There are five Facebook notifications
There are twenty six Twitter notifications
There are Eighty eight Linkedin notifications
There are Eleven Pinterest notifications
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Aportes 2432
Preguntas 39
There are five Facebook notifications
There are twenty six Twitter notifications
There are Eighty eight Linkedin notifications
There are Eleven Pinterest notifications
There are fifteeen Facebook notifications.
There are eight Twitter notifications.
There are twenty three Instagram notifications.
There are sixty two Linkedin notifications.
There are four Pinterest notifications.
there are fifty five Facebook notifications
There are eight twitter notificatios
there are sixty two Linkedin notificatios
There Are four Pinterest notificatios
It´s your turn!
How many notifications are there?
There are three Fcebook notifications.
There are five Twiter notifications.
There are fifteen Linkedin notifications.
There are eight Pinterest notifications.
Use There are + number.
How many notifications are there?
There are Fifteen Facebook notifications.
There are eight twitter notifications.
There are sixtyone linkedin notifications.
There are Four pinterest notifications.
There are fifteen facebook notifications
There are eight twitter notifications
There are sixty two Linkedin notifications
There are four Pinterest notifications
There are fifteen facebook notifications.
There are eight twitter notifications.
There are sixty-two linkedin notifications.
There are four pinterest notifications.
There are twenty-three instagram notifications.
THERE ARE FIFTEEN facebook notifications.
THERE ARE EIGHT twiter notifications
THERE ARE SISTYTWO linkedin notification
THERE ARE FOUR pinterest notifications
There are fifteen Facebook notifications
There are eight Twitter notifications
There are sixty two Likedin notifications
There are four Pinterest notifications
-There are fifteen Facebook notifications.
-There are eight Twitter notifications.
-There are sisty-two Linkedin notifications.
-There are four Pinterest notifications.
There are fifteen Facebook notifications
There are eight twitter notifications
Thera are sixty two Linkedin notifications
There are four pinterest notifications
There are fifteen Facebook notifications.
There are eight Twitter notifications.
There are twenty three Instagram notifications.
There are sixty two LinkedIn notifications.
There are four Pinterest notifications.
And, so many people have hundreds Gmail notifications hehe.
There are fifteen Facebook notifications.
There are eight notifications.
There are sixty two Linkedin notifications.
There are four Pinterest notifications.
fifteen facebook notifications, eight twitter notifications, sixty two linkedin notifications, four pinterest notifications
There are fifteen Facebook notifications.
There are eight Twitter notifications
There are sixty two Linkedin notifications
There are four Pinterest notifications
There are fifteen Facebook notifications.
There are eight Twitter notifications.
There are sixty-two LinkedIn notifications.
There are four Pinterest notifications.
Fifteen Facebook notifications.
Eight Twitter notifications.
Sixty two Linkedin notifications.
Four Pinterest notifications.
There are two facebook notifications.
There are one hundred twitter notifications.
There are eighty eight linkedin notifications.
There are twenty three pinterest notifications.
. There are fifteen facebook notifications.
. There are eight Twitter notifications.
. There are sixty two Linked notifications.
. There are four Pinterest notifications.
. There are twenty three Instagram Notifications.
My exercise:
🟡 The are fifteen facebook notifications
🟡 The are eigth twitter notifications
🟡 The are sixty two linkedin notifications
🟡 The are four pinterest notifications
there are five tin Facebook notifications
there are eight twitter notifications
there are sixty two linkedin notification
the are four Pinterest notifications
There are fifteen facebook notification.
There are eight twitter notifications.
There are sixty- two Linkedin notifications.
There are four Pinterest notifications.
1.- There are fifteen Facebook notifications
2.- There are eight Twitter notifications
3.- There are sixty two Lindekin notifications
4.- There are four Pinterest notifications
5.- There are Twenty three Instagram notifications
there are three facebook notifications
there are forthy two twitter notifications
there are nine linkedin notification
there are eighty five pinterest notifications
There are Five Facebook Notifications.
There are Ten Twitter Notifications.
There are Two Linkedin Notifications.
There are Twenty-five Pinterest notifications
That is Ok?
There are five Facebook notifications
There are eight Twitter notifications
There are Eighty eight Linkedin notifications
There are Eleven Pinterest notifications
How many notifications are there
✔ There are fifteen Facebook notifications.
✔ There are eight Twitter notifications.
✔ There are sixty two Linkedin notifications.
✔ There are four Pinterest notiications.
how many notifications are there?
There are two Facebook notifications.
There are fifty five twitter notifications
There are eleven Linkedin notifications
There are ninety six Pinterest notifications.
1-. There are fifteen Facebook notifications
2-. There are eight Twitter notifications
3-. There are twenty three Instagram Notifications
4-. There are sixty two LinkedIn notifications
5-. There are four Pinterest notifications
How many notifications are there?
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