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Paga en 4 cuotas sin intereses

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16 Días
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22 Min
30 Seg



Aportes 23

Preguntas 1

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¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

(!) I’m not sure if my answers are correct or all correct:

  • What are you doing?
  • I am baking a pizza!
  • Do you need help?
  • Would you mind?
  • Not at all. I love cooking!
  • Have you seen MasterChef?
  • Yes I have! It is the best show ever!
  • Isn’t it?

A: What are you doing?
B: I am baking a pizza!
A: Do you need help?
B: Do you mind?
A: Not at all. I love cooking!
B: Do You ever seen Masterchef?
A: Yes, Its the best show ever that I seen!
B: Isn’t it?

The teacher is so beautiful

What are you doing? I 'm looking the window

This is impressive.

  • What are you doing?
  • I’m baking a pizza!
  • Do you need help?
  • Would you mind?
  • Not at all. I love cooking!
  • Have you seen MasterChef?
  • Yes, i have! It’s the best show ever!
  • Isn’t it?
![]( <>

Ellipsis: Leaving out redundant words which we would normally expect to use in a sentence if we followed the grammatical rules. Mainly taking out the ones that don’t change the meaning since those words are obvious from the context.

  • What are you doing?
  • I’m baking a pizza.
  • Do you need help?
  • Would you mind?
  • Not at all. I love cooking.
  • Have you seen MasterChef?
  • Yes, I have. It is the best show ever!
  • Isn’t it?

Sure thing!

Rewrite: A: What are you doing? B: I'm baking a pizza! A: Do you need help? B: Would you mind? A: Not at all. I love cooking! B: Have you seen MasterChef? A: It's the best show ever! B: Isn't it?

Whatcha doing? what are you doing?
Baking a pizza! i am baking a pizza!
Need help? do you need help?
You mind? are you mind?
Not at all. I love cooking! no, not at all. i love cooking!
You seen MasterChef? have you seen MasteChef?
Best show ever! this is the best show ever!
Isn’t it? is not it?

A: Whatcha doing = What are you doing
B: Baking a pizza! = I’m baking a pizza
A: Need help? = Do you need help
B: You mind? = Do you mind?
A: Not at all. I love cooking (not sure)
B: You seen mastercheft = Have you seen mastercheft
A: Best show ever = It is best show ever
B: Isn’t it = Is no it?

What are you doing?
I am baking a pizza
Do you need help?
Do you mind helping me?
No, not all all. I love cooking!
Have you seen the T.V show Masterchef?
Yes, it’s the best show ever
It is, isn’t it?

  • What are you gonna do?
    with ellipsis: “wha-cha gonna do?”

  • What have you been doing?
    with ellipsis: “wha-cha been doin’?”

  • What do you want to do?
    with ellipsis: “wha-cha wanna do?”

Thank you

A: What are you doing?
B: I am baking a pizza!
A: Do you need help?
B: Do you mind helping me?
A:No, not at all, I love cooking!
B:Have you seen the TV show MasterChef?
A:Yes, It´s the best show ever
B:Its is, isn´t it? - RECORDING

A: What are you doing?
B: I’m baking a pizza!
A: Do you need help?
B: Do you mind?
A: Not at all. I love cooking!
B: Have you seen Master Chef?
A: It’s the best show ever!
B: It is, isn’t it?

My recording:

A: What are you doing?
B: I am baking a pizza!
A: Do you need help?
B: Do you mind helping me?
A: No, Not at all. I love cooking!
B: Have you seen the TV show MasterChef?
A: Yes, It is the best show ever!
B: It is,Isn’t?

Here is my recording

What time is it?

  • All answers are correct
    Do you think she’ll like the present?
  • All answers are correct

A: what are you doing
B: I’m baking a pizza!
A: Do you need help?
B: Do you mind helping me?
A: Not at all. I love cooking!
B: Have you seen the TV show MasterChef?
A: It’s the best show ever!
B: It is, isn’t it?

My recording


A: What are you doing?
B: I am baking a pizza.
A: Do you need some help?
B: Would you mind helping me?
A: Not at all. I love cooking.
B: Have you seen the MasterChef’s TV show?
A: Yes, I have. It is the best show ever!
B: It is, is not it?

You can listen to my recording, playing it here.

A: What are you doing?
B: I’m baking a pizza!
A: Do you need help?
B: Would you mind?
A: Not at all. I love cooking!
B: Have you seen MasterChef?
A: Yes, I have, it’s the best show ever!
B: Isn’t it?