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Paga en 4 cuotas sin intereses

Paga en 4 cuotas sin intereses

Termina en:

12 Días
4 Hrs
20 Min
9 Seg

Carta de renuncia en inglés


Aportes 10

Preguntas 0

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Hello Ms Judith Toro,

This message is to comunicate you my desicion to leave the current possition that I have into the organization. I got r another job opportunitie to increase my professional development in order to get more strategic relations experiences according with my profile. I will be bring a complete report whom you asigne by the end of the next week, Febrary 17, 2023.


Julie Rodríguez

Hello Mr. Gonzales.
I write you because I am ending my time in the company. I have learned many skills, worked in many projects, I am really happy to have been part of the company, but I need to move forward, to a place where I can expand my knowledge and opportunities to reach my goals as a professional.
I am finishing all my assigned tasks, and then leaving.
Thanks for all the support.
My best regards!!!

Hello to my dear boss

This letter is to communicate to termination of employment. During the last few years, I learn many skills with my team and all the clients. But today I need to move on to find a company to improve my Business Analysis career, my English, and improve my salary. I will finish all my tasks at the end of the month and I will give you a status report for all the tasks in execution. Thanks for all, during these years.

April 20, 2023
Best regards, Carlos Fonseca

Good lecture

Hi Steve, I hope you are doing well

This message is to communicate my resignation, I have been working for 5 years in this company, I have grown a lot professionally but I need a new challenge, build other things and grow even more. I will be working in the project until the end of month, on January 31, 2026.

Jhon Doe

Thank you

Hello, Mrs. Rotchild…

I would like to inform you, in the most respectful way, that I have decided not to continue my working relationship with you as of the following month, given a great opportunity at an academic level for which I have been considered and corresponds to one of my great desires for a project of life.

Therefore, I promise to update all my pending work at the end of this month.

I thank you in advance for your understanding and for the great professional opportunity offered to date. It has been very enriching and gratifying to have worked in such an incredible team.

My best wishes to you, so-and-so.

Hello Mr Stirr,
This message is my termination of employment. I have gained many skills from working with your exploration team and would love to pursue opportunities that more closely align with my future plans of exploring the new islands on the Atlantic ocean. I will be shipping all tasks related to current exploration by the end of month, on February 28, 2023.

Best Regards,
Denis Tello

Hello Mrs. Kyra Sage,
I want to let you know my resignation from the front-end developer role that I’ve been working on since 2020. I need to develop personal projects that I’ve been planning and I require more time and space to complete them, surely I’ll apply a lot of skills that I learned with you. I want to thank you for the opportunity given to enhance my career while I worked with you. All the projects I’m working on with you will be completed by November 20, 2022

Adriel M.

Hello Ximena!

This letter is my termination of employment. I have gained and learned so much with the different projects that I have developed with your team. However, I would like to pursue a new position in a company that is more aligned with my middle-term goals.
I will send you all the corresponding projects before January 10th, 2023.
Thank you for gave me the opportunity some months ago to work with you as my first professional experience.

Best regards,
Santiago Tellez