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Workshop: Let's Practice!


Aportes 557

Preguntas 28

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if someone doesnt’ heard “howdy” is the expression that the teacher said at the beginning…

Estoy practicando con la ayuda de ChatGPT y me va gustando bastante el resultado.

Les comparto el prompt para quien se anime a intentarlo:

Ayudame a practicar inglés
El tema de hoy es indefinite pronouns
Debes darme una oración con un espacio en blanco donde yo tengo que completar con la palabra que falta
La palabra que falta puede ser una de las siguientes:
No one
Si acierto, avisame que está bien y dame otro ejercicio
Si no acierto, dame feedback y luego otro ejercicio

  1. I’ve travelled everywhere
  2. She ate everything on her plate.
  3. You did nothing wrong
  4. Can you ask someone at school?
  5. I need to find something.


  1. Everybody seeks happiness.
  2. Somebody once said that it takes courage to leave your comfort zone.
  3. No one can fly without a ticket


  1. Everywhere we go, we see political ads.
  2. I know I’ve seen you somewhere before.
  3. Anywhere you go, I will be there.


  1. Everything is going graat!
  2. Something is going on.
  3. Anything can happen.

Everybody thinks that my vacation finished.
Nothing is more important that the family.

Hello everyone! Nice to meet you. I want to tell you about my trip to a warm place, in this place, everyone is friendly and everywhere there are very tall and very green trees. This place is known as the half of the world.


There’s smoke in the kitchen, something is burning.

You finished your lunch, would you like anything else?

Everyone must wear a mask to enter the hospital.

You look familiar to me, I’m sure I have seen you Somewhere before.

I have an Extra ticket for the concert, does anybody want to come?

He seems to be mad at me, I asked what´s wrong but he said nothing

This is a restriceted area, no one will be allowed to enter without an explicit authirization.

Somebody called this morning to my phone but i coldn’t answer.

I lost my pen, i searched for it but I couldn’t find it anywhere.

Everybody Knows fruits and vegetables are important for good health.

Has anyone seen my dog?

I need an investor for my bussiness idea but nobody wants to take the risk.

We really need to clean up, there’s dust everywhere in the house.

I left my bike next to that tree but somebody took it.

The thief is surrounded, he´s got nowhere to run.

Everything is clear. I completely undesrtood the topic.

I’ve travelled everywhere.
She ate everything on her plate.
You did nothing wrong.
Can you ask someone at school?
I need to find someone.


Everybody Seeks happiness.
Someone once said that it takes courage to leave your confort zone.
No one can flight without a ticket.


Everywhere we go we see political ads.
I know I’ve seen you somewhere before.
Anywhere you go, I will be there


Everything is going great.
Something is going on.
Anything can happen.

Workshop: Let’s Practice!


  1. I’ve travelled everywhere
  2. She ate everything on her plate.
  3. You did nothing wrong
  4. Can you ask someone at school?
  5. I need to find something.


  1. Everybody seeks happiness.
  2. Somebody once said that it takes courage to leave your comfort zone.
  3. No one can fly without a ticket


  1. Everywhere we go, we see political ads.
  2. I know I’ve seen you somewhere before.
  3. Anywhere you go, I will be there.


  1. Everything is going graat!
  2. Something is going on.
  3. Anything can happen.

Thank for your lessons teacher! I have a lot to study now, really I am so grateful!

My answers
Class 4

I’ve travelled everywhere.
She ate everything on her plate.
You did nothing wrong.
Can you ask someone at school?
I need to find something.

ex.2 1.Everyone 2.somenone one
everywhere we go we see political ads i know i've see yopu anywhere before somewhere you go, i will be there
everything is going great anything is going on something can happen

I´ve tracelled everywhere -She ate everything on the palte. - You did nothing wrong. - Cn you ask someone/somebody at school.

Review 1. I've travelled everywhere. 2. She ate everything on her plate. 3. You did something wrong. 4. Can you ask someone at school? 5. I need to find nothing.

THINGS 1. Everything is going great!. 2. Something is going on. 3. Anything can happen.

  • Everyone seeks happiness
  • Somebody said that it takes courage to leave your comfort zone
  • No one can fly without a ticket
  • I´ve travelled everywhere
  • She ate everything on her plate
  • You did nothing wrong
  • Can you ask something at school
  • I need to find someone
  1. Everybody seeks happines.
  2. Someone once said that it takes courage to leave your comfort zone
  3. No one can flight without a ticket
  4. Everywhere we go see political ads.
  5. I know i’ve seen you somewhere before
  6. Anywhere you go, i will be there
  7. Everything is going great !
  8. Something is going on
  9. Anything can happen

Example: Everything is awesome, Everything is cool when you’re part of the team, everything is awesome, when you’re living out a dream. 🎶

Song: Everything is awesome - Tegan And Sara - LEGO movie

  • Everyone likes Platzi.
  • Somewhere in the world there is someone working harder and smarter than you.
  • You can eat anything you’d like.
  • No one is done yet.

I thank you for this lesson teacher Mayra.
Here are my own examples of prefix and suffix expressions:

  1. Everybody in this world must sleep eight hours.
  2. My teacher said that everything was allowed in this exam.
  3. Do someone around me believe in Christ?

I need to buy something in the supermarket
Someone is calling me.
Im sad because nobody trust me.
I was looking for my cell phone everywhere. but I did not find it.

Activity 2

  1. Everybody seeks happiness.
  2. Somebody once said that it takes courage to leave your comfort zone.
  3. Nobody can flight without a ticket.

Activity 4

  1. Everything is going great!
  2. Something is going on.
  3. Anything can happen.

Activity 3

Everywhere we go we see political ads.
I know I’ve seen you somewhere before.
Anywhere you go, I’ll be there.

  1. I’ve travelled everywhere
  2. She ate everything on her plate
  3. You did nothing wrong
  4. Can you ask somenone at school?
  5. I need to find something

1.- Everybody seeks happiness.
2.- Someone once said that it takes courage to leave your comfort zone.
3.- Nobody can flight without a ticket

1.- Everything is going great!
2.- Something is going on.
3.- Anything can happen.

my last vacations was on november of the last year, i went to somewhere, with someone friends


  1. I’ve travelled everywhere.
  2. She ate everything on her plate.
  3. You did nothing wrong.
  4. Can you ask Someone at school?
  5. I need to find something.
  6. Everybody seeks happiness.
  7. Somebody once said that it takes courage to leave you comfort zone.
  8. Nobody can flight without a ticker.
  9. Everything we go we see political ads.
  10. I know I’ve seen you somewhere before.
  11. Anywhere you go, I will be there
  12. Everything is going great!
  13. Something is going on.
  14. Anything can happen.

Every one/ Everybody

1.I´ve travelled Everywhere
2. She ate Everything on her plate
3. You did Nothing wrong
4. Can you ask someone at school?
5. I need to find something

  1. Everyone seeks happiness

  2. Somebody once said that it takes courage to leave your comfort zone

  3. No one can flight without a ticket

  4. Everywhere we go see political ads

  5. I know I´ve seen you somewhere before

  6. Anywhere you go, I will be there

  7. Everything is going great!

  8. Something is going on

  9. Anything can happen


  1. Everything is going great.
  2. Something is going on.
  3. Anything can happen.
  • Everything is going great!
  • Something is going on.
  • Anything can happen
  1. Everywhere
  2. Everything
  3. Nothing
  4. Someone/somebody
  5. Something

First exercise

  1. Everywhere
  2. Everything
  3. Nothing
  4. Someone/somebody
  5. Something
    Second exercise
  6. Everybody/Everyone
  7. Someone
  8. Non one
    Third exercise
  9. Everywhere
  10. somewhere
  11. Anywhere


  1. I’ve travelled everywhere.
  2. She ate on ther plate everything.
  3. You did nothing wrong.
  4. Can you ask someone at school?
  5. I need to find somehting.
  • People
  1. Everyone seeks happiness.
  2. Someone once said that it takes courage to leave your comfort.
  3. Nobody can flight without a ticket.
  • Places
  1. Everywhere we go see political ads.
  2. I know I’ve seen you somewhere before.
  3. Anywhere you go, I will be there.

My most recent vacation was on december 2022. Everything was cold but not snowy. One of the requirements is to bring food for the journey. Someone was wearing a telescopic walking stick on the travel, and Something you must know, is that this place is 4,200 meters over the level of sea

My sentences 😃

  1. People:
    a. Anyone wants to eat this?
    b. I think we must hire somebody / someone for this.
    c. Nobody wants go there.

  2. Place:
    a. Anywhere I go I see that face.
    b. Would you go somewhere with me this weekend?
    c. My girlfriend go everywhere with me.
    d. There was nowhere to run at school.

  3. Thing:
    a. I would like to eat anything right now.
    b. Do you need something else?
    c. I love everything of Platzi
    d. I have nothing to do in afternoon’s.

  • Everyone seeks happiness
  • Someone once said that it takes courage to leave
  • Nobody can flight without a ticket

hello everybody, my sentences are:

  1. somebody phoned me yesterday

  2. everybody is shouting in the classroom.

  3. nobody came yesterday at school.

  4. everythng that i know is written in the book.

  5. i want to gave her something by her bitrhday!

  6. i dont like anything in that house!

  7. i would like to travel somewhere before i am 30 years old.

  8. my friend and i always walk everywhere togheter.

  9. he went to vacation but he visited anywhere!

the other activity 1. Everywhere 2. somewhere 3. anywhere
1. I have travelled everywhere 2. she ate everything on her plate 3. you did nothing wrong 4. can you ask someone at school 5. i need to find something
1. I´ve travelled everywhere 2. She ate nothing on her plate 3. You did something wrong 4. Can you ask someone at school? 5. I need to find everything \--- 1. Everyone seeks happiness 2. Someone once said that... 3. No one can flight whitout a ticket. \--- 1. Everywhere we go we see political ads 2. I know I've seen you somewhere before 3. Anywhere you go, I will be there \--- 1. Everything is going great! 2. Something is going on. 3. Anything can happen.
1\. Everywhere we go we see political ads. 2\. I know I’ve seen you somewhere before. 3\. Anywhere you go, I will be there.
1\. Everybody seeks happiness. 2\. Someone once said that it takes courage to leave your comfort zone. 3\. Nobody can flight without a ticket.
1. I've travelled **everywhere**. 2. She ate **everything** on her plate. 3. Yo did **nothing** wrong. 4. Can you ask **someone** at school? 5. I need to find **something**. 1. **Everybody** seeks happiness. 2. **Somebody** once said that it takes courage to leave your comfort zone. 3. **No one** can flight without a ticket. 1. **Everywhere** we go we see political ads. 2. I know I've seen you **somewhere** before. 3. **Anywhere** you go, I will be there. 1. **Everything** is going great. 2. **Something** is going on. 3. **Anything** can happen.
"Anything can happen" es correcto porque implica que hay una gama infinita de posibilidades, es decir, cualquier cosa podría suceder. En cambio, "everything can happen" sugiere que todos los eventos posibles ya están considerados y pueden realizarse, lo cual es más restrictivo. En el contexto de la clase, se practican los pronombres indefinidos, como "anything", que se usan para referirse a cosas no específicas. Esto refuerza la idea de incertidumbre y amplia posibilidad.
A. 1.- everywhere 2.- everything 3.- nothing 4.- someone/somebody 5.- something B. Person 1.- Everybody/everyone seeks happiness 2.- someone once said that it takes courage to leave your comfort zone 3.- no one can flight without a ticket C. Places 1.- everywhere we go we see political ads. 2.- I know I've see you somewhere before 3.- anywhere you go, i will be there D. Things 1.- everything is going great 2.- something is going go 3.- anything can happen
someI´ve travelled Everywhere She ate everything on her plate You did nothing wrong Can you ask somebody at school? I need to find something
My answers: **<u>People </u>** **<u>-Everybody </u>**seeks happiness **<u>-Someone</u>** once said that it takes courage to leave your comfort zone **<u>-Nobody</u>** can flight without a ticket **Places:** **<u>-Everywhere </u>**we go we see political ads -I know i've seen you **<u>somewhere </u>**before **<u>-Anywhere</u>** you go, i'll be there **Things:** **<u>-Everything</u>** is going great **<u>-Something</u>** is going on **<u>-Anything</u>** can happen
Fantastic class, I enjoyed it very much.
Hello everyone! Nice to meet you. I recently traveled somewhere very sunny. A place where everyone is very kind and friendly. I liked everything about this place, the quality of life in this city is very high and there is always something to do. For someone who can tolerate very hot weather, I recommend this place for surfing and relaxing. Can you guess the city? It's Acapulco.
En el ultimo ejercicio del review la opción correcta es: ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN. entiendo que es equivalente al "cualquier cosa puede pasar. pero sería incorrecto decir: EVERYTHING CAN HAPPEN ¿? como lo decimos en español, todo puede pasar. ¿es válida la oración?
examples: something is going to happen this new year everyone have parents no one is perfect somebody ate my eggs I can go everywhere for my family
Wizard: Hello traveler, what bring you here? Traveler: I’m so tired sir, could you please offer me some water please? Wizard: All of the travelers who arrive here are tired, but only some of them continue the way no matter what. What kind of traveler are you? Traveler: I’ll continue, I’m just taking a rest. Wizard: Here is your water. So, tell me, where are you going? Traveler: I don’t know, I’m just trying to none of the pirates catch me with my treasure Wizard: What kind of treasure do you have? What’s the importance of that treasure? Traveler: Is just a big stuff that will going to free my people of a curse. Most of the people trust me, I don’t want to lose this treasure Pirate: Nobody moves! To be continued...
1.Everyone seeks happiness 2.Someone once said that it takes courage to leave your confort zone 3.No one can flight without a ticket
What's the difference between Somebody and Anybody? Because for one exercie i've picked *<u>Anyone </u>*once said thtat it takes courage to leave your comfort zone. But, the teacher pick *<u>Somebody</u>*.
**Everywhere** we go we see political ads. I know I´ve seen you **somewhere** before. **Anywhere** you go, I will be there.
**Everybody** seeks hapiness. **Somebody** once said that it takes courage to leave your comfort zone. **No one** can flight without a ticket.
1. I´travelled **everywhere**. 2. She ate **everything** on her plate. 3. You did **nothing** wrong. 4. Can you ask **someone/somebody** at school? 5. I need to find **something.**
Hola, estoy usando chatgpt para estudiar les comparto un ejercicio bsandome en este modulo: (Please previous to the answer correct this prompt) lets practice in another module in another english cuorse. Please make some exercise with indefinitive pronoums, mix in differents questions and quizes prefix and suffix of pronoums of people, places and things, using every, some , any and no. ###### ChatGPT dijo: ChatGPT Here's the corrected version of your prompt: "Let’s practice another module in a different English course. Please create some exercises with indefinite pronouns, mixing in different questions and quizzes using prefixes and suffixes of pronouns for people, places, and things, using **every**, **some**, **any**, and **no**." ### Exercises with Indefinite Pronouns: **1. Fill in the blanks using the correct indefinite pronoun (everyone, someone, anyone, no one):** * \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ knocked on the door, but I didn’t hear it. * Does \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ here know how to speak French? * \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ can attend the meeting tomorrow; it's open to the public. * \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ answered the phone, so I left a message. **2. Choose the correct indefinite pronoun for places (everywhere, somewhere, anywhere, nowhere):** * I can't find my keys. I've looked \_\_\_\_\_\_\_. * She wants to go \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ warm for her vacation. * We can eat \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ you want tonight. You choose! * There's \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ to sit in the park; it's packed with people. **3. Complete the sentences with the correct pronoun for things (everything, something, anything, nothing):** * I have \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ to tell you, but it’s a secret. * Did you bring \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ for the party tonight? * He said \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ at the meeting, but I didn’t catch it. * I can’t find my phone—I've looked everywhere and found \_\_\_\_\_\_\_. ### Quiz on Prefixes and Suffixes: **1. Prefixes with indefinite pronouns (Match the prefix with the right word):** * Every * Some * Any * No a. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_where b. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_body c. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_thing d. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_one **2. Suffixes (Fill in the blanks using the correct form: one, body, where, thing):** * There’s \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ interesting in the news today. * She doesn’t know \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ about that topic. * We went \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ new last weekend. * I’m looking for \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ who can help me. Let me know once you've completed the exercises, and I’ll check your answers! 4o ##### Dijiste: Exercises with Indefinite Pronouns: 1. - Someone knocked on the door, but I did´nt hear it. - Doesanyone here know how to speak French?. - Someone can attend the meeting tomorrow; it´s open to the public. - No one answered the phone, so left a message. 2. - I can´t find my Key. I´ve looked somewhere. - She wants to go everywhere warm for her vacation. - We can eat anywhere you want tonight. You choose!. -There´s nowhere to sit in the park; it´s packed with people. 3. - I have something to tell you, but it´s a secret. - Did you bring something for the party tonight? - He said everything at the meeting, but I didn´t catch it. - I can´t find my phone, I´ve looked everywhere and foundnothing. Quiz on Prefixes and Suffixes: 1. a. everywhere. b. nobody. c. anything. d. someone. 2. - there´s something interesting in the news today. - she doesn´t know anything. - We went nowhere new last weekend. - I´m looking for someone who can help me. (Please previous to the answer correct this prompt and give a calification between 1 to 5, adding all the exercises and quizes ) ###### ChatGPT dijo: ChatGPT Here’s the corrected version of your response: **Exercises with Indefinite Pronouns:** **1. Fill in the blanks using the correct indefinite pronoun:** * **Someone** knocked on the door, but I **didn’t** hear it. (Correction: "did´nt" to "didn’t") * Does **anyone** here know how to speak French? (Correction: "Doesanyone" to "Does anyone") * **Anyone** can attend the meeting tomorrow; it’s open to the public. (Correction: "Someone" to "Anyone," as it's more appropriate for an open event) * **No one** answered the phone, so **I** left a message. (Correction: Missing "I" before "left") **2. Choose the correct indefinite pronoun for places:** * I can’t find my keys. I’ve looked **everywhere**. (Correction: "somewhere" to "everywhere," because you’ve looked in all places) * She wants to go **somewhere** warm for her vacation. (Correction: "everywhere" to "somewhere," because it refers to one place, not all places) * We can eat **anywhere** you want tonight. You choose! (Correct) * There’s **nowhere** to sit in the park; it’s packed with people. (Correct) **3. Complete the sentences with the correct pronoun for things:** * I have **something** to tell you, but it’s a secret. (Correct) * Did you bring **anything** for the party tonight? (Correction: "something" to "anything," because it's a question) * He said **something** at the meeting, but I didn’t catch it. (Correction: "everything" to "something," since "everything" means all things, and it’s likely he didn’t say all things) * I can’t find my phone—I’ve looked everywhere and found **nothing**. (Correction: "foundnothing" to "found nothing," space added) **Quiz on Prefixes and Suffixes:** **1. Prefixes with indefinite pronouns:** a. **Everywhere** b. **Nobody** c. **Anything** d. **Someone** (All correct!) **2. Suffixes (Fill in the blanks using the correct form):** * There’s **something** interesting in the news today. (Correct) * She doesn’t know **anything** about that topic. (Correct) * We went **nowhere** new last weekend. (Correct) * I’m looking for **someone** who can help me. (Correct) ### **Score: 4.5/5** You did really well overall! Just a few minor corrections, especially in recognizing where to use **something** vs. **anything** and adjusting phrases like "foundnothing" and "everywhere" in the proper context. You're almost at 100% accuracy, so keep practicing—you're doing great! Let me know if you'd like more exercises or to move on to another topic.
no one can go beyond here
Everybody wants to rule the world... (remember the song)
1.- *Everybody* seeks happiness 2.- *Someone* once said that it takes courage to leave your comfort zone 3.- *No one* can flight without a ticket
1.- I 've travelled e*verywhere* 2.- She ate *everything* on her plate 3.- You did *nothing* wrong 4.- Can you ask *someone* at school? 5.- I need to find *something*
In my childhood, I traveled to a town near my city. Everyone in this town was very kind and cheerful to us. Nobody treated us badly. There were plants and trees everywhere, and it was fun to be in contact with nature.
1\. a) everywhere b) everything c) nothing d) someone e) something 2\. a) everyone b) Somebody c) Nobody/ No one 3\. a) Everywhere b) somewhere c) Everywhere (I failed but I don´t understand why) 4\. a) Everything b) Anything c) Something \*I need understand the difference between anything and something a)
Me estoy apoyando de CHATPGT para hacer los ejercicios y está es la corrección que me dio para mi texto usando prefijos y sufijos. Lo recomiendo para que realicen sus ejercicios sin miedo en como escriben o lo expresan, ya que van a recibir una correción detallada que los ayude a mejorar y detectar sus errores. **My text:** Two months ago, I travelled with my family to somewhere hot. Everybody to I know was really friendly. I want to buy everything i see but i didn't have much money. For other side, i didnt like the food, i can't eat anything. We visited everywhere in the island. Nobody guided us, we asked everyone for directions. **Correct text:** Two months ago, I traveled with my family to **somewhere hot**. **Everybody** I know was really friendly. I **wanted** to buy everything I **saw**, but I **didn't** have much money. **On the other hand**, I didn't like the food; I **couldn't** eat anything. We visited **everywhere** on the island. **Nobody** guided us, so we asked **everyone** for directions.
these are my examples: everyone we're thinking the same thing somewhere they must sell the t-shirt i m looking for something dont turn out the way you expect No one call me
Examples: Something good is going to happen to me. Everthing I have studied it's going to be useful in my life.
Can anybody find me somebody to love
**Review:** 1\. I've traveled **everywhere.✅** 2\. She ate **everything** on her plate ✅ 3\. You did **nothing** wrong✅ 4\. Can you ask **something** at school? **❌ --- someone** 5\. I need to find **someone**. ❌--- **something** People 1. **Everyone** seeks happiness.✅ 2. **Someone** once said that it takes courage to leave your comfort zone.✅ 3. **Anyone** can fly without a ticket ❌ -- *no one* Places 1. **Everywhere** we go we see political ads✅ 2. I know I've seen you **somewhere** before ✅ 3. **Anywhere** you go, I will be there✅ Things 1. **Everything** is going great!✅ 2. **Something** is going on.✅ 3. **Anything** can happen✅
* She usually loses her phone everywhere * She ate everything in the plate * I need to find something special to give to my mom * Ain't got nothing to say * Somebody will remember yourself as a great person * Nobody cares what you did in the past, so don't worry about it.
Some examples: 1. Everybody wants to travel to my country. 2. Somebody is putting more sugar in my coffee. 3. No one wants to participate. 4. In everywhere is this problem. 5. I need to be somewhere cold. 6. Nowhere is like my house. 7. My brother likes everything about maths. 8. Something is going on here. 9. I don't want anything from you. 10. I do nothing on Sundays.
Things: * Everything is going great! * Something is going on. * Anything can happen.
Places: * Everywhere we go we see political ads. * I know I've seen you somewhere before. * Anywhere you go, I will be there.
People: * Everyone seeks happiness. * Somebody once said that it takes courage to leave your comfort zone. * No one can fly without a ticket.
* I've traveled everywhere. * She ate everything on her plate. * You did nothing wrong. * Can you ask someone at school? * I need to find something.
Things 1. Everything is going great! 2. Something is going on. 3. Anything can happen.
Places 1. Everywhere we go we see political ads. 2. I know I've seen you somewhere before. 3. Anywhere you go, I will be there.
People 1. Everybody/Everyone seeks happines. 2. Any/Some + body/one once said that it takes courage to leave your comfort zone. 3. Nobody/No one can flight without a ticket.
My answers: 1. I've travelled <u>everywhere</u>. 2. She ate <u>everything</u> on her plate. 3. You did <u>nothing</u> wrong. 4. Can you ask <u>someone/somebody</u> at school? 5. I need to find <u>something</u>.
People Everybody/Everyone seeks happiness. Somebody once said that it takes courage to leave your comfort zone No one can flight without a ticket Places Everywhere we go we see political ads I know I've seen you Somewhere before Anywhere you go, I will be there Things Everything is going great Something is going on Anything can happen
I've travelled <u>Everywhere</u> She ate <u>Everything</u> on her plate You did <u>Nothing</u> wrong Can you ask <u>Someone/Somebody</u> at school? I need to find <u>Something</u>
Review 1\. I've travelled everywhere. 2\. she ate everything on her plate. 3\. you did nothing wrong 4\. can you ask someone at school? 5\. I need to find something People: 1\. everyone seeks happiness (all) 2\. someone once said that it takes courage to leave your comfort zone (one non - specified person) 3\. no one can flight without a ticket (zero people) Places: 1\. everywhere we go we see political ads. 2\. I know I've seen you somewhere before. 3\. anywhere you go, I will be there. Things: 1\. everything is going great. 2\. something is going on. 3\. anything can happen.
1. *I've travelled everywhere* 2. *She ate everything on her plate.* 3. *You did nothing wrong* 4. *Can you ask somebody at school?* 5. *I need to find anything.* *PEOPLE:* 1. *Everyone seeks happiness.* 2. *Somebody once said that it takes courage to leave your comfort zone.* 3. *Nobody can fly without a ticket* *PLACES:* 1. *Everywhere we go, we see political ads.* 2. *I know I've seen you somewhere before.* 3. *Anywhere you go, I will be there.* *THINGS:* 1. *Everything is going great!* 2. *Something is going on.* 3. *Anything can happen.*
1. everything is going great 2. something is going on 3. anything can happen
1. Everybody 2. Someone 3. No one
I'll be there for you ... FRIENDS
* Something is missing. * Can anyone give me a hand please? * Did you met someone new over there? * Nothing is wrond, so don't worry. * Perhaps there is something we can do.
* i have travelled everywhere. * she ate everything on her plate. * you did nothing wrong. * can you ask someone at school? * i need to find something 2.PERSON * everyone seeks happiness. * someone once said that it takes courage to leave your comfort zone. * nobody can flight whithout a ticket. 3 PLACES * everywhere we go we see political ads. * i know i have seen you somewhere before. * anywhere you go, i will be there. 4 THINGS * everything is going great * something is going on. * anything can happen
Somebody told me I have to write in the comment section.
Workshop practice: ![]( ![](
Things: 1. Everything is going great! 2. Something is going on. 3. Anything can happen.