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Déjà vu


¿Identificaste las palabras en blanco que aparecieron en pantalla?
🔍Busca sus definiciones y comparte tus respuestas en la sección de comentarios.

Did you identify the white words that appeared on the screen?
🔍Look up their definitions and share your answers in the comments section.

Aportes 28

Preguntas 0

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¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

loyal: Leal
Grab: Agarrar
Lopp: Lazo
Flashlight: Linterna
Gate: Puerta

New vocabulary:

  1. firm and not changing in your friendship with or support for a person or an organization, or in your belief in your principles.
  2. a loyal customer always buys the same product, uses the same store, etc.


  1. to take hold of something or someone suddenly and roughly.
  2. a sudden attempt to hold, get, or take something.

let go (of something/someone)

  1. to stop holding something or someone.


  1. If something runs in a loop, or is on a loop, it runs continuously, so that the same things are repeated again and again.
  2. a piece of string, thread, material, etc. bent into a curved shape.


  1. a small light that is held in the hand and usually gets its power from batteries.
  2. a small electric light you can carry in your hand.


  1. a device that slides across an opening, often folding into a smaller space as it is opened.
  2. a part of a fence or outside wall that is fixed at one side and opens and closes like a door, usually made of metal or wooden strips.

loyal: lealtad
Grab: detenla
Let go of me: Déjenme ir
loop: bucle
flashlight: linterna
gate: puerta


  1. Loyal: leal.
  2. Grab: agarrar.
  3. Let go of me: déjame ir.
  4. Loop: bucle.
  5. Flashlight: linterna.
  6. Gate: puerta.

loyal : leal Grab Her : Agarrarla loop : bucle Empty : Vacía Flashlight : Linterna

loyal : leal
Grab Her : Agarrarla
loop : bucle
Empty : Vacía
Flashlight : Linterna

Sam should not have chosen this path. I really feel bad for her.
How is it possible to make so many bad decisions?
Wait a minute, it was me who made this mess!
Sam shouldn’t have listened to me.

Good lecture

  • Loyal: or in your belief in your principles.

  • Grab: to take hold of something or someone suddenly and roughly.

  • Let go of me: to stop holding something or someone.

  • Loop: the curved shape is made when something long and thin, such as a piece of string, bends until one part of it almost touches or crosses another part of it.

  • Flashlight: a small light that is held in the hand and usually gets its power from batteries.

  • Gate: a part of a fence or outside wall that is fixed at one side and opens and closes like a door.

I feel bad for Sam.

Loyal: Leal
Grab her: Atrapenla
Let go of me: déjenme ir
Loop: bucle.
Flashlight: linterna.
Gate: puerta.

Loyal: Leal.
Grab: Agarrar.
Let go of me: Suéltenme.
Loop: Bucle.
Flashlight: Linterna.
Gate: Puerta.

  1. Loyal: Leal
  2. Grab: Agarrar
  3. Lopp: Lazo
  4. Flashlight: Linterna
  5. Gate: Puerta

Loyal = leal
Grab = agarrar
Lopp= lazo
Flash light = linterna
Gate = puerta

  • Loyal - Leal

  • Grab - Agarrar

  • Lopp - Lazo

  • Flashlight - Linterna

  • Gate - Puerta

Loyal: Leal
Grab: Agarrar
Lopp: Lazo
Flashlight: Linterna
Gate: Puerta


Loyal: Leal
Grab: Agarrar
Lopp: Lazo
Flashlight: Linterna
Gate: Puerta

Loyal: Leal
Grab: Agarrar
Lopp: Lazo
Flashlight: Linterna
Gate: Puerta

Loyal: Leal
Grab: Agarrar
Lopp: Lazo
Flashlight: Linterna
Gate: Puerta

Whaaat!! 🤔 this is blowing my mind 🙃

Loyal: Leal
Grab: Agarrar
Lopp: Lazo
Flashlight: Linterna
Gate: Puerta

  • Loyal: Leal
  • Grab: Agarrar
  • Lopp: Lazo
  • Flashlight: Linterna
  • Gate: Puerta

Loyal: leal.
Grab her: agarrala.
Realized: comprendió.
Trapped: atrapado.
Rest: descanso.
Loop: lazo.
Flashlight: linterna.
It doesn’t matter: no importa.
Gate: puerta.
The cloud: la nube.
The end: el fin.

  1. LOYAL: firm and not changing in your friendship with or support for a person or an organization, or in your belief in your principles.
  2. GRAB: to take hold of something or someone suddenly and roughly.
  3. LET GO OF ME: to stop holding something or someone.
  4. LOOP: the curved shape made when something long and thin, such as a piece of string, bends until one part of it nearly touches or crosses another part of it.
  5. FLASHLIGHT: a small light that is held in the hand and usually gets its power from batteries.
  6. GATE: a part of a fence or outside wall that is fixed at one side and opens and closes like a door, usually made of metal or wooden strips.
  7. THE CLOUD: a computer network where files and programs can be stored, especially the internet.
  8. THE END: best or most expensive of a type.

Vocabulary: 📝

  • Loyal: Leales.
  • GRAB: Agarrar.
  • Let go of me!: Déjame ir!
  • Loop: Bucle.
  • Flashlight: Linterna.
  • Gate: Puerta.
  • The Cloud: La ☁️
  • The End: El fin.


loyal = leal grab = tomar let go of Mel = déjame ir loop = circulo flashlight = linterna gate = portón

Loyal: (Adjetive)
firm and not changing in your friendship with or support for a person or an organization, or in your belief in your principles

Grab: (Verb)
to take hold of something or someone suddenly and roughly

Let go of me: (phrase)
to stop holding something or someone

Loop: (Noun)
the curved shape made when something long and thin, such as a piece of string, bends until one part of it almost touches or crosses another part of it

Fllashlight: (Noun)
a small light that is held in the hand and usually gets its power from batteries

Gate: (Noun)
a part of a fence or outside wall that is fixed at one side and opens and closes like a door, usually made of metal or wooden strips