- Is this letter for me? Who’s it from?
- Why weren’t you and Amanda at the party?
- I’m waiting for the bus.
- Can you say that again?
- We are not going, our plans have changed.
My recording
Formal and Informal Contractions
Quiz: Fluency
Strong and Weak Forms
Emphasizing For The Win
Emphasizing For Clarity
Emphasizing Questions
Quiz: Stress
Giving Your Opinion
Comparisons and Contrasts
Request or Offer Help
Quiz: Intonation
Continuing the Conversation
Adding Information
Showing Attitude
Replying with Questions
Quiz: Conversation
English around the world
Foreign Words in English
British vs American Vocabulary
British vs American Slang
Quiz: English around the world
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Mariana Lafón
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My recording
Wow, a lot of information; but it is great to improve and to have a more accurate pronunciation and rythm, especially to convey the message and intention we want to.
You can listen to my recording, playing it here.
Function Words: Certain words are pronounced differently according to whether we choose to stress them or not.
Is this letter for me? Who’s it from?
Why weren’t you and Amanda++ at++ the party?
I am waiting for the bus.
Can you say++ that++ again?
We++ are++ not going, ++Our ++plans have changed.
https://voca.ro/19wZoLABVW6L - Recording
These exercises relax my tongue and improve my pronunciation skill. Here we go
Very fun class! Thanks!
Thank you so much teacher!! It helped a lot!!!
Thank you
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