Profile description:
- Work: 2+ years of experience.
- Languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese.
- Abilities: Good communication, teamwork and responsability.
Entornos de trabajo en Inglés
Aprende Inglés para el trabajo
Primeros pasos en una nueva posición
Responde información básica en inglés
Crea un perfil corporativo en inglés
¿Cómo crear tu correo empresarial?
Quiz: Primeros pasos en una nueva posición
Primer día de trabajo
Días y horas en inglés en un contexto de trabajo
Elementos de tu puesto de trabajo en inglés
Responsabilidades de tu nuevo empleo en inglés
Quiz: Primer día de trabajo
Conociendo a tu equipo de trabajo
Preséntate y habla de tu experiencia
Habla de tus hobbies usando "like"
Describe problemas técnicos en inglés
Usa las preposiciones "on" y "at" para describir tu rutina de trabajo
Quiz: Conociendo a tu equipo de trabajo
Describiendo tus actividades laborales
Analiza perfiles laborales en inglés
Completa el "onboarding" de tu empresa
Entrevista candidatos en inglés
Finaliza un proceso de selección en inglés
Quiz: Describiendo tus actividades laborales
Practica Inglés Profesional
Proyecto: Preséntate profesionalmente en inglés
Comunícate efectivamente en tu trabajo
No tienes acceso a esta clase
¡Continúa aprendiendo! Únete y comienza a potenciar tu carrera
No se trata de lo que quieres comprar, sino de quién quieres ser. Aprovecha el precio especial.
Antes: $249
Paga en 4 cuotas sin intereses
Termina en:
Veronica necesita tu ayuda para elegir a un candidato que se ajuste a la siguiente descripción de perfil.
Existen dos perfiles profesionales disponibles, elige el que se ajuste con la descripción de perfil mencionado anteriormente.
Jhon Carvajal
Rave Lakhmani
Entra en el siguiente enlace y resuelve la actividad.
Contribución creada por Andrés Guano (Platzi Contributor).
Aportes 315
Preguntas 1
Profile description:
Practice Worksheet
According with the requirements, John should be the chosen one.
The best candidate for the job is Jhon Carvajal. His profile description provide more information and is more alined with the profile that platzi is looking for.
Profile: a short description of someone’s life, work, character, etc.
Jhon is perfect candidate for the job
Practice worksheet
According to the requirement Jhon Carvajal meets the requirements of more experience, more languages and good communication
I prefer to hire John Carvajal because has more experience and know more languages.
According to the resume Jhon would be a better candidate for the position.
The perfect candidate is Jhon Carvajal.
The correct person to get the job is Jhon Carvajal
Who is the best candidate?
Candidato #1
The candidate with complete profile is Jhon Carvajal from Colombia, because He speaks 4 languages (English, Spanish, Portuguese and French). He has 3 years of experience as a language teacher and He has communication abilities and responsibility.
● Role: Language Teacher
● Work: 2+ years of experience.
● Languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese.
● Abilities: Good communication, teamwork and responsibility
The candidate who meets the requirements for the position is Jhon
Carvajal, he has more than two years of experience, fluent in 4 languages (3 require for the position), and shows good communication and responsibility. Congrats!!
Jhon Carvajal fits the profile.
Practice worksheet .
The best candidate for the job is Jhon Carvajal . His profile descripción is the best teacher .
According to the description Jhon Carvajal is the best choice for the job.
Work: 2+ years of experience.
Languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese.
Abilities: Good communication, teamwork and responsability.
The best candidate for the job is Jhon Carvajal.
Profile description:
🔸Work: 2+ years of experience.
🔸Languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese.
🔸Abilities: Good communication, teamwork and
Jhon is appropriate candidate for the job
I think the best candidate is #1
JHON is great for the position, complete all the requirements
According to the profile neccesary to work at platzi, of the two candidates, the better candidate is Jhon, because he has 3 experience years, more abilities and speaks four languangues
Country: Colombia
● Work experience: 3 years
● Languages: English, Spanish,
● Abilities: Confidence, communication
and responsibility , Product/Service Knowledge , Relationship Development:
● Hobbies: write , watch football ,and listening to
John should be the chosen one.
the best candidate is Jhon carvajal, because have 3 years of experience, speak four languajes and have communication and responsability
The best candidate is Jhon, he has a winning face.
Jhon is the ideal candidate
Practice Worksheet
I. Learn more about the candidates and compare their profile to the requirements
Role: Mechatronic Engineering
work: 2+ years of experience.
Languages: English, Spanish, french and portuguese.
Abilities: good communication, teamwork and responsability.
Hobbies: Walking, running, music and traking.
Veronica _williams is very happy
Jhon Carvajal because has 3 years of experience and knows English, Spanish, Portuguese and French.
The candidate who applies is Jhon Carvajal since he meets the requirements
Jhon Carvajal
● Country: Colombia
● Work experience: 3 years
● Languages: English, Spanish,
Portuguese and French.
● Abilities: Confidence, communication
and responsibility.
● Hobbies: Reading, learning new
languages, cycling and listening to
The candidate with the best profile is Jhon Carvajal meets the needs
In my opinion, Jhon Carvajal is the best cadidate.
Jhon Carvajal is the candidate
jhon carvajal is the best candidate, he must be choose.
the best candite is Jhon, Because the job has a better profile.
the best option for the task is jhon, he has every request
Jhon Carvajal is the best option.
Profile description:
Work: 2+ years of experience.
Languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese.
Abilities: Good communication, teamwork and responsability.
Analizar perfiles laborales en inglés.
Ejercicio sobre elegir perfiles
Existen dos perfiles profesionales disponibles, elige el que se ajuste con la descripción de perfil mencionado anteriormente.
● Role: Language Teacher
● Work: 2+ years of experience.
● Languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese.
● Abilities: Good communication, teamwork and responsibility.
The candidate who best fits the profile description:
Reviewing these two profiles, Veronica needs to choose Jhon Carvajal for the Language Teacher role.
The best Candidate is Jhon because has experience and dominate English, Spanish and Portuguese Languages.
Jhon Carvajal
● Country: Colombia
● Work experience: 3 years
● Languages: English, Spanish,
Portuguese and French.
● Abilities: Confidence, communication
and responsibility.
● Hobbies: Reading, learning new
languages, cycling and listening to
Ravee Lakhmani
● Country: Canada
● Work experience: 2 years
● Languages: English and Spanish.
● Abilities: Teamwork
● Hobbies: cooking, playing tennis and
watching movies
According to the requirements, Jhon Carvajal is the correct candidate for the position. because he know three languages
According the requirements, Jhon Carvajal is the correct candidate for the position.
John is the chosen one.
because he has two of the three requirements that Veronica states
Only Jhon completes the requirements
The best for the work is Jhon Carvajal although he don´t meets with all requierements
Jhon is the best candidate
Jhon Carvajal’s abilities and experience match with the profile description. He is a good candidate for the position.
John is the best candidate for the job 'cause he speaks four lenguages and he have more experience
I compare the two profiles and the best candidate for the job is Jhon Carvajal, because he has all that Platzi looking for.
Jhon is the best candidate for the work
The perfile correct is for Jhon, because he meets all requirements.
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