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Paga en 4 cuotas sin intereses

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12 Días
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57 Min
38 Seg

Continúa practicando tu Inglés


La maestría en el lenguaje inglés es una puerta abierta a un universo de oportunidades. En este viaje, cada paso cuenta, desde comprender la importancia de un artículo correctamente utilizado hasta construir oraciones coherentes y cohesivas. Reflexionar sobre lo aprendido nos permite identificar errores comunes y corregirlos, asegurando que nuestras bases sean sólidas para seguir construyendo.

¿Cuál es el artículo correcto delante de una consonante?

Los artículos en inglés establecen una armonía entre el sonido y el significado, y son claves para la corrección gramatical. Uno de los errores comunes es el uso inadecuado del artículo "an" delante de una consonante. La norma es clara:

  • Usamos "a" antes de palabras que comienzan con sonido consonántico, como en:
  • A profile
  • A message

¿Cómo conjugamos el verbo "to be" con "it" y "you"?

El verbo "to be" es fundamental en inglés, y usarlo correctamente es signo de competencia lingüística. La conjugación adecuada para el sujeto "it" es "is", mientras que para "you" es "are". Por ejemplo:

  • It is purple
  • How old are you?

Estos ejemplos demuestran las formas correctas para referirse a características y realizar preguntas personales.

¿Cuándo utilizamos sustantivos plurales?

Comprender la diferencia entre singular y plural es vital para una comunicación efectiva. La presencia de determinantes numéricos o verbos plurales indica que el sustantivo debe estar en plural. Por ejemplo:

  • There are three messages
  • There are three books on the shelf.
  • There are three cars in the parking lot.
  • There are three students in the classroom.

La palabra "three" y el verbo en plural "are" nos dicen que el sustantivo "message" debe estar en plural.

¿Cómo utilizamos los adjetivos posesivos correctamente?

Los adjetivos posesivos establecen a quién pertenece algo, y es importante usar el correcto según el sujeto al que nos referimos. En el caso de "their hobby", "their" es un adjetivo posesivo que usamos para hablar de algo que pertenece a dos o más personas.

En general, los adjetivos posesivos son herramientas lingüísticas valiosas para agregar detalles, expresar relaciones personales y evitar malentendidos en la comunicación cotidiana. 💡 ¡Son como pinceladas que añaden color y conexión a nuestro lenguaje! ✨

¿Qué ocurre cuando describimos colores de forma incorrecta?

Describir colores en inglés parece sencillo, pero es importante hacerlo de manera precisa. Si hay una discrepancia entre la descripción y el color real, debemos corregirlo:

  • It is not orange; it is blue.
  • The shirt is not red; it is green.
  • The flowers are not yellow; they are pink.
  • The car is not black; it is silver.

¿Qué herramientas nos dieron las clases para comunicarnos?

Durante el curso, se han proporcionado múltiples herramientas que ahora forman su kit lingüístico para comunicarse en inglés. Estas incluyen:

  • El alfabeto
  • El uso correcto de "a" y "an"
  • Frases con "it's" y "there are"
  • Profesiones y pronombres sujetos
  • Colores, números y saludos

¿Por qué debemos seguir aprendiendo y practicando?

El aprendizaje de idiomas es un proceso continuo, y la práctica constante es crucial para mejorar. Este curso puede haber concluido, pero su viaje en el idioma inglés apenas comienza. El Platzo website les ha proporcionado un espacio para entender conceptos esenciales que ahora pueden usar con toda confianza.

¿Cuál es el siguiente paso después de concluir el curso?

Después de haber repasado y afianzado sus conocimientos, es hora de ponerlos a prueba. Anímense a hacer el examen para obtener el certificado. Y no olviden que sus opiniones acerca del curso son valiosas; compartir una reseña puede ayudar a mejorar la experiencia educativa para otros estudiantes. Recuerden siempre: ¡nunca pares de aprender!

Contribución editada por: Isaac Marti Ubeda González


Aportes 683

Preguntas 17

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Thank you so much Kyra! You are the best teacher

Thank you Kyra, all this is very helpful.

PS: I love your pronunciation.

Thank you so much, dear teacher. Now I can go to the supermarket to buy my favorite sardine cans. See you 👋

Thank you teacher, this is my favorite emoji from platzo!

I liked! You are a dynamic teacher! Thanks for everything ❤️

Thank you so much Kyra for this course! The course was very interactive.

Thanks for everything, teacher! It was a pleasure!😊
Excellent course! ✨

Thanks a lot, Kira! 😄

cool, excellent, i like this course.

Hey!!, thanks Kyra for your class!! are funny and interesting! thanks! 😄

Good bless you.

thank you so much, Kyra!!!💖

You are the best teacher!!.
Thanks for everything

Fantástica actitud me ayudaba a no perder la atención en la clase… Muchas Gracias buena profesora.

Thank you for improving the classes team platzi. 👏


Teacher Kyra, thanks for you time in this course. I can say that it was amazing. Now, I haven’t got fear about my english pronunciation.
I made it!
More Kyra’s english courses!

Unfortunately, this is the end of the course. I learned a lot 🤓 I would like more teacher Sage's courses 💙 never stop learning 🚀☺️🥺

Teacher thanks so much, I learned a lot.

This is an excellent course, thank you Kyra

Thank you. It was a great course!

Thank you so much Kyra and Platzi team, this course was so good, dinamic and interactive. Hope more like this!💚

5 start for you. thank you kira
Thank's teacher :)
thank you Kyra, I recorded many things thanks to your classes
thanl you very much ,I love a teacher

thank you teacher Kira, i like it. it´s a great classs.

I liked! You are a dynamic teacher!

Thank you so much Teacher. I learn a lot in this course. Your classes are dynamics.

You’re amazing Teacher. I was going to take a review but I learned some new things.

There is/There are
How old are you?
Days of weekend

Thank you Kyra, i´m very happy with the course

"I like this class. It was a good idea to start this course. I hope to learn a lot in the following English courses."
A pretty good teacher. The classes are dynamic and fun, she always keep remind us past concepts.
I found Platzo's idea very creative when applying it to the course. The slides were very helpful in the course. Thank you teacher.
Thank you Kyra, I like so much this basic english course. I learned about greeating and how to I create a network profile in english. You are a good teacher.
Thank you so much Kyra!
Great job, Teacher!
Terrific job Kyra! Appreciate the time you put in :)
Hello Miss Kyra. Thank you very much because you have a talent to teach, you are the best!!!!!
Thank you Platzi. Thank you teacher Kyra, you are an excellent teacher.
Thanks Kyra, I learn a lot and easy in this course.
Thank you teacher, i found this course very enjoyable, for my is very much help.
the course is very practice, thank you Kyra!
Thank you teacher, this time was amazing.
Excelente forma de enseñar, me pareció muy buena la didáctica, con vocabulario de computadoras y foros, los quiz también. Espero seguir mejorando mi nivel de inglés.
It was a excellent course, thank you.
This is an excellent course, thank you Kyra
It was a good course. Thank you.
Thank you very much for everything Kyra, now I see the friendlier English. I hope to soon write to you here with more fluent English and without external help.
Thank you so much teacher! It was a nice course.
see you in the next leaning teacher
I leaning a lot thanks you teacher I do the examen now for me good luck
thanks you teacher all your help
Iliked everything you have taught by everyone if different concepts and teaching, I really liked everything and i¨m learning a lot from it, I thank you Kyra.!!!!
Thank you Teacher, I really liked the course.
Thank you so much Kyra
Thanks to you teacher!, I have improved a lot and am motivated to keep learning.
Thank you to all crew for this course! I loved it!
Thank you, this course is great!
Thanks Teaches Kyra! A nice course
Thak's teacher Kyra. :)
Thanks you very much Teacher Kyra!

Thank you teacher

Hi, I'm Diego. It's a pleasure to be your student. Thanks for your class.
Thank you so much Kyra!
I really liked the course, thank you
i love this curso, i really like much, tranks for your help
me encanto , me encantas, eres bella
Thank you, you'r best teacher!
Thank you so much Kyra! You are the best 📓 teacher
thank you teacher! Nice to meet you. Her classes is fanatics, easy of learning.
Thank you Kyra! You're a good teacher :)
Thank you, teacher
Thank you Kyra!
Thank you Kyra!
Thanks You! ❤️
Thanks you teacher, i like much the class.
Thank you Kyra.
Thanks teacher, it was an excellent class. Thank u!!!
l like the review
Thank you!!!! <3
i loveeeeeeeed
tysm for all teacher i really want to get better and have a pronunciation like you, never stop learnig ![](
thank you
"Thanks, Kyra! You are amazing!"
Thank you Kira. You are a great teacher. i liked your classes.
I love all the classes 🥰🥰💅✨✨

an excellent course.

Thank you dear teacher. Greetings from Perú!
Thank you Kyra! <3 :)
my.nice this curse the teacher really.excellent I am very bad in English but now understand jajaja se me hizo sopa pero aqui vamos les go
Excellent course, Kyra
Nice course, Thank you Kyra
Thank you teacher, excellent class!