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British vs American Slang


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British vocabulary / American vocabulary

  • Taking the piss / I feel you
  • Bloody brilliant / Freaking awesome
  • Queues / Line
  • Man / Dude
  • Fancy / Chill out
  • Wicked / Yikes
  • Underground / Subway
  • Proper good / I’m down
  • Return tickets / Round-trip tickets
  • I’m buzzing / You bet
  • Cheers / Later man

My recording

has to do with: relates to, affects, appertains to, applies to.
cheerio!: good bye, good luck.

cheerio (without exclamation sign): cereal
Taking the piss is a colloquial term
meaning to mock at the expense of others, or to be joking, without the element of offence.

I feel you: I undertand.
no My cup of tea: it’s not what you like or what you’re interested in.
proper good: real good.
sweet. yeah: excellent!
I’m down: you’re agreeing to do what the person is asking.
Dude: man.
Wicked: literally evil if you know a friend you can talk with him her like a dude.
Yikes: uff, is an interjection of surprise, alarm, or concern and is often used to respond to an awkward remark.
I’m buzzing: be very excited and happy.
cheers: hello, goodbye, to thank you, and no, thank you, to formal or informal toasts at the bar.
I must insist that you remember we invented the English Language:
Sounds like they are friends since a lot of years ago, or they have a good master language, because they use slang and idioms.


  • Taking the piss
  • Bloody brilliant
  • Can’t be bothered
  • Queues
  • My cup of tea
  • Wicked
  • Proper good
  • Underground
  • Wicked
  • Return tickets
  • innit
  • I’m buzzin’
  • Bruv
  • Cheers
  • I feel you
  • Line
  • Freaking awesome
  • Lit
  • I’m down
  • Of course dude
  • Later man
  • Chill out
  • Round-trip ticket
  • Yikes
  • You bet
  • Epic
  • Dude
  • Man
  • Subway
[here]( is my record!! 😸 * Jess: What’s your problem with shorts? Pants are so restricting! * Ravee: I was just taking the piss mate 🇬🇧. I can’t be bothered with fashion. * Jess: I feel you, man 🇺🇸. Let’s carry on planning our trip. * Ravee: I think we should visit the Statue of Liberty. * Jess: Then we should book our tickets in advance, that way we won’t have to wait in line 🇺🇸. * Ravee: That’s bloody brilliant! 🇬🇧 I hate queues 🇬🇧! * Jess: Also, what Broadway show do you want to watch? I heard Hamilton is freaking awesome! 🇺🇸 * Ravee: To be honest, musicals aren’t my cup of tea 🇬🇧 mate. What about The Play That Goes Wrong? I heard it’s properly good 🇬🇧. * Jess: Sweet! Yeah, I’m down 🇺🇸. * Ravee: And do you fancy 🇬🇧 walking around Central Park? * Jess: Of course, dude 🇺🇸. We also have to visit the Empire State Building and the Brooklyn Bridge. * Ravee: Wicked! 🇬🇧 We’ll use the underground 🇬🇧 to get around the city. * Jess: I must insist you call it ‘the subway’ 🇺🇸 if you’re traveling to America. * Ravee: And I must insist that you remember we invented the English language. * Jess: Chill out 🇺🇸, Ravee. Who’s talking about the English language? * Ravee: No one, I guess. Why don’t we buy our return tickets tonight? * Jess: Yikes 🇺🇸! I am actually not buying a round-trip ticket. I am gonna visit my folks after our trip. * Ravee: No place like home, innit 🇬🇧? * Jess: You bet 🇺🇸. * Ravee: I’ll let you know when I buy my ticket so we can start booking everything else. * Jess: This trip is gonna be epic 🇺🇸! * Ravee: I’m buzzin’ bruv 🇬🇧! See you soon. Cheers 🇬🇧! * Jess: Later, man 🇺🇸!

piss mate
bloody brilliant!
cup of tea mate
You bet.
I’m buzzin’ bruv!
Later man!

<h5>02:14 - This is true, the UK repeats a lot that they are the Standard pronunciation, and they are very proud of this.</h5>


  • Taking the piss ˈteɪkɪŋ ðə pɪs/ I feel you aɪ fil ju
  • can’t be bothered kɑːnt biː ˈbɒðəd/ man mæn
  • Queues kjuːz / Line laɪn
  • Bloody brilliant ˈblʌdi ˈbrɪljənt!/ Freaking awesome frikɪŋ ˈɑsəm!
  • my cup of tea maɪ kʌp ɒv tiː / lit lɪt
  • Proper good ˈprɒpə ɡʊd/ I’m down aɪm daʊn
  • Underground ˈʌndəɡraʊnd/ Subway sʌˌbweɪ
  • wicked! ˈwɪkɪd!/ dude dud
  • Fancy ˈfænsi/ Chill out ʧɪl aʊt
  • Return tickets rɪˈtɜːn ˈtɪkɪts/ Round-trip tickets raʊnd-trɪp ˈtɪkət (Boletos de ida y vuelta)
  • innit / Yikes! jaɪks!
  • I’m buzzing aɪm ˈbʌzɪn/ You bet jaɪks!
  • bruv / epic ˈɛpɪk
  • Cheers ʧɪəz!/ Later man ˈleɪtər mæn!

UK vs USA Slang

Thank you

You can listen to my recording, playing it here.

Jess: What’s your problem with shorts? Pants are so restricting!
Ravee: I was just taking the piss mate 🇬🇧. I can’t be bothered with fashion.
Jess: I feel you, man 🇺🇸. Let’s carry on planning our trip.
Ravee: I think we should visit the Statue of Liberty.
Jess: Then we should book our tickets in advance, that way we won’t have to wait in line 🇺🇸.
Ravee: That’s bloody brilliant! 🇬🇧 I hate queues 🇬🇧!
Jess: Also, what Broadway show do you want to watch? I heard Hamilton is freaking awesome! 🇺🇸
Ravee: To be honest, musicals aren’t my cup of tea 🇬🇧 mate. What about The Play That Goes Wrong? I heard it’s properly good 🇬🇧.
Jess: Sweet! Yeah, I’m down 🇺🇸.
Ravee: And do you fancy 🇬🇧 walking around Central Park?
Jess: Of course, dude 🇺🇸. We also have to visit the Empire State Building and the Brooklyn Bridge.
Ravee: Wicked! 🇬🇧 We’ll use the underground 🇬🇧 to get around the city.
Jess: I must insist you call it ‘the subway’ 🇺🇸 if you’re traveling to America.
Ravee: And I must insist that you remember we invented the English language.
Jess: Chill out 🇺🇸, Ravee. Who’s talking about the English language?
Ravee: No one, I guess. Why don’t we buy our return tickets 🇬🇧 tonight?
Jess: Yikes 🇺🇸! I am actually not buying a round-trip ticket 🇺🇸. I am gonna visit my folks after our trip.
Ravee: No place like home, innit 🇬🇧?
Jess: You bet 🇺🇸.
Ravee: I’ll let you know when I buy my ticket so we can start booking everything else.
Jess: This trip is gonna be epic 🇺🇸!
Ravee: I’m buzzin’ bruv 🇬🇧! See you soon. Cheers 🇬🇧!
Jess: Later man 🇺🇸!

dead chat ?