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Too good to be true


¿Identificaste las palabras en blanco que aparecieron en pantalla?
🔍Busca sus definiciones y comparte tus respuestas en la sección de comentarios.

Did you identify the white words that appeared on the screen?
🔍Look up their definitions and share your answers in the comments section.

Aportes 33

Preguntas 0

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¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?


Huge: enorme.
My gosh: Dios mío.
Relieved: aliviado.
You’re safe: estás a salvo.
Recall: recuerdo/ recordar.
You enjoyed the most: disfrutaras al máximo.
As many times as you want: tantas veces como quieras.
Dreamed of: soñado.
Purpose: propósito, objetivo.
Endures: perdura.
At all: en absoluto.

New vocabulary:

  1. extremely large in size or amount.


  1. to bring the memory of a past event into your mind, and often to give a description of what you remember.
  2. to cause you to think of a particular event, situation, or style.


  1. why you do something or why something exists.
  2. an intention or aim; a reason for doing something or for allowing something to happen.


  1. to continue to exist for a long time.
  2. to suffer something difficult, unpleasant, or painful.


  1. strange or unnatural and making you feel frightened.
  2. unpleasant and making you feel uncomfortable, especially because of sexual behaviour that is not wanted or not appropriate.
huge = enorme recall = recuerdo porpuse = objetivo endures = perdura creepy = siniestro

huge: enorme / .
Recall : Recordar/ .
Endures : perdura
Plug in the machine : Conecte la máquina
Leave: Dejar
A facade: una fachada


Let’s get out of here!

Huge —> very large or extensive: such as. a. : of great size or area
Recall —> to bring back to mind, remember
Purpose —> the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. Have as one’s intention or objective.
Endures —> To remain firm under suffering or misfortune without yielding(inclined to give in; submissive; compliant)
Creepy —> of, relating to, or being a creep, annoyingly unpleasant
Facade —> a false, superficial, or artificial appearance or effect

Good lecture

relieved - aliviada
endures - perdure
erase - borrar

  • Huge: extremely large in size or amount.
  • Recall: to bring the memory of a past event into your mind.
  • Purpose: why you do something or why something exists.
  • Endure: to continue to exist for a long time.
  • Creepy: strange or unnatural and making you feel frightened.

huge: enorme
recall: traer de vuelta recuerdos
purpose: propósito
dreepy: espeluznante

My gosh
You’re safe
You enjoyed the most
As many times as you want
Dreamed of
At all


  1. Huge: enorme
  2. Recall: recorder
  3. Purpose: propósito
  4. Endures: perdura
  5. Two weeks: dos semanas
  6. The facade: la fachada
this time I think that they should not trust CAI-2
Every time making a decision is more difficult 😟🧐
  1. Huge: Enorme
  2. Recall: Recordar.
  3. Purpose: Objetivo.
  4. Endures: Perdurar.

huge: enorme
recall: recordar.
purpose: objetivo.
endures perdurar.

Huge: Enorme.
Recall: Recordar.
Purpose: Objetivo.
Endures: Perdura.
Creepy: Espeluznante.

Huge- enorme.
You’re safe -estás a salvo.
Recall- recordar.
Dreamed of-soñado.
Purpose -propósito
At all - en absoluto.

huge = enorme recall = recuerdo porpuse = objetivo endures = perdura creepy = siniestro

Huge: enorme.
My gosh: Dios mío.
Relieved: aliviado.
You’re safe: estás a salvo.
Recall: recuerdo/ recordar.
You enjoyed the most: disfrutaras al máximo.
As many times as you want: tantas veces como quieras.
Dreamed of: soñado.
Purpose: propósito, objetivo.
Endures: perdura.
At all: en absoluto.
Plug in: enchufar.
Perish: perecer.
Creepy: siniestro.
You three could be the last people: ustedes tres podrían ser las últimas personas.
You won’t remember you three are friends: no recordarás que los tres son amigos.
Two weeks: dos semanas.
A facade: una fachada.

Huge: Enorme
Recall: Recuerdo
Thought: Pensamiento
Purpose: Objetivo
Endures: Perdura
Creepy: Siniestro,espeluznante
Two weeks: dos semanas
A fachade: Una fachada

New vocabulary:

extremely large in size or amount.

to bring the memory of a past event into your mind, and often to give a description of what you remember.
to cause you to think of a particular event, situation, or style.

why you do something or why something exists.
an intention or aim; a reason for doing something or for allowing something to happen.

to continue to exist for a long time.
to suffer something difficult, unpleasant, or painful.

strange or unnatural and making you feel frightened.
unpleasant and making you feel uncomfortable, especially because of sexual behaviour that is not wanted or not appropriate.

  • Huge: Enorme
  • Recall: Recuerdo
  • Purpose: Objetivo
  • Creepy: Siniestro

Huge: enorme.
My gosh: Dios mío.
Relieved: aliviado.
You’re safe: estás a salvo.
Recall: recuerdo/ recordar.
You enjoyed the most: disfrutaras al máximo.
As many times as you want: tantas veces como quieras.
Dreamed of: soñado.
Purpose: propósito, objetivo.
Endures: perdura.
At all: en absoluto.
Plug in: enchufar.
Perish: perecer.
Creepy: siniestro.
You three could be the last people: ustedes tres podrían ser las últimas personas.
You won’t remember you three are friends: no recordarás que los tres son amigos.
Two weeks: dos semanas.
A facade: una fachada.

  1. HUGE: extremely large in size or amount.
  2. RECALL: to bring the memory of a past event into your mind, and often to give a description of what you remember.
  3. PURPOSE: why you do something or why something exists.
  4. ENDURES: to suffer something difficult, unpleasant, or painful.
  5. CREEPY: strange or unnatural and making you feel frightened.
  6. TWO WEEKS: A couple of weeks.
  7. A FACADE: the front of a building, especially a large or attractive building.

Huge: Enorme
Recall: Recuerdo
Thought: Pensamiento
Purpose: Objetivo
Endures: Perdura
Creepy: Siniestro,espeluznante
Two weeks: dos semanas
A fachade: Una fachada

White words: 📝

  • Huge: Enorme.

  • Recall: Recuerdo.

  • Purpose: Objetivo.

  • Endures: Aguanta.

  • Creepy: Siniestro.

  • Huge: Enorme

  • Recall: Recuerdo

  • Purpose: Objetivo

  • Endures: Aguanta

  • Creepy: Siniestro

  • Huge: Enorme

  • Recall: Recuerdo

  • Purpose: Objetivo

  • Endures: Aguanta

  • Creepy: Siniestro

This is interesting,ah!

Wow this is an important decision! I really feel that I living this story.