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Paga en 4 cuotas sin intereses

Paga en 4 cuotas sin intereses

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16 Días
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20 Seg

Playing With Meaning


Aportes 14

Preguntas 0

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I really enjoy the roleplay.

Thank you

It was amazing!

She played hard to get 😅🐧

Some sentences with IPA:

  • Owls don’t have eyeballs so they can’t move their eyes!

    • aʊlz doʊnt hæv ˈaɪˌbɔlz soʊ ðeɪ kænt muv ðɛr aɪz!
    • ¡Los búhos no tienen globos oculares, por lo que no pueden mover los ojos!
  • Right! Wild dolphins call each other by names. ↘ They let out a unique whistle to identify each other

    • raɪt! waɪld ˈdɑlfənz kɔl iʧ ˈʌðər baɪ neɪmz. ðeɪ lɛt aʊt ə juˈnik ˈwɪsəl tu aɪˈdɛntəˌfaɪ iʧ ˈʌðər
    • ¡Bien! Los delfines salvajes se llaman entre sí por sus nombres. ↘ Lanzaron un silbido único para identificarse
  • Think harder!

    • θɪŋk ˈhɑrdər!
    • ¡Piensa más!
  • some penguin species propose to females by giving them a pebble. If the female accepts the pebble , she uses it to build a nest , and the pair bonds for life.

    • sʌm ˈpɛŋɡwən ˈspiʃiz prəˈpoʊz tu ˈfiˌmeɪlz baɪ ˈɡɪvɪŋ ðɛm ə ˈpɛbəl. ɪf ðə ˈfiˌmeɪl ækˈsɛpts ðə ˈpɛbəl , ʃi ˈjusəz ɪt tu bɪld ə nɛst , ænd ðə pɛr bɑndz fɔr laɪf.
    • algunas especies de pingüinos le proponen matrimonio a las hembras dándoles un guijarro. Si la hembra acepta el guijarro, lo usa para construir un nido y la pareja se une de por vida.
  • Can the second fact be that male seahorses are the ones to get pregnant, carrying up to 1,500 eggs in their pouch until they hatch?

    • kæn ðə ˈsɛkənd fækt bi ðæt meɪl seahorses ɑr ðə wʌnz tu ɡɛt ˈprɛɡnənt, ˈkæriɪŋ ʌp tu 1,500 ɛɡz ɪn ðɛr paʊʧ ənˈtɪl ðeɪ hæʧ?
    • ¿El segundo hecho puede ser que los caballitos de mar machos sean los que queden preñados, llevando hasta 1.500 huevos en su bolsa hasta que eclosionen?
  • You can do all the research and I’ll do the talking.

    • ju kæn du ɔl ðə riˈsɜrʧ ænd aɪl du ðə ˈtɔkɪŋ.
    • Usted puede hacer toda la investigación y yo hablaré.

Playing with meaning.
My audio:

Here is my recording:

3:13 its sounds like merlina.

thank you soooo much!

Mariana: Ravee, the Platzi teacher said we have to present at least two interesting facts about any animal or animals we choose. ↘
Ravee: Did she really say that? ↘↗
Mariana: Trust me, I write everything down. ↗↘
Ravee: I have one! ↗ Owls don’t have eyeballs so they can’t move their eyes! ↗ That’s why they have to move their flexible necks to look around. ↘
Mariana: Everyone knows that. ↘
Ravee: Octopuses have three hearts? ↘↗
Mariana: Not good enough. ↘
Ravee: Right! Wild dolphins call each other by names. ↘ They let out a unique whistle to identify each other. ↘
Mariana: Think harder! ↘
Ravee: Okay, some penguin species propose to females by giving them a pebble. ↘ If the female accepts the pebble ↗, she uses it to build a nest ↗, and the pair bonds for life. ↘
Mariana: That’s it! ↗ Our theme will be: Ocean Love. ↘

Ravee: I like it. ↗ Can the second fact be that male seahorses are the ones to get pregnant, carrying up to 1,500 eggs in their pouch until they hatch? ↗
STUDENT A: Sure. ↗ You can do all the research and I’ll do the talking. ↗↘
STUDENT B: Can’t wait! ↗

I like this roleplay. This was amazing.

My last recording of this incredible course 🌟

Here’s my recording, any feedback is very appreciated ❤️.

I really liked it to interpret both Mariana teacher and Ravee teacher in this roleplay

Both students, really wise.

The hardest activity for me. I got it right only in the short sentences, I’m still practicing this roleplay.
You can listen to my recording, playing it here.