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Writing on social media


Las redes sociales pueden ser una gran herramienta para ti para practicar tu writing en inglés, comunicarte con otras personas en el idioma, compartir opiniones o experiencias.

¿Por qué escribir para Twitter en inglés?

Twitter crea un espacio en donde puedes practicar tu redacción en inglés, y equivocarte. Así es, cometer errores en una red social pública es lo que verdaderamente te hará mejorar. Utilizar una red social como Twitter traerá grandes beneficios:

  • Great way to connect and practice with community: share opinions, feelings or thoughts about any topic with a community
  • Building confidence by practicing in public: stop writing just for you, writing in public builds trust
  • Twitter as a professional network: connect with people, and show your English level open many professional doors

Tweets vs. Threads

En Twitter tienes dos posibilidades para practicar tu writing en tu rutina diaria. Puedes escribir un simple tweet, o todo un threads con una serie de tweet relacionados.

  • Tweets: short, quick and great to create an engaging conversation
  • Threads: more context, an extension of a point and showcasing your knowledge

Cada tweet tiene un límite de 280 caracteres. Eso es Twitter, breve y rápido de leer. Los hilos de Twitter te permitirán explayarte mucho más y unir tweets semánticamente relacionados. Sigue algunos consejos para crear muy buenos Threads de Twitter.

  • Start with the initial tweet
  • Explain the topic concisely and add the word "thread" at the end
  • Be logical in the following tweets
  • Provide numbers to create a sequence
  • Include a call to action at the end ("Give your opinion!" or "Follow me!" are good options)

Tips útiles para escribir en Twitter

Twitter es una red social viva. Millones de tweets ocurren a diario y participar en conversaciones será muy enriquecedor para ti para practicar tu escritura en el idioma y adquirir confianza.

  • Engage with people in the comments
  • Tag your tribe and start a conversation
  • Engage on other people’s threads

Algunas ideas para preparar tu primer thread en Twitter podrían ser:

  • 5 ways I increased English vocabulary
  • 10 ways to include English in your everyday routine
  • How I improved my English with Twitter (a story)


En Twitter, ocurre de todo. Es importante saber a quién seguir y cómo comunicarte si realmente deseas convertirla en una herramienta tanto para practicar tu inglés, como para desarrollar tu marca personal. Lo importante es perder el miedo y buscar un canal de comunicación abierto y público que te permita exponerte, equivocarte y continuar aprendiendo.

Contribución creada por: Kevin Fiorentino (Platzi Contributor).

Aportes 12

Preguntas 1

Ordenar por:

¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

Benefits of writing on social media:

  • Great way to connect and practice with community.
  • Building confidence by practicing in public.
  • Twitter as a professional network.
  • It is ok to make mistakes, in real life, mistakes happen all the time.
  • Recruiters are in twitter as well.
    Twitter threads:
  • Be logical in the following tweets.
  • Provide numbers to create a sequence.
  • Include a CTA at the end.
  • Engage with people in the comments.
  • Tag your tribe and start a conversation.
  • Engage on other people’s threads.

5 easy ways I increased my English vocabulary are:

  • Listening blinks, summarized audiobooks, they are really light and charge with full new vocabulary.
  • Watching movies, tv series, news in English, this kind of content will help you to train your listening and the speed you need to understand native speakers.
  • Use flash-cards, this is a new method for me, It forces you to learn by mind new words, on one side you the word, and on other side you put the English meaning not the translation of the word, and additional of it, you write down some examples that can give you the correct context to use that word.
  • Write about your hobbies or whatever you want, that will train your brain to develop new ways to express an idea, using different words.
  • Practice, practice and practice, all your learn try to share, teach or discuss with someone else, that will give the ability to recall the learned information.

I didn’t know recruiters were also on twitter!

5 ways increased my english vocabulary: -study english every day consistency is the key -practica take note in notebook -listening potcast platzi postcast is a good choice -practice speaking with chatgpt and friends -be patiencie and changue mindset with study
**Benefits of writing in your blogs:** * You can be **creative** with your content. * You can **improve every day** if you are **disciplined** with your writing. * You can **build a niche** around your blog. * You can **share content** with others and **help** by sharing your **knowledge**. * By being **consistent** and **never stopping** writing, your style will **improve over time**, and you'll feel **proud of your creations**.
**5 Ways I Mastered English Vocabulary Growth** Expanding one's vocabulary is not merely a matter of rote memorization; it’s about integrating new words into your daily thinking and expression. Here are five advanced strategies I employed to significantly elevate my English vocabulary, pushing my command of the language into a far more sophisticated realm. 1. **Active Contextual Learning** Instead of memorizing isolated words, I immersed myself in learning vocabulary through context. This method helped me understand not only the meaning but the nuances of usage. Reading novels, academic papers, and opinion pieces exposed me to words in diverse contexts, ensuring that I grasped their connotations, subtleties, and specificities. 2. **Intentional Usage in Communication** After learning new words, I challenged myself to incorporate them into conversations and writing. Whether crafting emails or engaging in discussions, I consciously used newly acquired vocabulary. This deliberate application reinforced my memory and made the words part of my active lexicon. 3. **Engaging with High-level Content** Consuming content geared toward native speakers or professionals played a crucial role. From podcasts to research journals, I sought out challenging material. These sources naturally introduced advanced vocabulary, and I paid close attention to the context in which unfamiliar words were used, enriching my understanding. 4. **Creating a Personal Lexicon** I developed a personal vocabulary journal where I recorded new words, their definitions, usage examples, and synonyms. But I didn’t stop there—I revisited these entries regularly, testing myself by constructing complex sentences or scenarios where these words could be used. This personalized lexicon became an essential tool for retention. 5. **Utilizing Spaced Repetition Software (SRS)** To aid long-term retention, I turned to spaced repetition tools like Anki or Quizlet. These apps strategically timed reviews of newly learned words, ensuring they transitioned from short-term to long-term memory. This method, grounded in cognitive science, allowed me to retain a broader and deeper vocabulary pool without feeling overwhelmed.
since 2022 I make a promise to myself to never write other tweet in my whole life xd

You can interact with more person with your preferences.

I want to use Twitter more often. I don’t have the habit to interact through Twitter, but it is an excellent tool to improve my personal brand.

Write on Twitter can be very helpful if you want to share in a quick way your opinion, or knowledge about a certain topic, you can do it using threads or tweets, remember that you need to have a chronological order.