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The Hive


¿Identificaste las palabras en blanco que aparecieron en pantalla?
🔍Busca sus definiciones y comparte tus respuestas en la sección de comentarios.

Did you identify the white words that appeared on the screen?
🔍Look up their definitions and share your answers in the comments section.

Aportes 36

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I decided not trust CAI-2 and run away hahahahahaha
going to class 23 “The Mastermind”

  1. CREATING A REAL EXPERIENCE: to produce an experience that isn’t false.
  2. THE MASTERMIND: to plan a difficult activity, often a crime, in detail and make certain that it happens successfully.

Hive: colmena.
Huge: enorme.
Store: almacenar.
Kidnap: secuestrar.
Deeper: más adentro.
Shame: vergüenza.
Creation a real experience: crear una experiencia real.
The mastermind: el autor intelectual.

Hive = colmena
Huge = enorme
Store = almacenar
Kidnap = secuestrar
Deeper = más adentro
Shame = vergüenza
Creation a real experience = crear una experiencia real
The mastermind =el autor intelectual

Creating a real experience.: Creando una experiencia real.
The Mastermind : El autor intelectual.

I don't know what decision to make... I think I'm going to connect to hive, let's go!

hive, shame, ashamed, corny

CAI seems a nice program, what could go wrong?

Well let’s see what happens in class 26, it’s been really interesting, I hope Samantha can return from the hive.

Good lecture

store - almacenar

My goodness! I have to make more popcorn 🍿, wait Sam…

Let’s go to class 26, let’s see what happens, see you there guuuyyysssssss!!!



he enters an interface created by his own memories, a virtual world


  1. Creating a real experience: Creando una experiencia real.
  2. The Mastermind: El autor intelectual.
Hive = colmena Huge = enorme Store = almacenar Kidnap = secuestrar Deeper = más adentro Shame = 🙈

This time I decided not to trust CAI-2.

Deeper: Más profundo.
Deep: profundo

  1. Hive: Colmena
  2. Huge: Enorme
  3. Store: Almacenar
  4. Kidnap: Secuestrar
  5. Deeper: Más adentro
  6. Shame: Vergüenza
  7. Creation a real experience: Crear una experiencia real
  8. The mastermind: El autor intelectual




Hive: colmena.
Huge: enorme.
Store: almacenar.
Kidnap: secuestrar.
Deeper: más adentro.
Shame: vergüenza.
Creation a real experience: crear una experiencia real.
The mastermind: el autor intelectual.

Hive: colmena.
Huge: enorme.
Store: almacenar.
Kidnap: secuestrar.
Deeper: más adentro.
Shame: vergüenza.
Creation a real experience: crear una experiencia real.
The mastermind: el autor intelectual.

  • Creating a real experience: Creando una experiencia real.

  • The Mastermind: El autor intelectual

Hive: colmena.
Huge: enorme.
Store: almacenar.
Kidnap: secuestrar.
Deeper: más adentro.
Shame: vergüenza.
Creation a real experience: crear una experiencia real.
The mastermind: el autor intelectual.

I had decided not to trust CAI-2 and run away, but I made up my mind and I will go to meet “The mastermind”… let´s see what happen!

Vocabulary 📝

  • Creating a real experience: Creando una experiencia es real.

  • The Mastermind: El autor intelectual

  • Creating a real experience: Creando una experiencia real.

  • The Mastermind: El autor intelectual

Curiosity killed the cat… Bye.

Creating a real experience.: Creando una experiencia real.
The Mastermind : El autor intelectual

I don’t trust CAI but I’m curious, I want to explore Class 26 and look at the things the CAI has planned

Creating a real experience. = Creando una experiencia real. The Mastermind = El autor intelectual

I’m a curious person, so let’s go to class 26. Let’s see what happens if we decide to connect to the hive

Don’t trust your personal information in the clouds! …based on the story.