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Rutinas de ejercicio en Inglés


Aportes 202

Preguntas 2

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My exercise routine:

  • I stretch in the morning before I run in the park
  • I do nighttime meditation before I go to sleep
  • I play with my dog in the afternoon before I go to study
  • And finally, I cool down and drink water after I have worked out

The exercise is important for physical and mental health

🧠⚡Let’s practice!

1) My daily routine:

  • I do some streching in the morning before doing the workout.
  • Then, I sit in my static-bicycle and start my daily workout.
  • After that, I do some cooldown and rest a little bit.

2) Make some sentences using the words “Before”, “After” and “When”:

  1. I strech before doing my workout.
  2. I cooldown after doing excersice.
  3. I drink water when/while I do the cycling routine.
Before breakfast I do 20 minutes of exercise. After lunch I continúe with 10 minutes of outdor exercises.

I meditate after waking up

I drink a glass of water after meditating

I stretch before my morning workout

I do a morning workout before I eat breakfast

I do a yoga routine after my meditations

I cool down after my workout

My exercise routine: 🚀 👨‍🚀

  • I stretch in the morning before I do exercise in the gym.
  • I go to walk with my dog in the morning before I go to study english.
  • And finally, I do nighttime stretch before I go to sleep.

When I get up in the morning I drink a glass of water before breakfast, after breakfast I jump rope.
When I have free time I like to go for a walk and then have a glass of very cold water.

i exercise at night after i get home. although go it is not very long when it is the weekend if i go out for a run

I make breakfast after working out.
I relax when I exercise.

  • I stretch in the mornings before walk for 30 minutes on the basketball court .
    I do my Zumba routine after I go to sleep…
    I play with my cat in the night before I go to cook .
    And finally I pray to God before I go to sleep

I made a previous warm-up when I play soccer.
I stretch my legs before playing soccer.
Also, I stretch my legs after playing soccer.

i was dancing the saturday and i sleept the sunday

I synchronized my breathing before starting my yoga practice.
I breathed in a special way when I did my yoga practice.
I meditated to turn tiredness into relaxation after doing my yoga practice.

Very interesting class.

My exercise routine:

  • I stretch in the morning before I run in the park
  • I do nighttime meditation before I go to sleep
  • I play with my dog in the afternoon before I go to study
  • And finally, I cool down and drink water after I have worked out

I always warm up before starting my exercises and stretch my body at the end of my routine

            MY ROUTINE

Before exercising I first warm up for about 8 minutes running in the park when I finish running I do exercises such as abdominal squats and some push-ups and then walk home.

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*Stretching Do basic stretches *Workout combine calisthenics and cardio till your body collapse * Meditation Sit comfortably, relax your mind and don't forget to bread * Reading Read a book and enjoy the content.
My boxing routine First of all, I started jumping rope after I started shadow boxing to train punches and warm up. Then the professor started the class where he taught us some punch combinations. At the end, we do some physical work and after we finish the day's training.
My exercise routine is: I stretch after I get up the bed. I work out in the gym before I work. I warm up and stretch before I do taekwondo in the club. I drink water and hydrate after I have done taekwondo. I took a shower when I finished my work out exercises.
I warm up before start running
I exercise four times a week after work. When I begin my workout, I warm up my muscles for five minutes. After the warm-up, I start my routine. Before finishing my exercise session, I drink water to stay hydrated and then stretching. Afterward, when I cool down, I take a few minutes to meditate.
I do mini exercises **during** the day, for example, when I **go up** the stairs. I **hydrate** before and after **doing** exercises.
I pray before the wake up, after warming up in the bed with stretching slow all body, i take glass water in the morning when take pill, finally take shower of cold water and afer go to work.
i warming up before the coach dumbbells i drink water before during and after the walk i pray before the wake up
My exercise routine: I stretch at night after running 10 laps around a soccer field. I do evening meditation before going to work. I play with my dog in the morning before I leave for school. I refresh myself by drinking water after exercising.
Cuando se utiliza "when" con partes del cuerpo en inglés, generalmente se está preguntando o hablando acerca de acciones que involucran esas partes del cuerpo. Aquí tienes algunos ejemplos: 1. "When does your knee hurt?" (¿Cuándo te duele la rodilla?) 2. "When did you break your arm?" (¿Cuándo te rompiste el brazo?) 3. "When do your eyes start to feel tired?" (¿Cuándo empiezan a sentirse cansados tus ojos?) 4. "When does your back ache the most?" (¿Cuándo te duele más la espalda?) En estos ejemplos, "when" se utiliza para preguntar acerca del tiempo o las circunstancias en las que ocurren ciertas sensaciones o acciones relacionadas con partes específicas del cuerpo.
"When" en inglés significa "cuándo" en español. Se utiliza principalmente para preguntar acerca del tiempo o para introducir una cláusula de tiempo en una oración. Por ejemplo: * "When did you arrive?" (¿Cuándo llegaste?) * "I'll call you when I get home." (Te llamaré cuando llegue a casa.) Además, "when" también puede usarse como una conjunción subordinada temporal para unir dos cláusulas, indicando simultaneidad o secuencia temporal. Por ejemplo: * "I was sleeping when the phone rang." (Estaba durmiendo cuando sonó el teléfono.) * "When she finished her homework, she went to bed." (Cuando terminó su tarea, se fue a la cama.) "When" también puede utilizarse en frases condicionales para expresar una situación hipotética o una condición. Por ejemplo: * "When I have enough money, I'll buy a car." (Cuando tenga suficiente dinero, compraré un coche.)
I get up after my alarm clock sounded two times. I have breakfast before going to work. I do exercise when I have finished my housework. I relaxed when I got home after I had worked.
*I eat breakfast in the morning, after i have workout in the gym.* *I practice english before to walk in the park.* *When i have a lot of energy i work out 2 times in a day.*

I do cardio at the beggining of my workout routine

I streched in the morning before I gets up

I do nighttimemeditation before to sleep

My daily rotine:

  • I get up at 5:40 am
  • I go to the gym before I go to work
  • After training, I’m going to take a shower.
  • I rest when I finish exercise
Every single day (Monday to Friday), I wake up at 6:00 am. It's too difficult for me because I am still sleepy, but I take the bus to my job at 7:00 am
i stretch before i work out. i washed my dishes when i ate my luch. i rest after a long day of work

It is important to have physical activity for your health.

* Before I go to the gym I drink a cup of coffee. * After working out I like to have a big breakfast. * After I arrive at the office I use to drink a cup of coffee. * When I feel down I like to listen Coldplay to give myself good energy and vibration.

Me ayudan a corregir este párrafo por favor? Gracias de antemano 😉
I drink a lot of water!
Every day, right after I wake up, I drink two glasses of water. Before each meal I drink one glass of water too.
I live in a hot country and I love to do exercises at the park, so it’s important for me drink a lot of water every day, especially when I exercise.

**Routine:** * After waking up I walk with my dog through the park. * then I study until night. * Later I exercise until midnight.
in the morning when i wake up to 6:00 am i go to the gym, but before eat some, after star execise. First warm up, after strech, continue with exercise legs, after practice my punch in the bag of box and finally relax in the floor

When I do exercise, first I stretch my body.
I take water after doing exercise.
In the mornings I go to run after waking up.

I work out before take a bath in the morning.
I brush the teeth after lunch.
I stretch when I go home in the night.

I stretch in the morning before heading to the park with my dog. After that, I drink orange juice and then go to the park. I start my tasks before having coffee every day
I relaxed when I got home from work. I streatched before I go to sleep.
i go to the gym after work. First i strecht and beginning with my routine of gym
My routine Before exercising I first warm up for about 8 minutes running in the park when I finish running I do exercises such as abdominal squats and some push-ups and then walk home
Every day I go to the gym when my son sleeps. Before I workout I do mobility exercises. After my workout session, I stretch all my body, specially leg's days.

My exercise routine:
I stretch in the morning before I walk in the mountains.
I do nighttime meditation before I go to sleep
I walk in the park after work
And finally, I cool down and drink water after I have worked out.

i always stretch before i gonna start to run i eat pancakes after my running routine i sleep when i feel tired.
1. I go to the gym after 8 in the evening. 2. I weigh myself before working out.

And to warm up I stretch the lower part of the body and then the upper part I check the air bike and brakes, I put on a helmet and gloves and I go out and ride the bike.

I don’t do those stretches or cooldowns in my case but I do warm up to ride a bike every other day.

  1. I Drink a glass of water right after i get up
  2. I exercise before i take a shower
  3. I take out the dog to the park when i arrive from work
  4. I meditate in the mornings
  5. I make my bed after y get up from bed

before i start my work out first i strectch all the par of my body do my routine for 45 minute and after my work out i drink a glass of water when i come back to my house i listen music for relxing

  • Warming up.
  • You are also going to practice …
  • Why is it so important to stretch before we dance?
  • Why is it so important to cool down after we have exercised?
  • Let’s take a look at my routine.
  • I stretch in the mornings before I eat breakfast.
  • I do yoga before I go to sleep.
  • I work out in the gym after work.
  • I cool down and drink water after I have worked out.
  • What is your exercise routine?
  • What do you do before and after moving?
  • I sat down when I finished my ballet exercises.
  • I relaxed when I got home from zumba class.
  • I stretched my upper body before my lower body.
  • I stretched when I finished my dance routine.
  • Do you do some of these activities as well?
  • When I wake up, I do mobility yoga before a routine of ABS exercises fore my core strength. After this, I do leg training.
  • When finish my breakfast I take a shower and get ready before go out to my work. After back to the work I prepare my lunch and then take a nap.
  • Before start study I waste my time watching YouTube trash.

My workout routine
I do meditation when I wake up in the morning before breakfast.
Sometimes in the afternoon, I exercise with weights after work.
But, there are other days in the afternoon I do yoga because I like to vary my routines.

Warming up

Create your own routine and write it down as instructions for someone else to do!.

Mi exercise routine:

  • I do breathing exercises when I wake up in the morning before breakfast.
  • I do 5–10 minutes of 10 different breathing exercises.
  • I do 15–20 minutes of walking before I start to work.
  • In the afternoon, from Tuesdays to Fridays I do 5 – 10 minutes of stretch, and then 10–15 minutes of exercises.
  • At night, I take a shower, and then I make dinner.
  • Then I take my English classes.
  • I do 5–10 minutes of breathing exercises before going to bed.

It´s the best class

My workout routine:

  • I start lifting some very little weights and warming up my body.
  • I start to approximate my compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, bench press, rows Etc… with a submaximal loads each set i add more weight
  • i do my worksets. 1) topset: that is a set with the maximum load in that exercise for 6 to 10 reps.
    1. back-off set: after top set i drop weight in the bar and i’ll go for 12 to 20 reps in this set.
      When i finished i go for the next exercise and repeat that structure with those exercises.
  • Finally i stretch or take some minutes to calm down my body, take my stuff put in the baggage and go my home again.

In the morning I wake up I meditate for about 20 minutes and I go to swimming lessons I swim for an hour I return home I have breakfast I go to work I go by bicycle I am at work I return by bicycle How do I study, talk and read something before going to sleep

My Gym routine

  1. I do stretches
  2. I do among 10-15 minutes of cardio in the treadmil.
  3. Start with my workout:
    • Monday and Thursday: arm, forearm, and triceps.
    • Tuesday and Friday: legs, calf, gluteus, and quadriceps.
    • Wednesday and Saturday: back, shoulders and chest.
    • Sunday: I didn’t know that the gym was open on Sunday. But as soon as I renew my subscription, I’m going to train calisthenics on Sundays (as long as I’m available), weighted: pullups, dips, pushups, and other progresions for advanced excersices.

My workout home routine

Only If I don’t have subscription for the gym.

  1. I do stretches
  2. I do cardio with a Chris Heria’s video, or anything else.
  3. I Start excercising some particular muscles, as I do with the gym.

My practice:

I stretched my body before I go running at the park.
I stretched my body after I come back from running.
I drink water when I am exercising.

I drink coffee after I eat breakfast.
I check my email before I go to work.
I go for a walk when I feel bored.

Before, after, when

I colmup before run
I strech before get out exercice
I caldouw after run, when there is lessions

  • I go out with my dog before the breakfast.
  • Normaly in the work I take 30 minutes to run but before it I stretch legs and arms.
  • Before the dinner I go out to walk with my dog al least 40 minutes.

I love this class, very fun!
This is my exercise morning routine:

  • I stretch my body after I wake up in the morning.
  • I do 12 burpees after I get up.
  • I prepare my breakfast before I take a shower.
  • I meditate when I wake up before 5 a.m.
  • I brush my teeth with my opposite hand before take the breakfast.

At night…

  • I do some english class before take the dinner.
  • I took a bath when I relaxat home.
  • I stretch my body before do my 10x exercise

My daily exercise routine: It starts after work. I leave the house around 7:00 p.m. and go to the gym to train. Before training I start with cardio to warm up the muscles and joints and then comes weight training, which is when I drink the most water. And finally, after weight training comes stretching to relax the muscles.

I start my exercise routine before breakfast.
First I go for a walk, then
I do a spinning routine, and finally I do some Zumba before I shower

I go to the gym at 6:00PM.
I strech before I do my routine
I workout in the gym for one hour.
I drink water after my routine.

in the morning i drink a glass of water before starting my warm up.
after breakfast i take a shower
i play with my baby when i finish my english class

Before I eat breakfast I drink a glass of water, I do this because water helps metabolism to activate. After breakfast, I go to run to the park for 20 minutes, when I finish my morning running I rest and stretch for 10 minutes to protect my body from injuries.

  • At the beginning of the day I plan my tasks
  • I start my routine with meditation and prayer
  • Then, I continue to stretch the back and neck, before having breakfast
  • At breakfast time he took my vitamins
  • In the morning while I read I sunbathe for a few minutes
  • Finishing my day, I do light exercises
  • I finish my exercises stretching the whole body

Exercising and sunbathing in the morning is beneficial

on sunday i play videos in the mornings before i eat breakfast and i walk my dog !!!

on saturday I prepared tea before i take a shower!

I doing the breakfast before i go to the work
I wash dishes after I eat luch
I am tired when Ai finish the exercise.





  • I stretch when I finish my exercises
  • I drink water before of run
  • After dey sleep I wake up and begin my routine of exercise

My exercise routine:

  • I stretch in the morning after I wake up.
  • I go to walk with my dog before I go to gym in the morning.
  • I streching and cool down after I finish my gym routine.
  • I walk in the afternoon before I make my dinner.
  • And finally, I stretch before I go to bed.

I stretch and warm up before starting the training routine when I have time to rest I drink water and take a breath. And when I finish the routine I do 20 minutes of cycling.

My exercise routine:

  • I stretch in the morning before I run in the park
  • I do nighttime meditation before I go to sleep
  • I play with my dog in the afternoon before I go to study
  • And finally, I cool down and drink water after I have worked out

I don’t strech before I work out and I don’t warm up after I work out. But I am aware that I have do it.

📌I stretch in the morning after waking up and before make exercising.

📌 I meditate before showering.

📌 I read before going to sleeping.

📌 I drink water after exercise.

I stretch in the morning immediately following my morning run.



The first thing I do is wake up at 5:30 am and make my bed. Before going to the bathroom, I lay out the clothes I’m going to wear to the gym. I brush my teeth and take a shower. I study on Platzi, greet my cat, play with him, and leave him food. Before leaving, I have breakfast and then head to the gym. In the afternoon, I have lunch, study, do my homework, and prepare a nutrient-rich meal before relaxing. I wash the dishes and brush my teeth, then I watch a movie or series on Netflix and practice my English. Finally, I have my last meal and go to bed.

  • I exercise after warming up.
  • I like to run long distance when I have the time, usually on Saturday.
  • I stretch before bed.

Before breakfast I drink a glass of water to activate my body.
After breakfast I run and to stretching my arms and legs
When I’m ready I lift some weights I do crunches and push ups.
After stretching my body and I give thanks for the new day.
When everything is fine I start my work.


  1. Before breakfast I drink a glass of water to activate my body.
  2. After breakfast I run 1 km on the treadmill parallel to stretching my arms.
  3. When I’m ready I lift some weights I do crunches and push ups.
  4. After stretching my body and I give thanks for the new day.
  5. When everything is fine I start my work.

My Exercise Routine:
» I walk to the bus stop in morning (or afternoon) and in night to come back.
» I workout my arms when the bus slows down or speeds up, to don’t fall down.
» I climb the stairs to my bed before i go to sleep

before exercise drink water
after exercising I stretch

When I go to the gym I eat well



My exercise routine:
I stretch in the morning before I run in the soccer field.
I drink water after running in the soccer field.
When I am working I like to drink water.

My routine. I get up early and stretch my body before drinking some water. I get ready and go to work, after to work I exercise or go to university for after sleep.


  • I stretch in the mornings before I have breakfast.
  • I drink a glass of water before I eat breakfast.

I stretch my body when I wake up because I don´t practice excercise, before I have a shower next prepare my breakfast and go to work.

Good lecture

  1. I strech my body before of work out
  2. I drink water after of work out
  3. I do work out when I´m stressed