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Giving Your Opinion


Aportes 15

Preguntas 1

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  1. I think you’re angry because you’re hungry. (Fall)
  2. I thought they were going to win but now I’m not so sure. (Rise)
  3. I think we should get the earliest flight. (Fall)
  4. Great performance, wasn’t it? (Fall-rise)
  5. This soup is really hot, isn’t it? (Fall-fall)

You can listen to my recording, playing it here.

I think you’re angry because you’re hungry. (Definite opinion)
I thought they were going to win but now I’m not so sure. (Less sure)
I think we should get the earliest flight. (Definite opinion)
Great performance, wasn’t it? (asking for opinion)
This soup is really hot, isn’t it? (Looking for confirmation)

We also speak with these intonations in Spanish. We can relate both languages to understand how we use it.

  • I think you’re angry because you’re hungry (Sure)
    • aɪ θɪŋk jʊr ˈæŋɡri bɪˈkɔz jʊr ˈhʌŋɡri
  • I thought they were going to win but now I’m not so sure.(Less sure)
    • aɪ θɔt ðeɪ wɜr ˈɡoʊɪŋ tu wɪn bʌt naʊ aɪm nɑt soʊ ʃʊr.
  • I think we should get the earliest flight. (Sure)
    • aɪ θɪŋk wi ʃʊd ɡɛt ði ˈɜrliəst flaɪt.
  • Great performance, wasn’t it? (Question, asking for opinion)
    • ɡreɪt pərˈfɔrməns, ˈwɑzənt ɪt?
  • This soup is really hot, isn’t it?  (Opinion, looking for confirmation.)
    ðɪs sup ɪz ˈrɪli hɑt, ˈɪzənt ɪt?

Giving your opinion

<> 1. **I think you’re angry because you’re hungry.** * **Tone:** Definite opinion (Fall) 2. **I thought they were going to win but now I’m not so sure.** * **Tone:** Less sure (Rise) 3. **I think we should get the earliest flight.** * **Tone:** Definite opinion (Fall) 4. **Great performance, wasn’t it?** * **Tone:** Question tag (Fall-rise) 5. **This soup is really hot, isn’t it?** * **Tone:** Question tag (Fall-fall)
Here's my recording: <> 1. Fall 2. Rise 3. Fall 4. Fall rise 5. fall fall
  1. I think you’re angry because you’re hungry. (sure)
  2. I thought they were going to win but now I’m not so sure. (less sure)
  3. I think we should get the earliest flight. (opinion)
  4. Great performance, wasn’t it? (question)
  5. This soup is really hot, isn’t it? (opinion)
  1. Fall
  2. Rise
    3 Fall
  3. Fall-Rise
  4. Fall-Fall

that´s right

Thank you

  1. I think you’re angry because you’re hungry. (FALL)
  2. I thought they were going to win but now I’m not so sure. (RISE)
  3. I think we should get the earliest flight. (FALL)
  4. Great performance, wasn’t it? (FALL RISE)
  5. This soup is really hot, isn’t it? (FALL FALL)

Intonation: The tune or melody of an accent, the pitch patterns of speech. It’s used to add extra meaning to what we’re saying. Without these rises and falls, we would sound unnatural, even robotic.

  1. Fall
  2. Rise
  3. Fall
  4. Fall-Rise
  5. Fall-Fall

My recording