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Have to


Aportes 302

Preguntas 11

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Mariana: Hi Max! How’s everything at work going?
Max: Pretty good. But I’m a bit tired, my job is very demanding. We _____ work very long hours from Monday to Friday.
Mariana: I see. Do you _____ go to the office everyday?
Max: We _____ but I prefer to do so because it is more comfortable than working from my home.
Mariana: I understand. I _____ work long hours as well, but I prefer to work remotely. Does your boss go to the office too?
Max: Yeah, he _____ go twice a week for general meetings but he _____ stay all day.

I have to wake up early every morning.
I don´t have to go to the office, because I work remotely.
I don´t have to be sitting all day.
I have to go to the gym every day, because I feel better later.

No me gusta la clase cuando NO tiene la explicación en la parte inferior del video.

How to use “Have to”

  • Talk about rules
  • Something necessary

But also

  • Something not necessary using don’t / doesn’t have to

For general rules, necessities or obligations, we can use “have to”, “got to”, or “need to”.
I have to go = I’ve got to go = I ‘gotta’ go
She has to go = She’s got to go = She’s ‘gotta’ go

We use HAVE TO to talk about obligation, things that are necessary or rules.
I HAVE TO GO can be said, I’VE GOT TO GO. Which can be reduced to I GOTTA GO.
In the same way: she has to go = she’s got to go = she’s gotta go.
Rules example: You HAVE TO be at least 18 years old to sign a contract in the US.
When something is not necessary we use “doesn’t” or “don’t”. For example: You don’t have to be cool to rule my world.

  • At my work, I HAVE TO stay connected on a phone

  • but DON´T HAVE TO wear a uniform

  • At this school you HAVE TO learn to approve the exams

  • DON´T HAVE TO have a qualification over 95%, with 90% is enought.

  • i DON´T HAVE TO wash the dishes but I HAVE TO take it the trash everyday

I have to drink green juice every morning.
I don’t have to go to the office, because I work from home.
I don’t have to dress up formaly, because I work remotely.

Mariana: Hi Max! How’s everything at work going? Max: Pretty good. But I’m a bit tired, my job is very demanding. We have to work very long hours from Monday to Friday. Mariana: I see. Do you have to go to the office every day? Max: We don't have to, but I prefer to do so because it is more comfortable than working from home. Mariana: I understand. I work long hours as well, but I prefer to work remotely. Does your boss go to the office, too? Max: Yeah, he has to go twice a week for general meetings, but he doesn't have to stay all day.
Workplace: * We have to work until 5:00 pm. * We don't have to wear a helmet. * I don't have to go for 3 days a week. School or University: * We have to use the student identification. * We don't have to walk long distances between faculties. Home: * I don't have to clean the house every day. * Always I have to clean the dishes. * I have to sleep at least seven hours. * My brother has to clean the bathrooms on Fridays.
  1. We have to have a licence car to drive a car
  2. I have to start working at 8:30 am
  3. I don’t have to go to the office
  4. We have to drink two litres of water everyday

I have to carry out my schedule every day.
The meetings have to be recorded
She has to go to the office once a week
School or university:
In the college you have to be responsable
People in college have to assist at the class
Professors have to prepare the class
I have to help my mom to clean the house
She has to cook everyday
They has to pay the house every month.

Mariana: Hi Max! How’s everything at work going?
Max: Pretty good. But I’m a bit tired, my job is very demanding. We have to work very long hours from Monday to Friday.
Mariana: I see. Do you have to go to the office every day?
Max: We don’t have to but I prefer to do so because it is more comfortable than working from my home.
Mariana: I understand. I have to work long hours as well, but I prefer to work remotely. Does your boss go to the office too?
Max: Yeah, he has to go twice a week for general meetings but he doesn’t have to stay all day.

Mariana: Hi Max! How’s everything at work going?

Max: Pretty good. But I’m a bit tired, my job is very demanding. We have to work very long hours from Monday to Friday.

Mariana: I see. Do you have to go to the office every day?

Max: We don’t have to but I prefer to do so because it is more comfortable than working from my home.

Mariana: I understand. I have to work long hours as well, but I prefer to work remotely. Does your boss go to the office too?

Max: Yeah, he has to go twice a week for general meetings but he doesn’t have to stay all day.

some jobs you don’t have to go everyday.
when i was to go University we have to wear uniform.
there are houses where you don`t have come into there with shoes.

You have to wear a uniform at school.
You don’t have to wear formal clothes.

-I gotta do my bed everyday
-Does She have to clean up the office?
-Everybody has to hold the handrail to up the stairs.

  • My boss has to go to the office daily, but I have to go twice a week.
  • You got to study after the exam.
  • If you come to my house, you don´t have to wash the dishes, but you gotta go early.

• We don´t have to smoke at home.
• We don´t have to drink alcohol at work.
• We have to fill timesheet of jira every day.

Mariana: Hi Max! How’s everything at work going? Max: Pretty good. But I’m a bit tired, my job is very demanding. We have to work very long hours from Monday to Friday. Mariana: I see. Do you have to go to the office everyday? Max: We dont have to but I prefer to do so because it is more comfortable than working from my home. Mariana: I understand. I have to work long hours as well, but I prefer to work remotely. Does your boss go to the office too? Max: Yeah, he has tog go twice a week for general meetings but he has to stay all day.
**Solution for the activity:** **Workplace:** * *We have to leave our space cleaned before we leave the office.* * *I gotta go when my boss needs me.* **Schools:** * *We have to arrive early, so we don't miss the class.* * *I need to bring all the materials for today's experiment.* **Home:** * *At home, we have to help with the dishes.* * *You don't have to sweep and Mop the floor daily if you don't have pets.*
Mariana: Hi Max! How’s everything at work going? Max: Pretty good. But I’m a bit tired, my job is very demanding. We *have to*\_\_ work very long hours from Monday to Friday. Mariana: I see. Do you *have to*\_ go to the office every day? Max: We've got to \_ but I prefer to do so because it is more comfortable than working from my home. Mariana: I understand. I *gotta*\_ work long hours as well, but I prefer to work remotely. Does your boss go to the office too? Max: Yeah, he has to \_ go twice a week for general meetings but he \_has to \_ stay all day.
1. We don´t have to use phones. 2. We have to take 15 minute break at work. 3. We have to be puntual or lose the class. 4. We have to be honest when we present exams. 5. I have to wash the plates after the lunch. 6. I have to take out the trash 3 times a week.
I don’t have to have a specific hour for my classes She doesn’t have to stay at the office all day They have to write everything in their jobs, they are nurses I gotta stay 10 minuts before the entry time in my job We have to mark our fingerprint at work
I don’t have to stay many hours at the office all the week I need to work with ideas, not with only my hands
In my job we have to arribe at 9 am o clock If I want to improve my english, I've got to study at least one hour per day for two months I gotta change of job at 18th april 2025 In my bussines I've got to market our services all the days in order to get clients frecuently I have to exercise at least five times at week
Mariana: Hi Max! How’s everything at work going? Max: Pretty good. But I’m a bit tired, my job is very demanding. We*<u>'**ve got to**</u>***** work very long hours from Monday to Friday. Mariana: I see. Do you ***<u>have to</u>*** go to the office everyday? Max: We ***<u>gotta go</u>*** but I prefer to do so because it is more comfortable than working from my home. Mariana: I understand. I **<u>gotta</u>** work long hours as well, but I prefer to work remotely. Does your boss go to the office too? Max: Yeah, ***<u>he has to</u>*** go twice a week for general meetings but he ***<u>doesn't have to stay</u>*** all day.
Mariana: Hi Max! How’s everything at work going? Max: Pretty good. But I’m a bit tired, my job is very demanding. We **<u>have to</u>** work very long hours from Monday to Friday. Mariana: I see. Do you **<u>'gotta'</u>** go to the office everyday? Max: We **<u>don't 'gotta' go to</u>** but I prefer to do so because it is more comfortable than working from my home. Mariana: I understand. **<u>I 'gotta' go to</u>** work long hours as well, but I prefer to work remotely. Does your boss go to the office too? Max: Yeah, he **<u>has to</u>** go twice a week for general meetings but he **<u>don't have</u>** to stay all day.
I have to use my company card every time I go to the office. At home, we have to eat always on the table at the same time. It's more than a rule, it's a tradition. Where I studied we had to use a militar uniform from monday to saturday.
in my university we don´t have to wear uniform, but we have to go everyday from 9am to 1:30 pm except Mondays
We have to arrive at 7 pm He doesn't have to do this task. She has to wear her suit.
Example: Sara has to make a phone call.
Mariana: Hi Max! How’s everything at work going? Max: Pretty good. But I’m a bit tired, my job is very demanding. We \_have to\_\_\_\_ work very long hours from Monday to Friday. Mariana: I see. Do you \_\_have to\_\_\_ go to the office everyday? Max: We \_\_don´t\_\_\_ but I prefer to do so because it is more comfortable than working from my home. Mariana: I understand. I \_have to\_\_\_\_ work long hours as well, but I prefer to work remotely. Does your boss go to the office too? Max: Yeah, he \_has to\_\_\_\_ go twice a week for general meetings but he \_has not to\_\_\_\_ stay all day.
You can use "have to," "I've got to," and "gotta" interchangeably in many contexts, as they all express obligation or necessity. However, "gotta" is more informal and often used in spoken English. The choice between them can depend on the level of formality you wish to convey. For instance, in a workplace setting, "have to" or "I've got to" may be more appropriate than "gotta."
1. I don’t have to go to the gym everyday 2.She has to do homework after school 3.I have to wear sunglasses at the beach
You **have to** be a hihgh school graduate to study at the university. I **have to** work one more month to buy a washing machine. He **doesn't have to** make money to get a girlfriend. We **have to go to** the office to sign the contract.
In my workplace We don't have to drink coffee because there may be an accident . Another rule is about outfit, women has to wear long skirts and the men has to wear shirt. On the other hand when I was at the university I had to arrive early to class because the most of my professors were losing points. In my home there is only one important rule that is : You have to wash your dish after eat and another less important is: You have to make the bed every day.
* At my work, I HAVE TO stay connected on a phone * but DON´T HAVE TO wear a uniform * At my school you HAVE TO learn to approve the exams * DON´T HAVE TO have a qualification over 95%, with 90% is enought. * I DON´T HAVE TO wash the dishes but I HAVE TO take it the trash everyday
i have to finish english course she has to be carful with the knife
1.- At my job, I have to wear a mask. 2.- When I go to the beach, I don't have to wear a sweater. 3.- Does she have to go to the supermarket before cooking dinner? 4.- If you come to my house today, we don't have to go to your house tomorrow.
I have to do some kind of physical exercise as well as do my thesis
* We don’t have to go to the office every day. * My tech lead has to know our service in details. * All students have to study before the exam. * I have to make my bed every day.
We have two children, and I have to help them every day I don't have a job. I need to find one. Do you have a schedule for your day-to-day
Rules or policies and not necessary activities at: Workplace: * We have to be punctual * You don't have to wear a tie, just something casual is fine. University: * You have to approve the exams to finish the course. * You don't have to be at the university all day, you can also take a few classes online. Home: * You have to be respectful with your family. * You don't have to be perfect to be loved by your parents.
1. I gotta go to do exercises at the stadium tomorrow 2. I have to study two english classes every day 3. She has to study two piano lessons every week 4. I’ve got to make a roadmap to study english in an organized way 5. I don’t have to practice piano today 6. He doesn’t have to clean his room today
I don´t have to go to the office everyday. We just have to go| 3 times per week. I think this is a middle-point scenario because many people have to assist the full week. Before pandemic, in the most of the works has to go all the days of week to the office.
Mariana: Hi Max! How’s everything at work going? Max: Pretty good. But I’m a bit tired, my job is very demanding. We HAVE TO work very long hours from Monday to Friday. Mariana: I see. Do you HAVE TO go to the office everyday? Max: We DON'T HAVE TO but I prefer to do so because it is more comfortable than working from my home. Mariana: I understand. I HAVE TO work long hours as well, but I prefer to work remotely. Does your boss go to the office too? Max: Yeah, he HAS TO go twice a week for general meetings but he DOESN'T HAVE TO stay all day.
I have to come to my work at 9:00 o’clock. I have to do my homework everyday. I have to do my bed every morning.
* At home we have to wear headphones to be able to work remotely. * for college I don't have to bring books. * for remote work, we don't have to wear fancy clothes. * for remote work, I don't have to leave my room. * for my workplace I gotta wear a sweatshirt.
* We **have to** use a program for the clients * We **don't have to** attend college every day, but we do have to connect to class. * At the end of the month we **have to** present to management the report with the total of the operations carried out
Mariana: Hi Max! How’s everything at work going? Max: Pretty good. But I’m a bit tired, my job is very demanding. We have to work very long hours from Monday to Friday. Mariana: I see. Do you have to go to the office everyday? Max: We don't have to but I prefer to do so because it is more comfortable than working from my home. Mariana: I understand. I have to work long hours as well, but I prefer to work remotely. Does your boss go to the office too? Max: Yeah, he has to go twice a week for general meetings but he doesn't have to stay all day.
I have to lunch at a specific hour I don’t have to come late to the office I have to be a good teacher They have to work by can studying My family has to save money to buy a new car My brother has to cut the grass
I have to go to the office at 9:00am, but i live so close from my work, so i have to wake up at 8:00 am. i have to be ready in less than 50 minutes, then i have to take my breakfast very fast because i take a long time in the shower. sometimes i have to run if i want to be at time in my office.
on my workplace we don't have to use our phones during the lessons that's why the students have to put it on silence until the break
I don't have a washing machine so I have to wash my clothes by hand. He does not have to attend the next class as he is ready to take the exam. They've got to sleep in differents rooms
* We have to wear a helmet. * You don't have to use a notebook, if you prefer you can use a laptop or a tablet. * We have to wash the dishes when we use something.
1. My mon need have to huge kitchen for do several foods 2. She is enginner, she has to office in house or company. 3. He doesn't have to study two twice the university 4. My father got go hospital for checking your health 5. I need got go Japan, I doesn't have to this opportunity. 6.
\*Workplace: We have to arrive at 7:30 AM. We have to achieve the goals. We don´t have to wear a uniform. I don´t have to speak French in the job meetings. We have to eat out the offices. \*University: I have to do the homeworks. I have to complete the goals. I don´t have to go face-to-face class \*Home: I have to clean the bathroom every week. My roomate doesn´t have to wash my clothes. My roomate has to wash her dishes.
We don't have to wear formal clothes at work I have to sent my internet bill in the last days of the month We have to assist to the 85% of the classes to approve the semester
At work I have to work every weekday from Monday to Friday. I don’t have to work on site, I prefer work remotely I have to go to work on site when the manager’s meeting is programming. At home I have to get out trash every friday
Homework: Workplace: * We have to wear a uniform in the company. * We don't have to go to the office on Sundays! School or University * At school, we have to be punctual for each class. * At University, we don't have to go everyday. Home * I have to get up at 5 o'clock from Monday to Friday. * I don't have to work on Saturdays and Sundays.
Practice: Mariana: Hi Max! How's everything at work going? Max: Pretty good. But I'm a bit tired, my job is very demanding. We *<u>have to</u>* work very long hours from Monday to Friday. Mariana: I see. Do you *<u>have to</u>* go to the office everyday? Max: We *<u>don't have to go</u>*, but I prefer to do so because it is more comfortable than working from my home. Mariana: I understand. I *<u>gotta go</u>* work long hours as well, but I prefer to work remotely. Does your boss go to the office too? Max: Yeah, he*<u>'s gotta go</u> twice a week for general meetings but he'*<u>s gotta go</u> *stay all day.*
* have to * have to * don't have to * have to * has to * doesn't have to
homework Mariana: Hi Max! How’s everything at work going? Max: Pretty good. But I’m a bit tired, my job is very demanding. We ***<u>have to</u>*** work very long hours from Monday to Friday. Mariana: I see. Do you ***<u>have to</u>*** go to the office everyday? Max: We don't have to but I prefer to do so because it is more comfortable than working from my home. Mariana: I understand. I ***<u>Have to</u>*** work long hours as well, but I prefer to work remotely. Does your boss go to the office too? Max: Yeah, he ***<u>has to</u>*** go twice a week for general meetings but he ***<u>doesn't have to</u>*** stay all day.
1. In my work we have to wear our baggage all the time, but we don't have to wear a uniform. 2. In my school, we have to sign an attendance sheet for each class. 3. She has to do the dishes after she eat.
University * We have to understand maths in order to pass any exam * We have to use calculator in the exams Home * We have to close the main door grill at nights for safety * Every day, I need to make my bed
Is this fine or it is wrong? Mariana: Hi Max! How’s everything at work going? Max: Pretty good. But I’m a bit tired, my job is very demanding. We **have to** work very long hours from Monday to Friday. Mariana: I see. Do you **have to** go to the office everyday? Max: We **doesn´t have to** but I prefer to do so because it is more comfortable than working from my home. Mariana: I understand. I **go to** work long hours as well, but I prefer to work remotely. Does your boss go to the office too? Max: Yeah, he **gotta** go twice a week for general meetings but he **don´t have to** stay all day.
I have to do my duolingo lesson Craftsman have to work with wood all part of the day I don't have to travel if i don't want to do it Plants need water to grow up and We have to help them If I want to be a good developer I have to practice every day my knowledge
The students have to wear the uniform In my work, we have to wear security boots She doesn't has to sleep all day
Workplace: \- we have to be in the office before 8:00 am. -every day we have to meet us to talk about the progress of projects and pendings for the next day. University: -When i was studying on University, i had to arrive early to all classes. -When i was studying on University, i had to stay up late to finish a lot of projects. Home: -Every sunday i have to go to the market and the cook the food for the week. -Every day i have to wake up very early to go for a 1 kilometer run.
* In my work, we have to go to the office twice by week * In my work, we don't have to go everyday
I have to stay at 6 o clock at my home My son don't have to wear a uniform on frydays I have to work untul July
I work from my home so i don´t have to commute anywhere but the times we have a show, that day it is necessary to go to the event´s place, the make up artist has to be earlier than the musicians in every event and the sound engineer as well, but on the other hand they don´t have to asist to every rehearsal.
1. Have to 2. have to 3. Don't have to 4. have to 5. has to 6. doesn't have to
In my previous job, we had to wear uniform every day, and we worked for long hours, we had to wear latex gloves to handle food, and the facemask was mandatory all the time, making the job heavier, Imagine being on your feet for 12 hours with all of those accessories.
I gotta go every day of week on my work because it's a new police of the company. I have to write a script for my youtube channel. Platzi has to provide a guide of excercises to practice english.
* we have to be at 8am everyday at work * he has to use the uniform at school * i have to keep my house clean * we dont need to clean everyday.
I need sleep and at the morning, i have to work. She go to class but i don´t know her classmates. She has to be open for me. I don´t have to box.
* My office is very clean every day so i don´t have to clean it up so much * I go every days a week to the college so i have to study all the topics * My mom every morning have to make breakfast for her job
I always gotta go to the school twice a week, on Mondays and Wednesdays At work, at lunch time I didn't have to eat lunch inside the factory so I used to go to the nearest market to buy some food My mom always hast to clean the kitchen on weekends I have to watch videos in English to improve my spelling and speaking
I have to take a daily meeting at my job. I don't like these reunions but my PM has to see the advance and priorities of projects. I gotta go early in the morning to the meeting room but I don't have to stay at many reunions during the day. If I'm honest, I really need to improve my attention skills and have to take into account all my team's feedback, but I don't like so much my job, so I've been thinking about resign... I mean, I don't have to stay in a job that I don't want.
I have to study English every day because I don't want to lose my practice.
In my office we have to arrive at 8:00 am
I have to work too early every day. My brother doesn't have got to do all of his tasks. She has to use a correct vocabulary at work. I gotta go to the next class.
I don´t have to wear uniform at work We have to learn to program in python at university I have to wash the dishes at home
Mariana: Hi Max! How’s everything at work going? Max: Pretty good. But I’m a bit tired, my job is very demanding. We \_have to work very long hours from Monday to Friday. Mariana: I see. Do you have to go to the office everyday? Max: We don´t have but I prefer to do so because it is more comfortable than working from my home. Mariana: I understand. I have to work long hours as well, but I prefer to work remotely. Does your boss go to the office too? Max: Yeah, he has to go twice a week for general meetings but he hasn´t stay all day.
I have to go with my daughter to school I don´t have to go to the office every day
Mariana: Hi Max! How’s everything at work going? Max: Pretty good. But I’m a bit tired, my job is very demanding. We have to work very long hours from Monday to Friday. Mariana: I see. Do you have go to the office everyday? Max: We don't have but I prefer to do so because it is more comfortable than working from my home. Mariana: I understand. I have to work long hours as well, but I prefer to work remotely. Does your boss go to the office too? Max: Yeah, he doesn't have to go twice a week for general meetings but he \_\_\_\_\_ stay all day.
In my workplace I have to listen to music low, also I don´t have to take a lunch in mi desk. I have to improve each year in the university to get degree. My family and I have to listen us to can help between us.
In my job I have to stay in my desk until 8am, otherwise, memo. I don't have to impress my boss.


  1. I have to wear formal clothes.
  2. I don’t have to work on the weekends.
  3. I have to be at the office for 8 hours.
  1. I have to bring my ID student.
  2. I don’t have to take all the courses.
  • HOME
  1. I have to do some chores.
  2. I don’t have to cook every day.
  3. I have to take my dog for a walk.
Practice activity 1. She knows hot to treat cancer. 2. He knows how to play piano. 3. We know how to make you feel better.
Rules, policies or not necessary activities: 1. On Mondays we have to wear a white shirt at work. 2. My mom doesn’t have to stay all day at work but she prefers to, even when she complains about it. 3. Every person has to check in and check out before and after work. 4. Students have to wear their uniform to access school. 5. Andrea has to gain weight to fit in her wedding dress. 6. I have to take my pets at the veterinary for their preventive care. 7. My dad has to take care of himself. 8. I have to get out of the bed every morning. 9. I don’t have to wear makeup to feel or be pretty but i like it so much. 10. Samantha has to be more confident of herself.
Text activity Mariana: Hi Max! How’s everything at work going? Max: Pretty good. But I’m a bit tired, my job is very demanding. We *<u>have to </u>* work very long hours from Monday to Friday. Mariana: I see. Do you*<u> have to </u>* go to the office everyday? Max: We *<u>don't have to </u>* but I prefer to do so because it is more comfortable than working from my home. Mariana: I understand. I *<u>have to</u>* work long hours as well, but I prefer to work remotely. Does your boss go to the office too? Max: Yeah, he *<u>has to</u>* go twice a week for general meetings but he *<u>doesn't has to</u>* stay all day.
Ive to work for 5 consecutives days at least. Sometimes its no necessary, but its the general rule. My boss doesnt have to follow this rule, another rule apply for him. Our job is demanding and challenging so in our free time we have to rest, but also we've got to spend time with our family. Why do they need to spend time with their families? Because they dont see them pretty often. Specialy carlos, he really has to spend more time with his wife, he is losing her.
We dont have to go to the office on weekends I dont have to read a book in my office I dont have to dance in my school I dont have to wear a formal clothes in my school I dont have to use books in my home I dont have to read in my home
* I don't have to go to the office * But we have to open the camera for the meetings * Also, we have to check a list at the end of the day with our boss because he has to sed an email with the task that we did in the day.
Hi Max! How`s everything at work going? Pretty good. But I`m a bit tired, my job is very demanding, We HAVE TO work very long hours from Monday to Friday. I see, Do you HAVE TO go to the office everyday? We DON`T HAVE but I prefer to do so because it is more comfortable than working from my home. I understand. I HAVE TO work long hours as well, but I prefer to work remotely. Does your boss go to the office too? Yeah, he HAVE TO go twice a week for general meetings. but he DOESN`T HAVE TO stay all day
He has to speak slowly in his job They have to go at seven o'clock every morning I don't have to wear fancy in my Institution With my parents you have to polite all the time