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She's As Tall As Me


Aportes 277

Preguntas 10

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Worksheet Answers:

  • The Eiffel Tower is not as high as the Empire State Building.

  • We are not going as fast as we could.

  • Her mom draws as good as she.

  • He doesn’t eat as much as his brother.

  • They like playing basketball as well as video games.

  • I’m selling my motorcycle and my car as well

the truck is not as long as the train
the giraffe is tall as the tree
i love eating pizza as well as salad

Worksheet Answers:
• The Eiffel Tower is not as high as the Empire State Building.
• We are not going as fast as we could.
• She draws as good as Her Mom.
• He doesn’t eat as much as His Brother.
• They like playing basketball as well as video games.
• I’m going to sell my motorcycle and my car as well.

The Eiffel tower is not as high as the Empire state building.
We are not going as fast as we could.
She draws as good as her mom
He doesn’t eat as much as his brother.
They like playing video games as well as basketball.
I’m selling my car and my motorcycle as well.

The truck is not as long as the train.
The giraffe is as tall as the tree.
I love eating pizza as well as salad.

Comparison “As + objective + as”
Is used to make comparisons in English. It’s a way to show things are equal in a specific quality or attribute. Here’s how it works: (asi es como funciona)


Positive comparison: to indicate that two are equally the same in a particular quality, you use

Subject + verd + As + adjective + AS + object

  • He is as Handsome as his father.
  • They play as good as professionals.

Negative comparison: to indicate that two things are equally the same in a particular quality, you use

Subject + verb + NOT AS + adjective + AS + object.

  • This is not as difficult as I thought.
  • A cheetah is not as big as a lion.

ME: The truck as longer as Train.
CORRECT: the truck is not as long as the train.

ME: The giraffe is as similar tall as tree.

CORRECT: the giraffe is as tall as tree.

Me: I love eating pizza as well as salad. perfect


Older the following sentences with the correct comparative form.


The Eiffel Tower is not as high as the Empire State Building.


We are not going as fast as we could.

  1. HER MOM / GOOD / DRAWS / SHE / AS / AS.

She draws as good as her mom.


He doesn’t eat as much as his brother.


They like playing video games as well as basketball.


I’m going to sell my car and my motorcycle as well.

the girafe is as tall as the tree

The Eiffel Tower is not as high as the Empire State Building

We’re not going as fast as we could

She draws as good as her mom

He doesn’t eat as much as his brother

They like playing basketball as well as videogames

I’m selling my motorcycle as well as my car

The truck isn’t as long as the train.
The giraffe is as tall as the tree.
I love eating pizza as well as salad

my answers * The eiffel tower is not as high as the empire state building * We are not going as fast as we could * She draws as well as her mom * He doesn't eat as much as his brother * They like playing videogames as well as basketball * I'm selling my car and my motorcicle as well
Homework: 1\. The Eiffel Tower is **not as high as** the Empire State Building. 2\. We are **not going as fast as we** could 3\. She draws as well as her mom 4\. He **doesn't** eat **as much as** his brother 5\. the like play video games **as well as** basketball 6\. I'm selling my motorcycle and my car **as well**
The Truck isn't as long as a train
* The eiffel tower is not high as the empire state building * We are not going as fast as we could * She draws as well as her mom * He doesnt eat much as his brother * They like playing basketball as well as video games * I am selling my car as my motorcycle as well
The Eiffel Tower isn't as high as the Empire State building. We aren't going as fast as we could. She draws as well as her mom he doesn't eat as much as his brother They like playing video games as well basketball. I'm selling my car and my motorcycle as well
1. The Eiffel Tower is not as high as the Empire State Building. 2. We are not going as fast as we could. 3. She draws as well as her mom. 4. He doesn't eat as much as his brother. 5. They like playing bastketball as well as video games. 6. I'm selling my car and my motorcycle as well.
The Eiffel Tower is not as high as the Empire State Building . We are not going as fast as we could. She draws as we’ll as her mom. He doesn’t eat as much as his brother. They playing basketball as well as video games. Im selling my motorcycle and my car as well.
* The Eiffel tower is <u>not as high as the</u> Empire State building. * We are not going <u>as fast as</u> we could. * She <u>draws as good as</u> her mom. * He doesn't eat <u>as much as </u>his brother. * They like basketball <u>as well as </u>playing video games. * I'm selling my motorcycle and my car <u>as well</u>.
My answers: 1. The Eiffel tower is not ***as high as*** The Empire State Building 2. We are not going ***as fast as*** we could 3. She draws ***as good as*** her mom 4. He doesn't eat ***as much as*** his brother 5. They like playing basketball ***as well as*** video games. 6. I'm selling my motorcycle and my car ***as well***
Here are some examples: * He sings as well as his brother. * They played the game as well as the other team. * She cooks as well as a professional chef.
The truck is not as long as the train. The giraffe is as tall as the tree. I love eating pizza as well as salad.
Worksheet Answers: 1. The Eiffel tower is not as high as the empire state building. 2. We are not going as fast as we could. 3. She draws as good as her mom. 4. He doesn´t eat as much as his brother. 5. They like playing basketball as well as videogames. 6. I´m selling my car as well as my motorcycle ***Sentences created by me:*** I play tennis as great as Roger federer My mom´s food is as delicious as my grandma´s that test was as easier as the last one Playing tennis is as difficult as playing soccer i love pizza as well as lasagna my mom´s coming as well as my aunts
* The truck is not as long as the train * The giraffe is as tall as the tree * I love eating pizza as well as salad
The truck is not as long as the train
Truck is not as long as train
* The truck isn´t as long as the train * The giraffe is as tall as the tree * I love eating pizza as well as salad
1. the truck is not as long as the train 2. the giraffe is as tall as the tree 3. i love eating pizza as well as salad
The Eiffel tower is not high as the empire state building We are not going as fast as we could She draws as good as her mom He doesn't eat as much as his brother They like playing videogames as well as basketball I'm selling my motorcycle as well as my car
Worksheet for She's As Tall As Me ![](
* A truck is not as long as a train * The giraffe is as tall as the tree * I love eating pizza as well as salad
A truck is not as long as a train
The truck is not as long as the train
I like cats as well as dogs
respecto a la **Worksheet creo que la ultima respuesta no esta del todo bn**
Hello everyone! Comparative form: "**She's As Tall As Me**" Some examples: * The ship is not as fast as the plane * I’m learning as fast as I can * The bee is as small as an ant * The dog is not as clean as the cat * I love dancing as well as singing * She doesn’t sing as well as her sister Thanks for analysis!
The Eiffel towe is not as high as the Empire State Building. We are going as fast as we could She draws as wel as her mor He doesn't eat as much as his brother They like playing basketball as well as video games I'm selling my motorcycle as well as my car
the giraffe is not as tall as tree
The Eiffel tower in not as high as the empire state building We are going not as fast as we could She draws as good as her mom He doesn´t eat as much as his brother they like playing basketball as well as videogames I´m selling my car and my motorcycle as well
**<u>Practice\_04</u>** **Instructions: order the following sentences with the correct comparative** **form.** **She's as Tall as Me** **1. AS / THE EIFFEL TOWER / AS / THE EMPIRE STATE BUILDING /** **HIGH / NOT / IS.** **The Eiffel Tower is not as high as The Empire State Building.** **2. GOING / NOT / WE / ARE / AS / COULD / WE / AS / FAST** **We are not going as fast as we could.** **3. HER MOM / GOOD / DRAWS / SHE / AS / AS** **She draws as goog as her mom.** **4. EAT / AS / DOESN’T / HE / AS / HIS BROTHER / MUCH** **He doesn’t eat as much as his brother.** **5. BASKETBALL / VIDEO GAMES / AS / THEY / LIKE / AS / PLAYING /** **WELL** **They like playing basketwall as well as video games.** **6. WELL / MY / AND / MY / MOTORCYCLE / CAR / SELLING / I’M / AS** **I’m selling my car and my motorcycle as well.**
**<u>Practice\_03</u>** · **I love eating pizza as well as salad.**
**<u>Practice\_02</u>** 1. **The giraffe is as tall as the tree.**
**<u>Practice\_01</u>** **1. The truck is not as long as the train.**
I love english as well as italian
This desk (Imagine a desk) is as hard as my closet (Imagine my closet) 😂 The Porsche Caiman is as fast as the Tesla car. She enjoy dancing as well as her brother.
My husband is more tidy than me Spanish class is easier than chemical class Dogs are more fun than cats
The empire stat building is not as high as the Eiffel towe We are not going as fast as we could She draws as goos as her mom He doesn´t eat as much as his brother They like playing basketball as well as videogames I´m going to sell my motorcycle and my car as well
the tree is not as tall as the giraffe
The red truck is not longer as the train
the train is faster than the truck, but they both are big as well
Practice - Compare 1. The truck is not as long as the train. 2. The giraffe is as tall as the tree. 3. I love eating pizza as well as salad. ![](
The eiffel tower is not as high as the empire state building We are not going as fast as we could She dras as good as her mom He doesn't eat as much as his brother They like playing video games as well as basketball I'm selling my motorcycle and my car as well

1.- The Eiffel Tower is not as high as The Empire State Building.
2.- We are not going as fast as we could.
3.- She draws as good as her mom.
4.- He doesn’t eat as much as his brother.
5.- They like playing video games as well as basketball.
6.- I’m selling my motorcycle and my car as well.

Mohamed Salad
I love eating pizza as well as salad
The giraffe is as taller as the tree
The Eiffel Tower is not as high as the Empire State Building We`re not going as fast as we could. Her mom draws as good as she. He doesn`t eat as much as his brother They like playing basketball as well as FIFA I`m selling my motorcicle as well as my car
The first sentence The Eiffel Tower is **not as high as** the Empire State Building.
1\) the eiffel tower is not as high as the empire state building 2\)we are not going as fast as we could 3\) she draws as good as her mom 4\)he doesnt eat as much as his brother 5\)they like playing videogames as well as basketball 6\) im going to sell my car as well as my motorcycle
* The Eiffel Tower is **not as high as** the Empire State Building. * We are not going **as fast as** we could. * Her mom draws **as good as** she. * He doesn't eat **as much as** his brother. * They like playing basketball **as well as** video games. * I’m selling my motorcycle and my car **as well**
  • The Eiffel Tower is not as high as The Empire State Bulding
  • WE are not going as fast as we could
  • She draws as good as her mother
  • He doesn´t eat as muchs as his brother
  • They like playing basketball as well as video games
  • I´m going to sell my Motorcycle and my car as well
* The Eiffel Tower is not as high as the Empire State Building * We are not going as fast as we could * She draw as good as her mom * He doesnt eat as much as his brother * They like playing basktball as well as video games * I'm going to sell my motorcycle and my car as wll
truck not as long as train
**Practice - Compare** * The truck is not as long as the train * A giraffe is actually as tall as a tree * Rafael doesn't love eating pizza as well as salad
my girlfriend is beautyful as a goddess
I don't love to eat pizza as well as salad. I think that salad its just fine, but i don't love to eat it as i love to eat pizza.
I´m learning English also I´m watching tiktok in English hehhe
  • I like my car and my motociclet as well.

  • She like to sleeping as well as relax on the weekends.

  • A cat is not as noise as a dog.

  • My mother doesn´t eat as much as my father.

  • I learn fast as well as my friend.

i love eatinbg pizza as a salad
the giraffe is as tall as a tree
truck is not aslong as a train

They serve a variety of dishes, such as traditional Italian pasta, as well as fusion cuisine with international flavors.

Our team consists of experts in marketing, as well as specialists in data analysis.

The conference will cover topics such as artificial intelligence, as well as machine learning.

She is skilled in various programming languages, as well as database management.

Hi everybody. Here are my answers * The Eiffel Tower is **not as high as** the Empire State Building. * We are not going **as fast as** we could. * Her mom draws **as good as** she. * He doesn't eat **as much as** his brother. * They like playing basketball **as well as** video games. * I’m selling my motorcycle and my car **as well**
1. The Eiffel Tower is not as high as the Empire State Building 2. We are not going as fast as we could 3. She draws as good as her mom 4. He doesn't eat as much as her brother 5. They like playing videogames as well as basketball 6. I'm selling my car and my motorcycle as well
i have to resolve a question in the last lesson i can say for example " i am better than my sister" so in what cases we use the word "as" ??? sorry i don`t understand :(

A truck is not as long as a train.
The giraffe is as tall as the tree.
I love eating pizza as well as salad.

-The eiffel tower is not as high as the empire state buliding -We are not going as fast as we could -She draws as good as her mom -He doesn´t eat as much as hi brother -They like play basketball as well as videogames -I´m going to sell my car and my motorcycle as well
* the truck is not as long as train. * the tree is not as high as the Giraffe. * eat salad i not as love as eat pizza.
The tree is not as tall as the Giraffe.
The truck is not as long as the train and, not as fast as the train as well.
1. Her new job is as challenging as her previous one. 2. The old library is not as modern as the new one downtown. 3. The summer heat is not as intense as the desert's scorching temperatures. 4. The small apartment is not as spacious as the house they used to live in. 5. The short story is not as captivating as the novel she recently finished. 6. The small garden is not as colorful as the vibrant botanical garden in the city.
The truck is not as longer as the train.
* The giraffe is as tall as the tree * i love eating pizza as well as salad
* The train is faster than Truck * The truck is as good as the train * the truck is not as fast as train * the truck is smaller than train
  • The Eifel Tower is not as high as The Empire State Bulding.

  • We are not going as fast as we could.

  • She draws as better as her mom.

  • He doesn´t eat as much as his bother.

  • They playing videogames as well as basketball.

I play guitar as well as sing
The Eiffel Tower is not as high as the Empire State We are not going as fast as we could She draws as good as her mom He doesn't eat as much as his brother The like playing videogames as well as basketball I'm selling my motorcycle and my car as well
  • The giraffe is as tall as the tree.

  • I´m love eating salad as well as the pizza

  • The truck is not as big as the train.

  • The truck doesn´t load as same as the train.

  • The truck is strong as the train.


Israel is not as big as the United States,

I have a problem, I don't see the worksheet in my resources section.
**Comparative** \- Birds are as beutifull as cats. \- Birds are not as big as cats. \- I am not as making a eggs as I wanted. \- He don’t run as fast as his father. **As Well As** I like meat as well as chiken. **As Well** They are designers and bussines men as well.

the lioin is not as fast as a cheeta she is not as inteligent as her cousin she is not working as har as her friend im not running as fast as i ussualy run she does not play as good as the other guys i like coffe as well as mate i like sweet food as well as salty food i brought you ice cream and for your son as well i like chocolate ice cream, ohh alexis as well the truck is not as long as a train the truck is not running as fast as the train the train is as long as the truck that giraffe is not as tall tree

The Eiffel Tower is not as tall as the Empire State Building.
We are not going as fast as we could
She draws as well as her mom
He doesn’t eat as much as his brother

  • The Eiffel tower is not as high as The Empire State Building.
  • We are not going as fast as we could.
  • She draws as good as her mom.
  • He doesn’t eat as much as his brother.
  • They like play videogames as well as basketball.
  • I’m selling my motorcycle and my car as well.