Relive: Revive.
Deteriorates: Se deteriora.
Rooted: Arraigado.
Chief: Jefa.
Unsolvable: Sin solución.
Made all this up: Inventé todo esto.
Erase: Borrar.
How to Take this Audio Course?
Trapped in Technology
The Cloud
Nice to meet you, George!
Nice to meet you, George!
Why are you here, Kate?
Trust no one
Trust no one
Am I in danger?
The Architect
Come hell or high water
Come hell or high water
Reality is messed up
When we were alive
When we were alive
Who's the enemy?
A mysterious man
A mysterious man
Is it the real Kate?
A "find me here" door
A "find me here" door
Back home
Are we still a team?
Are we still a team?
Déjà vu
The Hive
The Mastermind
The Mastermind
Escape from this place, if you can
Escape from this place, if you can
You should join us
Creating a real experience
Creating a real experience
There’s no plan
The risk's worth it
Too good to be true
A unique chance
A unique chance
The wolf’s den
Always hoping for the best
Always hoping for the best
We need to act fast!
A facade
It's just the beginning
We're better off here
We're better off here
The mind will live forever
It's just the beginning
Two weeks
Two weeks
The Creator
The End
Tell us what you learned in the course
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English Academy
Es momento de que tú seas parte de esta historia. Crea tu propio final a partir de la conclusión de este episodio. ¿Qué pasará con los personajes? ¿Cuál será su siguiente camino? ¡Toma tú la decisión!
Usa toda tu creatividad e imaginación y comparte tu escrito en la sección de comentarios ✍🏻 Luego, tómate el tiempo para descubrir qué otros finales ha creado la comunidad.
It is time for you to be part of this story. Create your own ending from the conclusion of this episode. What will happen to the characters? What will be their next path? Make the decision!
Use all your creativity and imagination and share your writing in the comment section ✍🏻 Then take the time to find out what other endings the community has created.
Aportes 23
Preguntas 0
Relive: Revive.
Deteriorates: Se deteriora.
Rooted: Arraigado.
Chief: Jefa.
Unsolvable: Sin solución.
Made all this up: Inventé todo esto.
Erase: Borrar.
Relive: Revive
Deteriorates: Se deteriora
Rooted: Arraigado
Chief: Chief
Unsolvable: Sin solución
Erase: Borrar
Finally everything was a dream of a 18 years old boy who really liked everything related to computer science, and whose nickname was Link.
New vocabulary:
make something up
relive: volver a vivir, revivir
deteriorates: se deterioran
rooted: arraigados
chief: jefa
unsolvable: sin solución
made all this up:inventó todo esto
erase: borrar
Good lecture
Recordé a The 100
let’s go again
I hope they can get out of there, even if their memory will be erased, They will meet each other and rebuild their memories.
Relive: revivir, volver a vivir.
Deteriorates: deteriorarse.
Rooted: originó
Chief: jefe
Unsolvable: sin solución.
Made all this up: inventarse todo.
Erase: borrar
Relive: Revive
Deteriorates: Se deteriora
Rooted: Arraigado
Chief: Chief
Unsolvable: Sin solución
Erase: Borrar
Relive: Revive
Deteriorates: Se deteriora
Rooted: Arraigado
Chief: Chief
Unsolvable: Sin solución
Erase: Borrar
Relive: volver a vivir.
Unbelievable: increíble.
The stuff of nightmares: las cosas de las pesadillas.
Serious memories related medical conditions: condiciones médicas relacionadas con recuerdos graves.
Deteriorates: se deteriora.
Reintroduced: reintroducido.
Brainlink: enlace cerebral.
Rooted: arraigado.
Ran out: se acabó.
Founded: fundado.
Anonymous: anónimo.
Chief: jefe.
Unsolvable: sin solución.
So, did you do the calculations on this data yourself?: Entonces, ¿hiciste los cálculos de estos datos tú mismo?
You haven’t even met: (que tu) ni siquiera te has conocido
Deep sleep: sueño profundo.
Awakened: despertado.
There is no turning back: No hay vuelta atrás.
Made all this up: inventé todo esto.
Erase: borrar.
Vocabulary: 📝
Relive: Come back to life after death.
Deteriorates: Falling into a lower state or a less desirable condition than a previous one.
Chief: Representative or leader of a group.
Unsolvable: Cannot be solved or fixed.
Relive: Come back to life after death.
Deteriorates: Falling into a lower state or a less desirable condition than a previous one.
Chief: Representative or leader of a group.
Unsolvable: Cannot be solved or fixed.
Relive: Come back to life after death.
Deteriorates: Falling into a lower state or a less desirable condition than a previous one.
Chief: Representative or leader of a group.
Unsolvable: Cannot be solved or fixed.
Relive: to remember clearly an experience that happened in the past.
Deteriorates: to become worse.
rooted: the cause or origin of something bad.
chief: most important or main.
unsolvable: not able to be explained, answered for, or solved.
made all this up: to invent something, such as an excuse or a story, often in order to deceive.
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