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Course Name: Taller de Inglés básico A1: Elementos y expresiones de trabajo
Dean: Jess Harris.
English School Owner: Jhon Carvajal.
Teacher: Gina Pedraza.
Production OPS: Lizeth Cáceres & Rocío Martínez.
Audiovisual Creator: León Felipe Jiménez, Juan Franco.
Video Editor: Diana Capote.
Audio Post Production: Santiago Guarín Suárez.
Graphic Design: Romi Lavín.
Coordination: Andrés Arizmendy, Daniel Gutierrez, Carol Baquero, Carlos Céspedes, Sura Cedeño & Sara Hernández.
Revision: Axel Yaguana, João Guilherme Vieira Jófili.

Aportes 163

Preguntas 8

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El examen tiene 3 preguntas con problemas técnicos, dos de ellas piden escuchar un audio en drive que esta sin accesos y en la otra no carga la imegen. Un poco de testing no cae mal antes de salir a producción 😕 #PasaHastaenlasMejoresFamilias

Dear teacher Gina Pedraza, may the Lord bless you and the Virgin Mary intercede for you!
Peace and all good!

In this course, we practiced too:

Some writing
Pronunciation. (It is a little difficult for me read/pronounce: Wednesday).

Thank you very much for this course teacher Gina
I love it!⭐

en el examen encontré 4 dificultades:

  • audio del número de teléfono, está repetido con el deletreo de Katherine.
  • La foto del termo (Thermos) yo la veo rosa y azul, pero en las respuestas no se encuentra esta combinación.
  • cuando preguntan el día de la semana del 20 de Julio, no sale la foto del calendario.
  • La maceta de la planta la veo verde, al seleccionarla sale como incorrecto.

Gracias por la atención, espero poder presentar de nuevo el examen ya con todo solucionado.

En esta y la clase anterior tampoco cargan bien los comentarios

Thank you teacher, you did very well.


Gina is a great teacher, thank you!

Hello everyone, this is my reply

1.- First you need to download the app on your smartphone

2.- I have 20 emails notifications

3.- My interview is on Tuesday

4.- The meeting is at 8:00am

True or False

5.- A. True

6.- B. False

  • Thank you, teacher Gina for your labor. A pretty clean pronunciation you have.

The test is working perfectly.

I love this course, in this moment i´m the new element of the team.

thank you for this class

This course was great. Congratulations to the Teacher Gina Pedraza: Excelent job, was funny learn english wirh her and the tools are mordern. I enyoy this course.

Wrap up:

  1. First you need to download the APP on your smartphone
  2. I have 20 email notifications
  3. My interview is on Tuesday
  4. The meeting is at 8:00am
  5. True
  6. False

Buenas Tardes,

Creo que hay un bug en el Examen, precisamente en la subida del contenido de esta pregunta:

1- Pregunta “Look at the picture. What color is the thermos?” No se adjunta imagen del termo.


Let’s review everything you learned!

Thank you, teacher Gina. I love this course.

i love the teacher 💚

this course is great,

Thank you teacher Gina

Me ha gustado mucho este curso. 🙏

Thanks a lot

Practice Worksheet

  1. First you need to download the APP on your smartphone.
  2. I have 20 email notifications!
  3. My interview is on Tuesday.
  4. The meeting is at 8:00am
  5. There is a laptop and a plant true
  6. There are markers, a monitor, a mouse and a plant pot. false

Thank you very much for this course teacher Gina

Thank you teacher Gina 😃 ❤️

thanks you


you are amazing teacher, thank you!!!

Hi teacher, thank you very mucho for this course.

Thank you Teacher.

Thank you very much Prof. Gina. I really enjoyed this course.

Thanks teacher, you are good teaching!

Gina! ⭐️

ayuda 🙏 en el examen no se miran las imágenes pudieran revisarlo! please!

a great curse thank you very much

R1: First you need to *download* the APP on your smartphone R2: I have 20 email *notifications* R3: My interview is *on* Tuesday R4: The meeting is *at* 8:00am R5: The response is *True*, but in programming logic, the response is 'False' because the 'AND' operator means that there must only be 2 objects (laptop and plant), and I can see a glass, a smartphone, and a cable. R6: *False*

Thank you very much for this course teacher Gina

* **<u>me gusta la clase</u>**
The course was excellent. I really enjoyed it. The teacher's speaking and the roleplays were clear and easy to understand for me. The worksheets were also very helpful. Thank you so much 💚.
Wrap up: 1. First you need to **download** the APP on your smartphone 2. I have 20 email **notifications** 3. My interview is **on** Tuesday 4. The meeting is **at** 8:00am 5. There is a laptop and a plant. **True** 6. There are markers, a monitor, a mouse and a plant pot. **False**
**Practice Worksheet - Wrap up!** Instructions: Select the correct answer: 1\. First you need to **(b). download** the APP on your smartphone. a). Upload b). Download 2\. I have 20 email **(a). notifications**! a). Notifications b). Statuses 3\. My interview is **(b). on** Tuesday. a). at b). on 4\. The meeting is **(a). at** 8:00am a). at b). on **True or False:** 5\. There is a laptop and a plant. **(a). True.** a). True b). False 6\. There are markers, a monitor, a mouse and a plant pot. **(b). False.** a). True b). False

Me encantó este curso y la energía de Gina es genial. me conecte mucho.

Thank you very much. Let's follow with the practice.
hola , alguien me podría ayudar por favor . trato de hacer el examen para la certificación pero no me sale la opción o me podría guiar . agradecería la colaboración
Dear Teacher Gina Pedraza, may Almighty God bless you and the Virgin Mary intercede for you always. A thousand blessings. ![](

Thanks teacher you’re a professional and amazing teacher!

it is a very good course and the teacher is easy to understand

My names are Kevin Daniel, you can call me Daniel, I work at technology startup, my responsabilities are build new api for the backend of our aplication, and check the correct building for the application.
Realicé el examen de certificación y en muchas de las preguntas se requiere de una imagen para contestar y no cargan... Por favor validar que todas las imágenes estén cargadas porque así es imposible saber la respuesta correcta.

thank you teacher gina pedraza

De estas preguntas no sale la imagen correspondiente: Look at the picture. What day of the week is January 11? Look at the picture. What day of the week is January 20? Look at the picture. What time is it? Look at the picture. What time is it? El examen debe corregirse.
Hola, hay cuatro preguntas en la que no me esta cargando las imagenes por lo cual no he podido pasar mi examen :(
My name is Ian. I am a teacher in STEAM education. I am currently working at the Kodland online school, my responsibilities are to respect the lesson plan times and teach with a lot of emotion

I am excited to have finished this course.

  1. B
  2. A
  3. B
  4. A
  5. A
  6. B
  1. B
  2. A
  3. B
  4. A
  5. A
  6. B

In this course, we practiced too:

Some writing
Pronunciation. (It is a little difficult for me read/pronounce: Wednesday).

Repasemos lo que practicamos durante este taller

Wrap up!
I. Select the correct answer:

  1. First you need to ______________ the APP on your smartphone.
    b. download
  2. I have 20 email _______________!
    a. notifications
  3. My interview is ___ Tuesday.
    b. on
  4. The meeting is ___ 8:00am
    a. at
    True or False:
  5. There is a laptop and a plant.
    a. true
  6. There are markers, a monitor, a mouse and a plant pot.
    b. False

never stop learning .D

Tengo problemas al presentar el examen final. Varias preguntas tienen imágenes. Yo estudio desde mi iPad y las imágenes se ven demasiado pequeñas, imposible leer los calendarios, los relojes o diferenciar que objetos hay en las imágenes descriptivas. Lo cual hace que tenga respuestas incorrectas por tratar de adivinar esas respuestas.

I love this course.

“C:\Users\HP\Desktop\exercicise g.jpg”

Practice “A” and “an”, “it’s” sentences, plural forms, “there are” sentences, numbers, colors, subjective pronouns and professions, greetings, negative sentences and questions, possessive adjectives, days of the week, speaking of your hobbies and questions with “what’s your”

Happy Night!!
My opinion about the course was exciting, becasuse I learned many things and took notes of the most important things!! Daily practice Is very important to be present.

  • I. Select the correct answer
  1. First you need to ______________ the APP on your smartphone.
    a. upload
    b. download
  2. I have 20 email _______________!
    a. notifications
    b. statuses
  3. My interview is ___ Tuesday.
    a. at
    b. on
  4. The meeting is ___ 8:00am
    a. at
    b. on
  5. There is a laptop and a plant.
    a. true
    b. False
  6. There are markers, a monitor, a mouse and a plant pot.
    a. True
    b. False

Practice Worksheet
Wrap up
First you need to ______________ the APP on your smartphone
b. download
2. I have 20 email _______________!
a. notifications
3. My interview is ___ Tuesday.
b. on
4. The meeting is ___ 8:00am
a. at
5. There is a laptop and a plant.
a. true
6. There are markers, a monitor, a mouse and a plant pot.
b. False

I hope to see you in future courses :’)

Dear Teacher:

Thank you for learn us. New words, interactive activities helps us a lot. It was fun, I 'am very happy! Thanks. Success in Platzi!

Select the correct answer:

  1. First you need to DOWNLOAD the APP on your Smartphone
  2. I have 20 email notifications
  3. My interview is ON Tuesday
  4. The meeting is AT 8:00 am

True or false:

There is a laptop, and a plant.

There are markers, a monitor, a mouse and a plant pot. False

I. Select the correct answer:

  1. First you need to ______________ the APP on your smartphone.
    a. upload
    b. download
  2. I have 20 email _______________!
    a. notifications
    b. statuses
  3. My interview is ___ Tuesday.
    a. at
    b. on
  4. The meeting is ___ 8:00am
    a. at
    b. on
    True or False:
  5. There is a laptop and a plant.
    a. true
    b. False
  6. There are markers, a monitor, a mouse and a plant pot.
    a. True
    b. False

The course was excellent! I believe that it had a good methodology and was entertaining. I learned new words and phrases.

John is very excited :)

Me encanto este curso

thanks Gina you is a teacher very nice

Practice Worksheet
Wrap up!
I. Select the correct answer:

  1. First you need to DOWNLOAD the APP on your smartphone.

a. upload b. download
2. I have 20 email NOTIFICATIONS!
a. notifications b. statuses

  1. My interview is ON Tuesday.
    a. at b. on

  2. The meeting is AT 8:00am
    a. at b. on

True or False:
5. There is a laptop and a plant. R// TRUE
a. True b. False

  1. There are markers, a monitor, a mouse
    and a plant pot. R// FALSE
    a. True b. False


  1. B
  2. A
  3. B
  4. A
  5. A
  6. B

Thank you so much teacher Gina for all knowledge that you teaching us. This course was a great one.

Thanks teacher Gina, I love your voice. It is pleasure to do and experience
your classes without subtitles.

Thanks! I practice a lot 😃

thank you for course

Buen día.
El examen tiene varias preguntas que pide observar una imagen y seleccionar una respuesta, pero no carga ninguna imagen. Las preguntas que más tienen este problema son las relacionadas con seleccionar horas y colores.

Teacher, thank you so much the activities and role plays are excellents. Congratulations.

Thank you teacher for your teaching!

Siguen con problemas en el examen.
Lo acabo de realizar y no pude contestar 5 preguntas de manera correcta porque no se ven las imágenes de los relojes para identificar la hora, ni del calendario para ver los días de la semana, así como la imagen de los objetos que hay en el escritorio.

Hi! there are some questions about to see a picture but they don’t appear.

Thank you Gina!

  1. First, you need to download the APP on your smartphone.
  2. I have 20 email notifications.
  3. My interview is on Tuesday.
  4. The meeting is at 8:00 am.
  5. There is a laptop and a plant. TRUE.
  6. There are markers, a monitor, a mouse and a plant pot. FALSE.

This was really fun! Thanks 😉

Thanks Gina! I am very happy with your course because I learned many words and expressions.
See you!

Practice worksheet
Wrap up!

Fist you need download the APP on your smartphone.
I have 20 email notifications.
My interview is on Tuesday.
The meeting is at 8:00 am.
There is a laptop and a plant. True
There are markers, a monitor, a mouse and a plant pot.

Thanks Gina, you are a great teacher!


  1. First you need to download the APP on your smartphone.
  2. I have 20 email notifications.
  3. My interview is on Tuesday.
  4. The meeting is at 8:00am.
  5. There is a laptop and a plant: true.
  6. There are markers, a monitor, a mouse and a plant pot: false.

You’re awesome, I know this is basic, but I’m pretty sure the people is learning a lot.


Hola Buenas tardes. Hay un problema al acceder al link del examen final de este modulo, no abre.