My exercise routine:
- I stretch in the morning before I run in the park
- I do nighttime meditation before I go to sleep
- I play with my dog in the afternoon before I go to study
- And finally, I cool down and drink water after I have worked out
Vocabulario Básico en Inglés
Inglés sobre las partes del cuerpo
Partes del cuerpo en Inglés
Compara partes del cuerpo en Inglés
Habla de lesiones y heridas en Inglés
Descripciones con verbos de los sentidos
Movimientos del cuerpo en Inglés
Quiz: Partes del cuerpo en Inglés
Vocabulario sobre baile en Inglés
Expresiones relacionadas con baile en Inglés
Actividades pasadas en Inglés
Rutinas de ejercicio en Inglés
Practica tu "listening": Bailes y tradiciones del mundo
Describe movimientos corporales en Inglés
Quiz: Vocabulario sobre baile en Inglés
Actividad física y Deportes en Inglés
Verbos relacionados con deportes
Usa "the worst" y "the best" para hablar de deportes
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Vocabulario para artes marciales en Inglés
Adjetivos para describir pasatiempos en Inglés
Quiz: Actividad física y Deportes en Inglés
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Aportes 202
Preguntas 2
My exercise routine:
The exercise is important for physical and mental health
1) My daily routine:
2) Make some sentences using the words “Before”, “After” and “When”:
I meditate after waking up
I drink a glass of water after meditating
I stretch before my morning workout
I do a morning workout before I eat breakfast
I do a yoga routine after my meditations
I cool down after my workout
My exercise routine: 🚀 👨🚀
When I get up in the morning I drink a glass of water before breakfast, after breakfast I jump rope.
When I have free time I like to go for a walk and then have a glass of very cold water.
I make breakfast after working out.
I relax when I exercise.
I made a previous warm-up when I play soccer.
I stretch my legs before playing soccer.
Also, I stretch my legs after playing soccer.
i was dancing the saturday and i sleept the sunday
I synchronized my breathing before starting my yoga practice.
I breathed in a special way when I did my yoga practice.
I meditated to turn tiredness into relaxation after doing my yoga practice.
Very interesting class.
My exercise routine:
I always warm up before starting my exercises and stretch my body at the end of my routine
Before exercising I first warm up for about 8 minutes running in the park when I finish running I do exercises such as abdominal squats and some push-ups and then walk home.
I do cardio at the beggining of my workout routine
I streched in the morning before I gets up
I do nighttimemeditation before to sleep
My daily rotine:
It is important to have physical activity for your health.
Me ayudan a corregir este párrafo por favor? Gracias de antemano 😉
I drink a lot of water!
Every day, right after I wake up, I drink two glasses of water. Before each meal I drink one glass of water too.
I live in a hot country and I love to do exercises at the park, so it’s important for me drink a lot of water every day, especially when I exercise.
When I do exercise, first I stretch my body.
I take water after doing exercise.
In the mornings I go to run after waking up.
I work out before take a bath in the morning.
I brush the teeth after lunch.
I stretch when I go home in the night.
My exercise routine:
I stretch in the morning before I walk in the mountains.
I do nighttime meditation before I go to sleep
I walk in the park after work
And finally, I cool down and drink water after I have worked out.
And to warm up I stretch the lower part of the body and then the upper part I check the air bike and brakes, I put on a helmet and gloves and I go out and ride the bike.
I don’t do those stretches or cooldowns in my case but I do warm up to ride a bike every other day.
before i start my work out first i strectch all the par of my body do my routine for 45 minute and after my work out i drink a glass of water when i come back to my house i listen music for relxing
My workout routine
I do meditation when I wake up in the morning before breakfast.
Sometimes in the afternoon, I exercise with weights after work.
But, there are other days in the afternoon I do yoga because I like to vary my routines.
Warming up
Create your own routine and write it down as instructions for someone else to do!.
Mi exercise routine:
It´s the best class
My workout routine:
In the morning I wake up I meditate for about 20 minutes and I go to swimming lessons I swim for an hour I return home I have breakfast I go to work I go by bicycle I am at work I return by bicycle How do I study, talk and read something before going to sleep
Only If I don’t have subscription for the gym.
My practice:
I stretched my body before I go running at the park.
I stretched my body after I come back from running.
I drink water when I am exercising.
I drink coffee after I eat breakfast.
I check my email before I go to work.
I go for a walk when I feel bored.
Before, after, when
I colmup before run
I strech before get out exercice
I caldouw after run, when there is lessions
I love this class, very fun!
This is my exercise morning routine:
At night…
My daily exercise routine: It starts after work. I leave the house around 7:00 p.m. and go to the gym to train. Before training I start with cardio to warm up the muscles and joints and then comes weight training, which is when I drink the most water. And finally, after weight training comes stretching to relax the muscles.
I start my exercise routine before breakfast.
First I go for a walk, then
I do a spinning routine, and finally I do some Zumba before I shower
I go to the gym at 6:00PM.
I strech before I do my routine
I workout in the gym for one hour.
I drink water after my routine.
in the morning i drink a glass of water before starting my warm up.
after breakfast i take a shower
i play with my baby when i finish my english class
Before I eat breakfast I drink a glass of water, I do this because water helps metabolism to activate. After breakfast, I go to run to the park for 20 minutes, when I finish my morning running I rest and stretch for 10 minutes to protect my body from injuries.
Exercising and sunbathing in the morning is beneficial
on sunday i play videos in the mornings before i eat breakfast and i walk my dog !!!
on saturday I prepared tea before i take a shower!
I doing the breakfast before i go to the work
I wash dishes after I eat luch
I am tired when Ai finish the exercise.
My exercise routine:
I stretch and warm up before starting the training routine when I have time to rest I drink water and take a breath. And when I finish the routine I do 20 minutes of cycling.
My exercise routine:
I don’t strech before I work out and I don’t warm up after I work out. But I am aware that I have do it.
📌I stretch in the morning after waking up and before make exercising.
📌 I meditate before showering.
📌 I read before going to sleeping.
📌 I drink water after exercise.
I stretch in the morning immediately following my morning run.
The first thing I do is wake up at 5:30 am and make my bed. Before going to the bathroom, I lay out the clothes I’m going to wear to the gym. I brush my teeth and take a shower. I study on Platzi, greet my cat, play with him, and leave him food. Before leaving, I have breakfast and then head to the gym. In the afternoon, I have lunch, study, do my homework, and prepare a nutrient-rich meal before relaxing. I wash the dishes and brush my teeth, then I watch a movie or series on Netflix and practice my English. Finally, I have my last meal and go to bed.
Before breakfast I drink a glass of water to activate my body.
After breakfast I run and to stretching my arms and legs
When I’m ready I lift some weights I do crunches and push ups.
After stretching my body and I give thanks for the new day.
When everything is fine I start my work.
My Exercise Routine:
» I walk to the bus stop in morning (or afternoon) and in night to come back.
» I workout my arms when the bus slows down or speeds up, to don’t fall down.
» I climb the stairs to my bed before i go to sleep
before exercise drink water
after exercising I stretch
When I go to the gym I eat well
My exercise routine:
I stretch in the morning before I run in the soccer field.
I drink water after running in the soccer field.
When I am working I like to drink water.
I stretch my body when I wake up because I don´t practice excercise, before I have a shower next prepare my breakfast and go to work.
Good lecture
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