Starting a New Job


Aportes 356

Preguntas 11

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¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

  • How long has Evelyn been working in the company?
    Evelyn has been working for just a few weeks

  • What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do?
    Vanessa always wanted working from anywhere in the world

  • Where are most of Evelyn’s coworkers located?
    The Evelyn’s coworkers are located in India

  • Do any of her coworkers speak spanish?
    None of them speak spanish

  • What does Evelyn like the most about her new job?
    The responsibility, the challenge and the salary

  • Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn’s assistant?
    Vanessa suggests herself

Here’s my try:

  1. How long has Evelyn been working in the company?
    She’s a project manager and has been working for a few weeks.

  2. Whats is something Vanessa has always wanted to do?
    She want to work from anywhere in the World and don´t worry about traffic and other stuff

  3. Where are most of Evelyn’s coworkers located?
    Most of them are located in India

  4. Do any of her coworkers speak Spanish?
    None of them speak English and German

  5. What does Evelyn like the most about her new job?
    She can work from anywhere and anytime (remote work)

  6. Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn’s assistant?

I am in the Evelyn situation, I am working with a German company too 😃

  1. Evelyn has been working there only for just a few weeks.
  2. Vanessa has always wanted to work remotely
  3. Most of Evelyn’s coworkers are located in India
  4. None of them speak Spanish
  5. The responsibility, the challenge, and the salary.
  6. Vanessa is suggesting herself as a good assistant.

These are my answers:

esta chida la practica, pero la teacher habla con una velocidad como si tuviéramos problemas de comprensión.

Class 2: Starting a New Job

  1. How long has Evelyn been working in the company?
    • It is just a few weeks I´m still learning about
  2. What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do?
    • Vanessa would love work from anywhere and at any time that she wants
  3. Where are most of Evely´s coworekers located?
    • Most of them are located in india.
  4. Do any of her co workers speak Spanish?
    • None of them speak spanish
  5. What does Evelyn like the most about her new job?
    • The responsabillity, the challenge and the salary
  6. Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn´s asssistant?
    • She suggests herself
* **How long has Evelyn been working in the company?** It's been just a few weeks * **What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do?** She would like to work anywhere in the world. Not having to worry about traffic or anything like that * **Where are most of Evelyn's coworkers located?** Most of them are located in India * **Do any of her coworkers speak spanish?** None of them speaks Spanish * **What does Evelyn like the most about her new job?** It's the responsability, the challenge and salary * Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn's assistant? She suggested Evelyn to hire her if She's looking for an assitant

Answered questions from “Starting a new job” dialogue.

  1. How long has Evelyn been working in the company
    Just a few weeks
  2. What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do?
    Vanessa always wanted a remote work for don’t worrie about trafic or something like that
  3. Where are most of Evelyn’s coworkers located?
    The most Evelyn’s coworkers are located from India
  4. Do any of her coworkers speak Spanish?
    No, the Evelyn’s coworkers speak hindi and german
  5. What does Evelyn like the most about her new job?
    Evelyn likes can work from everywhere and anytimes
  6. Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn’s assistant?
    Vanessa is suggesting that they want to be hire for the Evelyn’s company

I’m ready! Let’s go.

1. How long has Evelyn been working in the company?

  • A few weeks.

2. What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do?

  • Working from anywhere in the world.

3. Where are most of Evelyn’s coworkers located?

  • In India.

4. Do any of her coworkers speak Spanish?

  • None of them speak Spanish.

5. What does Evelyn like the most about her new job?

  • The responsibility, The challenge and the salary.

6. Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn’s assistant?

  • Herself.

Wow! I had never received an English lesson like this one. I made the English test and my result was B1, so, this is the first lesson and I think this way of teach is amazing! I love it!

  1. Evelyn has been working in the company for just a few weeks

  2. Vanessa has always wanted to work remotely, not having to worry about traffic or anything like that.

  3. Most of Evelyn’s coworkers are located in India

  4. None of Evelyn’s coworkers speak Spanish, they always communicate in English. Some of them speak German too

  5. Responsibility, the challenge, and the salary are the things Evelyn likes the most about her job

  6. Vanessa is suggesting herself as Evelyn’s assistant

there´s my try.

  • How long has Evelyn been working in the company?
    she has been working in tne company just a few weeks

  • What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do?
    vannessa always wanted to work in a place from anywhere in the work and don´t have to worry about traffic or anything like that.

  • Where are most of Evelyn’s coworkers located?
    they´re located in india.

  • Do any of her coworkers speak spanish?
    no, no one of them speak spanish

  • What does Evelyn like the most about her new job?
    she likes the salary, the responsability, and the challange

  • Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn’s assistant?
    vannessa is sugesting herself

In blue is where the answers to the questions are:

  1. How long has Evelyn been working in the company?
    Just a few weeks.
  2. What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do?
    Work from anywhere in the world.
  3. Where are most of Evelyn’s coworkers located?
    Most of them are located in India
  4. Do any of her coworkers speak Spanish?
    None of her coworkers speak spanish.
  5. What does Evelyn like the most about her new job?
    The responsability, the challenge and the salary.
  6. Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn’s assistant?
  1. How long has Evelyn been working in the company? Just a few weeks.
  2. What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do? Work from anywhere.
  3. Where are most of Evelyn’s coworkers located? Most of them are located in India.
  4. Do any of her coworkers speak spanish? No, none of her coworkers speak spanish.
  5. What does Evelyn like the most about her new job? The responsibility, the salary and the challenge
  6. Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn’s assistant? She suggests herself.

How long has Evelyn been working in the company?
She’s a project manager and has been working for a few weeks.

Whats is something Vanessa has always wanted to do?
She want to work from anywhere in the World and don´t worry about traffic and other stuff

Where are most of Evelyn’s coworkers located?
Most of them are located in India

Do any of her coworkers speak Spanish?
None of them speak English and German

What does Evelyn like the most about her new job?
She can work from anywhere and anytime (remote work)

Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn’s assistant?

  1. How long has Evelyn been working in the company?
    Evelyn has being working at the company since a few weeks ago.

  2. What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do?
    Vanessa has always wanted to work from any world in the world

  3. Where are most of Evelyn’s coworkers located?
    Most of them are located in India.

  4. Do any of her coworkers speak spanish?
    No, none of them speak spanish

  5. What does Evelyn like the most about her new job?
    The responsibility, the challenge, and of course the salary.

  6. Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn’s assistant?
    Vanessa suggested herself. Hahaha

  1. How long has Evelyn been working in the company?
  • Just a few weeks.
  1. What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do?
  • Work from anywhere of the world.
  1. Where are most of Evelyn’s coworkers located?
  • India.
  1. Do any of her coworkers speak Spanish?
  • Some of them X WRONG
  • No, none of her coworkers do.
  1. What does Evelyn like the most about her new job?
  • The responsibility, the challenge and the salary.
  1. Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn’s assistant?
  • She´s suggesting herself X ALMOST
  • She suggests herself.

1- How long has Evelyn been working in the company?
It’s been just a few weeks that Evelyn has working.

2-What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do?

Vanessa has always wanted to work in anywhere.

3- Where are most of Evelyn’s coworkers located?
Most of them are located in India.

4- Do any of her coworkes spaek Spanish?
None of them speak Spanish

5-What does Evelyn like the most about her new job?
There are three things that her like most: salary, responsability and the challenge.

1* How long has Evelyn been working in the company?
// Evelyn has been working in a new job for a few weeks as a Project Management

2* What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do?
// She always wanted to work from anywhere and don’t spend time in traffic or anything like that.

3* Where are most of Evelyn’s coworkers located?
// Most of her coworkers are located in India

4* Do any of her coworkers speak Spanish?
// No, None of her coworkers speak Spanish. Some of them speak German or English.

5* What does Evelyn like the most about her new job?
// She loves the responsibility , the challenge and her new salary

6* Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn’s assistant?
// Vanessa suggests herself to be Evelyn’s assistant

remeber this class is about expressions of time and quantity. so

the principal topic is
***MOST OF ** "la mayoría de"
ANY OF "cualquiera de"

remember that this class is about expressions of time and quantity. therefore

I had the correct answers after listening the audio. However in 2 of 6 I had the wrong grammar.
This class showed me that I need to improve my listening comprehension
I consider my listening skill a little bit bad I strugle a lot to understand
1. How long has Evelyn been working in the company? Evelyn has been working for just a few weeks. 2. What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do? Vanessa always wanted to work form anywhere in the world. 3. Where are most of Evelyn's coworkers located? They're in India. 4. Do any of her coworkers speak spanish? No, but some of them speak german. 5. What does Evelyn like the most about her new job? What Evelyn like the most about her job is the responsability, challenges and her salary. 6. Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn's assistant? Vanessa suggest herself as assistant for Evelyn.
1\. How long has Evelyn been working in the Company? Evelyn has been working for just a few weeks 2\. What is something Vanesa has always wanted to do? Vanessa always wanted work in anywhere in the world 3\. Where are most Evelyn coworkers located? The evelyn´s coworkers are located in India 4\. Do any of her coworkers speak spanish? No, none of them speak spanish 5\. What does Evelyn like the most abaut her new job? The responsibility, the challenges and the salary 6\. Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn´s assistant? She suggest Herself
Here is my answers: 1. Evelyn has been working in her new job just a few weeks. 2. Vanessa always wanted work from anywhere in the world. 3. Evelyn's co-workers are located in India. 4. None of them speak spanish. 5. The most stuffs that Evelyn like about her job are the responsability, the challenge and off course the salary. 6. Vanessa suggest that she is the best assitant for Evelyn.
1\. How long has been Evelyn been working in the company? Just few weeks 2\. What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do? Work anywhere and anytime that she wants. 3\. Where are most of Evelyn’s coworkers located? India
How long has Evelyn been working in the company? **R:** Evelyn has been working just a few weeks. What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do? **R:** Vanessa has wanted to work in remote, from anywhere. Where are most of Evelyn's coworkers located? **R:** Evely work is located in India. Do any of her coworkers speak Spanish? **R:** None of them speak spanish. What does Evelyn like the most about her new job? **R:** She likes the most her responsibility, the challenge and the salary. Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn's assistant? **R:** Vanessa suggest herself.
1. How long has Evelyn been working in the company? R. Evelyn has been working just a few weeks. 2. What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do? R. Working from anywhere (Remote work). 3. Where are most of Evelyn's coworkers located? R. They are located in India. 4. Do any of her coworkers speak Spanish? R. None of them speak Spanish. 5. What does Evelyn like the most about her new job? R. She likes the most her responsibility, the challenge and the salary. 6. Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn's assistant? R. She suggests herself.
How long has Evelyn been: Evelyn has been Working in the company just a few weeks. What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do? She has always wannted to work from anywhere and at any time she wants. Where are most of Evelyn's coworkers located? In India Do any of her coworkers speak spanish. No they don´t. They speak English but some of them speak German. What does Evelyn like the most about her new job? The responsability, the challenge and the salary. Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn's assistant? herself
my answers were so much longer than her 🤣
* How long has Evelyn been working in the company? a few weeks * what is something Vanessa has always wanted to do ? Work anywhere in the world * Where are most of evelyns coworkers Located? India * Do any of her coworkers speak spanish? No, they dont * What does Evelyn like the most about her new Job ? the Responsibility, the challenge and the salary * Who is Vanessa suggesting as evelyn’s assistant ? her self
How long has Evelyn been working in the company? - Evenlyn has been working just for a few weeks What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do? - Vannesa always wanted working from anywhere Where are most of Evelyn’s coworkers located? - Most of evelyns coworkers are located in India Do any of her coworkers speak spanish? - None of them. What does Evelyn like most about her new job ? - Evelyn like the responsibility, the challenges and of course the salary. Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn’s assistant? Herself
How long has Evelyn been working in the company? - Evelyn has been working for a few weeks What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do? Vanessa always wanted does remote work Where are most of Evelyn's coworkers located? Most of the vanesa's coworkes are located in India Do any of her coworkers speak spanish? No, her coworkers don't speak spanish What does Evelyn like the most about her new job? She likes most about her job is the responsability, the challenge and the salary Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn's assistant? Herself
1.How long has Evelyn been working in the company? -it's been just a few weeks. 2.What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do? -Working remote anywhere in the world , no worry about traffic. 3.Where are most of Evelyn's coworkers located? -Most of them are located in India. 4.Do any of her coworkers speak spanish? none of them , they communicate in english. 5.What does Evelyn like the most about her new job? The responsabilities , the challengues and the salary. 6.Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelynj's assistant? Vanessa is proposing herself for work as Evelyn's assistant.
1\. How long has Evelyn been working in the company? Few weeks. 2\. What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do? She would like Working at everywhere in the world without deal with traffic. 3\. Where are most of Evelyn's coworkers located? India. 4\. Do any of her coworkers speak Spanish? No, not one of her coworkers speak spanish. 5\. What does Evelyn like the most about her new job? The responsability, the challenge and the salary. 6\. Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn assistand? Vanessa is taking about herself.
1\) How long has Evelyn been working in the company? Few weeks. 2\) What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do? Working from everywhere in the world. 3\) Where are most of Evelyn`s coworkers located? India. 4\) Do any of coworkers speak Spanish? No 5\) What does Evelyn like the most about new job? The responsibility, the challenge and the salary. 6\) Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn`s assistant? Her self.
1. How long has Evelyn been working in the company? Few weeks. 1. What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do? She would like Working at everywhere in the world without deal with traffic. 1. Where are most of Evelyn's coworkers located? India. 1. Do any of her coworkers speak Spanish? No, not one of her coworkers speak spanish. 1. What does Evelyn like the most about her new job? The responsability, the challenge and the salary. 1. Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn assistand? Vanessa is taking about herself.
1\. She has been working for a few weeks now 2\. She has always wanted to work from anywhere in the world, 3\. Their coworkers are in India 4\. No, they don't speak spanish 5\. Evelyn likes the responsibility, the challenge, and of course the salary. 6\. Vanesa suggests herself
1. How long has Evelyn been working in the company? Evelyn has been working for a few weeks 2. Whats is something Vanessa has always wanted to do? She always wanted to work from anywhere in the World 3. Where are most of Evelyn's coworkers located? Most of them are located in India 4. Do any of her coworkers speak Spanish? None of them speak spanish 5. What does Evelyn like the most about her new job? The responsibility, the challenge and the salary
1. How long has Evelyn been working in the company? Evelyn has been working just a few weeks. 2. What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do?Vanessa always has wanted working from anywhere in the world. 3. Where are most of Evelyn’s coworkers located? Most of Evelyn’s coworkers are located in India. 4. Do any of her coworkers speak Spanish? None of them speak Spanish. 5. What does Evelyn like the most about her new job? what she likes the most about her job is the responsability, the challenge and the salary. 6. Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn’s assistant? Vanessa suggests herself.
* **How long has Evelyn been working in the company ?** * Evelyns has been working for the company a couple of weeks * **What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do ?** * Working from any part of the world, without have to worry about traffic or anyhing like that * **Where are most of Evelyn's coworkers located ?** * Most of them are located in India * **Do any of her coworkers speak spanish ?** * None of them speak spanish, most of them speak English * **What does Evelyn like the most about their new job ?** * The responsability and the things tha come from that, liek the challenge * **Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn's assitant ?** * She is suggesting herself as her assistant
**Answers Listening** **1** How long has Evelyn been working in the company. * She has been workimg there for a few weeks. **2** What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do? * She always wanted to work anywhere in the world, not having to worry about traffic. **3** Where are most of Evelyn's coworkers located. * Most of them are located in India. **4** Do any of her coworkers speak Spanish? * No, most of them Speak English or German. **5** What does Evelyn like the most about her new job? * Responsability, challenging, and the salary. **6** Who is Vanessa suggesting Evelyn's assistant? * She's suggesting that herself can be de Evelyn's assistant.
How long has Evelyn been working in the company? * Just a few weeks What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do? * Working for anywhere in the world, in remote work Where are most of Evelyn's coworker located? * In India Do any of her coworkers speak Spanish? * No, they don't What does Evelyn like the most about her new job? * the responsability, the challenge and the salary Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn's assistant? * Herself
1. A few weeks. 2. Working from anywhere in the world.  3. India. 4. They don't speak spanish. 5. The  responsibilities, the challenge and the salary.  6. Herself.
* How long has Evelyn been working in the company? Evelyn has been working for just a few weeks * What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do? Vanessa has always wanted to work from anywhere in the world, remote work * Where are most of Evelyn's coworkers located? the most Evelyn's coworkers are located in India * Do any of her coworkers speak spanish? no one of them speaks spanish, they speak english and others speak german * What does Evelyn like the most about her new job? the most Evelyn like about her new job is the responsability, the challenge and the salary * Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn's assistant? Vanessa
**CLASS 2 Starting a New Job:** 1. How long has Evelyn been working in the company? Evelyn has been working for a few weeks. 2. What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do? Vanessa always wanted working in anywhere of the world. 3. Where are most of Evelyn's coworkers located? Most of them are located in india 4. Do any of her coworkers speak Spanish? none of them speak spanish. 5. What does Evelyn like the most about her new job? The responsability, the challenge and the salary. 6. Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn's assistant? Vanessa suggest herself.
1. Just a few weeks. 2. Working of anywhere in the world. 3. India. 4. None of them. 5. The responsability, the challenge and the salary. 6. Vanessa uggested herself
1. **How long has Evelyn been working in the company?** She has been working j*ust a few weeks* 2. **What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do?** *She has always wanted to have a remote job. Working from enywhere, anywhere in the world. Not having to worry about traffic or anything like that.* 3. **Where are most of Evelyn´s coworkers located?** *Most of them are located in India.* 4. **Do any of her coworkers speak Spanish?** *No, none of them speak Spanish.* 5. **What does Evelyn like the most about her new job?** *She likes the resposability, the challenges and the salary* 6. **Who is vanessa suggesting as Evelyn´s assistant?** *She is suggesting herself.*
Answers: 1.- just a few weeks 2.-working from anywhere in the world 3.- them are located in India 4.- No, none of her coworkers do 5.- She suggests herself
These are my answers: 1. How long has Evelyn been working in the company? Evelyn has been working for just a few weeks 2. What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do? Vanessa has always wanted to work **any place** and any time that she wants without trafic or anything like that (X any place = = > Anywhere) 3. Where are most of Evelyn’s coworkers located? Most of Evelyn’s coworkers are located in India 4. Do any of her coworkers speak Spanish? None of them speaks Spanish 5. What does Evelyn like the most about her new job?t he responsibility the Challenge and the salary 6. Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn’s assistant? Vanessa is suggesting herself to be Evelyn’s assistant
How long has Evelyn been working in the company? a couple of weeks What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do? work from anywhere in the world. Where are most of Evelyn's coworkers located? India Do any of her coworkers speak Spanish? No, none of her coworkers do. What does Evelyn like the most about her new job? The responsibility, the challenge and the salary Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn's assistant? Herself.
**How long has Evelyn working in the company?** Evelyn has been working in the company for a few weeks **What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do?** Working from anywhere and at any time she wants **Where are most of Evelyn’s coworkers located?** Most of them are located in India **Do any of her coworkers speak speanish?** No, none of her coworkers do, she speaks English and German. **What does Evelyn like the most about her new job?** The responsibilities, the challenges, and the competitive salary **Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn’s assistant?** She suggests herself
1. How long has Evelyn been working in the company? She's been working a few weeks 2. What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do? Work from everywhere in the world as a remote worker) 3. Where are most of Evelyn's coworkers located? Most of them are from India. 4. Do any of her coworkers speak Spanish? None of them speak spanish. 5. What does Evelyn like the most about her new job? She likes the responsability, the chanllenge and of course the salary. 6. Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn's assistant? She is suggesting herself. Pipipi
* How long has Evelyn been working in the company?: **She has been just a few weeks** * What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do?: **She could work from anywhere she wants** * Where are most of Evelyn's coworkers located?: **All most of them are located in India** * Do any of her coworkers speak spanish?: **No of them speaks Spanish** * What does Evelyn like the most about her new job?: **Responsibility, new challenges and** **earns much money than previous job** * Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn's assistant?: **Vanessa is suggesting herself like Evelyn's assistance**
How long has Evelyn been working in the company? -A few weeks What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do? -Work from anywhere (Remote joo) Where are most of Evelyn's coworkers located? -They are located in India Do any of her coworkers speak Spanish? -Anyone speaks Spanish of her coworkers speaks Spanish What does Evelyn like the most about her new job? The responsibility, challenge, and salary. Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evely's assistant? Vanessa (Herself)
How long has Evelyn been working in the company? **RTA:** a few weeks , there are some things that she is still learning. What is something Vanessa has always wanted to ? **RTA**: remote work Where are most of Evelyn s coworkers located? **RTA:** Most of them are located in india. Do any of her coworkers speak Spanish? **RTA:** none of them What does Evelyn like the most about her new job? RTA: The responsability , challenges and the salary Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn s assistant? **RTA:** Vanessa is suggesting herself.
1. How long has Evelyn been working in the company? She has been working for few weeks. 2. What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do? She always wanted to work from anywhere in the world, and not worry about traffic or anything like that. 3. Where are most of Evelyn’s coworkers located? Most of her coworkers are located in India. 4. Do any of her coworkers speak Spanish None of them speak Spanish. 5. What does Evelyn like the most about her new job? The responsibility, the challenge, and the salary. 6. Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn’s assistant? Vanessa suggested herself as the new assistant.
1. Evelyn have been working in the company a few weeks 2. Vanessa always wanted to work from anywhere in the world 3. Most of Evelyn's coworkers are located in India 4. None of them, they most communicate in English 5. She most like 3 things: responsibility, the challenge, and salary 6. Vanessa is suggesting herself for the assistant job
1\. R\\: Just a few weeks 2\. R\\: Being a digital nomad 3\. R\\: Most of them are located in India 4\. R\\: No. They speak English and some of them speak German. 5\. R\\: The responsibility, the challenge but obvioulsy, also the salary 6\. R\\; Someone like her
Hi guys, I'm going a be sharing with you my answers for the exercise: 1. **How long has Evelyn been working in the company?** It’s been just a few weeks. It’s a new job for Evelyn. 2.  **What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do?** Vanessa has always wanted to work from anywhere in the world and doesn't worry about traffic or other issues. 3. **Where are most of Evelyn’s coworkers located?** Most of Evelyn’s coworkers are located in India. They are very interesting people for Evelyn. 4. **Do any of her coworkers speak Spanish?** None of them speak Spanish, however, most of them communicate in English and some of them can speak German. 5. **What does like the most about her new job?** What Evelyn likes the most about her new job though is the responsibility, the challenge, and the salary.  6. **Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn’s assistant?** Vannessa suggested herself to be a new Evelyn’s assistant.
* How long has Evelyn been working in the company? She has been working for a few weeks. * What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do? She always have wanted to work from anywhere in the world. * Where are most of Evelyn's coworkers located? Most of them are locate it in India * Do any of her coworkers speak Spanish? No of them speak Spanish. They communicate in English, some of them speak German thoug. * What does Evelyn like the most about her new job? The responsibility, the challenge and the salary. * Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn's assistant? He is suggesting herself.
Listening Comprehension: 1\. How long has Evelyn been working in the company?. Evelyn has been working few weeks in the company. 2\. What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do? Vanessa wanted to work from anywhere in the wordl and any time. 3\. Where are most of Evelyn's coworkers located?. Evelyn coworkers are located in India. 4\. Do any of her coworkers speak Spanish? No, they don't. 5\. What does Evelyn like the most about her new job? Evelyn likes the reponsability, the challenge and the salary. 6\. Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn's assistant? Vanessa is suggesting to herself.
📝 My notes from this class: * **How long**: This “phrase” is used to make questions about duration or length. * **Most of**: We can use this phrase when we are going to refer something has the majority. * **Any of**: We are going to use this phrase (or idiom, I think) when we want to know about one or more of something/someone/somewhere etc. In Spanish is like “Algo de…, alguno de…”, in a phrase: “*Puedo usar **alguno de** estos cuchillos para cortar la cebolla?*” * **The most**: This is a superlative, And it expresses that the think, person, place, etc. is the highest in comparison with something else. * **A few**: It is a quantifier, and we can use it when we are talking about small quantities of countable nouns.
1.just a few weeks 2.Vanessa always wanted working from anywhere in the world 3.are located in India 4\. No 5.The responsibility, the challenge and the salary 6.herself
1. How long has Evelyn been working in the company? 1. Few weeks 2. What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do? 1. Work from anywhere and anytime 3. Where are most of Evelyn’s coworkers located? 1. India 4. Do any of her coworkers speak Spanish? 1. None of them 5. What does Evelyn like the most about her new job? 1. The responsibility, the challenge and salary 6. Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn’s assistant? 1. Hiring her
1.Few weeks 2.Work in other part of the world 3.In India 4.None speak spanish 5.The salary and the responsability in the job
1\) How long has Evelyn been working in the company? Evelyn has been working there for 2 weeks. 2\) What is something Vnessa has always wanted to do? Work in any place in the world without the traffic 3\) Where are most of Evelyn's coworkers located? Most of them are located in India 4\) Do any of her coworkers speak spanish? No, Their speak in English or in Germany 5\) What does Evelyn like the most about her new job? The salary 6\) Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn's assistant? Vanessa is suggesting to Evelyn that she would be a good assistant
1\. How long has evelyn been working in the company? Its been just a few weeks 2\. What is something vanessa has always wanted to do? Can work from anywhere and at any time. 3\. Where are most of evelyn’s coworked located? Most of them are located in India 4\. Do any her coworkers speak Spanish? None of them speak spanish 5\. What does evelyn like the most about her new job? The responsibility, the challenge and the salary. 6\. Who is vanessa suggesting as evelyn’s assistant? Vannesa proposes herself
Hello everyone, this it's going to be my try: 1. How long has Evelyn been working in the company? She has been working as a project manager just for a few weeks. 2. What is something Vanessa has always wanted? Vanessa has always wanted to work from anywhere in the world, without worrying about traffic or time. 3. Where are most of Evelyn's co-workers located? Most of them are located in India. 4. Do any of her co-workers speak Spanish? None of them speak Spanish. 5. Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn's assistant? She is suggesting herself
**Listening comprehension:** homework * **How long has Evelyn been working in the company?** Evelyn has been working just a few weeks. * **What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do?** Vanessa wanted to work from anywhere in the world and not have problems. * **Where are most of Evelyn's coworkers located?** In India. * **Do any of her coworkers speak spanish?** no one speaks Spanish * **What does Evelyn like the most about her new job?** She likes the responsability, the challenge and the salary. * **Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn's assistant?** Vanessa suggests herself.
**1. How long has Evelyn been working in the company?** Evelyn has been working a few weeks. **2. What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do?** Working from anywhere in the word, and don't worry about traffic. **3. Where are most of Evelyn's coworkers located?** In India **4. Do any of her coworkers speak Spanish?** No, none of her coworkers do. **5. What does Evelyn like the most about her new job?** The responsibility, the challenge, and the salary. **6. Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn's assistant?** She suggests herself.
Listening practice - Starting a New Job 1\) How long has Evelyn been working in the company? Evelyn has been working **for a few weeks** in the company, and she thinks it’s great. 2\) What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do? She has always wanted to work from **anywhere in the world**. 3\) Where are most of Evelyn's coworkers located? Most of her coworkers are located in **India**. 4\) Do any of her coworkers speak Spanish? No, **none of her coworkers** speak Spanish. 5\) What does Evelyn like the most about her new job? What Emily likes most about her job is the **responsibility, the challenges** and (of course) the **salary**. 6\) Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn's assistant? Vanessa has offered **herself** as a good assistant. Thanks for reading!
1. How long has Evelyn been working in the company? Just a few weeks 2. What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do? Vanessa always wanted working from anywhere in the world 3. Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn's assistant? Vanessa suggests herself 4. What does Evelyn like the most about her new job? The responsibility, the challenge and the salary 5. Do any of her cowoerkers speak Spanish? None of them speak spanish 6. Where are most of Evelyn's coworkers located? The Evelyn's coworkers are located in India
1. A few weeks. 2. Working from anywhere in the world. 3. Most of them are located in India. 4. None of them speaks spanish. 5. The resposability, the challenge and the salary. 6. Herself.
Nice activity!!
1. How long has Evelyn been working in the company? Just a few weeks 2. What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do? Vanessa always wanted to work from anywhere in the world like Evelyn does in her new job. 3. Where are most of Evelyns coworkers located? Most of them are located in India 4. Do any of her coworkes speak Spanish? None of them 5. What does Evelyn like the most about her new job? The responsability, the challenge and the salary 6. Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyns assistant? Vanessa suggests herself to be Evelyns assistant
1. How long has Evelyn been working in the company? * It is just a few weeks I´m still learning about 2. What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do? * Vanessa would love work from anywhere and at any time that she wants 3. Where are most of Evely´s coworekers located? * Most of them are located in india. 4. Do any of her co workers speak Spanish? * None of them speak spanish 5. What does Evelyn like the most about her new job? * The responsabillity, the challenge and the salary 6. Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn´s asssistant? * She suggests herself
How long has Evelyn been working in the company? Is been just a few weeks What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do? Work from anywhere Where are most of Evelyn´s coworkers located? In India Do any of her coworkers speak spanish? Non of them What Evelyn like the most about her new job? The responsability, the challenge and the salary Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn´s assistant? Herself
1. She works since few weeks 2. Vanessa wanted to work fom anywhere and anytime 3. The Evelyn's coworkers are located in India. 4. None of them speak Spanish 5. She can works from anywhere and anytime. The responsability, the salary
Answers: 1. Just a few weeks. 2. Workking anywhere in the world 3. India. 4. None of them speak spanish. 5. The responsability, the challenge, and of course, the salary. 6. Vanessa suggest herself :D
**How long has Evelyn been working in the company?** Evelyn has been working in the company for a few weeks **What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do?** Vannessa always wanted to work from anywhere and at any time  **Where are most of Evelyn’s coworkers located?** Most of her coworker's are located in India **Do any of her coworkers speak Spanish?** Not really, none of them speak Spanish **What does Evelyn like the most about her new job?** She most like the responsibility, challenge, and the salary  **Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn’s assistant?** Vanessa suggests herself as an assistant
**How long has Evelyn been working in the company?** Evelyn has been working few weeks there. **What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do?** Because she can work anywhere in the world and she doesn’t have to worry about traffic. **Where are most of Evelyn's coworkers located?** Most of them are located in India **What does Evelyn like the most about her new job?** Evelyn likes most the responsibility, the challenge, and the salary. **Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn's assistant?** Vanessa is suggesting herself as an assistant.
1. How long has Evelyn been working in the company? IT´S BEEN JUST A FEW WEEKS 2. What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do? WORKING FROM ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD 3. Where are most of Evelyn´s coworkers located? THE MOST OF EVELYN´S COWORKER ARE LOCATED IN INDIA 4. Do any of her coworkers speak Spanish? NONE OF THEM SPEAK SPANISH 5. What does Evelyn like the most about her new job? TO EVELYN THE MOST LIKE IS THE RESPONSABILITY, THE CHALLENGE AND THE SALARY 6. Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn´s assistant? VANESSA IS SUGGESTS HERSELF TO BE THE EVELYN ASSISTANT
* How long has Evelyn been working in the company? she has been working just a few weeks * what is something vanessa has always wanted to do? she has wanted working from anywhere in the world * where are most of evelyn's coworkers located? they are located in India * Do any of her coworkers speak spanish? they dont speak spanish * who does Evelyn like the most about her new job? Evelyn likes the challenge, the salary, the responsibility. * who is vanessa suggesting as Evelyn?s assistant? Vanessa suggests herself
1.How long has Evelyn been working in the company? a few weeks. 2.What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do? Working from anywhere in the world. 3.Where are most of Evelyn's coworkers located? in India. 4.Do any of coworkers speak Spanish? No, none of them speak Spanish. 5.What does Evelyn like the most about her new job? She does Evelyn like the responsability, the challenge and salary. 6.Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn's assistant? Suggest she herself.
This is my answers: ![]( In answer number four, my mind was empty because I didn't feel confident with my answer, I only thought of "none" and was surprised the answer was good.
1. How long has Evelyn been working in the company? - few weeks ago 2. Whats is something Vanessa has always wanted to do? - Work from anywhere 3. Where are most of Evelyn's coworkers located? -more of them are located in India 4. Do any of her coworkers speak Spanish? - They speak English and German 5. What does Evelyn like the most about her new job? - Responsability, challenge and salary 6. Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn's assistant?
1- HOW LONG HAS eVELYN BEEN WORKING IN THE COMPANY? Evelyn has been working for just a few weeks. 2\) WHAT IS SOMETHING VANNESA HAS ALWAYS WANTED TO DO? Vanessa always wanted working from anywhere in the world. 3\) WHERE ARE MOST OF EVELYN'S COWORKERS LOCATED? LOCATED IN INDIAN 4\) DO ANY OF HER COWORKERS SPEAK SPANISH? NONE OF THEM SPEAK SPANISH 5\) WHAT DOES EVELYN LIKE THE MOST ABOUT HER NEW JOB? the responsibility, the challenge, and the salary. 6\)WHO IS VANESSA SUGGESTING AS EVELYN´S ASSITANT? Vanessa suggestis herself.
* How long has Evelyn been working in the company? Evelyn has been working for just a few weeks * What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do? Vanessa always wanted working from anywhere in the world * Where are most of Evelyn's coworkers located? The Evelyn's coworkers are located in India * Do any of her coworkers speak spanish? None of them speak spanish * What does Evelyn like the most about her new job? The responsibility, the challenge and the salary * Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn's assistant? Vanessa suggests herself *
1. She has working in that company for a few weeks ago 2. Vannesa always have wanted work from everywhere
1. How long has Evelyn been working in the company? It's been just a few weeks 2. What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do? Vaneessa lalways wanted working from anywhere in the world 3. Where are most of Evelyn's coworkers located? Most of the coworkers of Evelyn are located in India 4. Do any of her coworkers speak spanish? None of them speak spanish They doesn't speak spanish 5. What does Evelyn like the most about her new job? Evelyn likes the responsability, the challenge and the salary 6. Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn's assistant? Herself

How long has Evelyn been working in the company? She has been working in the company for just a few weeks.
What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do ? She has always wanted to work from anywhere.
Where are most of Evelyn’s coworkers located? Most of Evelyn’s coworkers are located in India.
Do any of her coworkers speak Spanish ? None of them speak Spanish.
What does Evelyn like the most about her new job ? She likes the most about her job is the responsibility, the challenge and the salary.
Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn’s assistant? Vanessa is suggesting herself as Evelyn’s assistant.

* **How long has Evelyn been working in the company?** Evelyn has been working for just a few weeks * **What is something Vanessa has always wanted to do?** Evelyn can work from anywhere. * **Where are most of Evelyn's coworkers located?** Her coworkers are located in Indian. * **Do any of her coworkers speak spanish?** No, none of her coworkers do. * **What does Evelyn like the most about her new job?** The responsability, the challenge and the salary * **Who is Vanessa suggesting as Evelyn's assistant?** She suggest herself

1.Just a few weeks
2.she would you like to Work in anywhere in the world
3. they are located in india
4.none of them
5. The responsibility, challenge, and off course, the salary
6. She herself
