my favorite class
English is needed if you are a Developer
Developing in English
Reading code
Acronyms: How they work
Project: Create and read your code
Quiz: Developing in English
The Developer Vocabulary
Role-play: Job Interview
Role-play: A day at work
Quiz: The Developer Vocabulary
Congratulations and till the next time!
Tell us what you learned in the course
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¡Continúa aprendiendo! Únete y comienza a potenciar tu carrera
Sebastián Delmont
Llegará ese momento, si te lo propones, donde tengas que comunicarte en inglés en una entrevista de trabajo. Vamos a prepararte para ello.
Las típicas preguntas en una entrevista en español te las realizarán en inglés. Si tienes experiencia en entrevistas de trabajo, ya sabes qué respuestas practicar. De lo contrario, aquí tienes una lista de las preguntas más habituales para puestos de trabajo relacionados con desarrollo de software.
Prepara la respuesta a algunas preguntas normales de cualquier entrevista de trabajo.
Está muy bien visto que tú hagas tus propias preguntas sobre las cosas que quieres saber o indagar sobre la empresa. Veamos algunos ejemplos:
Recuerda que Platzi está para prepararte en todo. Con el Curso de Inglés para Entrevistas de Trabajo estarás listo o lista para afrontar esa entrevista en inglés y ser aceptado en esa empresa que tanto deseas.
Contribución creada por: Kevin Fiorentino.
Aportes 88
Preguntas 2
my favorite class
Great example of an actual job interview!
I love they did the full interview, pointing it out common situations like being nervous and ways to react to trick questions.
Es genial como muestran este ejemplo, pero hay un tema, es un escenario controlado, normalmente en una entrevista hoy en día es por teléfono o videollamada y los microfonos que usan en esas llamadas son pesimas y no se les entiende absolutamente nada, haciendo pesanr que uno no sabe inglès, en este ejemplo, le entendí un 90% de lo que decian, eso, es un tema. No lo vean como negativo, sino, trabajen mucho en su “listening” y practiquen mucho!
My favourite class so far!
Damn this was exactly as my last interview, the only difference is mine was online, and there are several disadvantages!
My advices for you guys, from someone that passed the interview and now I am working in a big tech company in just 8 months of learning:
Just practice a lot your english, your listening and speaking skills, mostly conversational, and have lots of talks with everyone, this going to help you a lot.
Typical questions from the interviewer:
This is pure gold. Thanks a lot for the course, and this particular role play is priceless for juniors.
BTW I’m also very good at failing 😂 good to know some companies value that skill 🤣
The video’s angles are like a pokemon battle 😁
I have had questions like:
Good actor!
If programming was an anime 2 This video is awesome for those technical interviews 😂😂
What a wonderful example!
I really enjoyed this job interview!
It reminds me of some job interviews, at first feeling a little nervous, but with practice and taking more interviews it has really helped me a lot to prepare myself to answer all the typical questions that are given in an interview.
I’m in love with the way that you break the third wall.
That’s a tipical interview. oh, and by the way, the answer to the trick question was “unscoped”.
The kind of question you get asked will show you what kind of company you will working in.
Pay attention to that and it’s okay to walk away from an interview where the questions don’t feel good for you.
You are a software developer, you can find plentyof opportunities, and you don’t have to tolerate questions like that.
these three questions are very common but relax, practice and learn to answer them
This class was amazing, If you know find info in the documentation this is a good skill as developer
You guys rock! Not only for being awesome actors but for the great content you give! 👏👏
This felt like really well inside my heart. I was picturing myself rocking at the interview and often I pray for having an opportunity like this one. I think I’m ready to work with an English-speaking developer team.
OMG you know what, in my last interview I have this can of question and I felt very bad for don’t know the answer.
2:49 breaking the fourth wall, LOL!
It was an excellent example.
What a great value in only 7 minutes!.
What an amazing class, I enjoyed it a lot.
Great scene
Excellent exercise, very useful for people with no experience in that
It was a really interesting role play, I had never seen an interview in English. Thank u so much!
it’s so amazing!!
Con que rompiendo la 4ta pared
Great interview!
This kind of information is super valuable. Thanks.
The best of the best, thanks.
If there were a like button, I’ll press it many times! I like those role-play videos.
Great hahahahah
I really really loved this class! It worth the whole course!
OK, the format of this class it was amazing. I’ve loved it! Please more role-play in English courses
Great interview! 👌
My favorite class!!
Me gusto mucho como se desenvolvieron los personajes, la trama, la historia, de como rompió la cuarta pared, ese giro un tanto inesperado de irse y sobre todo, el final feliz 😜
Nice class
This as been the best class ever !!! I really enjoyed it and loved it !!!
I like this course, my favorite class, thank you teacher Delmont!
The sebastian’s english is simply amazing, the knowledge of this course but especially this class is … (complete the phrase).
I loved it.
My story of my life, i studied civil engenieer in the university, i got into software development🤣
I didn’t expect a class like this… I feel like I can do an interview now 😂😂
It’s good to know this type of information. I don’t had idea about the typical process. Thanks
This was the best class!
I just wanted to see it, a real interview
Amazing interpretation
Excelente clase. Tuve entrevistas que fueron realmente un examen oral y un repaso por todo lo que uno puede saber. La verdad una buena experiencia finalmente.-
great class!!!
Wow excelent class, helped me to get more conidence for interviews in english 😄
a mí me paso que en el code challenge me quede trabado y el entrevistador de plano se durmió, me di cuenta por que roncaba. En el momento y hasta el día de hoy es una situación que me genero mucha verguenza, me alegra que el profe diga que esta bien salirse de las entrevistas…
I like this class so much that I want to press “like” but this is not youtube lol
Awesome!!! I learn so much from this class. #Feeling excited to continue…
Me super fascinó esta clase. Un ejemplo de entrevista real en ingles, era algo muymuy necesario! Gracias por esta clase, en serio.
A developer who knows React and Ruby with some knowledge of cloud but also builds software for satellites doesn’t sound junior to me at all lol. Great lesson guys mock interviews are a great way to sharpen our language and soft skills.
Tuve una pregunta en una entrevista para Administrador de Empresas donde me dijeron que si me gustaba caminar bastante y vender puerta a puerta…algo que no se mencionaba en las tareas del perfil, puesto que éste estaba perfilado para un cargo administrativo
gracias por los tips
I need watch this class everyday ❤️
This is what I needed, I’m just about to have my first interview for an internship and it has given me a clear example of how to deal whit it.
Kudos ! What a great class and example of a Job Interview
2:49, Sebastian breaks the Matrix. 🤯🔥
Wow, my favorite class…!
it’s a good way to learn
I really like dynamic of this class. It´s something different of another classes and it´s a role-play that doesn´t feel strange, it´s really interesting. I enjoyed watching it.
now I feel that I’m really learning with Platzi English courses. I really appreciate all your work.
This has been a really good example of a really interesting interview, I appreciate what Sebastian and all the Platzi team do for us, thanks a looot.
no es por nada, pero aprendi bastante en cuanto se utilizan ciertas palabras.
Ohh great performers there!! congrats!
An amazing way to give a better idea about the job interviews, I hope that all of us will be in that situation soon!
Excellent interview! Thanks for sharing your experience with us.
Great interview, I love it
I am very good at failing too! This is part of life, and it is how we learn.
Satellite, hardware, chat, uhm… I feel like I’m following a path of breadcrumbs
like if you know what I’m talking about
What a great lesson, loved the honesty there.
wow…great interview
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