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16 Hrs
22 Min
52 Seg

Irregular Verbs


Aportes 40

Preguntas 1

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Hi teacher, one question here
The past tense and participle of teach is tought or taught?
Because in the slide they were like tought and thought that they are with the letter a and now I am a bit confused

Base form Past tense Past participle
keep kept kept
pay paid paid
forgive forgave forgiven
fly flew flown
  • Keep = guardar, mantener
  • Pay = pagar
  • Rise = levantar, ascender
  • Forgive = perdonar
  • Fly = volar
  • Buy = comprar


  1. They ______ all day working on that project.
    Answer: spent
  2. I should’ve known better
* **keep / kept / kept** * **pay / paid / paid** * **rise / rose / risen** * **forgive / forgave / forgiven** * **fly / flew / flown** * **buy / bought / bought** My record: <>
Pronouncing the correct vowel sound and group of final consonant sounds is key to tell the difference between the present simplre, past tense and past participle of irregular verbs. `e.g. begin began begun` # **Final consonant changes** ![]( # **Vowel sound changes** ![]( # **Vowel sounds and final consonant changes** ![]( # **World completely changes** ![]( # **Exercise** ![](
Pay-paid-paid Rise-rose-Risen Forgive- forgave-forgiven fly-flew-flown buy-bought-bought keep...kept...kept pay...paid...paid rise...rose...risen forgive... forgave...forgiven fly...flew...flown by... bought...bought
spent known
Spent Known
My answer y recording: Keep - kept- kept Pay - paid- paid Rise - rose -risen Forgive- forgave- forgiven Fly- flew- flown Buy- bought-bought <>

Here’s my pronunciation

forgive - forgave - forgiven
buy - bought - bought
pay- paid - paid
rise -rose - risen
fly - flew - flown

Keep - kept - kept
Pay - paid - paid
Rise - rose - rosen
Forgive - forgave - forgiven
Fly - flew - flown
Buy - bought - bought

keep kept Kept
pay paid Paid
rise rose risen
forgive forgave forgiven
fly flew Flown
buy bought bought

Base form Past tense Part participle
keep Kept kept
Pay paid paid
Rise rose risen
forgive Forgave forgiven
Fly flew flown
Buy bought bought

Thank you

keep kept kept
pay paid paid
rise rose risen
forgive forgave forgiven
fly flew flown
buy bought bought

keep - kept - kept
pay - paid - paid
rise - rose - risen
forgive - forgave - forgiven
fly - flew - flown
buy - bought - bought

Irregular verbs.

Complete the chart of irregular verbs. Then, record yourself saying all the words in the chart.

Base form Past tense Part participle
keep kept kept
pay paid paid
rice rose risen
forgive forgave forgiven
fly flew flown
buy bought bought

My audio:


1. Base form: keep - pay - rise - forgive - fly - buy. 2. Past tense: kept - paid - rose - forgave - flew - bought. 3. Past participle: kept - paid - risen - forgiven - flown - bought.


Here’s is my recording, any feedback is very appreciated ❤️.

Base form - Past tense - Part participle
keep - kept - kept
pay - paid - paid
rise - rose - risen
forgive - forgave - forgiven
fly - flew - flown
buy - bought - bought

Ir - re - gu - lar.


  1. Keep, kept, kept.
  2. Pay, paid, paid.
  3. Rise, rose, risen.
  4. Forgive, forgave, forgiven
  5. Fly, flew, flown.
  6. Buy, bought, bought.

You can listen to my recording, playing it here.

Activity recording

  1. keep, kept, kept
  2. pay, paid, paid
  3. rise, rose, risen
  4. forgive, forgave, forgiven
  5. fly, flew, flown
  6. buy, bought, bought
  • Keep Kept Kept
  • pay paid paid
  • rise rose risen
  • forgive forgave forgiven
  • fly flew flown
  • buy bought bought
    My recording
  • keep/kept/kept

  • pay/paid/paid

  • rise/rose/risen

  • forgive/forgave/forgiven

  • fly/flew/flown

  • buy/bought/bought

keep/ kept/ kept
pay/ paid/ paid
rise/ rose/ risen
forgive/ forgave/ forgiven
fly/ flew/ flown
buy/ bought/ bought

  1. They spent all day woking on that project.
  2. I should´ve known better.