loyal: Leal
Grab: Agarrar
Lopp: Lazo
Flashlight: Linterna
Gate: Puerta
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Trapped in Technology
The Cloud
Nice to meet you, George!
Nice to meet you, George!
Why are you here, Kate?
Trust no one
Trust no one
Am I in danger?
The Architect
Come hell or high water
Come hell or high water
Reality is messed up
When we were alive
When we were alive
Who's the enemy?
A mysterious man
A mysterious man
Is it the real Kate?
A "find me here" door
A "find me here" door
Back home
Are we still a team?
Are we still a team?
Déjà vu
The Hive
The Mastermind
The Mastermind
Escape from this place, if you can
Escape from this place, if you can
You should join us
Creating a real experience
Creating a real experience
There’s no plan
The risk's worth it
Too good to be true
A unique chance
A unique chance
The wolf’s den
Always hoping for the best
Always hoping for the best
We need to act fast!
A facade
It's just the beginning
We're better off here
We're better off here
The mind will live forever
It's just the beginning
Two weeks
Two weeks
The Creator
The End
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Aportes 28
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loyal: Leal
Grab: Agarrar
Lopp: Lazo
Flashlight: Linterna
Gate: Puerta
New vocabulary:
let go (of something/someone)
loyal: lealtad
Grab: detenla
Let go of me: Déjenme ir
loop: bucle
flashlight: linterna
gate: puerta
loyal : leal Grab Her : Agarrarla loop : bucle Empty : Vacía Flashlight : Linterna
loyal : leal
Grab Her : Agarrarla
loop : bucle
Empty : Vacía
Flashlight : Linterna
Sam should not have chosen this path. I really feel bad for her.
How is it possible to make so many bad decisions?
Wait a minute, it was me who made this mess!
Sam shouldn’t have listened to me.
Good lecture
Loyal: or in your belief in your principles.
Grab: to take hold of something or someone suddenly and roughly.
Let go of me: to stop holding something or someone.
Loop: the curved shape is made when something long and thin, such as a piece of string, bends until one part of it almost touches or crosses another part of it.
Flashlight: a small light that is held in the hand and usually gets its power from batteries.
Gate: a part of a fence or outside wall that is fixed at one side and opens and closes like a door.
I feel bad for Sam.
Loyal: Leal
Grab her: Atrapenla
Let go of me: déjenme ir
Loop: bucle.
Flashlight: linterna.
Gate: puerta.
Loyal: Leal.
Grab: Agarrar.
Let go of me: Suéltenme.
Loop: Bucle.
Flashlight: Linterna.
Gate: Puerta.
Loyal = leal
Grab = agarrar
Lopp= lazo
Flash light = linterna
Gate = puerta
Loyal - Leal
Grab - Agarrar
Lopp - Lazo
Flashlight - Linterna
Gate - Puerta
Loyal: Leal
Grab: Agarrar
Lopp: Lazo
Flashlight: Linterna
Gate: Puerta
Loyal: Leal
Grab: Agarrar
Lopp: Lazo
Flashlight: Linterna
Gate: Puerta
Loyal: Leal
Grab: Agarrar
Lopp: Lazo
Flashlight: Linterna
Gate: Puerta
Loyal: Leal
Grab: Agarrar
Lopp: Lazo
Flashlight: Linterna
Gate: Puerta
Whaaat!! 🤔 this is blowing my mind 🙃
Loyal: Leal
Grab: Agarrar
Lopp: Lazo
Flashlight: Linterna
Gate: Puerta
Loyal: leal.
Grab her: agarrala.
Realized: comprendió.
Trapped: atrapado.
Rest: descanso.
Loop: lazo.
Flashlight: linterna.
It doesn’t matter: no importa.
Gate: puerta.
The cloud: la nube.
The end: el fin.
Vocabulary: 📝
Loyal: (Adjetive)
firm and not changing in your friendship with or support for a person or an organization, or in your belief in your principles
Grab: (Verb)
to take hold of something or someone suddenly and roughly
Let go of me: (phrase)
to stop holding something or someone
Loop: (Noun)
the curved shape made when something long and thin, such as a piece of string, bends until one part of it almost touches or crosses another part of it
Fllashlight: (Noun)
a small light that is held in the hand and usually gets its power from batteries
Gate: (Noun)
a part of a fence or outside wall that is fixed at one side and opens and closes like a door, usually made of metal or wooden strips
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