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Course Name: Curso de Inglés Intermedio para el Trabajo
Dean: Jess Harris.
School Owner: Jhon Carvajal.
Teacher: Kyra Sage.
Course Direction: Jhon Carvajal.
Production OPS: Lizeth Cáceres & Rocío Martínez.
Audiovisual Creator: Candela Ocaranza.
Video Editor: Daniel Cadena.
Audio Post Production: Santiago Guarín Suárez.
Graphic Design: Amelia Amórtegui.
Coordination: Andrés Arizmendy, Daniel Gutierrez, Carol Baquero, Carlos Céspedes, Sura Cedeño & Sara Hernández.
Slide Revision: Brian Pajares.
Revision: Axel Yaguana, João Guilherme Vieira Jófili.

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Kyra is an excellent teacher, this is a magnificent course.

Como sugerencia el slogan debe ir en English, para mentalizarlo y repetirlo y digerirlo y saberlo

I am usually in a hurry to fill my daily time with learning activities. While on vacation, at home I cook, wash the dishes, clean the garden, do the laundry, plan my garden. I am a freelance painter and designer, which means I do what I want and when a I want. I do hardware construction at home too. I bake fresh bread. And I learn languages; I really enjoyed the dynamics of this course. It has been a very friendly experience. Thanks a lot.

This was an excellent course!

Thank you teacher Kyra, it was an excellent course!

Thanks for this course Teacher 🤌👏

Good course

Thank you teacher Kyra.

Thank you very much

Thanks you Kyra Sage, is an excellent teacher.
This course is amazing.

If I am sincere I have to rewind, but I learned a lot, thanks you.

It was very funny and complete, thanks

Great teacher, thank you!

It was a great course I learned a lot… Thanks a lot Kyra

Thank you for this course, i love it!

Kyra is a good teacher. I really like this course. Thank you Kira for your compromise.

Thank you for such an amazing course, I learned a lot.
Thank you so much Kyra ❤️

An excellent course, thank you teacher!!

interesting course 🙂


Thank you for this amazing course. I learned a lot. I loved the way of teaching the course, thanks for the production and the passion in teaching. #NeverStopLearning