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Artículos indefinidos en Inglés: "a" y "an"


Aportes 2938

Preguntas 60

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Como identificar las excepciones:

  • A se usa no solo para consonantes, sino también para las que suenan como consonantes.
    Ejemplo: University (suena como ‘Y’ -> yiuniversity) y por eso es a university
  • Lo mismo pasa con An, no solo se usa para vocales, sino tambien para las que suenan como vocales
    Ejemplo: FBI (suena como “ef-bi-ai”). Al sonar como vocal la “ef” se usa an fbi y no a fbi

A y AN son articulos.
En castellano los articulos son:
a) determinados: el, la, los, las
b) indeterminados: un, una, uno, unos, unas.

En inglés, AN se utiliza antes de una vocal, por ejemplo: AN image.

A, se utiliza en consonantes, las consonantes son sonidos particulares de las letras del alfabeto a excepción de las vocales. Ejemplo: A comment

AN is an article that we use with vowels.

  • AN app
  • AN emoji
  • AN option
  • AN image
  • AN upload

A is the article we use with consonants.

  • A button
  • A comment
  • A direct message
  • A friend request
  • A graph
  • A hambueger menu
  • A join group button
  • A kick out button
  • A like
  • A message
  • A notification
  • A profile
  • A query
  • A restriction
  • A settings icon
  • A timeline
  • A view
  • A website
  • A xylophone sound
  • A yearbook
  • A Zzz status

🚧🚧 Exception ⚠️⚠️

  • A university
  • A usermane

Homework 🍎📑

  • A profile picture.
  • An icon color.
  • A comment to share our thoughts with other users.

Here my homework:

  1. A profile picture: To show our face
  2. An icon color: To reflect our personality
  3. A comment to share our thoughts with other users.

Exercise Responses:

  1. a profile picture: To show our face
  2. an icon color: to reflect our personality
  3. a comment to share our thoughts with other users

Les compartos mis Apustes. Espero que sea de buena utlidad.

A good hour actually exists the IA and with CHATGPT we can practice each module from this course.

1.- A profile picture: To sow our face
2.- An icon color: to reflect our personality
3.- A comment to share our thoughts with other users

  • A profile picture: to show our face
  • An Icon color: to reflect our personality
  • A comment to share our thoughts with other users

A profile picture: To show our face
AN icon color: To reflect our personality
A comment to share our thoughts with other users.

  1. A profile picture: to show our face.
  2. An icon color: to reflect our personality.
  3. A comment to share our thoughts with other users.

A and AN

A and AN refer to only one person, place,or thing or noun.

AN use whit vowels
AN = a -e-i-o-u
An app
an emoji
an image
an option
an upload

A is use with consonants
a button
a comment
a direct message
a friend request
a graph
a hamburger menu
a join group button
a kick out button
a like
a message
a notification
a profile
a query
a restriction
a settings icon
a timeline
a view
a website
a xylophone sound
a yearbook
a zzz status

AN A university
++AN ++A username

A profile picture: to show our face
AN icon color: To reflect our personality
A Comment to share our thoughts with other users


-> A profile picture: To show our face.
-> AN icon color: to reflect oru personality.
-> A comments to share our thoughts with other users

A __ Profile picture: To show our face
An__ icon color: to reflect our personality
A __ comment to share our thoughts with other users

a, an, a
A profile picture. To show our face An icon color. To reflect our personality. A comment to share our thoughts with other users.

Complete the sentences with A o AN.

  • A profile picture: To show our face.

  • An icon color: to reflect outr personality.

  • Acomment to share our thoughts with other users.

![](á practicando con chat gpt y no puedo creer q no pegué ninguna y estuve 10m o mas minutos pensando palabras, PALABRAS . La de espaguetti esta confiado de q estaba mal escrito pero pensaba q estaba bien, hasta q me lleve esa sorpresa
a profilepicture:to show our face. an icon color: to reflect out personality. a comment to shar our thoghts with others users
a profle an icone a comment
1. A 2. An 3. A
A profile picture: To show our face An Icon color: to reflect our personality A comment to share our thoughts with other uasers
1.- a profile picture: to show our face. 2.- an icon color: to reflect our personality. 3.- a comment to share our throughts with other users.
1. A 2. AN 3. A

A profile picture: To show our face.
An icon color: to reflect our personality.
A comment to share our thoughts with other users.

![]( info. <>
Normalmente se usa "a" antes de palabras que comienzan con consonantes y "an" antes de palabras que comienzan con vocales. Sin embargo, hay excepciones a esta regla. Aquí tienes algunas: 1. Se usa "an" delante de palabras que comienzan con "h" no acentuada. Ejemplo: "an hour" (una hora). 2. Se usa "an" delante de palabras que comienzan con "u" con sonido de "yu". Ejemplo: "an umbrella" (un paraguas). 3. Se usa "a" delante de palabras que comienzan con "o" con sonido de "w". Ejemplo: "a one-way street" (una calle de sentido único). 4. Se usa "a" delante de palabras que comienzan con "h" acentuada. Ejemplo: "a hotel" (un hotel). 5. Se usa "a" delante de palabras que comienzan con "eu" con sonido de "yu". Ejemplo: "a eulogy" (un elogio fúnebre).
**1.- <u>A</u>** *profile picture: to show our face.* ***2.-*** **<u>AN</u>** *icon color: to reflect our personality.* **3.- <u>A</u>** *comment to share our thoughts with other users.*
* A profile picture. To show our face. * An icon color: to reflect our personality. * A comment to share our thoughts with other users.
A profile picture: To show our face An icon color: to reflect our personality A comment to share our thoughts with other users
**A** profile picture: To show our face. **An** icon color : to reflect our personality. **A** comment to share our thoughts other users.
  • A profile picture: To show our face.
  • AN icon color: to reflect oru personality.
  • A comments to share our thoughts with other users

A profile picture: To show our face.
An incon color: to reflect our pesonality.
A comment to share our thoughts with other users.

A profile picture: to show our face.
AN icon color: to reflect our personality.
A comment to share our thoughts with other users.


Expection: An University(incorrect) ** A** University (correct) An Username(incorrect) A Username (correct)

  • A profile picture: to show our face
  • An icon color: To reflect our personality
  • A comment to share oyr thoughts with other users

Time to practice: @emayaml

  • A profile picture, to show our face.
  • An icon color to reflect our personality.
  • A comment to share our thoughts with other users.

A profile picture: To show our face.
An icon color: to reflect our personality.
A comment to share our thoughts with other users.

A profile picture: To show our face
An icon color: to reflect our personality
A comment to shar our thoughts with other users.

A profile picture: To show our face.
An icon color: to reflect our personality.
A comment to share our thougths with other users.

AN is an article that we use with vowels.

-AN app
-AN emoji
-AN option
-AN image
-AN upload

A is the article we use with consonants.

-A button
-A comment
-A direct message
-A friend request
-A graph

Complete the sentesnces with A or An in the discussion panel:

A profile picture: to show our face.

An icon color: to reflect our personality.

A comment to share our thoughts with other users.

Aprofile picture: to show our face

An icon color: to reflect our personality

A comment to share our thoughts with other users

A An a

A profile picture: To show our face.
An icon color : to reflect our personality.
A comment to share our thoughts with other users.

A profile: to show aour face
AN icon color: to reflect our personality
A comment to share our thoughts with other users


A profile picture: To show our face.
An icon clor: to reflect our personality.
A comment to share our thoughts with other users.

A profile picture: To show our face.
An icon color: to reflect our personality.
A comment to sher our thoghts with other users.

Hi. This is my exercise:

  1. A profile picture: to show our face
  2. An icon color: to reflect your personality
  3. A comment to share our thoughts with other users
  1. A profile picture…
  2. An icon color…
  3. A comment to share our…

A profile picture
An icon color
A comment to share


An profile picture: To show our face.
A icon color: to reflect our personality.
An comment to share our thoughts with other users.

  1. A se usa no solo para consonantes, sino también para las que suenan como consonantes.
    Ejemplo: University (suena como ‘Y’ -> yiuniversity) y por eso es a university

  2. An no solo se usa para vocales, sino tambien para las que suenan como vocales
    Ejemplo: FBI (suena como “ef-bi-ai”). Al sonar como vocal la “ef” se usa an fbi y no a fbi

  1. A profile picture. To show our face.
  2. An icons color. to reflect our personality.
  3. A comment to share our thoughts with others users.

A profile picture: To show your face.

An icon color: to reflect our personality.
A comment to share our thoughts with other users.

  1. A
  2. AN
  3. A
  • A profile: to show our face.
  • An icon color: to reflext our personality
  • A comment to share our thoughts with other users.

A profile picture: to show our face.

An icon color: to reflect our personality.

A comment to share our thoughts with other users.

  • A profile picture: To show your face

  • An icon color: To reflect our personality.

  • A comment to share our thoughts with other users

  • A profile picture: To show our face.
  • An icon color: to reflect our personality.
  • A comment to share our thoughts with other users.
  • A profile picture: To show our face.
  • An icon picture: To reflect our personality.
  • A comment to share our thoughts with other users.
  • It was an amazing class.


  • A profile picture: To show our face.

  • AN icon color: to reflect oru personality.

  • A comments to share our thoughts with other users

  • A profile picture: To show our face.
  • An icon color; to reflect our personality.
  • A comment to share our thoughts with other users.

2. An

Como ya lo han explicado otros compañeros, más que identificar si la siguiente palabra inicia con vocal o consonante, hay que identificar el sonido de como inicia la siguiente palabra. En libros de SAP, ellos deletrean S=es A=ei P=pi, por lo tanto lo escriben “an SAP app”.

A Profile picture: To show our face.
An icon color: To reflect our personality.
A comment to share our thoughts with other users.

  1. A profile picture: To show our face
    2.An icon color: to reflect our personality
    3.A comment to share our thoughts with other uses
  1. A
  2. An
  3. A
  1. A profile picture. To show our face.
    icon color: to reflect our personality.
  2. **A **comment to share our thoughts with other users.
  1. A profile picture: To show our face
  2. AN icon color: to reflect our personality
  3. A comment to share our thoughts with other users
  • A profile picture: To show our face.

  • An icon color: to reflect our personality.

  • A comment to share our thoughts with other users.

  • a profile picture. to show our face
  • An icon color: to reflect our personality
  • a comments to share our thoughts with other users
  • A profile picture: To show our face.
  • An icon color: to reflect our personality.
  • A comment to share our thoughts with other users.
  • A profile picture: To show our face.
  • An icon color: to reflect our personality
  • A comment to share our thoughts with other users.
  1. A
  2. An
  3. A
  1. A profile picture: To show our face
  2. An icon color: to reflect our personality
  3. A comment to share our thoughts wiht other users

1.- A profile picture: To show our face.
2.- An icon color: To reflect our personality.
3.- a comment to share our thoughts with other users.

  • A profile picture: To show our face.

  • An icon color: to reflect our personality.

  • A comment to share our thoughts wiht other users.

A profile picture. To show our face
An icon color. to reflect our personality
A comment to share our thoughts with other users.

  1. A profile pinture: To show our face
  2. An icon color: to reflect our personality
  3. A comment to share our thoughts with other users.
  1. A profile picture: To show our face.
  2. An icon color: to reflect our personality.
  3. A comment to share our thoughts with others users.

A profille picture: To Show our face.
An icon color: to reflect our personality.
A comment to share our thoughts with other users.

a profile
an icon color
a comment

A profile: To show our face.
An icon color: reflect our personality.
A comment to share our thoughts with other users.

  1. A profile picture: To show our face.
  2. An icon color: to reflect our personality.
  3. A coment to share our thoughts with other users.

A profile picture: To show our face.
An icon color: to reflect our personality.
A comment to share our thoughts with other users.

Mi name is: Diego
A profile picture: to show our face. An icon color: to reflect our personality. A comment to share our thoughts with other users.
¡ This course is excellent!
1. A profile picture: To show our face. 2. An icon color: to reflect our personality. 3. A comment to share your thoughts with other users.
A profile picture: To show our face. An icon color: to reflect our personality. A comment to share your thoughts with other users.