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Paga en 4 cuotas sin intereses

Paga en 4 cuotas sin intereses

Termina en:

18 Días
11 Hrs
46 Min
52 Seg

Strong and Weak Forms


Aportes 22

Preguntas 0

Ordenar por:

¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

  1. Is this letter for me? Who’s it from?
  2. Why weren’t you and Amanda at the party?
  3. I’m waiting for the bus.
  4. Can you say that again?
  5. We are not going, our plans have changed.

My recording

Wow, a lot of information; but it is great to improve and to have a more accurate pronunciation and rythm, especially to convey the message and intention we want to.


  1. Is this letter for me? Who’s it from?
  2. Why weren’t you and Amanda at the party?
  3. I’m waiting for the bus.
  4. Can you say that again?
  5. We are not going, our plans have changed.

Activity recording

  1. Is this letter for me? Who’s it from?
  2. Why weren’t you and Amanda at the party?
  3. I’m waiting for the bus.
  4. Can you say that again?
  5. We are not going, our plans have changed.



  1. Is this letter for me? Who’s it from?
  2. Why weren’t you and Amanda at the party?
  3. I’m waiting for the bus.
  4. Can you say that again?
  5. We are not going, our plans have changed.

You can listen to my recording, playing it here.

  • You’re using the weak form
  • You’re using the strong form
    Is this letter for me? Who’s it from?
    Why weren’t you and Amanda at the party?
    I’m waiting for the bus.
    Can you say that again?
    We are not going, our plans have changed.
    My recording

Function Words: Certain words are pronounced differently according to whether we choose to stress them or not.

  1. Is this letter for me? Who’s it ++from ++?
  2. Why weren’t you and Amanda at the party?
  3. I’m waiting for the bus.
  4. Can you say that again?
  5. We are not going, our plans have changed.

Is this letter for me? Who’s it from?
Why weren’t you and Amanda++ at++ the party?
I am waiting for the bus.
Can you say++ that++ again?
We++ are++ not going, ++Our ++plans have changed. - Recording

1. Is this letter *for* me? Who's it *from*? 2. Why weren't you *and* Amanda **at** the party? 3. *I'm* waiting for the bus. 4. Can you say **that** again? 5. We *are* not going, *our* plans have changed. This is my recording: <>
Should be perfect if the teacher listen the recordings and do corrections accordantly 🤷🏽‍♂️
my record: <>
<> ![](

  1. Why weren’t you and Amanda at the party?
  2. 'am waiting for the bus.
  3. Can you say that again?
  4. We are not going, our plans have changed.
My recording: <>

  1. Is this letter /fɚ/ me? Who’s it /frəm/?
  2. Is this letter for me? Who’s it from?
  3. Why weren’t you /ən/ Amanda /æt/ the party?
  4. Why weren’t you and Amanda at the party?
  5. /əm/ waiting for the bus.
  6. I am waiting for the bus.
  7. Can you say /ðæt/ again?
  8. Can you say that again?
  9. We /ɚ/ not going, /aʊr/ plans have changed.
  10. We are not going, our plans have changed.

Amazing class.

Practice SF WF

These exercises relax my tongue and improve my pronunciation skill. Here we go

Very fun class! Thanks!

Thank you so much teacher!! It helped a lot!!!

Thank you