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The mind will live forever


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Aportes 19

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  1. STARVING: dying because of not having enough food.
  2. NOODLE: a food in the form of long, thin strips made from flour or rice, water, and often egg, cooked in boiling liquid.
  3. PASSED AWAY: polite expression for die.
  4. IMMORTAL: living or lasting for ever.
  5. DECOMPOSE: to decay, or to cause something to decay.
  6. INDUCED COMA STATE: not being able to wake up.
  7. WEAK: not physically strong.
  8. PERISH: to die, especially in an accident or by being killed, or to be destroyed.


  1. dying because of not having enough food:
  2. very hungry. (informal)


  1. food in the form of long, thin strips made from flour or rice, water, and often egg, cooked in boiling liquid.
  2. pasta of any shape.

pass away

  1. polite expression for die.
  2. to die.


  1. living or lasting forever.
  2. very special and famous and therefore likely to be remembered for a long time.


  1. to decay, or to cause something to decay.
  2. to break, or to break something, into smaller parts.


  1. to persuade someone to do something.
  2. to make something happen or to persuade someone to do something.


  1. a state in which a person is unconscious and cannot be woken, caused by damage to the brain after an accident or illness.
  2. a state of being unconscious, in which a person cannot be waked, usually caused by illness or injury.


  1. a condition or way of being that exists at a particular time.
  2. a country or its government.


  1. not physically strong.
  2. not strong in character, so that you are not able to make decisions or to persuade or lead other people.


  1. to die, especially in an accident or by being killed, or to be destroyed.
  2. If a material such as rubber or leather perishes, it decays and starts to break into pieces.

starving: hambrienta, morir de hambre
noodle: fideos
passed away: murió
immortal: inmortal
dcompose: se descompone
induced coma state: estado de coma inducido
weak: debilidad
Perish: perecer

  • Starving: Morirse de hambre

  • Noodle: Fideos

  • Passed: Paso

  • Immortal: Inmortal

  • Decompose: Descomponer

Good lecture

  • Starving: dying because of not having enough food.
  • Noodle: thin strips made from flour or rice, water, and often egg, cooked in boiling liquid.
  • Passed away: polite expression for die.
  • Immortal: living or lasting forever.
  • Decompose: to cause something to decay.
  • Induced coma state: not being able to wake up.
  • Weak: not physically strong.
  • Perish: to die, especially in an accident or by being killed, or to be destroyed.


  1. Starving: hambrienta.
  2. Noodle: fideos.
  3. Passed away: falleció.
  4. Immortal: inmortal.
  5. Decomponse: descomponer.
  6. Induced coma state: estado de coma inducido.
  7. Weak: débil.
  8. Perish: perecer.

To avoid the pain of a loss, would you rather live in a virtual world?

Starving: Morirse de hambre. Noodle: Fideos. Passed away: Fallecio. Immortal: Inmortal. Decompose: Descomponer. Induced coma state: Estado de coma inducido. Weak: Debilitará. Perish: Perecerá.
  1. Starving: Morirse de hambre.
  2. Noodle: Fideos.
  3. Passed away: Falleció.
  4. Immortal: Inmortal.
  5. Decompose: Descomponer.
  6. Induced coma state: Estado de coma inducido.
  7. Weak: Debilitará.
  8. Perish: Perecerá.

Starving: Hambrienta, dying because of not having enough food
Noodle: fideos, a food in the form of long, thin strips made from flour or rice, water, and often egg, cooked in boiling liquid
Passed away: murió.
immortal: Inmortal
decompose: Descomponer
Induced coma state: inducir a estado de coma.
Weak: débil
Perish: Perecer. to die, especially in an accident or by being killed, or to be destroyed

Starving: Morirse de hambre.
Noodle: Fideos.
Passed away: Fallecio.
Immortal: Inmortal.
Decompose: Descomponer.
Induced coma state: Estado de coma inducido.
Weak: Debilitará.
Perish: Perecerá.

Starving: Morirse de hambre.
Noodle: Fideos.
Passed: Paso.
Immortal: Inmortal.
Decompose: Descomponer.

Starving: Morirse de hambre.
Noodle: Fideos.
Passed: Paso.
Immortal: Inmortal.
Decompose: Descomponer.

  • Starving: Hambriento
  • Noodle: Fideos
  • Immortal: Inmortal
  • Decompose: Descomponer
  • Weak: Débil
  • perish: perecer

Starving: hambriento.
Noodle: fideos.
Passed away: falleció.
Immortal: immortal.
Decompose: descomponer.
Induced coma state: estado de coma inducido.
it will get weak and perish: se debilitará y perecerá.

White words: 📝

  • Starving: Morirse de hambre.

  • Noodle: Fideos.

  • Passed: Paso.

  • Immortal: Inmortal.

  • Decompose: Descomponer.

Starving: Morirse de hambre
Noodle: Fideos
Passed: Paso
Immortal: Inmortal
Decompose Descomponer

starving = morirse de hambre noodle = fideos passed = paso decompose = descomponer