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Tricky Nouns


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Preguntas 65

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Some nouns can be tricky because:

  1. they can be both countable and uncountable.
  2. they can be contable in English and not countable in other languages or vice versa.

Examples of the first group are: coffee, fruit, hair, fish, time, paper.
Examples of the second group are: news, advice, knowledge, luggage, trash, money, equipment, information, research, music.
Specific examples:

    People is a plural noun. The singular form of PEOPLE is person. So when we conjugate this noun, we’re going to use the plural form: people are ….

    Money is a countable concept but the term is not countable. Only has a singular form. You can count money in coins or in bills.

    News is uncountable. This means that this is the only form that we have to refer to this concept.

    Luggage is also uncountable. The concept can be counted in bags or in suitcases.


  1. The correct answer is:

    • Hey, don’t drink that water as there are hairs in the glass
      (luggage and research are uncountable nouns).
  2. There are two correct answers:

    • I saw my teacher on the news this morning.
    • Fishes are present in even greater variety than birds.
      (My fiend gave me some important advice - because “advice” is a uncaountable noun; and the other sentence could be: How much money do you earn at your current job?)
  3. The correct answer is:

    • This area is good for growing citrus fruits.
      (I read some interesting news today; I bought some equipment for my home - office)

My friend made a lot of money because he won the lottery.
You can count bills and coins.
I would buy some coffee.

People can´t count music.
You won´t be able to count luggage.
You cannot count my hair.

How many bags do you see on the floor?
How much time would it take to arrive at the mall?
Have you seen the news?

The class exercises:


  • There is an hair in my soup!!
  • I have three 100 dollars bills in my wallet
  • I love the music of Dua Lipa


  • I don’t have money to buy that shirt 😦
  • My wife doesn’t like coffee, she prefer tea
  • I’m sorry, we don’t have a table for six people


  • Can I help you with your luggage?
  • Where are my bags? 😮
  • How much time do you need to end the task?

Countable : Coins, bills, suitcase, bags
Uncountable: Money, News, Luggage

Trick Nouns
Uncountable: News, Advice, Knowledge, Luggage, trash, money, equipment, information, research, music.

Both: Coffe, fruit, hair, fish, time, paper


Refers to nouns that can be complicated or difficult to use correctly in English due to their grammar rules, pronunciation, or special meanings. Some examples of “ tricky” nouns in English include “advice” and “advise”, “effect” and “affect” “weather” and “wether” among others. These words are often confused because they sound or look similar, but they have different meanings and uses. It’s important to understand these subleties (sutilezas) to use them correctly .

FISH: un solo pez
FISH: varios peces de la misma especie
FISHES: varios peces de distintas especies
The plural of fish is FISH. When referring to more than one spieces, you can use FISHES as plural.

SUMMARY (resumen)

Some nouns can be tricky because:

  1. They can be both countable and uncountable.
  2. They can be countable in English and not countable in the other languages or vice versa.
    Examples of the first group are: coffee, fruit, hair, fish, time, paper.
    Examples of the second group are: news, advice, knowledge (conocimiento), luggage (equipaje), trash, money, equipment, information, research, music.
  • NOUN PEOPLE: people is a plural noun. The singular form of PEOPLE is person, so when we conjugate this noun, we’re going to use the plural form: people are.

  • NOUN MONEY: Money is a countable concept but the term is not countable. Only has a singular form. You can count (contar) money in coins or in bills (billetes)

  • NOUN NEWS: news is a uncountable. This means (metodo, manera o recurso se usa para lograr un objetivo en particular // Tambien, significar o tener intención de algo ) that this is the only form that we have to refer to this concept

  • NOUN LUGGAGE: luggage (equipaje) is also uncountable. The concept can be counted in bags (bolsas) or in suitcases (maletas).

Bags Coffee LUGGAGE
People PAPER News

  1. I need to count bills because I want to know how much money have.

  2. I have two hundred coins for my dinner.

  3. at the airport, the security guard checked my bag.

  4. I hate it when people don’t talk faster.


  1. I don’t want to see my hair looking ugly

  2. I don’t want my coffee with sugar.

  3. She doesn’t have more time


  1. Alex! are you seeing the news ?

  2. Where is my money?

  3. I don’t know this music, do you know this music?

Tricky nouns and can be both: coffee, paper, time, hair

Class practice

A) Correct sentences

  1. Hey, don’t drink that water as there are hairs in the glass.
  2. I saw my teacher on the news this morning.
  3. Fishes are present in even greater variety than birds.
  4. This area is good for growing citrus fruits.

Countable: coins, bills, people, bags
Both: coffee, hair, paper, time
Uncountable: music, news, money, luggage


  • You can make a lot of money by developing websites.
  • This coffee is tasty.
  • I love listening to music


  • There is no good news today
  • We don’t have time.
  • There is no paper.


  • Do you bring any bags?
  • Do you have some coins?
  • Where is you luggage?

I went to the supermarket, but in my bag there wasn’t enough space to save
I counted the coins i had in order to save money in the bank.
I have to prepare my luggage for the next week to I’ll can travel
I like much to listen to music from Shakira
I don’t like my hair falling out
I don’t have spending my time in listening gossips

A. The correct is: hey, don’t drink that water as there area hairs in the glass

the other two sentences use luggage an research in plural.

I hope this message can encourage, those who are watching this in 2024. I know you want to comment and participate with your ideas or opinions and don't be afraid if you don't see too many comments from this year . That's why I'm doing this to give you the opportunity of contributing, so we can **"revive"** the chat even more and motivate those who are studying English in this moment. Remember... ***"Behind every impossible achievement is a dreamer of impossible dreams - Robert K. Greenleaf"***
This area is good for growing citrus fruits.
In my opinion, the correct answer is A, since luggage and research are uncountable nouns
I used ChatGPT to correct my sentences and tell me why they were wrong. ![]( ![]( ![]( Chat is a good tool for our learning process.
  • 3 interrogative statements
  1. How much money do you earn?

  2. Are there many people at the party?

  3. Could you help me with the bags?

  • 3 affirmative statements
  1. I lost all of my luggage at the airport

  2. My friend gave a lot of coffee

  3. I run three times a week

  • 3 negative statements
  1. I don’t listen to pop music

  2. I don’t usually read news

  3. I didn’t order the papers

Three affirmative sentences:
I have to pay 20 bills at the bank.
People like to eat fish.
My 3 bags are very empty.
Three negative sentences:
I don’t like cold coffee.
I do not have time to cook.
If possible, do not change your hair color.
Three questions:
Would you like to earn more money?
Do I have to buy my luggage?
Could you increase the volume of the music?

Three people are sick.
Three papers fell out.
The paper fell off.
Money is important.



Martin really likes to listen classic music

Elizabeth brings a lot of coins to pay the ice cream

This stadium is full of people


She doesn’t get up at time

I don’t change my hair

I don’t want the cold coffee


How much money do you earn in this new job?

Do you see the news in the afternoon?

Can you take paper, please?

A. Hey don’t drink that what as there are hairs in the glass.
C. I saw my teacher on the new this morning
B. This area is good for growing citrus fruits

Trivia Game
Correct Sentences
1.A. Hey, don’t drink that water as there are hairs in the glass
2. C. I saw my teacher on the news this morning
D. Fishes area present in even greater variety than birds
3. This area is good for growing citrus fruits

the paper has a lot spots of cofee
his hair is blonde but his hairs were black
she like the cofee but take three cofees are too much
four times are the exact time of food times
how much bills you have to pay for allow you the rent?
fourty people need the work visa for stay in EEUU
the bags are so cute
she has the last three coins for do the trip
how much news appear in the tv show?
the money never is enought
her luggage was less than the other time
a huge amount of music were played for the DJ.

C. i saw my teacher on the news this morning.
D. Fishes are present in even greater variety than birds

A and B are wrong because both of them uses advice and money as a countable concept

Correct: B. This area is good for growing citrus fruits


  1. I need to save money for my next trip.
  2. I love to drink a cup of coffee in a rainy day.
  3. The children found three bills down the street.


  1. I don’t like to waste time in a boring activity.
  2. Don’t forget to take at least 3 bags when you’ll go to grocery store
  3. The luggage is not ready. You have to hurry up to get on time.


  1. How many people did you see on the flight?
  2. How many papers do you need to finish your homework?
  3. Did you listen the news?


  1. A
  2. A, C, D
  3. B

A is the correct answer because it does not exist Luggages or researches

Contables: Paper, people, bags, coins and bills Both: Hair, coffee and time. Uncountable: Money, news, luggage and music.

quick 02
a) it’s correct

quick 03
a), c) it’s correcte

1. A 2. C, D 3. B
a is the correct answer
Activity: Correct: 1. A. Hey, don´t drink that whater as there are hairs in the glass. 2. I saw my teacher on the news this morning 3. Fishes are present in even greater variety than birds 4. This area is good for growing citrus fruits
Affirmative: - I like to read News in the morning. - She has knowledge about economy. - We have been listening music everyday. Negative: - His hair isn't clean. - They can't eat fish. - In this lake there aren't fishes. - I want to write a letter, but I don't have paper. Questions: - Do you have some information about my dog? - Where is the trash in her Office? - Can I help you with the research of your brother?
Affirmative ![]( Negative ![]( Interrogative ![](
B. This area is good for growing citrus fruits.
A. My friend gave me an important advice. C. I saw my teacher on the news this morning. D. Fishes are present in even greater variety than birds (I am not complete sure about the last one).
Hey, don't drink that water as there are hairs in the glass.
**Affirmative:** 1. I forgot my luggage at the airport the first time I flew. There was 2 bags with clothes and a suitcase full of ancient coins. 2. I love listening to music, I can talk for hours about Maroon 5. 3. I left the papers at the reception. Please help me search for them. **Negative:** 1. There wasn’t one million people at the stage, you are crazy. 2. That woman doesn’t have any hair. I can’t imagine what kind of things she had to pass for to do that. 3. I don’t watch news because there is a lot of research that says if you watch news you’ll be unhappy. **Interrogative** 1. How many two dollar bills do I need to have if I want to have one hundred dollars? 2. Do you feel that the day is like turned off? Let’s have some coffee. 3. What time does Alicia going to arrive? We’ve been waiting for her 20 minutes!
A. Hey, don´t drink that water as there are hairs in the glass
Hey, dont't drink that water as there are hairs in the glass All of the researches show an increase in...
Hi, when I was a student an american teacher told me that the word "Fishes" doesn´t exist in English, just fish... Why here you said that the D. option is correct? Explain me please.
For example with these are tricky nouns: Unconutable form=Countable form Cake= Pieces of cake Chocolate= Chocolate bars Milk= Glass of milk
Singular = fish plural = fish at least fishes are diferent species.
News uncountable Fishes is countable
My Trivia Answers: 1. A 2. C, D 3. B
**My Trivia Answers:** 1. A 2. C, D 3. B
Trivia answers: 1.A 2.,C,D 3.B
Trivia answers: 1. Hey, don't drink that water as there are hairs in the glass 2. I saw my teacher on the news this morning Fishes are present in even greater variety than birds 3. This area is good for growing citrus fruits
Furniture * I bought some furniture in Homecenter * I was playing with my cat when I broke three pieces of furniture Luggage * Oh no!, all my luggage was lost and, I didn't find out Bills * We can split the bill in three ways * How many bills are there in entire restaurant ? Paper * I need some paper to writer a letter * I need eight mtr of paper, please * He published a paper about Topological apply in statistic
A - Hey, don't drink that water as there are hairs in the glasses C - I saw my teacher on the news this morning D - Fishes are present in even greater variety than birds B- This area is good for growing citrus fruits correct sentences A - My friend gave me some important advice B - How much money do you earn at you current job? C- I bought some equipment for my home-office A - I read three some piece news about crypto
**Affirmative:** 1. "I lost my luggage at the airport." 2. "I've drunk three coffees today; I should stop." 3. "I've seen that movie four times." **Interrogative:** 1. "Can you give me 5 coins to pay for this, please?" 2. "Do you have time to answer a question?" 3. "Does he like music?" **Negative:** 1. "I don't like my hair today; it's a mess!" 2. "Sorry, but I don't have any money." 3. "I can't see the people from here."
coffe is countable and uncountalbe, uncountable * I love coffe countable * I want order 3 coffeess
this area is good for growing citrus fruits
*<u>Class exercises: </u>* * *Are there many people at the meeting?* * *There are many people at the meeting drinking coffee.* * *There aren't many people at the meeting listening to music.* * *Did you read the news today?* * *I read today's news.* * *I didn't read the news today because I was packing my bags for vacation.* * *How much money did your car cost you?* * *It cost me lots of bills.* * *I didn't pay my car with coins.*
Hey, don´t drink that water as there are hairs in the glass.
There is an exercise I made in Chatgpt with the tricky nouns: Let´s continue with the countable an uncountable nouns, but insert exercises with tricky nouns. Please make exercises and quiz, and give me a score based in my answers. (Please previous to the answer correct this prompt) ###### ChatGPT dijo: ChatGPT Here’s the corrected version of your prompt: "Hello again. Let’s continue with countable and uncountable nouns, but include exercises with tricky nouns. Please create exercises and a quiz, and give me a score based on my answers." ### Exercise: Tricky Countable and Uncountable Nouns **1. Identify whether each noun is countable or uncountable and complete the sentences using “a” or “some”:** * \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **news** about the project surprised everyone. * I’ll bring \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **paper** for the printer. * We received \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **advice** from the consultant. * He gave me \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **information** about the new policy. **2. Choose the correct option (a few, a little, many, much) for each sentence:** * I need \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **luggage** for my trip. * There aren’t \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **equipments** left in the office. * She added \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **sugar** to her coffee. * They have \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **furniture** in their new house. **3. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of each noun:** * I bought a few **breads / loaves of bread** for breakfast. * There was \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **work** left to complete before the deadline. * We have \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **fruit** for dessert if you’d like some. * I found \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **hair** on my sweater after the haircut. ### Quiz on Tricky Countable and Uncountable Nouns: **1. Identify if each noun is countable or uncountable:** a. Traffic b. Furniture c. Equipment d. Experience e. Food **2. True or False:** * **True** or **False**: "Luggage" is a countable noun. * **True** or **False**: "Bread" can be made countable by saying "a loaf of bread." * **True** or **False**: "Money" is an uncountable noun. Complete the exercises and quiz, then send me your answers. I’ll review them and provide a score! 4o ##### Dijiste: Exercise1. - Some news about the project surprised everyone. - I´ll bring a paper for the printer. - We received an advice from the consultant. He gave me some information about the new policy. 2. - I need much luggage for my trip. - There aren´t many equipments left inthe office. - She added a few sugar to her coffe. - They have many furniture in their new house. 3. I bought a few loaves of bread for breakfeast. There was much work left to complete before the deadline. - we have some fruits for desset if you´d like some. I found a little piece of hair on my swater after the haircut. QUIZ 1. a. uncontable .b. unconutable. c. uncountable. d. uncountable. countable. 2. - false- true. - true. Trick Nouns Uncountable: News, Advice, Knowledge, Luggage, trash, money, equipment, information, research, music. Both: Coffe, fruit, hair, fish, time, paper ###### ChatGPT dijo: ChatGPT Here’s the corrected version of your response, along with feedback and explanations: **Exercise 1:** 1. **Identify whether each noun is countable or uncountable and complete the sentences:** * **Some news** about the project surprised everyone. (Correct) * I’ll bring **some paper** for the printer. (Correction: "paper" as in sheets is uncountable, so we use "some" instead of "a") * We received **some advice** from the consultant. (Correction: "advice" is uncountable, so "some advice" is correct instead of "an advice") * He gave me **some information** about the new policy. (Correct) 2. **Choose the correct option:** * I need **a little** luggage for my trip. (Correction: "luggage" is uncountable, so we use "a little") * There aren’t **many pieces of equipment** left in the office. (Correction: "equipment" is uncountable, so we use "pieces of equipment" instead of "equipments") * She added **a little** sugar to her coffee. (Correction: "sugar" is uncountable, so "a little" is correct) * They have **a lot of furniture** in their new house. (Correction: "furniture" is uncountable, so "a lot of" is better than "many") 3. **Fill in the blanks with the correct form:** * I bought a few **loaves of bread** for breakfast. (Correct) * There was **a lot of work** left to complete before the deadline. (Correction: "much" sounds awkward here; "a lot of" is better) * We have **some fruit** for dessert if you’d like some. (Correction: "fruit" is typically uncountable) * I found **some hair** on my sweater after the haircut. (Correction: "a little piece of hair" isn’t typically used; "some hair" sounds more natural) **Quiz on Tricky Countable and Uncountable Nouns:** 1. **Identify if each noun is countable or uncountable:** * **Traffic** – Uncountable (Correct) * **Furniture** – Uncountable (Correct) * **Equipment** – Uncountable (Correct) * **Experience** – Can be both, but usually uncountable when talking about general experience (Correct) * **Food** – Uncountable (Correction: You marked it "countable") 2. **True or False:** * **False**: "Luggage" is an uncountable noun. (Correct) * **True**: "Bread" can be made countable by saying "a loaf of bread." (Correct) * **True**: "Money" is an uncountable noun. (Correct) ### Additional Notes on Tricky Nouns: * **Uncountable nouns**: You got this list mostly right! Just a reminder: * **News, Advice, Knowledge, Luggage, Trash, Money, Equipment, Information, Research, Music** are all uncountable. * **Both (Countable and Uncountable)**: * **Coffee, Fruit, Hair, Fish, Time, Paper** can indeed be both, depending on context. Nice job! ### **Score: 4/5** Great work overall! You had a few minor corrections, especially with recognizing when nouns are countable or uncountable, but your understanding of tricky nouns is strong.
Sentence correct Hey, don't drink that water as there are hairs in the glass. I saw my teacher on the news this morning Fishes are present in even greater variety than birds
The Correct are: 1.A 2.c.d.
hardly ever i hear news because always are bad, instead it of i prefer research a specific topic, or I listen music or podcast, they are more interest. Then is more relaxing take a break and drink a good coffee
1. a 2. a, b, c, d 3. a, b
1. a) 2. c) and d) 3. b)
i have a question why is correct use with uncountable nouns like advise some like the example but in the example with equipment in the las example no was correct 🤔 ?
A. Is correct B. Is incorrect C. Is incorrect
This area is good for growing citus fruits.
Hey, don't drink that water as there are hairs in the glass
This is a list of the most commons uncountable nouns: * **Advice** * **Information** * **Knowledge** * **Furniture** * **Equipment** * **Luggage** * **Baggage** * **Traffic** * **Weather** * **Bread** * **Milk** * **Water** * **Coffee** * **Tea** * **Sugar** * **Rice** * **Money** * **Work** * **Homework** * **News** * **Cheese** * **Fruit** * **Meat** * **Fish** * **Flour** * **Music** * **Art** * **Literature** * **Patience** * **Time** * **Energy** * **Electricity** * **Gasoline** * **Air** * **Clothing**
1. A is correct 2. C and D are correct 3. B. is correct
Competition: Answer: A- Hey, don't drink that water as there are hairs in the glassC- I saw my teacher on the news this morning D- Fishes are present in even greater variety than birds B- This area is good for growing citus fruits
**<u>Interrogative</u>** How many bags do we need to travel? Is there many people in the train station? How much coffee do I need for being wake up? **<u>Affirmative</u>** I bought my luggage to my next trip I've been reading a lot of papers to the 3D modelling research This coin machine gave me wrong overcomes **<u>Negative</u>** I won't be able to listen a lot of music today. We didn't make too many bills in a mexican restaurant It doesn't lose many hairs per day
A. Hey, don't drink that water as there ara hairs in the glass C. I saw my teacher on the news this morning D. Fishers are present in even greater variety than birds
Worksheet for Tricky nouns ![]( ![](
Trivia game: A. My friend gave me an important advice. C. I saw my teacher on the news this morning. D. Fishes are present in even greater variety than birds.
Trivia game: B. This area is good for growing citrus fruits.
Trivia game: A. Hey, don't drink that water as there are hairs in the glass.
**Negative** I don´t know how many people will come You can´t drink that coffee I havent seen the news? **Affirmative** I have four coins here You must train six times a week Carlos lost all his luggage in parís **Questions** Have you paid all the bills yet? Why did you shave your hair? How can we count all this money? ![](
Trivia Game: 1. Hey, don't drink that water as there are hairs in the glass 2. I saw my teacher on the news this morning. Fishes are present in even greater variety than birds. 3. This area is good for growing citrus fruits.
A. Hey, don't drink that water as there are hairs in the glass. C. I saw my teacher on the news this morning. D. Fishes are present in even greater variety than birds. B. This area is good for growing citrus fruits.
the correct answer is A because Hairs can be both uncountable and countable In B you cannot say luggages, luggage only have singular form. C it could be kinda confusing because the sentence it is not incorrect (or might be, but im not gonna discuss that because it is not the case here) but Research and Researchers are not the same. Remember Research does not have plural form and Researchers is plural form of Researcher.
Affirmative * My family and I always drink coffee after lunch * I go to the college three times a week * I used to study classical music when I was a teenager and now I just listen to it Negative * I don't like to watch or read news because it's often negative stuff * Some people in my class don't understand physics * People often say they don't have time but it's probably because they don't know how to organize
A: Hey, don´t drind that water as there are hairs B:I lost all fo my luggage at the airport C: Al of the research show an increase in..
# **Tricky Nouns:** homework 1.- * hey, don't drink that water as there are hairs in the glass. 2.- * I saw my teacher on the news this morning. * Fishes ar present in aven greater variety than birds. 3.- * This area is good for growing citrus fruits.
I love coldplay´s music I save the coins that I have in my pocket at the end of the day I don't have to pay the bills, I live with my aunt I have three bags I don't like going out with people that I don´t know I love to drink cold coffee I have long hair I like writing in paper I don't like watching news, they are so bad and sad. I would like to travel to use luggage
1. b. I lost all of my luggages at the airport 2. a.My friend gave me an important advice c. I saw my teacher on the news this morning
Hey, don't drink that water as there are hairs in the glass
1. A 2. C and D 3. B
A. Hey don't drink that water as there are hairs in the glass. Luggage is not countable and research neither.
hi *affirmative sentences* the kids are tender in this age you knowledge Will help me to understand more the language I want to feel the snow and relaxing in it... *negative sentences* She doesn´t give Good advice Don´t arrived part of the luggage the research that I am doing, don´t go how I would wait *questions sentences* What do you like music kind? How much hair have a woman?
A. Hey, don't drink that water as there are hairs in the glass.
Hey, don't drink that water as there are hairs in the glass I saw my teacher on the new this morning Fishes are present in even greater variety than birds This area is good for growing citrus fruits
Just B is correct