

Arrays y Strings para resolver algoritmos avanzados


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Programando Search 2D Array Matrix

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Playground: Search 2D Array Matrix


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function searchInMatrix(matrix, target) {
	let up = 0, left = 0;
	let down = matrix.length - 1, right = matrix[up].length - 1;
	let half, selectedRow;

	while (up <= down) { // Busqueda por columna
		half = Math.floor(up + (down - up) / 2);
		if (up == down) {
			selectedRow = up;

		if (matrix[up][right] <= target && matrix[half][right] < target) 
			up = half+1;
			down = half;

	while (left <= right) { // Busqueda por fila
		half = Math.floor(left + (right - left) / 2);

		if (matrix[selectedRow][half] < target)
			left = half + 1; //: Descartamos mitad izq.
			right = half - 1; //: Descartamos mitad der.

		if (matrix[selectedRow][half] == target)
			return true

	return false;
Mi solución en JS:const search2DArrayMatrix = (matrix, target) => {    const rows = matrix.length;     let rowsTop = 0;    let rowsBottom = rows - 1;     while (rowsTop <= rowsBottom) {        const rowsHalf = Math.floor((rowsBottom + rowsTop) / 2);         const currentRow = matrix\[rowsHalf];        const currentRowLength = matrix\[rowsHalf].length;         // Find row        if (currentRow\[0] <= target && currentRow\[currentRowLength - 1] >= target) {            console.log('Found row that contains range');            let left = 0;            let right = currentRowLength - 1;             while (left <= right) {                const half = Math.floor((right + left) / 2);                 if (currentRow\[half] === target) {                    console.log(`Found at position: (${rowsHalf}, ${half})`);                    return true;                }                 if (target > currentRow\[half]) {                    left = half + 1;                }                 if (target < currentRow\[half]) {                    right = half - 1;                }            }            break;        }        if (target > currentRow\[currentRowLength - 1]) {            rowsTop = rowsHalf + 1;        }        if (target < currentRow\[0]) {            rowsBottom = rowsHalf - 1;        }    }     return false;} const DATA\_INPUT\_1 = \[    \[1, 3, 5, 7],    \[10, 11, 16, 20],    \[23, 30, 34, 60],]; console.log(search2DArrayMatrix(DATA\_INPUT\_1, 16));console.log(search2DArrayMatrix(DATA\_INPUT\_1, 60));console.log(search2DArrayMatrix(DATA\_INPUT\_1, 2)); ```js const search2DArrayMatrix = (matrix, target) => { const rows = matrix.length; let rowsTop = 0; let rowsBottom = rows - 1; while (rowsTop <= rowsBottom) { const rowsHalf = Math.floor((rowsBottom + rowsTop) / 2); const currentRow = matrix[rowsHalf]; const currentRowLength = matrix[rowsHalf].length; // Find row if (currentRow[0] <= target && currentRow[currentRowLength - 1] >= target) { console.log('Found row that contains range'); let left = 0; let right = currentRowLength - 1; while (left <= right) { const half = Math.floor((right + left) / 2); if (currentRow[half] === target) { console.log(`Found at position: (${rowsHalf}, ${half})`); return true; } if (target > currentRow[half]) { left = half + 1; } if (target < currentRow[half]) { right = half - 1; } } break; } if (target > currentRow[currentRowLength - 1]) { rowsTop = rowsHalf + 1; } if (target < currentRow[0]) { rowsBottom = rowsHalf - 1; } } return false; } const DATA_INPUT_1 = [ [1, 3, 5, 7], [10, 11, 16, 20], [23, 30, 34, 60], ]; console.log(search2DArrayMatrix(DATA_INPUT_1, 16)); console.log(search2DArrayMatrix(DATA_INPUT_1, 60)); console.log(search2DArrayMatrix(DATA_INPUT_1, 2)); ```
Hello Guys, This is my Code, I took willing from some of you in the Past on your comments here bellow \n ```js # Search 2D Array Matrix ..... from typing import List def searchInMatrix(matrix: List[List[int]], Target : int ) -> bool: m = len(matrix) n = len(matrix[0]) left = 0 right = m * n - 1 while ( left <= right ) : mid = left + ( right - left ) // 2 row_mid = mid // n column_mid = mid % n if ( Target == matrix[row_mid][column_mid] ) : return True if ( Target < matrix[row_mid][column_mid] ) : right = mid - 1 else: left = mid + 1 return False matrix = [ [1,3,5,7], [10,11,16,20], [23,30,34,60], ] print(matrix) response = searchInMatrix(matrix, 3) print(response) response2 = searchInMatrix(matrix, 12) print(response2) ```# Search 2D Array Matrix ..... from typing import List def searchInMatrix(matrix: List\[List\[int]], Target : int ) -> bool: m = len(matrix) n = len(matrix\[0]) left = 0 right = m \* n - 1 while ( left <= right ) : mid = left + ( right - left ) // 2 row\_mid = mid // n column\_mid = mid % n if ( Target == matrix\[row\_mid]\[column\_mid] ) : return True if ( Target < matrix\[row\_mid]\[column\_mid] ) : right = mid - 1 else: left = mid + 1 return False matrix = \[ \[1,3,5,7], \[10,11,16,20], \[23,30,34,60], ] print(matrix) response = searchInMatrix(matrix, 3) print(response) response2 = searchInMatrix(matrix, 12) print(response2)
Vuelvo a dejar mi solución funcional aquí: ```js def searchMatrix(matrix: list[list[int]], target: int) -> bool: n = len(matrix[0]) i, d = 0, len(matrix) * n - 1 while i <= d: mi = i + (d - i) // 2 fmi = mi // n cmi = mi % n if target == matrix[fmi][cmi]: return True if target < matrix[fmi][cmi]: d = mi - 1 else: i = mi + 1 return False ```
Comparto mi solución: ``` from typing import List def searchInMatrix(matriz: List\[List\[int]], objetivo: int) -> bool: m = len(matriz) n = len(matriz\[0]) left = 0 right = (m\*n) - 1 while left <= right: k = (left + right) // 2 row = k // n col = k % n if matriz\[row]\[col] == objetivo: return True #\* target is found elif matriz\[row]\[col] < objetivo: left = k + 1 else: right = k - 1 return False #\* target is not found ```

Vengo aprender a traves de un Playground la declaración de tipo de variables, super útil, porque yo creaba variable auxiliar para darle dir() y help() jajaj

