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Trusting: confiando:
Weird: extraño.
Madness: locura.
Source: fuente.
Machinery: maquinaria.
Unplug: desenchufar.
Received: Recibió…
Convulsing: convulsionado.
Dizzy: mareado.
Met: reunió.
Privilege: privilegio.
Humble: humilde.


  1. very strange and unusual, unexpected, or not natural.
  2. strange and different from anything natural or ordinary.


  1. stupid or dangerous behavior.
  2. a word for mental illness used by doctors in the past but is now offensive.


  1. the place something comes from or starts at, or the cause of something.
  2. someone or something that supplies information.


  1. a group of large machines or the parts of a machine that make it work.
  2. the structure and systems of an organization or process.


  1. a sudden movement of the muscles in your body that you cannot control, caused by illness or drugs.
  2. a shaking movement of the body that cannot be controlled, often caused by illness.


  1. feeling as if everything is turning around, and that you are not able to balance and may fall over.
  2. confusing and very fast.


  1. an advantage that only one person or group of people has, usually because of their position or because they are rich.
  2. an opportunity to do something special or enjoyable.


  1. not proud or not believing that you are important.
  2. ordinary; not special or very important.

Weird is of strange or extraordinary character
Madness: behavior or thinking that is very foolish or dangerous
Source: a place, person, or thing from which something comes or can be obtained. obtain from a particular source.
Machinery: the components of a machine. The organization or structure of something.
Convulsing: uffer violent involuntary contraction of the muscles, producing contortion of the body or limbs.
Dizzy: having or involving a sensation of spinning around and losing one’s balance.
Privilege: a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group.
Humble: having or showing a modest or low estimate of one’s own importance.

  • Weird - very strange and unusual, unexpected, or not natural = extraño
  • Madness - stupid or dangerous behavior = locura
  • Source - the place something comes from or starts at, or the cause of something = fuente
  • Machinery - a group of large machines or the parts of a machine that make it work = maquinaria
  • Convulsing - to (cause to) shake violently with sudden uncontrolled movements = convulsionando
  • Dizzy - feeling as if everything is turning around, and that you are not able to balance and may fall over = mareado
  • Privilege - an advantage that only one person or group of people has, usually because of their position or because they are rich = privilegio
  • Humble - not proud or not believing that you are important = humilde

convulsing: it makes your body move in an uncontrolled way

Source: the origin of

Machinery: Mechanism

Madness: ideas or actions that show a lack of good judgment and careful thought.
or craziness

I decided no trust, so here i am.

madness, machinery, Plus (starting a sentence), unplug, convulse, privilege

good lecture

source - fuente, origen
machinery - maquinaria
dizzy mareada
plus - además

  • Weird: very strange and unusual, unexpected, or not natural.
  • Madness: a situation that seems to make no sense.
  • Source: the place something comes from or starts at.
  • Machinery: a group of large machines or the parts of a machine that make it work.
  • Convulsing: to shake violently with sudden uncontrolled movements.
  • Dizzy: feeling as if everything is turning around, and that you are not able to balance and may fall over.
  • Privilege: an advantage that only one person or group of people has.
  • Humble: not proud or not believing that you are important.


  1. Weird: extraña.
  2. Madness: locura.
  3. Source: fuente.
  4. Machinery: maquinaria.
  5. Convulsing: convulsionando.
  6. Dizzy: mareada.
  7. Privilege: privilegio.
  8. Humble: humilde.

weird: raro
madness: Locura
source: fuente
machinery: Maquinaria
Convulsing: convulsionando
dizzy: mareada
privilege: privilegio
humble: humilde

look for the energy source and destroy it an option to end the virtual world

Weird: Extraño., confiando
Madness: Locura.
Source: Fuente.
Machinery: Maquinaria.
Convulsing: Convulsionar. o convulsionado
Dizzy: Mareada.
Privilege: Privilegio.
Humble: Humilde.

Trusting: confiando Weird: extraño Madness: locura Source: fuente Machinery: maquinaria Unplug: desenchufar Received: Recibiò Convulsing: convulsionado Dizzy: mareado Met: reunió Privilege: privilegio Humble: humilde

Weird: raro, very strange and unusual, unexpected, or not natural
Madness: locura, a situation that seems to make no sense
Source: Fuente, the place something comes from or starts at, or the cause of something
Machinery: Maquinaria, a group of large machines or the parts of a machine that make it work
Convulsing: Convulsionar. to (cause to) shake violently with sudden uncontrolled movements
Dizzy: mareada. feeling as if everything is turning around, and that you are not able to balance and may fall over
Privilege: privilegio, an advantage that only one person or group of people has, usually because of their position or because they are rich
Humble: Humilde, not proud or not believing that you are important

Weird: Extraño.
Madness: Locura.
Source: Fuente.
Machinery: Maquinaria.
Convulsing: Convulsionar.
Dizzy: Mareada.
Privilege: Privilegio.
Humble: Humilde.

  1. Weird: Extraño
  2. Madness: locura.
  3. Source: fuente.
  4. Machinery: maquinaria.
  5. Convulsing: convulsionado.
  6. Dizzy: mareado.
  7. Privilege: privilegio.
  8. Humble: humilde.

Trusting = confiado
Weird = extraño
Madness = locura
Source = fuente
Machinery = maquinaria
Unplug = desenchufar
Received = recibió
Convulsing =convulsionado
Dizzy = mareado
Met = reunió
Privilege = privilegio
Humble = humilde

Trusting: Confiando.
Weird: Extraño.
Madness: Locura.
Source: Fuente.
Machinery: Maquinaria.
Unplug: Desenchufar.
Received: Recibió
Convulsing: Convulsionado.
Dizzy: Mareado.
Met: Reunió.
Privilege: Privilegio.
Humble: Humilde.

Trusting: confiando
Weird: extraño
Madness: locura
Source: fuente
Machinery: maquinaria
Unplug: desenchufar
Received: Recibiò
Convulsing: convulsionado
Dizzy: mareado
Met: reunió
Privilege: privilegio
Humble: humilde


Trusting: confiando:
Weird: extraño.
Madness: locura.
Source: fuente.
Machinery: maquinaria.
Unplug: desenchufar.
Received: Recibió…
Convulsing: convulsionado.
Dizzy: mareado.
Met: reunió.
Privilege: privilegio.
Humble: humilde.

Trusting: confiando:
Weird: extraño.
Madness: locura.
Source: fuente.
Machinery: maquinaria.
Unplug: desenchufar.
Received: Recibió…
Convulsing: convulsionado.
Dizzy: mareado.
Met: reunió.
Privilege: privilegio.
Humble: humilde.

Trusting: confiando:
Weird: extraño.
Madness: locura.
Source: fuente.
Machinery: maquinaria.
Unplug: desenchufar.
Received: Recibió…
Convulsing: convulsionado.
Dizzy: mareado.
Met: reunió.
Privilege: privilegio.
Humble: humilde.

  • Weird: Which is very different from the usual.
  • Madness: Pathological disorder or disturbance of the mental faculties.
  • Source: It is defined as everything that is the origin of something else.
  • Machinery: Set of machines that are used for a specific purpose.
  • Convulsing: Who has or suffers from seizures.
  • Dizzy: Produce discomfort, nausea and lightheadedness to someone.
  • Privilege: Privilege is a special advantage or an exemption from an obligation that someone enjoys.
  • Humble: That he does not flaunt his virtues.
  1. WEIRD: very strange and unusual, unexpected, or not natural.
  2. MADNESS: stupid or dangerous behaviour.
  3. SOURCE: the place something comes from or starts at, or the cause of something.
  4. MACHINERY: a group of large machines or the parts of a machine that make it work.
  5. CONVULSING: to (cause to) shake violently with sudden uncontrolled movements.
  6. DIZZY: feeling as if everything is turning around, and that you are not able to balance and may fall over.
  7. PRIVILEGE: an advantage that only one person or group of people has, usually because of their position or because they are rich.
  8. HUMBLE: not proud or not believing that you are important.

White words: 📝

  • Humble cause: Causa humilde.

  • Privilege: Privilegio.

  • Dizzy: Mareado.

  • Source: Fuente.

  • Machinery: Maquinaria.

  • Madness: Locura.

  • Humble cause: without apparent interest in help others

  • Privilege: a special benefit that is available only to a particular person or group

  • Dizzy: feeling as if you or the things around you are spinning, especially when you think you are going to fall

  • Source: the origin of

  • Machinery: Mechanism

  • Madness: ideas or actions that show a lack of good judgment and careful thought.

weird = extraño madness = locura source = fuente machinery = maquinaria convulsing = convulsionando dizzy = mareado privilege = privilegio humble = humilde

Humble cause: without apparent interest in help others

Privilege: a special benefit that is available only to a particular person or group

Dizzy: feeling as if you or the things around you are spinning, especially when you think you are going to fall