if someone doesnt’ heard “howdy” is the expression that the teacher said at the beginning…
Welcome to Intermediate English
Nouns and Pronouns
Starting a New Job
Indefinite Pronouns: Prefix and Suffix
Workshop: Let's Practice!
Variable Indefinite Pronouns
Countables vs. Uncountables
Tricky Nouns
Using Quantifiers
Quiz: Nouns and Pronouns
Get Ready to Describe!
Descriptive Words
My New Job Is Better Than My Previous One
She's As Tall As Me
How Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?
Listening Practice: Meeting a Coworker
Quiz: Get Ready to Describe!
Knowledge, Needs and Future Plans
We Need the Report with the Metrics
Have to
Talk About Skills and Knowledge
Going to and "Gonna"
Behind the scenes with the Platzi Crew
Quiz: Knowledge, Needs and Future Plans
Experiences with Present Perfect Simple
Have You Heard About the Present Perfect?
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if someone doesnt’ heard “howdy” is the expression that the teacher said at the beginning…
Estoy practicando con la ayuda de ChatGPT y me va gustando bastante el resultado.
Les comparto el prompt para quien se anime a intentarlo:
Ayudame a practicar inglés
El tema de hoy es indefinite pronouns
Debes darme una oración con un espacio en blanco donde yo tengo que completar con la palabra que falta
La palabra que falta puede ser una de las siguientes:
No one
Si acierto, avisame que está bien y dame otro ejercicio
Si no acierto, dame feedback y luego otro ejercicio
Everybody thinks that my vacation finished.
Nothing is more important that the family.
Hello everyone! Nice to meet you. I want to tell you about my trip to a warm place, in this place, everyone is friendly and everywhere there are very tall and very green trees. This place is known as the half of the world.
There’s smoke in the kitchen, something is burning.
You finished your lunch, would you like anything else?
Everyone must wear a mask to enter the hospital.
You look familiar to me, I’m sure I have seen you Somewhere before.
I have an Extra ticket for the concert, does anybody want to come?
He seems to be mad at me, I asked what´s wrong but he said nothing
This is a restriceted area, no one will be allowed to enter without an explicit authirization.
Somebody called this morning to my phone but i coldn’t answer.
I lost my pen, i searched for it but I couldn’t find it anywhere.
Everybody Knows fruits and vegetables are important for good health.
Has anyone seen my dog?
I need an investor for my bussiness idea but nobody wants to take the risk.
We really need to clean up, there’s dust everywhere in the house.
I left my bike next to that tree but somebody took it.
The thief is surrounded, he´s got nowhere to run.
Everything is clear. I completely undesrtood the topic.
I’ve travelled everywhere.
She ate everything on her plate.
You did nothing wrong.
Can you ask someone at school?
I need to find someone.
Everybody Seeks happiness.
Someone once said that it takes courage to leave your confort zone.
No one can flight without a ticket.
Everywhere we go we see political ads.
I know I’ve seen you somewhere before.
Anywhere you go, I will be there
Everything is going great.
Something is going on.
Anything can happen.
Workshop: Let’s Practice!
Thank for your lessons teacher! I have a lot to study now, really I am so grateful!
My answers
Class 4
I’ve travelled everywhere.
She ate everything on her plate.
You did nothing wrong.
Can you ask someone at school?
I need to find something.
I´ve tracelled everywhere -She ate everything on the palte. - You did nothing wrong. - Cn you ask someone/somebody at school.
Review 1. I've travelled everywhere. 2. She ate everything on her plate. 3. You did something wrong. 4. Can you ask someone at school? 5. I need to find nothing.
THINGS 1. Everything is going great!. 2. Something is going on. 3. Anything can happen.
Example: Everything is awesome, Everything is cool when you’re part of the team, everything is awesome, when you’re living out a dream. 🎶
I thank you for this lesson teacher Mayra.
Here are my own examples of prefix and suffix expressions:
I need to buy something in the supermarket
Someone is calling me.
Im sad because nobody trust me.
I was looking for my cell phone everywhere. but I did not find it.
Activity 2
Activity 4
Activity 3
Everywhere we go we see political ads.
I know I’ve seen you somewhere before.
Anywhere you go, I’ll be there.
1.- Everybody seeks happiness.
2.- Someone once said that it takes courage to leave your comfort zone.
3.- Nobody can flight without a ticket
1.- Everything is going great!
2.- Something is going on.
3.- Anything can happen.
Every one/ Everybody
1.I´ve travelled Everywhere
2. She ate Everything on her plate
3. You did Nothing wrong
4. Can you ask someone at school?
5. I need to find something
Everyone seeks happiness
Somebody once said that it takes courage to leave your comfort zone
No one can flight without a ticket
Everywhere we go see political ads
I know I´ve seen you somewhere before
Anywhere you go, I will be there
Everything is going great!
Something is going on
Anything can happen
First exercise
My most recent vacation was on december 2022. Everything was cold but not snowy. One of the requirements is to bring food for the journey. Someone was wearing a telescopic walking stick on the travel, and Something you must know, is that this place is 4,200 meters over the level of sea
My sentences 😃
a. Anyone wants to eat this?
b. I think we must hire somebody / someone for this.
c. Nobody wants go there.
a. Anywhere I go I see that face.
b. Would you go somewhere with me this weekend?
c. My girlfriend go everywhere with me.
d. There was nowhere to run at school.
a. I would like to eat anything right now.
b. Do you need something else?
c. I love everything of Platzi
d. I have nothing to do in afternoon’s.
hello everybody, my sentences are:
somebody phoned me yesterday
everybody is shouting in the classroom.
nobody came yesterday at school.
everythng that i know is written in the book.
i want to gave her something by her bitrhday!
i dont like anything in that house!
i would like to travel somewhere before i am 30 years old.
my friend and i always walk everywhere togheter.
he went to vacation but he visited anywhere!
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