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A mysterious man


¿Identificaste las palabras en blanco que aparecieron en pantalla?
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déja vu: reconocimiento de alguna experiencia que se siente como si se hubiera vivido.
if I’m not mistaken: si no me equivoco
weirder: más raro / más extraño
One way or another: De una forma u otra
Whose: cuyo / quién
enough: suficiente / bastante


  1. Déjà vu: sensación de ya haber vivido algo.
  2. If I’m not mistaken: si no estoy equivocado.
  3. Weider: más raro.
  4. One way or another: de una manera u otra.
  5. Whose: de quién.

New vocabulary:
déjà vu

  1. the strange feeling that in some way you have already experienced what is happening now.


  1. wrong in what you believe, or based on a belief that is wrong.
  2. wrong.


  1. very strange and unusual, unexpected, or not natural.
  2. strange and different from anything natural or ordinary.

one way or another

  1. in some way that is not known yet.
  2. in any way that is possible.


  1. used especially in questions when asking about which person owns or is responsible for something.
  2. used for adding information about a person or thing just mentioned.

Déjà vu: paramnesia del reconocimiento de una experiencia que se siente como si se hubiera vivido previamente
If I’m not mistaken: Si no me equivoco
Weirder: Más raro
One way or another: de un modo u otro
whose radio is that: De quén es esa radio?

robotically, in the meantime

No way: De ninguna manera one way or another:De una manera u otra She´ll find out:ella lo descubrirá Whose : Cuya /Cuyo figure it out : descúbrelo Enough : Suficiente

No way: De ninguna manera
one way or another:De una manera u otra
She´ll find out:ella lo descubrirá
Whose : Cuya /Cuyo
figure it out : descúbrelo
Enough : Suficiente

Good lecture

  • Déjà vu: the strange feeling that in some way you have already experienced what is happening now.

  • If I’m not mistaken: used before stating something that the speaker believes to be correct

  • Weirder: suggesting something supernatural

  • One way or another: two possible decisions or conclusions that have previously been mentioned, without stating which one is reached or preferred.

  • Whose: used especially in questions when asking about which person owns or is responsible for something.

Deja vu. Reconocimiento de una experiencia que se siente como si se hubiera vivido.
If I’m not mistaken. Si no me equivoco.
Weirder. mas raro, mas extrano .
One way or another De una forma u otra.
Whose? cuyo, quien.
Enough suficiente, bastante.

I found a way out: encontré la salida. If I’m not mistaken: si no se equivocó. Weirder: más raro. Lie: mentir. Find out: descubrir. One way or another: de una u otra manera. Whose: cuyo. Figure it out soon enough: descubrelo lo suficientemente pronto.

Meantime: mientras tanto

deja vu: the strange feeling that in some way you have already experienced what is happening now
If I’m not mistaken: si no estoy equivocado.
weirder: más raro.
One way or another. de una manera u otra.
whose: de quién, used especially in questions when asking about which person owns or is responsible for something

Déjà vu: the strange feeling that in some way you have already experienced what is happening now.
If I’m not mistaken: This expression is used when you are sure about something and you believe is correct.
Weider: very strange and unusual, unexpected, or not natural:
One way or another: in some way that is not known yet.
Whose: used especially in questions when asking about which person owns or is responsible for something.

Déja vu: reconocimiento de alguna experiencia que se siente como si se hubiera vivido.
If I’m not mistaken: Si no me equivoco.
Weirder: Más raro.
One way or another: De una forma u otra.
Whose: Quién.

Answers 😃

  1. Déja vu: reconocimiento de alguna experiencia que se siente como si se hubiera vivido.
  2. If I’m not mistaken: Si no me equivoco
  3. Weirder: Más raro - Más extraño
  4. One way or another: De una forma u otra
  5. Whose: Cuyo - Quién
  6. Enough: suficiente - Bastante

déja vu - se refiere a que ya viviste algo similar a lo que estas viviendo.
if I’m not mistaken: si no me equivoco
weirder: más raro
One way or another: De una forma u otra
Whose: quién
enough: suficiente

déja vu: reconocimiento de alguna experiencia que se siente como si se hubiera vivido.
if I’m not mistaken: si no me equivoco
weirder: más raro / más extraño
One way or another: De una forma u otra
Whose: cuyo / quién
enough: suficiente / bastante


  • déja vu: reconocimiento de alguna experiencia que se siente como si se hubiera vivido.
  • if I’m not mistaken: si no me equivoco
  • weirder: más raro / más extraño
  • One way or another: De una forma u otra
  • Whose: cuyo / quién
  • enough: suficiente / bastante

Esta buena la trama xd

I found a way out: encontré la salida.
If I’m not mistaken: si no se equivocó.
Weirder: más raro.
Lie: mentir.
Find out: descubrir.
One way or another: de una u otra manera.
Whose: cuyo.
Figure it out soon enough: descubrelo lo suficientemente pronto.

Déjà vu: (Noun)
the strange feeling that in some way you have already experienced what is happening now

If I’m not mistaken: (phrase)
Used before stating something that the speaker believes to be correct

Weirder: (comparative adjective)
suggesting something supernatural; uncanny.

One way or another: (phrase)
two possible decisions or conclusions that have previously been mentioned, without stating which one is reached or preferred

Whose: (pronoun, determiner)
used especially in questions when asking about which person owns or is responsible for something

  • Déjá va: Describes the sensation experienced by those who perceived a new situation as if it were an old memory.
  • If I’m not mistaken: Maybe I’m wrong, although I think not.
  • Weirder: Extraordinary, uncommon or frequent .
  • One way or another: In the same way, with equality or equivalence.
  • whose: It designates the possessor of that to which the noun it modifies refers to.

I found a way out: encontré la salida.
If I’m not mistaken: si no se equivocó.
Weirder: más raro.
Lie: mentir.
Find out: descubrir.
One way or another: de una u otra manera.
Whose: cuyo.
Figure it out soon enough: descubrelo lo suficientemente pronto.

  1. DÉJÀ VU: the strange feeling that in some way you have already experienced what is happening now.
  2. IF I’M NOT MISTAKEN: If I haven’t made a mistake.
  3. WEIRDER: much more than very strange and unusual, unexpected, or not natural.
  4. ONE WAY OR ANOTHER: in some way that is not known yet.
  5. WHOSE: used especially in questions when asking about which person owns or is responsible for something.

Vocabulary 📝

  • Déjà vu: (Noun)
    the strange feeling that in some way you have already experienced what is happening now.

  • If I’m not mistaken: (phrase)
    Used before stating something that the speaker believes to be correct.

  • Weirder: (comparative adjective)
    suggesting something supernatural; uncanny.

  • One way or another: (phrase)
    two possible decisions or conclusions that have previously been mentioned, without stating which one is reached or preferred.

  • Whose: (pronoun, determiner)
    used especially in questions when asking about which person owns or is responsible for something.

  • Déjà vu: (Noun)
    the strange feeling that in some way you have already experienced what is happening now

  • If I’m not mistaken: (phrase)
    Used before stating something that the speaker believes to be correct

  • Weirder: (comparative adjective)
    suggesting something supernatural; uncanny.

  • One way or another: (phrase)
    two possible decisions or conclusions that have previously been mentioned, without stating which one is reached or preferred

  • Whose: (pronoun, determiner)
    used especially in questions when asking about which person owns or is responsible for something

Déjà vu=
la extraña sensación de que, de alguna manera, ya has experimentado lo que está sucediendo ahora
If I’m not mistaken:
Se utiliza antes de afirmar algo que el hablante considera correcto
Que sugiere algo sobrenatural; extraño.
One way or another:
Dos posibles decisiones o conclusiones que se han mencionado previamente, sin afirmar a cuál se llega o cuál se prefiere
se utiliza especialmente en preguntas sobre qué persona es la propietaria o responsable de algo

I realized that the voice who said was David didn’t have the same tone as the David’s voice at the first episode, but I didn’t trust that Kate either, so I came here…

weirder = más raro if I am not mistaken = si no estoy equivocada one way or another = De una manera u otra

I think Sam and Steven are in a maze.

Déjà vu: (Noun)
the strange feeling that in some way you have already experienced what is happening now

If I’m not mistaken: (phrase)
Used before stating something that the speaker believes to be correct

Weirder: (comparative adjective)
suggesting something supernatural; uncanny.

One way or another: (phrase)
two possible decisions or conclusions that have previously been mentioned, without stating which one is reached or preferred

Whose: (pronoun, determiner)
used especially in questions when asking about which person owns or is responsible for something