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Come hell or high water


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Aportes 36

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High water: (Informal idiom)
If you say that you will do something come hell or high water, you mean that you are determined to do it, despite any difficulties that there might be

Do you copy?: (Phrase)
is a phrase used in military and other important radio communications, and comes from the fact that the recipient would write down (a copy of) the message so that it could be carried to, and read by, the superior officer

It seems:
used for saying that something appears to exist or be true

Whole time: since something began, during the entire period of time.


  • Overall:
  1. Come hell or high water:

  2. Copy:

high water= agua alta do you copy = copias it seems= parece whole time= todo el tiempo
  • High water: Aguas altas.

  • Do you copy: Copias.

  • It seems: Parece.

  • Whole time: Todo el tiempo.

kidnapped: secuestrada High Water : Agua alta ,another term for high tide (otro término para marea alta). Rooftop : Techo It seems: Parece.. Whole Time : Todo el tiempo

kidnapped: secuestrada
High Water : Agua alta ,another term for high tide (otro término para marea alta).
Rooftop : Techo
It seems: Parece…
Whole Time : Todo el tiempo

Come hell or high water Rooftop Gee

Jesus de Veracruz, what will happened next?

Good lecture

high water
rooftop - techo

  • High water: you will do something, you are determined to do it, despite any difficulties that there might be.

  • Do you copy?: is a phrase used in military and other important radio communications.

  • It seems: used for saying that something appears to exist or be true.

  • Whole time: since something began, during the entire period of time.

High water = high tide = marea alta
Do you copy? = me copias,
It seems = parece
Whole time = Todo el tiempo


  1. …high water: …lo que pase
  2. It seems: parece
  3. Do you copy?: escuchar adecuadamente en una radiotransmisión
  4. Whole time: todo el tiempo

A good friendship

great audio

High water aguas altas.
Do you copy? copias.
It seems parece
whole time. todo el tiempo.

High water =aguas altas Do you copy = copias It seems = parece Whole time = todo el tiempo

High water: you mean that you are determined to do it, despite any difficulties that there might be

high water: Marea alta, the time at which the tide or other water (eg a river) is at its highest point.
Do you copy?: me copias?
It seems: parece, to give the effect of being; to be judged to be
whole time: todo el tiempo.

High water: you mean that you are determined to do it, despite any difficulties that there might be
Do you copy? It’s an expression when someone asks if you can hear them.
It seems: to appear to be.
Whole time: the part of existence that is measured in minutes, days, years, etc., or this process considered as a whole.

High water: Aguas altas.
It seems: Parece.
Whole time: Todo el tiempo.

Excellent audio course

High water =aguas altas
Do you copy = copias
It seems = parece al parecer
Whole time = todo el tiempo

High water - Agua Alta It is an idiom in English to refer that you will do everything possible to achieve or reach your goal.
It seems - Parece
Whole time - todo el tiempo


High water: Aguas altas.

Do you copy: Copias.

It seems: Parece.

Whole time: Todo el tiempo.


  • High water= marea alta
  • Do you copy?= ¿Me copias?
  • It seems: parece ser / al parecer
  • Whole time= todo el tiempo / a tiempo completo


  • rooftop= techo / tejado / azotea

High water: Agua alta
Do you copy?: ¿Copias?
It seems: Parece
Whole time: Todo el tiempo

High water: Aguas altas.

Do you copy: Copias.

It seems: Parece.

Whole time: Todo el tiempo.

  • High water: Agua alta
  • Do you copy?: ¿Copias?
  • It seems: Parece
  • Whole time: Todo el tiempo

New vocabulary:
come hell or high water

  1. (idiom, informal) you mean that you are determined to do it, despite any difficulties that there might be.


  1. something that has been made to be exactly like something else.
  2. used, especially when communicating by radio, to tell someone that you have heard or understood, or to ask if someone has heard or understood you.


  1. to give the effect of being; to be judged to be.
  2. to appear to be.


  1. complete or not divided.
  2. used to emphasize something.


  1. the part of existence that is measured in minutes, days, years, etc., or this process considered as a whole.
  2. the system of recording hours used in different parts of the world.

High water: a line marking the highest level reached

Do you copy: is a phrase used in military and other important radio communications, and comes from the fact that the recipient would write down (a copy of) the message so that it could be carried to, and read by, the superior officer.

It seems: give the impression or sensation of being something or having a particular quality.

Whole time: another term for full-time (adjective).

  1. HIGH WATER: water in high levels.
  2. DO YOU COPY: referring to understand or not something.
  3. IT SEEMS: to appear to be.
  4. WHOLE TIME: referring to the time as something continuously.

Vocabulary 📝

  • High water: Aguas altas.
  • Do you copy: Copias.
  • It seems: Parece.
  • Whole time: Todo el tiempo.

High water : Agua alta
Do you copy: Copias
It seems: Parece
Whole time: Todo el tiempo

High wáter = Agua alta
Do you copy = copias
It seems = Parece
Whole time =Todo el tiempo

How come?: used to ask about the reason for something