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Two weeks


¿Identificaste las palabras en blanco que aparecieron en pantalla?
🔍Busca sus definiciones y comparte tus respuestas en la sección de comentarios.

Did you identify the white words that appeared on the screen?
🔍Look up their definitions and share your answers in the comments section.

Aportes 20

Preguntas 0

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¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

Still trusting in the cloud, I hope they don’t betray me hehe

New vocabulary:

  1. in the place where you are; near where you are.
  2. in order to face in the opposite direction.

look forward to something

  1. to feel pleased and excited about something that is going to happen.
  2. used at the end of a formal letter to say you hope to hear from or see someone soon, or that you expect something from them.

around: al rededor
look forward to: espero con ansias

  • Around: Alrededor
  • Look Forward to: Esperar

Good lecture

  • Around: in a position or direction surrounding.
  • Look forward to: feeling pleased and excited about something that is going to happen.

Fue muy emotivo


  1. Around: alrededor.
  2. Look forward to: esperar con ansias.

Could computers be aware of themselves?

  1. Around: Durante.
  2. Look forward to: Esperamos.

around: alrededor.
look forward to: deseo, espero.

Around: Durante.
Look forward to: Esperamos.

Around - Alrededor
Look forward to - Esperamos


Around: Alrededor
Look Forward to: Esperar

forward: delantero

Around: alrededor.
Passed: aprobado.
It has left: se ha ido.
You can plug us in: puedes enchufarnos.
I look forward to: espero con ansias.

  1. AROUND: in a position or direction surrounding, or in a direction going along the edge of or from one part to another (of).
  2. I LOOK FORWARD TO: to feel pleased and excited about something that is going to happen.

White words: 📝

  • Forward: Delantero.
  • forward: delantero
forward= delantero