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Sustantivos plurales en Inglés


Aportes 3347

Preguntas 29

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Homework 📚🍎✨

  • 1 message, 3 messageS
  • 1 status, 5 statusES
  • 1 option, 10 optionS
  • 1 comment, 2 commentS
  • 1 query, 6 querIES
  • 1 profile, 8 profileS
  • 1 notification, 2 notificationS

**Plural forms **

  • Words S an ES.
    S,_ example:_ Folder/Folders, Picture/Pictures

Palabras terminadas en: S,SH,CH,X,Z= ES, example: Quizz/Quizzes , Status/Statuses

  • Words with Y.
    Vowels+Y= S, For example: Videos replays
    Consonants+Y= IES, _For example:_Replies

Irregular Plural Forms

  • 1 Woman (singular form), 2 Women (plural form).

  • 1 Person (singular form), 4 People (plural form).

  • 1 Child (singular form), 5 Children (plural form)


Les comparto mi Aporte. Espero que sea de Utilidad

  • 1 message, 3 messages.
  • 1 status, 5 statuses.
  • 1 option, 10 options.
  • 1 comment, 2 comments.
  • 1 query, 6 queries.
  • 1 profile, 8 profiles.
  • 1 notification, 2 notifications.

1 message, 3 messages.
1 status, 5 statuses.
1 option, 10 options.
1 comment, 2 comments.
1 query, 6 queries.
1 profile, 8 profiles.
1 notification, 2 notifications

3 messages
5 statuses
10 options
6 queries
8 profiles
2 notifications

  • 1 message, 3 messages.
  • 1 status, 5 statuses.
  • 1 option, 10 options .
  • 1 comment, 2 comments.
  • 1 querry, 6 querries.
  • 1 profile, 8 profiles.
  • 1 notification, 2 notifications.
  1. 1 message, 3 messages
  2. 1 status, 5 statuses
  3. 1 option, 10 options
  4. 1 comment, 2 comments
  5. 1 query, 6 queries
  6. 1 profile, 8 profiles
  7. 1 notification, 2 notifications

3 messages
5 statuses
10 options
6 queries
8 profiles
2 notifications

++Homework ++

1 message, 3 messages
1 status, 5 statues
1 option, 10 options
1 comment, 2 comments
1 query. 6 queries
1 profile, 8 profiles
1 notification, 2 notifications


Words S an ES.
S,_ example:_ Folder/Folders, Picture/Pictures
Palabras terminadas en: S,SH,CH,X,Z= ES, example: Quizz/Quizzes , Status/Statuses

Words with Y.
Vowels+Y= S, For example: Videos replays
Consonants+Y= IES, _For example:_Replies
Irregular Plural Forms

1 Woman (singular form), 2 Women (plural form).

1 Person (singular form), 4 People (plural form).

1 Child (singular form), 5 Children (plural form)

📖 Regular and irregular nouns examples:
In the English language, the plural form of a noun is used to indicate more than one person, place, thing, or idea. The formation of plural nouns can vary depending on the noun’s singular form and its underlying rules. Here are some general guidelines:

  1. Regular Plurals: Most English nouns form their plurals by adding “-s” to the singular form. For example:
    • Singular: cat / Plural: cats
    • Singular: book / Plural: books
  2. Plurals ending in “-es”: Some nouns require the addition of “-es” to form their plurals. This usually applies to nouns ending in “-s,” “-x,” “-z,” “-ch,” or “-sh.” For example:
    • Singular: box / Plural: boxes
    • Singular: brush / Plural: brushes
  3. Plurals ending in “-ies”: Some nouns ending in a consonant followed by a “y” form their plurals by replacing the “y” with “ies.” For example:
    • Singular: baby / Plural: babies
    • Singular: city / Plural: cities
  4. Irregular Plurals: Some nouns have irregular plural forms that do not follow the standard rules. These plurals must be learned individually. For example:
    • Singular: child / Plural: children
    • Singular: mouse / Plural: mice
  5. Plurals that remain the same: Some nouns have the same form in both singular and plural, regardless of the quantity. For example:
    • Singular: sheep / Plural: sheep
    • Singular: deer / Plural: deer

PD: It’s your turn! Answers
1 message, 3 messages
1 status, 5 statuses
1 option, 10 options
1 comment, 2 comments
1 query, 6 queries
1 profile, 8 profiles
! notification, 2 notifications

  1. 1 message, 3 messages.
  2. 1 status, 5 statuses.
  3. 1 option, 10 options.
  4. 1 comment, 2 comments.
  5. 1 query, 6 queries.
  6. 1 profile, 8 profiles.
  7. 1 notification, 2 notifications.

Make these words plural:

1 message, 3 messages
1 status, 5 estatuses
1 option, 10 options
1 comment, 2 comments
1 query, 6 queries
1 profile, 8 profiles
1 notification, 2 notifications

1 Message, 3 messageS
1 Status, 5 statuseS
1 Option, 10 optionS
1 Comment, 2 commentS
1 Query, 6 queryIES
1 Profile, 8 profileS
1 Notification, 2 notificationS

  • 3 messages
  • 5 statuses
  • 10 options
  • 6 queries
  • 8 profiles
  • 2 notifications
  • 1 message , 3 nmessages
  • 1 status, 5 statuses
  • 1 option , 10 options
  • 1 comment , 2 comments
  • 1 query , 6 queries
  • 1 profile , 8 profiles
  • 1 notification , 2 notifications
  • 1 message, 3 messageS

  • 1 status, 5 statusES

  • 1 option, 10 optionS

  • 1 comment, 2 commentS

  • 1 query, 6 querIES

  • 1 profile, 8 profileS

  • 1 notification, 2 notificationS

1 message, 3 messages
1 status, statuses
1option, 10 options
1 coment, 2 coments
1 query, 6 queries
1 profile, 8 profiles
1 notificaction,2 notifications


  1. 1 message, 3 mesages
  2. 1 status, 5 statuses
  3. 1 option, 10 options
  4. 1 comment, 2 comments
  5. 1 query, 6 queries
  6. 1 profile, 8 profiles
  7. 1 notification, 2 notifications
1 message, 3 message<u>S</u> 1 status, 5 status<u>ES</u> 1 option, 10 option<u>S</u> 1 comment, 2 comment<u>S</u> 1 query, 6 querI<u>ES</u> 1 profile, 8 profil<u>ES</u>, 1 notification, 2 notification<u>S</u>
Lista de formas irregulares del plural en inglés, junto con sus significados más comunes: 1. **Singular: child - Plural: children** (Niño/niña - Niños/niñas) 2. **Singular: foot - Plural: feet** (Pie - Pies) 3. **Singular: goose - Plural: geese** (Ganso - Gansos) 4. **Singular: louse - Plural: lice** (Piojo - Piojos) 5. **Singular: man - Plural: men** (Hombre - Hombres) 6. **Singular: mouse - Plural: mice** (Ratón - Ratones) 7. **Singular: ox - Plural: oxen** (Buey - Bueyes) 8. **Singular: person - Plural: people** (Persona - Personas) 9. **Singular: tooth - Plural: teeth** (Diente - Dientes) 10. **Singular: woman - Plural: women** (Mujer - Mujeres) 11. **Singular: cactus - Plural: cacti / cactuses** (Cactus - Cactus) 12. **Singular: fungus - Plural: fungi / funguses** (Hongo - Hongos) 13. **Singular: phenomenon - Plural: phenomena** (Fenómeno - Fenómenos) 14. **Singular: thesis - Plural: theses** (Tesis - Tesis) 15. **Singular: crisis - Plural: crises** (Crisis - Crisis) 16. **Singular: analysis - Plural: analyses** (Análisis - Análisis) 17. **Singular: basis - Plural: bases** (Base - Bases) 18. **Singular: axis - Plural: axes** (Eje - Ejes) 19. **Singular: criterion - Plural: criteria** (Criterio - Criterios) 20. **Singular: diagnosis - Plural: diagnoses** (Diagnóstico - Diagnósticos)
1 message, 3 messages 1 status, 5 statues 1 option, 10 options 1 comment, 2 comments 1 query, 6 queies 1 profile, 8 profiles 1 notification, 2 notifications

1 message, 3 message_S_
1 status, 5 status_ES_
1 option, 10 option_S_
1 comment, 2 comment_S_
1 query, 6 quer_IES_
1 profile, 8 profile_S_
1 notification, 2 notification_S_

one message,thres messages
one status, five statuses
one option, Ten options
one comment, two comments
One query, six queries
one profile, eight profiles
one notification, two notifications

  • 1message, 3 messages
  • 1status, statuses
  • 1option, 10 opt
  • 1 comment, 2 comments
  • 1 query, 6 queries
  • 1 profile, 8 profiles
  • 1 notificaction,2 notifications


1 messag, 3 mesages
1 status, 5 statuses
1 option,10 options
1 comment, 2 comments
1 query, 6 queries
1 Profile 8 Profiles
1 notification, 2 notificatios

  • 1 message, 3 messages
  • 1 status, 5 statuses
  • 1 option, 10 options
  • 1 comments, 2 comments
  • 1 query, 6 queries
  • 1 profile, 8 profiles
  • 1 notification, 2 notifications

1 message, 3 messages
1 status, 5 statues
1 option, 10 options
1 comment, 2 comments
1 query, 6 queries
1 profile, 8 profiles
1 notification, 2 notifications

— 1 message, 3 messageS
— 1 status, 5 statusES
— 1 option, 10 optionS
— 1 comment, 2 commentS
— 1 query, 6 querIES
— 1 profile, 8 profileS
— 1 notification, 2 notificationS

Desconocía el plural terminado en Y- Gracias

My homework

-1 message, 3 messageS
-1 status, 5 statusES
-1 option, 10 optionS
-1 comment, 2 commentS
-1 query, 6 querIES
-1 profile, 8 profileS
-1 notification, 2 notificationS


  1. 1 message, 3 messages
  2. 1 status, 5 statuses
  3. 1 option, 10 options
  4. 1 comment, 2 comments
  5. 1 query, 6 queries
  6. 1 profile, 8 profiles
  7. 1 notification, 2 notifications
  1. messages
  2. statuses
  3. options
  5. queries
  6. profiles
  7. notifications

3 messages, 5 statuses,10 options, 2comments
6 queries, 8 profiles, 2 notificatios

1 message, 3 messages
1 status, 5 statuses
1option, 10 options
1 coment, 2 comments
1 query, 6 queries
1 profile, 8 profiles
1 notificaction, 2 notifications

  • 1 message, 3 messages.
  • 1 status, 5 statuses.
  • 1 option, 10 options.
  • 1 comment, 2 comments.
  • 1 query, 6 queries.
  • 1 profile, 8 profiles.
  • 1 notification, 2 notifications.

1 message, 3 messages
1 status, 5 statuses
1 opinion. 10 opinions
1 comment, 2 comments
1 query, 2 queries
1 profile, 6 profiles
1 notification. 2 notifications

1 message, 3 messages
1 sattus, 5 statuses
1 option, 10 options
1 comment, 6 comments
1 query, 6 queries
1 profile, 8 profiles
1 notification, 2 notifications

1 message 3 messages 1 status. 5 statuses 1 option. 10 optins 1query. 6 queries 1 profile. 8 profiles 1 comment. 2 comments 1 notification 2 notifications

1 message, 3 messages
1 status, 5 statuses
1 option, 10 options
1 comment, 2 comments
1 query, 6 queries
1 profile, 8 profiles
1 notification, 2 notifications


  • 1 message, 3 messages
  • 1 status, 5 statuses
  • 1 option, 10 options
  • 1 comment, 2 comments
  • 1 query, 6 queries
  • 1 profile, 6 profiles
  • 1 notification, 2 notifications

1 message, 3 messages
1 status, 5 statuses
1 option, 10 options
1 comment, 2 comments
1 query, 6 queries
1 profile, 8 profiles
1 notification, 2 notifications

3 messages
5 statusses
10 options
6 queries
8 profiles
2 notifications

HomeWork 📚✏️
1 message, 3 messages
1 status, 5 statuses
1 option, 10 options
1 comment, 2 comments
1 query, 6 queries
1 profile, 8 profiles
1 notification, 2 notifications

1.- 1 message, 3 messages
2.- 1 status, 5 statuses
3.- 1 option, 10 options
4.- 1 comment, 2 comments
5.- 1 query, 6 queries
6.- 1 profile, 8 profiles
7.- 1 notification, 2 notifications

3 messages
5 statuses
10 options
6 querys
8 profiles
2 notifications

  • 1 message, 3 messages
  • 1 status, 5 statuses
  • 1 option, 10 options
  • 1 comment, 2 comments
  • 1 query, 6 queries
  • 1 profile, 8 profiles
  • 1 notification, 2 notifications

1 message, 3 messageS
1status , 5 statusES
1 option, 10 optionS
1 comment, 2 commentS
1 query, 6 querIES
1 profile, 8 profileS
1 notification, 2 notificationS

* 1 message, 3 message***<u>s</u>*** * 1 status, 5 status***<u>es</u>*** * 1 option, 10 option***<u>s</u>*** * 1 comment, 2 comment***<u>s</u>*** * 1 query, 6 quer***<u>ies</u>*** * 1 profile, 8 profile***<u>s</u>*** * 1 notification, 2 notification***<u>s</u>***
1 message 3 messages 1 status 5 statuses 1 option 10 options 1 comment 2 comments 1 query 6 queries 1 profile 8 profiles 1 notification 2 notifications
* 1 message, 3 messages * 1 status, 5 statuses * 1 option, 10 options * 1 comment, 2 commentS * 1 query, 6 querIES * 1 profile, 8 profileS * 1 notification, 2 notificationS
\*1 message, 3 messages \*1 status, 5 statuses \*1 option, 10 options \*1 comment, 2 comments \*1 query, 6 queries \*1 profile, 8 profiles \*1 notification, 2 notifications
My Homework is here ![](
Make these words plural: 1 message, 3 messages 1 status, 5 statuses 1 option, 10 options 1 comment, 2 comments 1 query, 6 queries 1 profile, 8 profiles 1 notification, 2 notifications
Make these words plural: 1 message, 3 messages 1 status, 5 statuses 1 option, 10 options 1 comment, 2 comments 1 query, 6 querys 1 profile, 8. profiles 1 notification, 2 notifications
1.- 1 message , 3 messages 2.- 1 status, 5 statuses 3.- 1 opinion , 10 opinions 4.- 1 comment , 2 comments 5.- 1 query 6 queries 6.- 1 profile , 8 profiles 7.- 1 notification , 2 notifications
1. 1 message, 3 messageS 2. 1 status, 5 statusES 3. 1 option, 10 optionS 4. 1 comment, 2 commentS 5. 1 query, 6 querIES 6. 1 profile, 8 profileS 7. 1 notification, 2 notificationS
+3 messages +5 statuses +10 options +2 comments +6 queries +8 profiles +2 notifications
![]( ![](
Homework * 1 message, 3 message**S** * 1 status, 5 status**ES** * 1 option, 10 option**S** * 1 comment, 2 comment**S** * 1 query, 6 quer**IES** * 1 profile, 8 profile**S** * 1 notification, 2 notification**S**
**1 message , 3 messages** **1 estatus, 5 estatuses** **1 option, 10 options** **1 comment, 2 comments** **1 query, 6 queries** **1 profile , 8 profiles** **1 notification, 2 notifications**
3 messages 5 statuses 10 options 2 comments 6 querys 8 profiles 2 notifcations
sos, no me quedo muy clareo cuando es una consonante y lleva Y, en que casos se da el ejemplo no lo entendi muchas gracias
1 message,3 messages 1 status,5 statuses 1option,10 options. 1 comment,2 comments. 1 query,6 queries. 1 profile,8 profiles. 1 notification,2 notifications.
3 Messages 5 Statuses 10 Options 2 Comments 6 Queries 8 Profile 2 Notifications
1 message, 3 messages 1 status, 5 statuses 1 option, 10 options 1 comment, 2 comments 1 query, 6 queries 1 profile, 8 profiles 1 notification, 2 notifications
* 3 messages * 5 statuses * 10 options * 2 comments * 6 queries * 8 profiles * 2 notifications
My turn! I solved it like this: 3 message**s.** 5 staton**s.** 2 comment**s.** 6 quer**ies.** 8 profile**s.** 2 notification**s.**
* 1 message, 3 messages * 1 option, 5 options * 1 status, 5 statues * 1 comment, 10 comments * 1 query, 6 queries * 1 profile, 8 profiles * 1 notification, 2 notifications
1 message, 3 messages 1 status, 5 statues 1 option, 10 options 1 comment, 2 comments 1 query, 6 queries 1 profile, 8 profiles 1 notification, 2 notifications
Homework 1 message, 3 message**s** 1 status, 5 status**es** 1 option, 10 option**s** 1 comment, 2 comment**s** 1 query, 6 queri**es** 1 profile, 8 profile**s** 1 notification, 2 notitification**s**
* 1 message, 3 message**s** * 1 status, 5 statu**es** * 1 option, 10 option**s** * 1 comment, 2 comment**s** * 1 query, 6 quer**ies** * 1 profile, 8 profile**s** * 1 notification, 2 notification**s**
1 message, 3 messageS 1status, 5 statusES 1option, 10 optionS 1comment, 2 commentS 1 query, 6 querIES 1 profile, 8 profileS 1 notification, 2 notificationS
It's My turn 😎 1 Message, 3 Message**s** 1 Status, 5 Status**es** 1 Option, 10 Option**s** 1 Comment, 2 Comment**s** 1 Query, 6 Quer**ies** 1 Profile, 8 Profile**s** 1 Notification, 2 Notification**s**
Homework: * 1 message, 3 messages * 1 status, 5 statues * 1 option, 10 options * 1 comment, 2 comments * 1 query, 6 queries * 1 profile, 8 profiles * 1 notificacion, 2 notificacions
Homework: * 1 message, 3 messages * 1 status, 5 statues * 1 option, 10 options * 1 comment, 2 comments * 1 query, 6 queries * 1 profile, 8 profiles * 1 notificacion, 2 notificacions
Homework: * 1 message, 3 messages * 1 status, 5 statuses * 1 option, 10 options * 1 comment, 2 comments * 1 query , 6 queries * 1 profile, 8 profiles * 1 notification, 2 notifications
1 message , 3 messages 1 estatus, 5 estatuses 1 option, 10 options 1 comment, 2 comments 1 query, 6 queries 1 profile , 8 profiles 1 notification, 2 notifications
1 messager, 3 messages 1 status, 5 statuses 1 option, 10 options 1 comment, 2 commments 1 query, 6 queries 1 porfiel, 8 profiles 1 notification, 2 notifications
* 1 message, 3 messages * 1 status, 5 statuses * 1 option, 10 options * 1 comment, 2 comments * 1 query, 6 queries * 1 profile , 8 profiles * 1 notification , 2 notifications
Answers * 1 message, 3 messages * 1 status, 5 statuses * 1 option, 10 options * 1 comment, 2 comments * 1 query, 6 queries * 1 profile , 8 profiles * 1 notification , 2 notifications
![]( \* 1 message, 3 messageS \* 1 status. 5 stausES \* 1 option , 10 optionS \* 1 comment , 2 commentS \* 1 query, 6 qurIES \* 1 profile, 8 profileS \*1 notification, 2notificationS
1 message, 3 messages 1 status, 5 statuses 1 option, 10 options 1 comment, 2 comments 1 query, 6 queries 1 profile, 8 profiles 1 notification, 2 notifications
1 message, 3 messageS. 1 status, 5 statusES. 1 option, 10 optionS. 1 comment, 2 commentS. 1 query, 6 querIES. 1 profile, 8 profileS. 1 notification, 2 notificationS
1 message, 3 menssages 1 status, 5 statuses 1 option, 10 options 1 comment, 2 comments 1 query, 6 queries 1 profile, 8 profiles 1 notification, 2 notification
homework: * 3 messages * 5 statuses * 10 options * 2 comments * 6 queries * 8 profiles * 2 notifications
1 message 2 messages 1 status 2 statuses 1 option 2 options 1 comment 2 comments 1 query 3 queries 1 profile 2 profiles 1 notification 3 notificarions
IT'S your 1 message, 3 messageS 1 Status, 5 StatusES 1 Option 10 OptionS 1 comment 2 CommentS 1 query 6 querIES 1 Profile, 8 ProfileS 1 notification, 2 notificationS
1 message, 3 messages 1 status, 5 statuses 1 option, 10 options 1 comment, 2 comments 1 query, 6 queries 1 profile, 8 profiles 1 notification, 2 notifications
* 1 message, 3 message**S** * 1 status, 5 status**ES** * 1 option, 10 option**S** * 1 comment, 2 comment**S** * 1 query, 6 quer**IES** * 1 profile, 8 profile**S** * 1 notification, 2 notification**S**
Homework * 1 message. 3 message**<u>s</u>** * 1 status, 5 status**<u>es</u>** * 1 option, 10 option**<u>s</u>** * 1 comment, 2 comment**<u>s</u>** * 1 query, 6 quer**<u>ies</u>** * 1 profile, 8 profile**<u>s</u>** * 1 notification, 2 notificacion**<u>s</u>**
Hi! my solution is: \- 1 message, 3 messages \- 1 status, 5 statuses \- 1 option, 10 options \- 1 comment, 2 comments \- 1 query, 6 queries \- 1 profile, 8 profiles \- 1 notification, 2 notifications