The problem was she wasnt convinced of her skills and capacity. She didnt know how to start.
Inglés Profesional
Potencia tu perfil profesional en inglés
Prepárate para la búsqueda de trabajo en inglés
Episodio 1: Un nuevo trabajo
Vestimenta Profesional
Valores personales y corporativos en inglés
Describe tus planes
Habla de tu experiencia profesional en inglés
Quiz: Prepárate para la búsqueda de trabajo en inglés
Es hora de la entrevista en inglés
Episodio 2: Aprendizaje y Preparación
Descripciones de trabajo en inglés
Realiza una aplicación en inglés
Actitud para la entrevista
Expresa tu interes y haz networking en inglés
Quiz: Es hora de la entrevista en inglés
Es hora de la entrevista en inglés
Episodio 3: Poniendo a prueba lo aprendido
La entrevista en inglés
Preguntas a quien entrevista
Enviar un correo de seguimiento en inglés
Quiz: Es hora de la entrevista en inglés
El entorno laboral en inglés
Episodio 4: Nuevos retos profesionales
La oferta de trabajo en inglés
Vocabulario del contrato en inglés
Carta de renuncia en inglés
Quiz: El entorno laboral en inglés
Es hora de optimizar tu perfil en inglés
Autoevalúa lo aprendido
Lleva tu perfil profesional a un nuevo nivel
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The problem was she wasnt convinced of her skills and capacity. She didnt know how to start.
The part which takes me more time on an application is the experience part too. I try to express what were my most important achievements and sometimes is complicated to summarize them.
In my case, the section experience takes me more time to write. I think the reason is that in my country, never explains how to write a Job Application and I have never searched for this information. But, I appreciate learning this.
The experience for me take more time the reason is because this year I decided to change my caree, in this moment I am new in this way without experience.
Good lecture
Ximena’s applications were such a long to read.
What job would be best for someone like Ximena, Why?
The best job for Ximena would be Backend Developer or Frontend Develop, or perhaps Full Stack Developer ❤️
The experience and personal description part take the most time for me.
The self-description of my strengths and weaknesses is the part where I take more time to describe because sometimes I don’t see my own skills as advantages and my weakness as something to improve.
The experience part takes the most time for me because I have to adapt my experience according to the job requirements.
I also thing the experience, as my classmates, but it’s more challenging when we don’t have previuos experiences.
The experience and references are for me, because these things are difficult choice, the person needs, select what’s the best option.
What was the problem with Ximena’s job application?
There was an error in submitting the application.
Her interest letter was not convincing enough for them.
The hardest part for me is summarizing all the experiences I’ve had exploring the world. In just a few words, put everything I found from such great places and the benefit it brought to the whole world.
The problem that Ximena had with the job application was she hadn’t put an interest letter in the first submit.
The experience is the part that takes more time. I think that there are various causes. For example:
The experience section is the most difficult for me. The reason is I need to adapt my experience to be understood in another companies. Due to some processes are very specific for industry or company.
In my case it’s necessary to traduce this tasks into a vocabulary that can be understood by any company.
The experiences part takes the most time for me.
Thanks you for the class Kyra, You are the best teacher
Same as you, experience is pretty hard when you’re trying to align what you have done with what the job posting requires.
I take much time for write about me experience and skills
The same topic about experience, is the takes most time for me. I have 12 years experiencie then I have many things for write, but today I learned about the method PAR, Its the better option for resume my experiencel
I’d say experience too because I haven’t had a job in tech yet. So I’m planning to work on projects and show them in a portfolio along with my web page to say that those are the things I’ve worked with and accomplished.
Also for me, the experience part is the part that takes the most time for me. That is because I like to make sure I’m customizing my experience the most to give the employer all the reasons why I’m an excellent option for the role, the skills I gained, and the accomplishments I did.
For me also the expirience part is the most complicated and it takes me more time to review and complete.
The summary of my skills takes the most time form me, I’m very insecure. 😔
What was the problem with Ximena’s job application?
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