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Paga en 4 cuotas sin intereses

Paga en 4 cuotas sin intereses

Termina en:

18 Días
15 Hrs
58 Min
12 Seg

Diphthongs /aʊ/ /oʊ/ /ɔɪ/


Aportes 59

Preguntas 0

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  • Fellow = compañero/a
  • Toast = brindis
  • Owe = deber
  • I could have = Yo pude haber (I could’ve)
  • Joy = alegría
  • Grocery = tienda de comestibles

alone----- /əˈloʊn/
episode----- /ˈep.ə.soʊd/
grocery----- /ˈɡroʊ.sɚ.i/

  1. I /aʊ/ found a beautiful /aʊ/ flower in the garden.
  2. Leave me /oʊ/ alone! Can’t you see I’m trying to /ɔI/ avoiding you?
  3. We are watching the last /oʊ/ episode of our favorite TV show. Do you want to /ɔI/ join us?
  4. Can you get me /oʊ/ tomatoes and /oʊ/ potatoes from the /oʊ/ grocery store?
  5. Lower your /ɔI/ voice! You are making so much /ɔI/ noise!
    My recording
1. I found a beautiful flower in the garden. 2. Leave me alone! Can´t you see I´m trying to avoid you? 3. We´re watching the last episode of our favorite TV show. Do you want to join us? 4. Can you get me potatoes and tomatoes from the grocery store? 5. Lower your voice! You´re making so much noise!
**Class 3 Practice** <> I appreciate your feedback
# **/aʊ/ as in mouth** * It’s a travelling sound. * Lips go from unrounded to rounded. * Jaw is open and then it moves up (closes). * /a/ The back of the tongue is down and then. /ʊ/ comes up. ![]( For example: ```js How -> /haʊ/ Town -> /taʊn/ Loud -> /laʊd/ Cows -> /kaʊz/ Around -> /əˈraʊnd/ House -> /haʊs/ Out -> /aʊt/ Now -> /naʊ/ ``` # **/oʊ/ as in goat** * It’s a travelling sound. * Lips are rounded. * Jaw movers up (a little). * /o/ The front of the tongue is down. /ʊ/ The back of the tongue comes up. ![]( For example: ```js Toast -> /toʊst/ Hero -> /ˈhɪr.oʊ/ Know -> /noʊ/ Home -> /hoʊm/ Smoke -> /smoʊk/ Joking -> /dʒoʊk/ Owe -> /oʊ/ Fellow -> /ˈfel.oʊ/ ``` # **/ɔɪ/ as in choice** * It’s a travelling sound. * Lips go from rounded to unrounded. * Jaw is open and then it movers up (closes). * /ɔ/ The front of the tongue is down and then /ɪ/ comes up. ![]( For example: ```js Toys -> /tɔɪz/ Destroys -> /dɪˈstrɔɪz/ Boy -> /bɔɪ/ Coin -> /kɔɪn/ Enjoy -> /ɪnˈdʒɔɪ/ Joy -> /dʒɔɪ/ Choice -> /tʃɔɪs/ Point -> /pɔɪnt/ ``` # **Exercise** 1. I found a beautiful flower in the garden. 2. Leave me alone! Can’t you see I’m trying to avoid you? 3. We are watching the last episode of our favorite TV show. Do you want to join us? 4. Can you get me potatoes and tomatoes from the grocery store? 5. Lower your voice! You are making so much noise!
1. I found a beautiful flower in the garden. 2. Leave me alone! Can't you see I'm trying to avoid you? 3. We are watching the last episode of our favorite TV show. Do you want to join us? 4. Can you get me tomatoes and potatoes from the grocery store? 5. Lower your voice! You are making so much noise.
now. low.
1. I <u>found</u> a beautiful <u>flower</u> in the garden. 2. Leave me <u>alone</u>! Can´t you see I´m trying to <u>avoid</u> you? 3. We are watching the last <u>episode</u> of our favorite TV show. Do you want to <u>join</u> us? 4. Can you get me <u>potatoes</u> and <u>tomatoes</u> from the <u>grocery</u> store? 5. Lower your <u>voice</u>! You are making so much <u>noise</u>. <>
  1. I found a beautiful flower in the garden
  2. Leave me alone! Can’t you see I’m trying to avoid you?
  3. We are watching the last episode of our favorite TV show. Do you want to join us?
  4. Can you get me potatoes and tomatoes from the grocery store?
  5. Lower your voice! You are making so much noise!

Complete the sentences

  1. I found a beautiful flower in the garden.
  2. Leave me alone ! Can’t you see I’m trying to avoid you?
  3. We are watching the last episode of our TV show. Do you want to join us?
  4. Can you get me potatoes and tomatoes from the grocery store?
  5. Lower your voice ! You are making so much noise !

I found a beautiful flower in the garden. Leave me alone! Cant’ you se I’m trying to avoid you?
We are watching the last episode of our favorite TV show. Do you want to join us?
Can you get me potatotes and tomatoes from the grocery store?
Lower your voice! You are making so much noise!


  • outstanding! ˌaʊtˈstændɪŋ! ¡sobresaliente!

recording au ou oi

  1. I found a beautiful flower in the garden
  2. Leave me alone! Can’t you see I’m trying to avoid you
  3. We are watching the last episode of our favorite TV
  4. Do you want to join us
  5. Can you get me potatoes and tomatoes from the grocery store
  6. Lower your voice! You are making so much noise
  1. I /aʊ/found____ a beautiful /aʊ/flower in the garden.
  2. Leave me /oʊ/alone____! Can’t you see I’m trying to /ɔɪ/avoid__ you?
  3. We are watching the last /oʊ/episode___ of our favorite TV show. Do you want to /ɔɪ/join____ us?
  4. Can you get me /oʊ/potatoes______ and /oʊ/tomatoes____ from the /oʊ/grocery____ store?
  5. Lower your /ɔɪ/voice____! You are making so much /ɔɪ/noise__!
  1. I /aʊ/Found__ a beautiful /aʊ/flower_ in the garden.
  2. Leave me /oʊ/alone! Can’t you see I’m trying to /ɔɪ/avoid__ you?
  3. We are watching the last /oʊ/episode of our favorite TV show. Do you want to /ɔɪ/join_ us?
  4. Can you get me /oʊ/potatoes and /oʊ/tomatoes__ from the /oʊ/grocery store?
  5. Lower your /ɔɪ/voice__! You are making so much /ɔɪ/noise__!

Here is my recording :

hi, here mi pronunciation.


  1. I /aʊ/ founda beautiful /aʊ/ flower in the garden.
  2. Leave me /oʊ/ alone ! Can’t you see I’m trying to /ɔɪ/avoid you?
  3. We are watching the last /oʊ/episode of our favorite TV show. Do you want to /ɔɪ/join us?
  4. Can you get me /oʊ/potatoes and /oʊ/tomatoes from the /oʊ/grocery store?
  5. Lower your /ɔɪ/voice! You are making so much /ɔɪ/noise!

Thank you

  1. Found – flower
  2. Alone - avoid
  3. Episode – join
  4. Potatoes – tomatoes – grocery
  5. Voice - noise

I found a beautiful flower in the garden.
Leave me alone! Can’t you see I’m trying to avoid you?
We are watching the last episode of our favorite TV show. Do you want to join us?
Can you get me potatoes and tomatoes from the grocery store?
Lower your voice! You are making so much noise!

  1. I found a beutiful flower in the garden.
  2. Leave me alone! Can’t you see I’m trying to avoid you?
  3. We are watching the last episode of our favorite TV show- Do you want to join us?
  4. Can you get me tomatoes and potatotes from the grocery store?
  5. Lower your voice! You are making so much noice!
  1. I /aʊ/found a beautiful /aʊ/flower in the garden.
  2. Leave me /oʊ/alone! Can’t you see I’m trying to /ɔɪ/avoid__ you?
  3. We are watching the last /oʊ/episode_ of our favorite TV show. Do you want to /ɔɪ/join us?
  4. Can you get me /oʊ/tomatoes_ and /oʊ/_potatoes from the /oʊ/_grocery store?
  5. Lower your /ɔɪ/voice_! You are making so much /ɔɪ/noise_!
1. I found a beautiful flower in the garden. 2. Leave me alone. Can't you see I'm trying to avoid you? 3. We're watching the last episode of our favorite TV show. Do you want to join us? 4. Can you get me potatoes and tomatoes from the grocery store? 5. Lower your voice! You're making so much noise.
  1. I found a beautiful flower in the garden.
  2. Leave me alone! Can’t you see I’m trying to avoid you?
    1. We are watching the last episode of our favorite TB show. Do you want to join us?
  3. Can you get me potatoes and tomatoes from the grocery store?
  4. Lower your voice! You are making so much noise.

  1. I found a beautiful flower in the garden.
  2. Leave me alone! Can’t you see I’m trying to avoid you?
  3. We are watching the last episode of our favorite TV show. Do you want to join us?
  4. Can you get me tomatoes and potatoes from the store?
  5. Lower your voice! You are making so much noise.

Diphthongs /aʊ/ /oʊ/ /ɔɪ/

Complete the sentences using words from the box that contain the /aʊ/ /oʊ/ and /ɔɪ/ traveling sounds. The vowel sound is given. Then, record yourself reading the sentences out loud.

  1. I /aʊ/found a beautiful /aʊ/flower_ in the garden.
  2. Leave me /oʊ/alone! Can’t you see I’m trying to /ɔɪ/avoid you?
  3. We are watching the last /oʊ/episode of our favorite TV show. Do you want to /ɔɪ/join us?
  4. Can you get me /oʊ/potatoes and /oʊ/tomatoes from the /oʊ/grocery store?
  5. Lower your /ɔɪ/voice! You are making so much /ɔɪ/noise!

My audio:

  1. I /aʊ/ found a beautiful /aʊ/ flower in the garden.
  2. Leave me /oʊ/ alone! Can’t you see I’m trying to /ɔI/ avoiding you?
  3. We are watching the last /oʊ/ episode of our favorite TV show. Do you want to /ɔI/ join us?
  4. Can you get me /oʊ/ tomatoes and /oʊ/ potatoes from the /oʊ/ grocery store?
  5. Lower your /ɔI/ voice! You are making so much /ɔI/ noise!

This is my recording 😃
  1. I found a beautiful flower in the garden.
  2. Leave me alone, Can’t you see I’m trying to avoid you?
  3. We are watching the last episode of our favorite TV show. Do you want to join us?
  4. Can you get me potatoes and tomatoes from the grocery store?
  5. Lower your voice. You are making so much noise!

I found a beautiful flower in the garden.
Leave me alone! Can’t you see I’m trying to avoid you?
We are watching the last episode of our favorite TV show. Do you want to join us?
Can you get me potatoes and tomatoes from the grocery store?
Lower your voice! You are making so much noise!

  1. I /aʊ/Found _____ a beautiful /aʊ/flower___ in the garden.
  2. Leave me /oʊ/alone__! Can’t you see I’m trying to /ɔɪ/______avoid you?
  3. We are watching the last /oʊ/episode of our favorite TV show. Do you want to /ɔɪ/__join us?
  4. Can you get me /oʊ/tomatoes____ and /oʊ/potatoes from the /oʊ/grocery store?
  5. Lower your /ɔɪ/____voice! You are making so much /ɔɪ/noise!
  1. I found a beautiful flower in the garden
  2. Leave me alone! Can’t you see I’m trying to avoid you?
  3. We are watching the last episode of our favorite TV show. Do you want to join us?
  4. Can you get me potatoes and tomatoes from de grocery store?
  5. Lower you voice! You are making so much noise.


  1. NOW /aʊ/
  2. LOW /oʊ/

Here is my recording:

Here’s my recording:

  1. I found a beatiful flower in the garden.
  2. Leave me alone! Can’t you see I’m trying to avoid you?
  3. We are watching the last episode of our favorite TV show. Do you want to join us?
  4. Can you get me tomatoes and potatoes from the grocery store.
  5. Lower your voice! You are making so much noise!
  1. Found, flower
  2. Alone, avoid
  3. Episode, join
  4. Tomatoes, potatoes, grocery
  5. Voice, noise

Time to practice! /aʊ/ or /oʊ/?

  1. Which word has the diphthong /aʊ/?
    Answer: now
  2. Which word has the diphthong /oʊ/?
    Answer: low


  1. I /aʊ/ found a beautiful /aʊ/ flower in the garden.
  2. Leave me /oʊ/ alone! Can’t you see I’m trying to /ɔɪ/ avoid you?
  3. We are watching the last /oʊ/ episode of our favorite TV show. Do you want to /ɔɪ/join us?
  4. Can you get me /oʊ/ potatoes and /oʊ/ tomatoes from the /oʊ/grocery store?
  5. Lower your /ɔɪ/ voice! You are making so much /ɔɪ/ noise!
  1. I found a beautiful flower in the garden.
  • Leave me alone! Can´t you see I´m trying to avoid you?

  • We are watching the last episode of our favorite TV show. Do you want to join us?

  • Can you get me potatoes and tomatoes from the grocery store?

  • Lower your voice! You are making so much noise.

1. I found a beatiful flower in the garden 2. Leave me alone¡ Can´t you see I´m trying to avoid you 3. Ww are watching the last episode of our favorite TV show. Do you want to join us? 4. Can you get met tomatoes and potatoes from the grocery store? 5. Lower your voice! you are making so much noise!

This is my recording.