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13 Días
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3 Seg

SH Sounds: Post-Alveolar Fricatives


Aportes 47

Preguntas 1

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1. When the meeting **/ʃ/finished** they **/ʃ/shook** hands. 2. He asked the barber to **/ʃ/wash** his hair with **/ʃ/shampoo** and then **/ʃ/shave** off his beard. 3. **/ʃ/she** likes to put a spoonful of **/ʃ/sugar** in her tea. 4. Fruits were clean and **/ʃ/fresh**, as per **/ʒ/usual**. 5. The **/ʒ/conclusion** is: we need to make a **/ʒ/decision** ASAP\*. <>
The SH sound has a voiced version and a voiceless version. # **Post-alveolar fricatives** * Fricatives are produced when two articulators come together to form a tiny space for the air to pass, creating a hissing sound. * The tip of the tongue comes close to the post-alveolar region. # /ʃ/ * /ʃ/ as in ship * Place: Post-alveolar * Manner: Fricative * Voiceless # /ʒ/ * /ʒ/ as in pleasure * Place: Post-alveolar * Manner: Fricative * Voiced For example: ```js Shop -> /ʃɑːp/ Shirt -> /ʃɝːt/ Shoes -> /ʃuːz/ Photoshoot -> /ˈfoʊ.t̬oʊ.ʃuːt/ Fashion -> /ˈfæʃ.ən/ Show -> /ʃoʊ/ Pleasure -> /ˈpleʒ.ɚ/ Cash -> /kæʃ/ ``` # **Exercise** shampoo wash shook finished 1. When the meeting finished they shook hands. 2. He asked the barber to wash his hair with shampoo and then shave off his beard. 3. She likes to put a spoonful of sugar in her tea. 4. Fruits were clean and fresh\*\*,\*\* as per \*\*\*\*usual. 5. The conclusion is: we need to make a decision ASAP\*.
1, When the meeting finished they shook hands 1. He asked the barber to wash his hair with shampoo and then shave off his beard. 2. She likes to put a spoonful of sugar in her tea. 3. Fruits were clean and fresh as per usual 4. The conclusion is: we need to make a decision ASAP.
1. When the meeting**/ʃ/**\_finished\_\_\_\_ they**/ʃ/**\_\_\_shook\_\_\_ hands. 2. He asked the barber to**/ʃ/**\_\_wash\_\_\_\_ his hair with**/ʃ/**\_\_\_shampoo\_\_ and then**/ʃ/**\_\_shave\_\_ off his beard. 3. **/ʃ/**\_she\_\_ likes to put a spoonful of**/ʃ/**\_sugar\_\_\_ in her tea. 4. Fruits were clean and**/ʃ/**\_\_fresh\_\_\_\_\_\_, as per**/ʒ/**\_\_\_usual\_\_\_\_. 5. The**/ʒ/**\_}conclusion\_\_\_ is: we need to make a**/ʒ/**\_decision\_\_ ASAP\*.
* When the meeting /ʃ/finished they /ʃ/shook hands. * He asked the barber to /ʃ/wash his hair with /ʃ/shampoo and then /ʃ/shave off his beard. * /ʃ/she likes to put a spoonful of /ʃ/sugar in her tea. * Fruits were clean and /ʃ/fresh, as per /ʒ/usual. * The /ʒ/conclusion is: we need to make a /ʒ/decision ASAP. * <>
1. When the meeting finished they shook hands. 2. He asked the barber to wash his hair with shampoo and then shave off his beard. 3. She likes to put a spoonful of sugar in her tea. 4. Fruits we're clean and fresh, as per usual. 5. The conclusion is: we need yo make a decision ASAP
  1. When the meeting /ʃ/ finished they /ʃ/ shook hands.
  2. He asked the barber to /ʃ/ wash his hair with
    /ʃ/ shampoo and then /ʃ/ shave off his beard.
  3. /ʃ/ She likes to put a spoonful of /ʃ/ sugar in her tea.
  4. Fruits were clean and /ʃ/ fresh, as per /ʒ/ usual.
  5. The /ʒ/ conclusion is: we need to make a /ʒ/ decision

Hey there! This is my recording

  1. When the meeting finished, they shook hands.
  2. He asked the barber to wash his hair with shampoo and then shave off his beard.
  3. She likes to put a spoonful of sugar in her tea.
  4. Fruits were clean and fresh, as per usual.
  5. The conclusion is: we need to make a decision (ASAP) as soon as possible.

When the meeting finished they shook hands. He asked the barber to wash his hair with shampoo, and then shave off his beard.
She likes to put a spoonful of sugar in her tea.
Fruits were clean and fresh, as per usual.
The conclusion is: we need to make a decision ASAP.

  1. When the meeting /ʃ/finished____ they /ʃ/shook______ hands.
  2. He asked the barber to /ʃ/wash______ his hair with /ʃ/shampoo____ and then /ʃ/shave____ off his beard.
  3. /ʃ/she____ likes to put a spoonful of /ʃ/sugar______ in her tea.
  4. Fruits were clean and /ʃ/fresh______, as per /ʒ/usual__.
  5. The /ʒ/decision____ is: we need to make a /ʒ/conclusion______ ASAP*.

Here is my recording:

Here is my audio.

very nice class

its a very good course!

1. finished - shook 2. wash - shampoo - shave 3. she - sugar 4. fresh - usual 5. decision - conclusion
  1. When the meeting /ʃ/ finished they /ʃ/ shook hands.
  2. He asked the barber to /ʃ/ wash his hair with /ʃ/ shampoo and then /ʃ/ shave off his beard.
  3. /ʃ/ she likes to put a spoonful of /ʃ/ sugar in her tea.
  4. Fruits were clean and /ʃ/ fresh, as per /ʒ/ usual.
  5. The /ʒ/ conclusion is: we need to make a /ʒ/ decision ASAP*.

This is my exercise.

  1. When the meeting finished they shook hands.
  2. He asked the barber to wash his hair with shampoo and then shave off his beard.
  3. She likes to put a spoonful of sugar in her tea.
  4. Fruits were clean and fresh as per usual.
  5. The decision is: we need to make a conclusion ASAP*.

Thank you

When the meeting finished they shook hands.
He asked the barber to wash his hair with shampoo and then shave off his beard.
She likes to put a spoonful of sugar in her tea.
Fruits were clean and fresh, as per usual.
The conclusion is: we need to make a decision ASAP.

  1. When the meeting finished they shook hands.
  2. He asked the barber to wash his hair with shampoo and then shave off his beard.
  3. She likes to put a spoonful of sugar in her tea.
  4. Fruits were clean and fresh , as per usual.
  5. The conclusion is: we need to take a decision ASAP.
1. When the meeting finished they shook hands. 2. He asked the barber to wash his hair with shampoo and then shave off his beard. 3. She likes to put a spoonful of sugar in her tea. 4. Fruits were clean and fresh as per usual. 5. The conclusion is: we need to make a decision ASAP.

Why do we pronounce the words **sugar **and **sure **as though they began with the letters sh?

check out this blog post


  • When the meeting /ʃ/finished they /ʃ/shook hands.

  • He asked the barber to /ʃ/wash his hair with /ʃ/shampoo and then /ʃ/shave off his beard.

  • /ʃ/she likes to put a spoonful of /ʃ/sugar in her tea.

  • Fruits were clean and /ʃ/fresh, as per /ʒ/usual.

  • The /ʒ/conclusion is: we need to make a /ʒ/decision ASAP.

Here is my recording for the activity:
Any feedback is completely welcome 😃

Here’s is my recording, any feedback is very appreciated ❤️.

  1. When the meeting /ʃ/ finished they /ʃ/ shook hands.
  2. He asked the barber to /ʃ/ wash his hair with /ʃ/ shampoo and then /ʃ/ shave off his beard.
  3. /ʃ/ She likes to put a spoonful of /ʃ/ sugar in her tea.
  4. Fruits were clean and /ʃ/ fresh, as per /ʒ/ usual.
  5. The /ʒ/ conclusion is: we need to make a /ʒ/ decision ASAP*.

SH Sounds: Post-Alveolar Fricatives.
Complete the sentences using words from the box that contain the /ʃ/ and /ʒ/ sounds. Then, record yourself reading the sentences out loud.

  1. When the meeting /ʃ/finished they /ʃ/shook hands.
  2. He asked the barber to /ʃ/wash his hair with /ʃ/shampoo and then /ʃ/shave off his beard.
  3. /ʃ/she likes to put a spoonful of /ʃ/sugar in her tea.
  4. Fruits were clean and /ʃ/fresh, as per /ʒ/usual.
  5. The /ʒ/conclusion is: we need to make a /ʒ/decision ASAP*.
  • ASAP = as soon as possible

My audio:



  1. When the meeting /ʃ/ finished they /ʃ/ shook hands.
  2. He asked the barber to /ʃ/ wash his hair with /ʃ/ shampoo and then /ʃ/ shave off his beard
  3. /ʃ/ She likes to put a spoonful of /ʃ/ sugar in her tea.
  4. Fruits were clean and /ʃ/ fresh, as per /ʒ/ usual
  5. The /ʒ/ conclusion is: we need to make a /ʒ/ decision ASAP.

You can listen to my recording, playing here.

When the meeting finished they shook hands.
He asked the barber to wash his hair with shampoo**** and then shave off his beard.
She likes to put a spoonful of sugar in her tea.
Fruits were clean and fresh, as per usual.
The conclusion is: we need to make a decision ASAP*.

Activity recording

  1. When the meeting finished they shook hands.
  2. He asked the barber to wash his hair with shampoo and then shave off his beard.
  3. She likes to put a spoonful of sugar in her tea.
  4. Fruits were clean and fresh, as per usual.
  5. The conclusion is: we need to make a decision ASAP*
  1. When the meeting /ʃ/finished they /ʃ/shook____ hands.
  2. He asked the barber to /ʃ/wash____ his hair with /ʃ/shampoo______ and then /ʃ/shave______ off his beard.
  3. /ʃ/she likes to put a spoonful of /ʃ/sugar__ in her tea.
  4. Fruits were clean and /ʃ/fresh____, as per /ʒ/________.
  5. The /ʒ/conclusion is: we need to make a /ʒ/decision____ ASAP*.
  • When the meeting /ʃ/finished they /ʃ/shook hands.
  • He asked the barber to /ʃ/wash his hair with /ʃ/shampoo and then /ʃ/shave off his beard.
  • /ʃ/She likes to put a spoonful of /ʃ/sugar in her tea.
  • Fruits were clean and /ʃ/fresh, as per /ʒ/usual.
  • The /ʒ/conclusion is: we need to make a /ʒ/decision ASAP
    My recording

vision–fusion…confusion (these words have a voiced sound…

  1. When the meeting finished they shook hands.
  2. He asked the barber to wash his hair with shampoo and then shave off his beard.
  3. She likes to put a spoonful of sugar in her tea.
  4. Fruits were clean and fresh, as per usual.
  5. The conclusion is: we need to make a decision ASAP.

shave fresh shampoo sugar usual wash she shook conclusion decision finished

  1. When the meeting FINISHED they SHOOK their hands.
  2. He asked the barber to WASH his hair with SHAMPOO and then SHAVE off his beard.
  3. SHE likes to put a spoonful of SUGAR in her tea.
  4. Fruits were clean and FRESH, as per USUAL
  5. The CONCLUSION is: we need to make a DECISION
  • Photoshoot = Sesión fotográfica
  • ʃ = Voiceless
  • ʒ = Voiced
  1. When the meeting finished they shook hands.
  2. He asked the barber to wash his hair with shampoo and then shave off his beard.
  3. She likes to put a spoonful of sugar in her tea.
  4. Fruits were clean and fresh, as per usual.
  5. The conclusion is: we need to make a decision ASAP.