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Lazy Stress or Moving Stress?


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“I like it to move it move it”


  • ow: na-tion
    -al: na-tion-al
    -ity: na-tion-al-ity


  • ow: self
    -fish: self-ish
    un-: un-self-ish
    -less: self-less


  • ow: pho-to-graph
    -er: pho-to-graph-er
    -ic: pho-to-graph-ic

You can listen to my recording, playing it here.

We already talked about how we distinguish verbs and nouns by switching the stressed syllable: ```js (to) imPACT (the) IMpact ``` Now we are going to look at where stress is in longer words. ### **Longer words** We can build longer words by adding parts at the begining and end of the original word or root: ```js for GET for GET ful for GET ful ness for GET a ble un for GET a ble ``` In this example, strees stayed on the same syllable. So it is called `lazy stress` . ```js e CON o my e co NO mic e co NO mi cal e co NO mi call y ``` In this example, strees moved to another syllable. So it is called `lazy stress` . The parts that we add to words to make them longer are: * A `root` and `suffix` : `forget | ful` . * A `prefix` and a `root` : `un | happy` . ### **Suffixes** That DO NOT change stress. ![]( ![]( That DO change stress. ![]( ![]( ## **Prefixes** That DO NOT change stress. ![]( That DO change stress. ![]( NOTE: These prefixes normally do not change stress for adjectives, e.g. `natural -> supernatural` . ## Exercise ![](
1\. * NAtion * NAtional * nationALity 1. * self * SELFish * unSELFish * SELFless 1. * PHOtograph * phoTOgrapher * PHOrographic <>
![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![](
  • NAtioN
  • NAtional
  • nationALity
  • self
  • SELFish
  • unSELFish
  • SELFless
  • PHOtograph
  • phoTOgrapher
  • PHOrographic

IPa traslation:

  • nation ˈneɪʃən
  • national ˈnæʃənəl
  • nationality ˌnæʃəˈnæləti
  • self sɛlf
  • selfish ˈsɛlfɪʃ
  • unselfish ʌnˈsɛlfɪʃ
  • selfless ˈsɛlfləs
  • photograph ˈfoʊtəˌɡræf
  • photographer fəˈtɑɡrəfər
  • photographic ˌfoʊtəˈɡræfɪk

Lazy Stress or Moving Stress?

Complete the charts and mark where the stress is. Don’t forget to record yourself reading all the words out loud (short and long).

My audio:

Thank you

ow: na-tion
-al: na-tion-al
-ity: na-tion-al-ity

ow: self
-fish: self-ish
un-: un-self-ish
-less: self-less

ow: pho-to-graph
-er: pho-to-graph-er
-ic: pho-to-graph-ic

✓ original word: "nation" - national - nationality. ✓ original word: "self" - selfish - unselfish - selfless. ✓ original word: "photograph" - photographer - photography.
  • nation

  • national

  • nationality

  • self

  • selfish

  • unselfish

  • selfless

  • photograph

  • photographer

  • photographic

Activity recording

  1. Fool - foolish
    No, it doesn´t move.

  2. Model - Supermodel
    Yes, it moves.

  1. Fool - foolish
  • No, it doesn´t move.
  1. Model - Supermodel
  • Yes, it moves.

**original word **
na tion
-al na tion al
-ity na tion al i ty

original word
-fish sel fish
** un-** un sel fish
-less self less

**original word **
pho to graph
-er pho to gra pher
-ic pho to graph ic