that it is important to seek information that builds knowledge.
I liked it, I'm preparing fora english interview on a company and i'm pretty excited. With this course i get done with that! Regards Sebastián and Thank you so much!
Gracias por esa motivación: "Nunca pares de aprender"
Sebastian here are 5 of 5 stars for you. The best teacher
I loved this course! Would be a good idea to have a second part involving themes like: 1. How to create comments in a core review process 2. How to respond a code review comments 3. How to explain technical stuff to the product team 4. How to write documentation
When taking the course exam, something piqued my curiosity. In question number 8, which type of case is the variable "TheVariableName"? The correct answer suggested in the exam is "camelcase," but I have my doubts because I knew it by another name, "PascalCase" or "uppercamelcase." Perhaps I was just confused because I had seen it as "TheClassName," which would be considered camelcase. But overall, I just want to know if it's my error or if it's an issue with the course. Thank you.
take your 5 stars good gentleman. You earned them.Hahaha For real this course was excellent and fun..thanks a lot.

Excellent course, it’s exactly what I was looking for to prepare myself before interviews. In no other place we would get this valuable course.

We need more courses like this

Excellent course, friend, congratulations, I am proud that you are there and that you are a Venezuelan. 🇻🇪

Amazing course!!

Now I’m up to date, excellent course, thank you 😃.


This course is very effective, congratulations!!

five strars

It was interesting, sometimes I get confused with the pronunciation but it is practical…

very nice course

Muchas gracias profe Sebastián, realmente demasiados conceptos y aprendizajes en este curso

thanks for this amazing course, I learned so much useful vocabulary and the way of the topics were presented was very cool, Also I really loved the role plays, that was a great addition.



Lo que más me gustó es que en todas las clases el profesor Sebastian y los demás profes entregaron información y consejos que sirven para aplicar directamente en la práctica de una interacción en inglés, especialmente los casos de entrevistas, que es una de las cosas que más se necesita aprender. Excelente curso!

Definitely, I’ve learned a lot from this course, the mock interviews, and role-plays were my favorite. Hope to see more content in English for developers in the platform.

gracias Sebastián Delmont

Thank you team platzi, this is a course quickly by very specif whit the escencial for this field so important in own society.👌🏼

OMG! It was an amazing course 🤩 I want to work as a developer in a foreign country, and I think this course was the closest for that experience. Thanks Platzi and please make more of these contents 💚🤓

Amazing Course. I need it for future interviews. Thank you for preparing this type of course for us. Thank you, Platzi and teacher Sebastian Delmont.

I loved it.

Thanks teacher, excellent cours.

Excellent course.

Awesome course! I love it

Muchas gracias a Sebastian por este curso.
Un detalle que me gustó mucho fue la cercanía al estar de nuestro lado al defender que nos llamen por nuestro nombre y a no tolerar preguntas incómodas en entrevistas.
Thank you!

Excellent Service!

Excellent course for juniors developers. I love it

Amazing course! I loved how they focused on preparing you to work in the industry

Very good of course!

It was really interesting and fun 😄 Thanks

Great course!!!

I´m proud of myself because I didn´t have to use subtittles in most of the videos and I understood everything, thanks to the professor to share all the knowledges with us.

I love this teacher!

Great course!

Wonderful course thank you!

I will definitely give you the five stars.

What a great course xD, I’m really excited to be part of a team and start working with people using stand-up meetings, or the rubberducking method xD I didn’t even know it had that name in software engineering, I’ve used that without conscience.

I enjoyed this course, I learned a lot. I Would have liked to see the phonemes of the words.

Thank you, Sebastian! An excellent, but short, course about software development. Thanks Platzi! One course more of Platzi English Academy.

Thank you. Was a great course.

I love this course

Never stop learning!

amazing course, I learned a lot 😃