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Paga en 4 cuotas sin intereses

Paga en 4 cuotas sin intereses

Termina en:

16 Días
4 Hrs
53 Min
54 Seg

Emphasizing For Clarity


Aportes 9

Preguntas 1

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Mariana A: This package just arrived.
Mariana B: Who’s it for?
Mariana A: Let’s see… It says it’s for Mariana. So I think it’s for me!
Mariana B: No, the package is for me!
Mariana A: Sorry, but did you order anything?
Mariana B: Yes, I ordered new sheets.
Mariana A: A new sheep? What for?
Mariana B: No! New sheets for my bed.
Mariana A: Ah! You see, I also ordered something: a ball.
Mariana B: A bowl? Don’t we have plenty already?
Mariana A: Not a bowl, a ball. You know how much I love tennis.
Mariana B: Sorry, my bad.
Mariana A: But it was meant to arrive on June thirteenth.
Mariana B: Fifteenth? Well… today is the tenth so…
Mariana A: No, I said thirteenth!
Mariana B: Oh, so it arrived early! Mine is for the end of the month.
Mariana A: Should we just open it and check?
Mariana B: Thought you’d never ask!

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my pronunciation

Amazing class teacher! 🤩
very few people have seen this important course.

Emphasizing for Clarity

thank you

Mariana A: This package just arrived.
Mariana B: Who’s it for?
Mariana A: Let’s see… It says it’s for Santiago. So I think it’s for me!
Mariana B: No, the package is for me!
Mariana A: Sorry, but did you order anything?
Mariana B: Yes, I ordered new sheets.
Mariana A: A new sheep? What for?
Mariana B: No! New sheets for my bed.
Mariana A: Ah! You see, I also ordered something: a ball.
Mariana B: A bowl? Don’t we have plenty already?
Mariana A: Not a bowl, a ball. You know how much I love tennis.
Mariana B: Sorry, my bad.
Mariana A: But it was meant to arrive on June thirteenth.
Mariana B: Fifteenth? Well… today is the tenth so…
Mariana A: No, I said thirteenth!
Mariana B: Oh, so it arrived early! Mine is for the end of the month.
Mariana A: Should we just open it and check?
Mariana B: Thought you’d never ask!

You can listen to my recording, playing here.
White: This package just arrived.
Black: Who’s it for?
White: Let’s see… It says it’s for Mariana. So I think it’s for me!
Black: No, the package is for me!
White: Sorry, but did you order anything?
Black: Yes, I ordered new sheets.
White: A new sheep? What for?
Black: No! New sheets for my bed.
White: Ah! You see, I also ordered something: a ball.
Black: A bowl? Don’t we have plenty already?
White: Not a bowl, a ball. You know how much I love tennis. But it was meant to arrive on June thirteenth.
Black: Fifteenth? Well… today is the tenth so…
White: No, I said thirteenth!
Black: Oh, so it arrived early! Mine is for the end of the month.
White: Should we just open it and check?
Black: Thought you’d never ask!