So that’s how it feels to hear your name in an English exercise haha Loved the acting! 😃
Here’s a new expression to me:
They value money over people
Inglés Profesional
Potencia tu perfil profesional en inglés
Prepárate para la búsqueda de trabajo en inglés
Episodio 1: Un nuevo trabajo
Vestimenta Profesional
Valores personales y corporativos en inglés
Describe tus planes
Habla de tu experiencia profesional en inglés
Quiz: Prepárate para la búsqueda de trabajo en inglés
Es hora de la entrevista en inglés
Episodio 2: Aprendizaje y Preparación
Descripciones de trabajo en inglés
Realiza una aplicación en inglés
Actitud para la entrevista
Expresa tu interes y haz networking en inglés
Quiz: Es hora de la entrevista en inglés
Es hora de la entrevista en inglés
Episodio 3: Poniendo a prueba lo aprendido
La entrevista en inglés
Preguntas a quien entrevista
Enviar un correo de seguimiento en inglés
Quiz: Es hora de la entrevista en inglés
El entorno laboral en inglés
Episodio 4: Nuevos retos profesionales
La oferta de trabajo en inglés
Vocabulario del contrato en inglés
Carta de renuncia en inglés
Quiz: El entorno laboral en inglés
Es hora de optimizar tu perfil en inglés
Autoevalúa lo aprendido
Lleva tu perfil profesional a un nuevo nivel
No se trata de lo que quieres comprar, sino de quién quieres ser. Invierte en tu educación con el precio especial
Antes: $249
Paga en 4 cuotas sin intereses
Termina en:
**Welcome to Episode 1:
Make sure you download the map mentioned by the teacher.
This map will help you track your journey and see how far you have come!
If you did not download the map, please do it now!
Interactive classes focused on listening and vocabulary
This course has 4 special classes (episodes) at the beginning of each module. They tell a story of Ximena and they provide a great opportunity to practice listening & vocabulary. Please download the worksheets for each of those episodes from the resource section of each of these classes.
The idea is for you to follow the conversation and fill in the gaps.
This will help you in practicing listening and learn new vocabulary at the same time!
The worksheet will be named: “Listening & Vocabulary Practice”.
You can check your answers from the full scripts provided in each class too!
All the best! Make sure you have everything you need to make the most from this course.
Aportes 27
Preguntas 1
So that’s how it feels to hear your name in an English exercise haha Loved the acting! 😃
Here’s a new expression to me:
They value money over people
What amazing class!! Kyra, you are a great great actress and the production team made a great job! Congratulations.
This is a very catchy manner to learn English!
Loved the episode 1. And… i feel like Ximena sometimes haha. I’m exciting about the story.
very nice course!! interresting!!
Es para pedirles que agreguen cursos de nivel C2.
Hello Platzi!
It is to ask to add C2 level courses.
Thanks 😃
Ximena has a lot of professional ambition. She wants to change the world with her code, help future devs and be a web3 innovator, but this time she doesn’t have any job and she has many bills to pay.
She has a good friend called Jess and Jess wants the companies to always improve the life of their employers.
Ximena likes to buy clothes on the internet. It is her favorite hobby.
Ximena sometimes talks to herself. She is worried about the state of her actual life. She tells herself that she has to order her home mess and put her professional experience on paper.
Bills, bills, bills… 😦
the bills are problems everywhere…!
heels: tacones
wrist: muñeca
Nice class, I’ll start my job hunt too…
I´m starting my job hunt too… and in a new country!!
What a great role-play!
Money makes caching 🤑🤑🤑
Bills make 😨😨😨
Good lecture
first thing first Ximena… nice way to start.
I think Ximena Berkeley is very intelligent but messy and her priorities are misdirected.
What kind of impact do
you want to make in this world?
¿Qué tipo de impacto quieres hacer en este mundo?
I just wanna change the world with my code
Solo quiero cambiar el mundo con mi código
help future devs
ayudar a futuros desarrolladores
and be a web3 innovator.
y ser un innovador web3.
¿Qué es web3?
La Web3 se ha convertido en un término general para la visión de un Internet nuevo y mejor. En esencia, Web3 utiliza cadenas de bloques, criptomonedas y NFT para devolver el poder a los usuarios en forma de propiedad. Una publicación de 2020 en Twitter captó mejor la esencia: Web 1.0 fue de solo lectura, Web 2.0 es de lectura-escritura, Web3 será de lectura-escritura-propiedad.
I loved this class format, please, we need more courses with this kind of lesson.
I think the history, the ideas and the way of teaching in this couse will be incredible, this course loooks like a game
I think about ximena, she is a woman very intelligent but she has not a plan for reseach her goals. Also I believe she need to coach for optimize her time and dont waste.
She must cleaning up that mess because this action will allow her many confort for thinking.
It was a great way to start the course. I felt the vibe to keep learning.
I want to change the world with my code 😎
Classes like this are very funny 😄
Great episode to learn more about vocabulary to share what you want to achieve, some of your “professional goals”, also to highlight what’s important inside of a company (something that the company in which you want to work, should take care of their employees)
Ready for the job hunt
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