I decided not trust CAI-2 and run away hahahahahaha
going to class 23 “The Mastermind”
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Trapped in Technology
The Cloud
Nice to meet you, George!
Nice to meet you, George!
Why are you here, Kate?
Trust no one
Trust no one
Am I in danger?
The Architect
Come hell or high water
Come hell or high water
Reality is messed up
When we were alive
When we were alive
Who's the enemy?
A mysterious man
A mysterious man
Is it the real Kate?
A "find me here" door
A "find me here" door
Back home
Are we still a team?
Are we still a team?
Déjà vu
The Hive
The Mastermind
The Mastermind
Escape from this place, if you can
Escape from this place, if you can
You should join us
Creating a real experience
Creating a real experience
There’s no plan
The risk's worth it
Too good to be true
A unique chance
A unique chance
The wolf’s den
Always hoping for the best
Always hoping for the best
We need to act fast!
A facade
It's just the beginning
We're better off here
We're better off here
The mind will live forever
It's just the beginning
Two weeks
Two weeks
The Creator
The End
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Aportes 36
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I decided not trust CAI-2 and run away hahahahahaha
going to class 23 “The Mastermind”
Hive: colmena.
Huge: enorme.
Store: almacenar.
Kidnap: secuestrar.
Deeper: más adentro.
Shame: vergüenza.
Creation a real experience: crear una experiencia real.
The mastermind: el autor intelectual.
Hive = colmena
Huge = enorme
Store = almacenar
Kidnap = secuestrar
Deeper = más adentro
Shame = vergüenza
Creation a real experience = crear una experiencia real
The mastermind =el autor intelectual
Creating a real experience.: Creando una experiencia real.
The Mastermind : El autor intelectual.
hive, shame, ashamed, corny
CAI seems a nice program, what could go wrong?
Well let’s see what happens in class 26, it’s been really interesting, I hope Samantha can return from the hive.
Good lecture
store - almacenar
My goodness! I have to make more popcorn 🍿, wait Sam…
Let’s go to class 26, let’s see what happens, see you there guuuyyysssssss!!!
he enters an interface created by his own memories, a virtual world
This time I decided not to trust CAI-2.
Deeper: Más profundo.
Deep: profundo
Hive: colmena.
Huge: enorme.
Store: almacenar.
Kidnap: secuestrar.
Deeper: más adentro.
Shame: vergüenza.
Creation a real experience: crear una experiencia real.
The mastermind: el autor intelectual.
Hive: colmena.
Huge: enorme.
Store: almacenar.
Kidnap: secuestrar.
Deeper: más adentro.
Shame: vergüenza.
Creation a real experience: crear una experiencia real.
The mastermind: el autor intelectual.
Creating a real experience: Creando una experiencia real.
The Mastermind: El autor intelectual
Hive: colmena.
Huge: enorme.
Store: almacenar.
Kidnap: secuestrar.
Deeper: más adentro.
Shame: vergüenza.
Creation a real experience: crear una experiencia real.
The mastermind: el autor intelectual.
I had decided not to trust CAI-2 and run away, but I made up my mind and I will go to meet “The mastermind”… let´s see what happen!
Vocabulary 📝
Creating a real experience: Creando una experiencia es real.
The Mastermind: El autor intelectual
Creating a real experience: Creando una experiencia real.
The Mastermind: El autor intelectual
Curiosity killed the cat… Bye.
Creating a real experience.: Creando una experiencia real.
The Mastermind : El autor intelectual
I don’t trust CAI but I’m curious, I want to explore Class 26 and look at the things the CAI has planned
I’m a curious person, so let’s go to class 26. Let’s see what happens if we decide to connect to the hive
Don’t trust your personal information in the clouds! …based on the story.
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